domenica 21 aprile 2024

I'm not saying stop consuming, I am saying stop wasting, time, materials, food, families, your life. Mend them back to original, or better.

Thorn out socks you sew them, around a light bulb as support.

Learn to fix, remediate, repair, adjust, sewing, gluing, welding, threading, seeding and planting.
Not that there is no money to buy new ones, most of them are dirty cheap anyway.
But because like today you bin the worn socks instead of fixing them.
Tomorrow you bin the underwear for same reason.
Day after tomorrow you bin a shirt instead of repairing it.
Or the laptop, or the phone because.. out of fashion in 5 months from new.
Next week you don't like the beans you wife cooked so you divorce her and get a new one.
In a month you get fed with the kids that disobey and don't do their homework as told and when told to, so you give them away to an orphanage and get some new ones, more to your taste.

The Consumption Society, if you get fed with the wife, kids, car, phone, socks, house, you bin it and replace it with a new and improved version, more in fashion.

Ain't that Biblical?
Dignifying and elegant life does not mean
- new things to wear and use
- famous brands
- with nice big logo
- because trendy now

Dignifying and elegant life means:
- made by yourself
- by your hands or somebody you know
- fixed if was broken
- adjusted if it needed, marriage included
- sewed in place if worn
- made better when possible
- permanently maintained by personal care
- kept alive with love
Works for the family too, that is what it means living with dignity, elegant and biblical.

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