domenica 2 luglio 2023

If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.

Today I want to tell you about the domination of the no boder "lords of finance".

The "lords of no border capital" are leading all of humanity into a world governed without any democratic mandate by the competitive oligarchic elite and fed by the precarious mass of the plebs of globalization, the new wretches who, deprived of rights and perspective, make up the part of the without part.

They are the clearest proof of the fact that crises appear as opportunities to erode rights and empty democracies, however imperfectly realized.

In this regard, think of the fundamental device currently in use within the framework of the new paradigm of the crisis as a governmental method:

it is what the English-speaking newspeak of the markets calls the spread, effectively assigning a fictitious objective and systematic form to the organized subjective reaction of the stateless-financial ruling class, when the national-popular masses vote otherwise than their wishes.

In other words, the spread, an instrument firmly in the hands of the dominant, serves to intimidate the masses, prefiguring the abyss as the necessary outcome of a policy that does not "democratically" make the choices autocratically desired by the markets and their reference class.

The goal is simply to make people prefer to remain tied to the chains of debt and the depressive policies of liberal austerity, rather than trying - or even just imagining - paths of possible emancipation.

In this way, one remains stranded in the fundamental error, true asylum ignorantiae, whereby one claims to cure the disease by administering massive doses of the drug that caused it.

Democracy thus becomes once again the ennobling name assigned to the free choice by the δῆμος of what elsewhere has already been a priori decided in ways that are not at all democratic. This is what has rightly been called the "dictatorship of the spread".

As EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger bluntly stated on 28 May 2018, "the markets will teach Italians how to vote".

This assertion admirably summed up the essence of the new post-1989 liberal authoritarianism, which punishes the peoples when they vote differently than the systemic needs, defaming and blaming the voters and striving in every guise to overthrow unwelcome governments and restore normalcy at all costs. politically correct.

The dominant turboelite now has no choice but to work to change the rules of the political system, so as to be able to govern it even when there is no consensus and recognition of legitimacy by the majority of citizens.

Ten years form now if you look back and comapre the rules that "democracy" is based on than; they will be pretty much the opposite of them rules form now or 20 years ago.

Because if you vote with your brains and go your way, until now they stolen that discretly making everybody believe they voted the other way, but with the networking capacity today that is no longer possible, hence the rules will dramatically change so that you cannot vote at all if you are known to vote the "wrong way".

Remember: “If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” (attributed to Mark Twain,arguably)

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