lunedì 19 giugno 2023

Improve your CORE X, Y, printer to go to be a 5 (or up to 9) axis machine.

This post is not for the lazy minded 3 D printer users, only for the ones that have the grip on bettering their lives, and machines.

If you do not poses a Core X,Y but still want to make your "more than 3 axis" machine, yes you can, it is just that a Core X, Y, machine has almost everything you need in it to be canibalised, while a bed slinger needs you to buy more parts to match the new configuration, that is all.


Do not remove this Warning, it is here to Warn you.

Jokes apart, WARNING, this post is not for fainted heart 3D printer users that can barelly stand the fact that their printer makes noise in the room, hence rarelly use it.

This post is for them that understand that going this way takes work, lots of work, patience, some money, and time, not days, not weeks, maybe months.

You will be printing large scale of intricated geometries, that should NOT warp, hence you need enclosure, heated chamber (even if only with a bathroom fan blower) stupid materials prone to warping such as ABS, Nylon, PPS, PP, etc are needed, PC is not recomanded for layer adhesion reasons.

To start with here is my portal wherefrom you can buy all the STL files you need:

Also this entire text above is but a huge link to the same portal,just in case...

Machine overall description:
It is a Core X, Y, system but... the bed does the Z axis based on 3 motors that act indipendently to also create the U axis and the V axis, that is tilt the bed some 30 degrees left and right from horizontal; U axis, and same for the back and forth from the horizontal; V axis, and any combiantion between them 2 tilting axix extremes, and anywhere in between.

This gives you the advantage that you will need almost ZERO SUPPORTS while printing. I mean if you print an empty cube touching the bed on the tip of a corner only, than bed surface is obviously not enough and some external supports are needed to keep the cube in balance, but they are external, and you still can print an empty cube and need zero supports inside, where you canot clean them up once you closed the cube. Same works for a sphere.

So we normally have an overhang printing capability with zero supports up to maybe 45 degrees, stretching a bit you can print overhangs up to 60 degrees, doable on any printer today. But if you can tilt the bed so that the nozzle stays within 60 degrees raported to the printed position vertically by gravity when your printed positon raported to the bed is at 90 degrees, technically you are at the gravity limit of an overhang without supports.

Now, if you think this all it takes... just have a thought; tilting the bed makes your printer gantry go astray from the bed, you nozle cannot reach anymore the targetd print because the bed edges will hit the Core X, Y, gantry system before your nozzle can reach the printing spot.

Hence a Top Down Z axis system is required. Ups, now you got TWO Z axis to deal with. So on the printing head carrier you have an extra Z axis motor lifting up and down an aluminium profile bar that at the botom end has the printing head, compensating in height to reach the printed part over the limits of tilted bed touching the gantry. And this adds weight to the Core X, Y, system, and this will slow down the machine.

But hey, printing with nylons and other exotic materials will slow down your machine by definition anyway, so where is the problem?

Just think of it, printing with supports, PLA, you eliminate 30% of printed material at the end by cleaning supports, say 10 USD of PLA used, 3 USD is waste. And waste of time to print supports. And waste of time to clean supports. And waste of time to sand where your supports were broken from.

Printing with say... PEKK at 1000 USD a Kg, 30% supports is..... 300 USd thrown away.

But if you use the Rumba 5 axis machine system, barelly any supports needd, maybe 10 USd of PEKK goes to waste, although you print slow due to material constrictions (and machine restrictions) by simply not printing supports your total printing time might be similar with printing in PLA with supports. And you waste no time with cleaning any supports in the end, and no time wasted on sanding down tose pesky supports breaking points.

Total processing time? Shorter than printing with supports. And supports wastage limited to a minimum if at all.

As I finish assembling the machine and start coding for it to make it move around (together with a professional in coding, since my coding capacity is limited) I will update this post, and I will update some youtube video footage.

5 Axis machine build needs:

- New bed motorised system on 3 axis, Z, U, and V. Headache to print it on a regular printer, more hadache to clean the supports and assemble.


- New print head carrier system with top down mini Z axis motion added, so on the gantry you will have a Core X, Y two motors plus a mini Z top down motor to manage.


- Cherry on the cake, you need a system to swap the printng head with the tool to "read" the bed postion before printng, thus creating 3 mesh readings, one mesh on Z, one mesh titled on U and one mesh titled on V to determine the pivoting center point each time before you start skirting filament out of the nozzle, that requires a TOOL CHANGER, so I designed and testd for 3 years now the Flip, a manual tool changer that allows you to swap heads at will. Working on the automated version of it right now

- Last but not least, a titled bed cannot be tested for accurate positon with any sensors, you need a mechanical touch probe pretty much like a CNC machine probe, but dedicated. So here I have for you the dedicated CNC like 5 axis probe on a Flip head. Unlike the CNC machines tool that only have ONE reading impulse regardless what direction the probe hits from on the object edge, determining the hit point just by deduction of the direction the probe was ported to, this head has 5 microswitches, hence the reading directional accuracy is no longer dictated by the motion only, but also confirmed by opening or closing the signal circuit of a specific microswitch of a certain axis at each touch.

And tis is but the begining of what you need, but it starts you up into the new era; Non Planar Printing, that is yet all to be conquered, Open Source style, by you and I and the rest of us out there having ideas, doing out bit, and pushing progress forward.

lunedì 12 giugno 2023


When only a handful of "people" want to gain control over everyone else, there are certain rules that must be followed and certain conditions that must be met.
They are the same whether it is a single individual or a family, or of a city, a country, a continent or even if the whole planet is being manipulated.

First, the "norms" must be established, what is considered Good and Bad, Possible or Impossible, Normal or Abnormal.
Most people will follow them without questioning them, because the "herd spirit" that has overwhelmed the Collective Human Mind for the past thousands of years works through them.

In the next stage, Life must be made as unpleasant as possible for the few who question the imposed norms.
For this, the most effective method is to transform this difference into a kind of "crime".

Therefore, those who give voice to another opinion about Truth or another style of Life become the black sheep of the Human Herd.
That herd is already conditioned to accept that the imposed norms have become part of their Life and therefore they are as Real and thus, through arrogance and ignorance, they ridicule or condemn those who choose to live differently.
They also pressure others to conform and serve as a warning for those who are thinking of breaking away from the Herd.

Thus, the few, who control the many, use this principle to convince the masses to stay on the same line.

What people do to each other on a daily basis, asking others to conform to the norms they blindly follow, is called psychological fascism (Thought Police with agents in every family, everywhere around us).

The agents are so conditioned, that most of them have no idea that they are policemen without a salary.
"I'm doing what's right for my child", you hear them justifying themselves.

No, you do what you were "programmed" to "think" is Good for him.

Everyone has their role in the process of mental, emotional and physical imprisonment. The puppeteers have nothing else to do but pull the right strings at the right time to make the human puppets dance as they sing.

How can I do this?

Simple, they dictate to mankind what they must "learn", through what we proudly call "Education", or what they think we need to know, through the "news" manufactured by them in their own mass media. Thus, they dictate to the flock, which does not Think and does not Challenge in any way what to believe about itself, about other People, Life, History and current events.

Once the Society's Rules are established, journalists, reporters or government officials no longer need to be controlled.

Everyone takes their "Truth" from those Norms and thus automatically ridicules and condemns anyone who offers a different vision of Reality...

Once Control is held over what is considered Normal, the entire System runs practically in automatic mode.

The self-surveillance of the Human Herd goes beyond the people in uniform or government officials, it begins with the Conditioned parents who impose their rules on their children and exert pressure on them to follow their religious, political, economic and cultural Norms.

There are no more eloquent examples than those in which parents insist on making decisions about their children's marriages, arranged through the prism of their hilarious Religion.

The creation of Mental and Emotional Norms, which enslave 99% of Humanity, continues unceasingly through more and more subtle ways.

Many children do not accept Religion, but follow it because they do not want to upset their families... there is also an almost Universal Fear of what people would say about a certain version of Reality or about another Way of Life.

Those who want to break away from the Herd, are afraid of what their parents, friends and work colleagues may say, that is exactly the people who are conditioned by the System of Imposed Norms.

Because the number of those who effectively control Humanity is not large enough to supervise the entire planet, a structure had to be created in which Humans can control themselves through Mental and Emotional Imposition.

As soon as the Herd applies its own mentality, it moves to a third phase in this imprisonment of the Human Consciousness.
Certain groups are created within the Herd in order to then provoke disputes between them, and this by creating different belief systems and causing conflicting states between them.
These belief systems are known as Religions, political parties, economic theories, countries, cultures, etc...
They are perceived as "opposites" when, in fact, they are the same.

The vision of Reality and Possibility inside the social bubble is so limited that it does not contain Opposite Elements.
What, for example, is the difference between a Christian priest and a Muslim rabbi or priest, Hindu or some disciple of Buddha who impose their faith on their children and others?

None, because the faith that they seek to root may be slightly different, but this difference is most of the time imperceptible, the general theme is always the same, the imposition of the Faith or the convictions of one on another.

What would you do if you suddenly realized that everything you know, everything you have learned through the years spent in school and in life, proves to be false?
How was this possible?

Very simple, first the Human Mind must be shackled in a rigid Belief and a limited sense of Reality in order to thus obtain the Herd... it does not matter much what the beliefs are, as long as they are rigid and discourage Free Thinking and good questions
I feel..Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and other religions also contribute fully to Human enslavement while proclaiming different "Truths".

Than encourage those who follow these rigid beliefs to impose them on others and make life very difficult and unpleasant for those who do not conform or who ask questions.

Than bring these beliefs into conflict, thus ensuring the existence of dissensions and then the ease of their control.

While people are preoccupied with fighting to impose their beliefs and opinions on others, they do not notice that those who actually Control everything are manipulating them like puppeteers.

People are like moths that buzz around the Light, enchanted by their religious faith, by the football scores, by the last episodes of a soap opera or by the price of a beer, until they notice the Real Changes around them.

"He who controls the Past controls the Future, he who controls the Present controls the Past" (George Orwell)

"History is a Lie accepted by common consent" (Voltaire)

Everything we think we are today and the way we look at Reality is largely based on our belief in what happened in the Past.

Therefore, if you want to manipulate the sense of Reality in people today, all you have to do is rewrite and "remodel" what we hilariously call History.

domenica 11 giugno 2023

The system must not be changed, it must be abandoned.

I read and laughed with tears, so to change the system you have to do it a whole first class train, well and who kisses the asses of the first class if there is no second class?

And who else prepares the shirts, the ties, the potty, the cleaning of the second and first class?

Do you have robots to turn all aresholes and dumbasses into elites? Nope.

So here it is sorted out, it can't be done, kisses and bye ...

The system must not be changed, it must be abandoned, especially the third and fourth classes cars, so to start with there must be no more aresholes and dumbasses but all must be scientists with practical knowledge and tools of their own, who do not work for money but in exchange of goods and services for those other former aresholes and dumbasses, but if they have educated themselves to be scientists, hopefully there are no more aresholes and dumbasses, then they have to take their tools and get off the train, let's all see the 2nd class and first class occupiers, how are they coping witout the third and fouth class slaves, their bloody business...

Goodbye and I have no words ...

And that's exactly what they're afraid of, which is why they've been destroying education in all countries of the world, and pushing various wokeideologies in front of them. Dumb ideologies instead of educating people.

Once you get off the train you don't have to wait in any station for any other train, "per pedes apostolorum" amigo, and with their tools everything they can find; transform items to make their own means of transport other than trains, no railways, no inregimentation and without indoctrination, make your car, tractor, boat, plane, for personal use, family and friends, but not train, bus and mega ship or jumbo jet, which need huge airports, tracks, highways, dedicated and ... well regimented, or ports as above, etc.

Independence of movement, thinking, self-education, self-affirmation between those like you is called Anarchic Autarchy, between well-educated people, strongly self-endowed, and with a capacity for self-defense impenetrable either individually or in groups.

Not socialism and the improvement of the conditions of the third and fourth class of the train / plane / bus / ship, that is a nonsense, and it will never happen.

The Educational System in any country produces functional illiterates.

This is the design on which education was designed from the very beginning, it produced functional illiterates from inception, long time ago, about 95% of first grade students ended up functional illiterates at maturity, stupids; with or without diplomas, and stupids with PHD too.

The purpose of school is to teach you enough to be able to drive the machine you will work on until death (wheter such machine is a tractor, lathe or... medical pratice... teaching or universitary cathedra, high or low rank military or police, politician or activist, etc. is irrelevant in the discussion) but it does not allow you to learn enough to come up with ideas that ... disturb the system from it's mission: Milking Out Everybody through work, taxes, inflation, deflation, wars, crisys, pandemics, elections, etc.

Some people get throught education and still remain sane of mind and use their brain, and this bothers a lot the system.

This still happens, it's true, but it's only because a minority of professionals exceed their duties in an unauthorized way, for which they are punished for life and kept on the sidelines, sent to the countryside, ostracized and eventually sent to teach in the evening schools for anlphabet adults.

I personally visited many of them around the country, they easilly recognized each other when they opened their mouths, same line of thought through their brains, they were ten steps smarter than the others high ranked in the system, and they instantly recognized the students who would become like them:


The rest... will always become the robot in the system.

martedì 6 giugno 2023

Pronouns are the gateway drug to a larger ideology.

Our kindness and politeness is weaponized against us.
Aside from the fact that even having to talk about this subject is nuts.

When asked for my pronouns I say “Please at all time when talking to me or about me use; Fuck Me Sir “, and if they push I tell them: I have no desire to dictate your speech, so you can always skip pronouns when talking to me or about me if pronouns use scare the shit out of you.

By playing their game I feel like I’m enabling someone’s unhealthy delusional ego if I go along with this movement and I also feel like they’re trying to control everyone around them and both things don’t sit well with me. I hate dictatorships, and lies. And the combination of them two.

No one has to agree with, go along with or bow down to a controlling bullying narcissist.
Stand up to them and be truthful.
Be brave and and stand firm.
When they cant control you or intimidate or bully you it messes them up.
They lose what is left of their mind.
Stand back and watch what happens.
Stand firm against them .
They are the ones who get angry, upset, whiney and miserable.
Just stand strong and stay calm.

As a rule of thumb, whenever you hear the word "identity," you are actually hearing the word "ego."
I think it is educational to reflect on the fact that historical religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Judaic, in particular) encouraged reduction of the ego, while contemporary society encourages the gratification and expansion of it in a demonic way.

As time passes I have come to realize that what was once an attempt from a marginalized community to simply be recognized has turned into a weapon to shame everyone else.

I actually appreciate it when people include their pronouns in their introductions - it's helped me to avoid having further communication with the type of person that would introduce themselves with pronouns, rather than just their given name.

Trust me, the technique is foolproof.

lunedì 5 giugno 2023

Moscow, January 1994: US President Bill Clinton, Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk shake hands

Moscow, January 1994: US President Bill Clinton, Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk shake hands after initialing the Trilateral Agreement.

According to the document, Ukraine was giving up its nuclear weapons (it had the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world, after the US and Russia), in exchange for a firm guarantee from Russia that it would respect its borders and sovereignty and never use force against it.

The US was the guarantor of this solemn agreement.

In the same document were written statements that NATO WILL NOT EXPAND INTO Ukraine... and will not destabilize the buffer zone that was Ukraine.

What was NATO doing?

Well, the financing with one million dollars in cash per day for the Maidan Revolution, the implementation of fascism in Ukraine, the first victims being the Ukrainian Romanians among other nations, who were forbidden to speak their language, to have schools in their language, to have religious services in their language, as well as those who speak Polish, Russian, Slovak, Hungarian, Tatar, Gagauz, etc.
And they wanted to enter the EU where the EU law forbids such legislation in the component nations, proof is that they forced Romania to change its legislation to join, but they didn't force Ukraine at all... it was OK to ostracize Romanians and Poles, because... Uncle Sam said so to us.

So Ukraina violated the treaty first, hard and horrible, NATO wiped its ass with the treaty in a few years after signing, and the Russians couldn't waite for this to have reasons to enter with tanks, NATO were so stupid to give them a reason, smart asses.

The level of stupidity of Western politicians leaves me speechless.

The next move will be to surrender to China and we have solved everything.

They find a way.

domenica 4 giugno 2023

Another terrorist attack.

And this is just the beginning, the government needs chaos so they can impose disastrous anti popular laws and taxes, so they found those fundamentalists imbeciles (plenty of them) that really believe in their narrow dementia religion, fill their heads with rubbish and send them out to create mayhem.

Next thing you know they kill them all in action, so that no interrogations can take place, it is too dangerous if they start talking and the world finds out who trained them and financed them.

And this my friends is just the start, soon we shall see more and more, nasty times are starting now.

This is the real market

The governments call it "black market" because they cannot tax it, they make no money out of it, they try to denigrate it, shun it, forbid it, make it vanish.

But the members of the same government and administation, police, or taxing aparatus (In US is the IRS, in UK is HMRC, etc) are amongst the most avid buyers too... irony of fate they like good quality hand crafted goods even more than the commoners.

The truth is that this is the real market, dominated by demand and supply, mostly of it legit honest demand and same with the supply.

Of course there are always some dodgy players, but they have no big success full time, since this market is moslty amongst friends, relatives, and recomended by such.

I do think humans should not pay mandatory taxes on their wages, income from their work or from their ideas.

I am not against taxes, but I do think humans should not pay mandatory taxes on their wages, income from their work or from their ideas.

Only asociations of capitals (fictional persons in teh eyes of the law) should be liable to taxation, like the LTD companies, cooperatives, corporations, government monopolies, and the dividends issued by them, but not the salaries, ever.

As for the humans, I do consider free tax choice as the best example, so each person should decide monthly if they want to pay taxes or not, if yes, than they decide both how much, and what exactly their money are going to be used for, no derogation, the government or the administration must have no say in this, they simply obey the orders of the tax payer.

Black market is the market, regulated market is but an imitation of it.

That is what the government wants you to believe, but that is not the truth.

Yes illegal or illecit goods also sell on the black market, but they are but a tiny portion of it, illegal prostitution sells on the black market too, but again it is but a tiny portion of it.

The utterly large portion is private gardening, home improvement, small cosntruction jobs, car repairs and tuning, even of the most high level of sophistication, computer jobs, design jobs, cleaning, clearance, small transports jobs, taxi, door to door deliveries, especially in the fast food industry, and so on and so forth.

Worth billions a day, and cannot be taxed for two reasons, one is that nobody decleares the money changing hands, and the second is even more tricky, the payments are not in money but in compensatory jobs, like I fix your car, you fix my sewage, etc.

All associations for businesses are potential criminal associations and should be regarded as such

Starting from the pre supposition that regardless of the truth at a certain moment in time about a certain association for business, all associations for businesses are potential criminal associations and should be regarded as such, monitored as such and taxed as such when behaving right, or their criminal associates be thrown in jail and the business be dissolved if they break the laws.

Taxation is in place to keep them in a leash, and to provide infrastructure for the humanity that in the end makes them busiensses thrive by buying from them, so it's only fair that part of the profit of the corporate persons (legally fictitional persons) goes back to the needs of the society that allows them to exist and do business, society made by the humans that buy their product.

On the other hand, human individuals are not fictitional, but real born alive entityes, and should not be taxed, ever.

They were not created by association of ideas on a papaer, they live, you don't tax a tree, you don't tax a lion, you don't tax a whale, you don't tax a human.

On another tune, politcal parties and religions should be treated as associations for business too, hence potential criminal organisations, hence taxed.

In my discourse I go for the fact that humans existed before any law existed, but fictional business persons did not.

Besides wether you atribute a person to a human or not, the human still exists, if you take away the person atributed from a human, the human does not cease to exist, unless you kill them, unlike the associations for business, religion or politics or anything else.

Hence business conducted between individuals might or might not be dodgy, but looking back in history all businesses conducted under the cover of a fictitional person have some dodgy elements, it is pretty much like me and you; - live or - on fakenbook, I can curse you live and you can punch me in the face, but on fakenbook I can even pretend to be another profile and curse you from that one, and there is no way you can punch me in the face.

Same with corporations, governments, limited companies (beware I own one LTD, so I am in the environment, and can tell you stories, many stories first hand about how dodgy is the fictional persons business environment, simply because you are shielded by the legal person hence fisically and on your own you are much at large from a direct hit), religions and political partie, Home Owners associations and any other form of legal association, cooperatives included.

Inventions versus innovations!

Inventions and innovations seem to be same thing, or much similar with eachother.

As a matter of fact they have the same aim, making future happen, improvments, novelty, thigns like that.

What they don't have in common is the process that leads to them.

Innovating requires logic, knowledge, multidiscipline, teamwork, stubonness.

You start from the old thing/concept, and apply all the formulas you can find ort immagine, ask anybody questions to see what is that they want, or think they need.

And like a cone, you narrow down a solution starting from the large base till you reach the tip, close enough to the need, that ultimately would do just fine in lack of a better one.

Inventing is the reverse process of innovating.

Most of the time who invents something does it "by mistake" so to speack.

The classic exampe is the dude that is looking to create what he is paid for, and by mistake he sees an unexpected effect/reaction that pops up to be magic.

Like microwaves oven, the dude was a radio expert, working on some new radar beam thing, and had his sandwich forgotten in front of the antenna. He turned on the machine, than off, and ups... Lunch time!
He grabbed the sandwich and got his fingers burned off!

But the major inventions come while our brain is sleeping.

Is than the the inspiration is working hard, analyzing gazillions of possibilityes, "testing" virtually all that can be processed by the brain.

And one day you simply wake up with an invention. That is a solution so simple and unbelivebely perfect, to a problem thyat bothered you times ago and you simply gave up searching for.

Sometimes you didnt even looked for a solution, you heard the problem exist by mistake and ignored it.

You ignored it, but not your brain.

And the brain dug, in silence, untill one day... Bingo, you have a solution that you don't know what to do with!

And starting from the solution you calculate all the possibilityes to the base of the cone, formulas, implications, than you can prototype (or experiment) and look to comercialise it.

It is called inspiration and is worth 1% of the inventing process.

Most of the people invent something at least once a month. And they trash it in their brain, instantly.

They are not willing to do the rest of the 99%. The transpiration. Accepting to be mocked by folks because you dare testing a new idea takes guts.

This is why I respect the inventors, they have the guts to take it, the stubbordness to go ahead no matter what, knowing their idea has a signification, their work makes sense, if not for the folks around, at least for the generations to come.

Having a patent doesen't makes you an inventor, many can get a patent on bullshit.

Putting the 99% of transpiration to complete the 1% of inspiration makes you an inventor, patent or no patent.

I can tell, I am one of them.

Go figure why you are not alowed to develop any technology that puts them out of business

Politicians, corporation, religions, they all share one common thing, they want revolutions, but no evolution...

Revolution, form the Latin, Revolutio, Revolvere, meaning circling around a central point, like the Earth around the Sun, one revolution per year and... is back where it started.
Revolutions change nothing, just the muppet in power, but not the strings all muppets are held together to revolve around the core values, that is, keep anything unchanged, preserve the status quo.

And the same is true for industries, any evolution is a threat for their model of doing business in which they are heaveilly invested and unwilling to alter. So they want Revolutionary solutions, that is solution that keep them in power while cosmetically changing something at the wrap level, but not at the core level.

So any Evolution will be oposed for as long as it takes to the industry, politics, religion, to figure out a way to grab control of that evolution, and hold it tight, than once integrated in their controllable assets, it becomes a... Revolution.

Take Electric vehicles for example, all social systems, political, corporate, business and even religions, blocked that for decades, subtly, arguing lack of technology progress (obviously they made it stagnate on purpose) untill they could figure out a way to control and milk it out, and Elon Musk found it, so all of a sudden he "Revolutionised" the sector of transports.

But there is no Evolution here, "They" still own all mines for the raw materials, "They" still own al electricity production (even your own solar pannels production) transport and sells of it," They" still own and control the roads, the legislation and the narrative.

So after about 100 years that it was known as possible and even better than Fossil fuel powered transports (Be it chacolaed forests or liquefied dinosaurs based fuels) they finally allowed it on the market, but without letting go of their income out of it...

Space flight, if we believe we went on the Moon in the 60'es, could be now at the stage where we go Hollyday on Pluto for a few weeks, but nope, why?

Because out there is that much space that anybody having the means to travel can do it without even being detected, there is so much resources out in space that you can travel harvesting your own fuel without "Them" being able to charge you for it... go figure why you are not alowed to develop any technology that puts them out of business..

giovedì 1 giugno 2023

One thing at the time, or confusion emerges.

It is said that in life you have two important moments, the one in which you are born, and the one in which you realize why you were born.

Anyway, once you come into the world, you have only one guarantee, which is that you will die. The problem is that most people are already dead before they turn 25, but they are buried after the age of 75. 50 years of zombification.

Thinking logically, life is just a short intermezzo in our long death, because we existed long before we came into the world and we will continue to exist long after we die of age, disease or other reasons. Apparently we come into the world screaming and yelling, so it is not very comfortable in the world compared to the place where we come from, and no one has yet returned after death to stay here because it would be miserable there.

In fact, all the cases of "near death experience" in which some almost died, had "out of body experiences" in which they left their own corpse in the hands of those from the Emergency Resuscitation and happily walked among the living waiting for them to leave joyfully this world, when the one from reanimation brought them back to their bodies, they were sad that they had not let them go in peace, and they lived the rest of their lives waiting to die once and for all.

As a result, we cling to this life, we drink, we eat, we make fortunes (by stepping on corpses), we cause a lot of suffering to others for our own good, and when we leave, we take nothing with us except our thoughts and what we have learned, invented, created in our minds, the rest... is chasing after the wind.

Conclusion: Memorize everything you catch, once you're dead you don't memorize anything anylonger, invent everything you can, once you're dead you don't come up with ideas anymore, learn many languages, once you're dead I don't think it'll help you at all, but the fact that you broadened your brain with them yes, that will turn usefull to you, and especially help everyone without ever asking for anything in return, their gratitude seems to be the only currency that will accompany you beyond.