martedì 5 dicembre 2023

What you see and... what you get.

Life sucks, I know it, you know it, everybody knows it, but why?

Mostly because We tend to look at something, product, concept, service, idea, group of people, society, anything goes, and make up our mind of how it works, or what's in it for us, or why we dislike it, love it, hate it, cherish it, fear it, trust it, etc.

And when reality kicks in and... it is different from what we imagined, and we feel deluded, let down, lied to, cheated, exploited, abandoned, used, unnerved, and so on.

But who's at fault for this?

Well... us, we came up with the wrong idea, feeling, perception, etc. in the first palce, and decided that reality is as we please to see it, just to find out the damn reality it is as it is, nothing as we thought of it, and refuses to change in whatever we think it should change into; no matter what.

Bottom line, we lie to ourselves and decide that this is the absolute truth, and when we find out it is not, guess what, it is not our fault, is the reality that cheated on (or somebody els we can blame around)

The point is, we need to stop acting like the universe (or God, for what is worth) owes us to obey our feelings, aspirations, wants, wishes, perceptions, etc., and start looking into each thing, situation, society, group, vision, idea, to learn it as it is, not as we would like it to be, and maybe, just maybe, we would not be so deluded in the end, just in the begining, untill we swallow down the harsh truth and stomach it, than we can go along with God (or the universe, whatever), fine thank you.

Got it?

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