martedì 17 dicembre 2024

Perfectly indoctrinated two legged cow.

And so... me.. driving, nothing new, I drive 80% of the time I do not sleep, gota pay that rent somehow.

Busy little town center, university accross the roads from mall, perfect mix for society to ruin itself when smart people are teaching empty benches because students... mall.

Aged 20 something, thus student, too old to be in lower grades like high school, too young to teach at Univeristies, unless she was sort of a prodigee genius kiddo, comes from the mall to the campus, probably run out of money to throw outta windows and was resignated to go back studying for that day.

Obviously eyes in the phone, why not. I mean traffic, what the hell is that anyway? She stops at the traffic light post, raises half an eyebrow just enough to locate the magic box, presses the button to cross and dives back into the phone, deeply.

As car stop at the red light she starts crossing without checking if all cars stop or there is someone like her just driving, eyes in the phone, that will run her over. There was none that dumb, so it was her lucky day, got to the other sidewalk, ignores where she is and bumbs into the kerb so hard she almost fells on her nose.

By some miracle she manages to set a foot far ahead and stop herself from damaging the sidewalk with her face, gets back vertical fast, all this without lifting her eyes from that screen. Than for a second she looks around, realises what direcion she needs to steer to, turns lef 90 degrees, dives back into the virtual world and starts walking.

Well, if the virtual world is more important than staying alive... who am I to judge her, after all she is a university student, smart young hope for our brilliant tomorrow.

Where else did I see such attitude? Pastures, cows to be more precise. If there is somebody that does not belong there, unknown humans, animals, cars, etc, horses raise their heads and follow the intruder to make sure it is not a danger, so do the sheep, goats, pigs, dogs, cats, but not the cows.

As long as you don't go to them to push them, beat them or any other obvious aggression, they don't give a crap, they graze like that is the last thing they do before the end of the world, nothing else matters (and I guesss here is where the title of the song comes from), cows have the gift to ignore just about anything and anybody as long as there is grass to graze, or a phone to stare into.

"We aren't going to make it, aren't we? People I mean" Asked by John Connor to the Termiantor friend in the omonim movie. Good question.

lunedì 18 novembre 2024

Scarcity as politics to keep milking the society.

The Musical Chairs game...

If you are not familiar with it, study it, the scarcity based economy taught as being the norm to children under 6 years old, competition instead of collaboration as THE WAY...

Money is a scarcity based economy, if one hundred is the maximum possible gain, one hundred is financed but... interests and expenses are added on top by those that make money out of thin air hence 200 is required to pay back. 200 is impossible to exist hence the money user will lose everything in the favour of the money lender.

Now the mechanism is not that simple and direct, because it will be way to visible and hence it will be avoided and devoid by the society, nobody likes scarcity, so it is artificially complicated with other money depletion schemes such as government, taxes, crisis after crisis, inflation, devaluations, etc, to keep you from seeing the simple scheme of staling your values via the use of money.

In other words it is a strict scarcity mechanism society masked as an abundance economy, abundance of money but scarce in resources, and we need to fight for them resources or the enemy will control them.

The absolute opposite of scarcity is abundance, and this is how mother nature works, one tree does not create one seed and dies, one tree created trillions of seeds throughout of it's life span, and some seeds will become other trees, but there is plenty of seeds to cover for any other events.

Most of the time those seeds are surrounded by a fruit that is extremely appealing to animals and birds as food, such strategy is based on the fact that the seeds are not digestible unless cracked open, hence they will transit the digestive system intact, and be dumped in a pile of crap that for them is food, and from there they will extract energy to grow another tree until said new tree is big enough to grow roots that reach the water system underneath the soil surface and grow big on it's own roots capacities.

Grass works the same way, just no fruits, animals and birds just eat the grass with the seeds still attached, while some fall on the ground before being eaten, they still have a chance to grow roots and make nature abundant again.

But in the human economy an abundance of anything would lead to a scarcity of control via restrictions for those in power, and they simply cannot accept that. Hence scarcity is created constantly, scarcity of fuels, energy, food, water, freedom and liberties.

And above all, scarcity of intelligence, for you cannot fool intelligent and well educated people into scarcity based on money economy, they must be dumb and believe in money.

Have we being warned about this anywhere?

I guess you already know we were warned, but ignored it, because it is easier to give in to the propaganda machine than to read them books.

Hence read them books, and start building an abundance economy that would automatically led to scarcity of oppression, control and slavery, because abundance of resources once created reduce the money to what they are, just an accounting model for the metrics of the economy, like the litres for volume and meters for distances, or volts for electricity and amperes for the power of electricity carried in that voltage.

Long story short, start planting trees, grass, do not throw away seed into the garbage bin, find a place to plant it outside of parks that are way to controlled environments and they will pay people to uproot anything not authorised by them, make entire forests of new trees, new grass, new people thinking different, make your own electricity, extract your own water out of thin air and give the excess to the plants, not to the sewage system.

That would be a start, instead of awaiting for the money based economy guardians to hand you out money to work, just do the work for fun and for future fruit and seeds.

And when I say future fruit and seeds i do not refer only to plants, but also to humans, education, skills, power to create and to harness excess out of creating excess.

domenica 17 novembre 2024

Prove me wrong please.

A.I. is nothing more than a "serial guessing machine" that does it phenomenally accurately. The gypsy in the market who guesses is slow as a snail next to supersonic at guessing, but the basic principle is the same:

It studies what it has at hand:

you, what you say, how you react to what it says, every muscle, breath, blink, everything it can see in absolutely minute detail, and everything else it knows about people from a lifetime of experience;

- the algorithm studies human behavior on the internet, what words follow other words in what kind of sentences, in what contexts, to what cultures and mixes of cultures, what relationships and formulas it can mathematically develop from these, and comes up with the most logical consequence from the casual probabilistic implemented by the programmer.

The result is that the algorithm, like the gypsy, can be discreetly oriented to ignore certain things as inconvenient, to eliminate other things as not aligned with the policy of the person who trains them, and to give plausible but totally erroneous results because that's how they were trained; the gypsy to stick with the gypsies and to deal with non gypsies discreetly biased, and obviously to get as much money as possible, the algorithm (especially the Americansky one) discreetly changes all history, George Washington was black, and Louis Pasteur was black; and pretty much everything it moves in science and history, alters historical events, eliminates events that don't fit, manufactures events from its belly to justify its narrative, not to mention other nonsense in math-physics, electronics-processor programming, etc. I bet that the Chinese one also has well-established directions, I guarantee the same for the Russian one, etc.

I tested the algorithm for several months, I am not an expert, I have no degrees, and I found as many loopholes,lies and deceit as the in Communist Party propaganda (or rather, nowadays Meta, Alphabet, Vanguard, Black Rock, etc., and the rest of the big corporations plus all their subsidiaries, banks and governments included, plus all religions propaganda).

The algorithm will be refined in the next 30 years, we do not have the computing power that this beast of software requires, but they use it to produce even more powerful computers, it will become so good that only an extremely educated and determined person will be able to see through the web of lies that it will spit out on command.

Prove me wrong please.

sabato 26 ottobre 2024

Another category of 3D printable websites.

Here to signal you another category of 3D printable sites, the individual creator portals (sort of like Patreon but for one creator only) like;

Everything is for pay most of the time, noting for free, I agree sometimes the price is low, but still... not free.

Products of one creator alone, not a big host of creators to pick from.

There is no forum most of the time, so you can only interact with the content creator, annoying, right?

While all of the STL files for sale have being 3D printed more than once, most of the time is on the heavily modified machine of the content creator, which has no other twin on the planet, hence printing on whatever you own might require some tweaking with your slicer settings.

Also while you can hire the content creator to engineer, print and test for you something you and only you need, hence your intellectual property in the end (not cheap process thou), you cannot expect similar work done for third other parties to be available to pay cheap for in the portal, I guess you would not want your expensive experiment that came to a good end to be cheaply made available to just about anybody either, or maybe you do, cheers to you for that.

At this time I cannot personally think of any pros for visiting such a portal, but if you come up with some be sure to let me know.

giovedì 5 settembre 2024

How to recognize propaganda:

Tyranny is when everyone knows the answer but is not allowed to say it.

1) When given a problem, fear rather than reason is used to present the solution.

2) When you're pressured into accepting the solution.

3) When you're not allowed to question the solution.

4) When the solution involves surrendering your freedoms.

5) When your eyes see one thing, but you are legally compelled to believe a different thing.

6) When the solution means giving small groups of people control over larger and larger things.

7) When dissenters are censored for refusing to accept the solution.

8) When dissenters are targeted by accusations from different sources, suddenly and all at once.

The scariest part is it only takes a few short years for the upcoming generation to forget or be duped into the same thing, again.

It amazes and astounds me, that so many actually believe slavery is over, when its just been repackaged.

“If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized … If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance — you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.” – Ian Watson


"When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.". Edward Snowden


You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality (atributed to Ayn Rand )

domenica 4 agosto 2024

Hell knows where heaven is located.

SmarterEveryDay Nature's Incredible ROTATING MOTOR (It’s Electric!) - Smarter Every Day

We invented electric motors, or so we thought, but in reality electric motors existed in nature and our body is littered with rotary electric motrs, actuators and sensors at celluar level, a size we are absoutelly unable to work at, we cannot create such small motors.

Just think of it, sub nanometric electric motor single direction rotating when some protons of hydrogen are pushed through it...

than rotating a lager gear reduction system in either direction according to where it postion itself, out of the gear or inside the gear, also the capacity of starting severall of these motors in the same time if more torque is needed at the reductor gear...

mate, we only started using such technology a thousand years ago (gears) and electrified it only a hundred years ago as human society, just to discover that this is how we actually work inside since... forever...

we are the robots... so whom created this technology?

and what software is a cell running to know what the sensors detectd and what actuators and motors to activate?

on what OS? what CPU?

yes, i don't know how nerves work, but they are very similar to wires, beacuse they are,

would even be interested to know the electrical parameters, like resistance, if it has, and it has

extremelly low but it has
measuring those things requires extremelly fine apartus
your basic multimeter does not cuts it in
a very fine lab multimeter is still to gross for that
it take sensors capable to sense variation of nanovolts and nanoampers

just think of it, the human brain is like a mega rack of servers with the capacity per human being of all the computers ever made and sold on the planet taken together, that in such configuration would need a few thousand terrawatt hour to work, but the brain it only needs a few milliwatt hour to do the same ammount of computing.

And we think that shrinking from desktop to tablet was a revolution in

We need a trillion tablets to equal one human brain, we need hundreds of millons of tablets to equal a mouse brain.

But we want to run A.I on our phones... lol, hilarious.

Scientists still have seen only the surface of things.

Assuming science is like an iceberg, most of it is under water, the visible part above is maybe 5% of it, what we saw is just an ice cube we have put in our glass of cola from that iceberg, not even the part above the water, we just scratched the surface of it.

Scientists are wondering about consciousness; it's something still mysterious and unknown mostly

And that, and ideas, and thinking, is not even happen in our brain they discovered, ideas and thinking seems to happen in the rest of our body little nanao brains than when done conveyed to the main brain for coordination.

Consciousness instead is proven to happen somewhere else out of our bodies, maybe out of this universe, and our brain is but the rack of servers that connect us with that gigantic system through a communication system and antennas that are also part of our body.

A part of it physically we can detect, most of it isn't in the physical or something different.

What's strange is the body seems almost insensitive to magnetic fields.

I would say rather extremelly sensitive, we sense it, measure it with our body sensors, use it maybe for subconscious communications, but we are also very much not negateivelly affected by it unless if it is variable at high frequencyes (radiation), than is disruptive.

Like the strong fixed fields are not disturbing, it could be indeed but we don't so much sense it.

So we are low frequency communicators possible over extreme distances, maybe entire galxies, using quantum communications, hell knows where heaven is located.... lol

Put forinstance a 1.5V battery on your tongue, that's sensing the electric flow...

For magnetic fields, we don't generally feel in the same way as far as I know, there are 7kHz coms with submarines, apparently. We can even listen to it, it's taking care all the time.

People put a wire on sound card and it just works, you can see it. Such low frequency, don't seem to bother us.

You don't sense the air you are breathing either, but you would die without it, same works with the magnetic fields I guess.

Now if you put an effort into sensing it yes, but regularlly you just ignore it.

Try paying the same attention to your magnetic interractions and you will start sensing that too if you put an effort into it.

Like with the birdsthat know the north, I think we have reminisence of magnetic sensors.

We are magnetic sensors, we just ignore it, and rely on technology.

How to whales and dolphins know where they are in big distance, I don'nt know, they may have also magnetic sensor

I think they have their own satelites... lol.

Ants, insects, bees, fish, birds, mamals, all have their geopositoning satelites network... lol.

We are close in architecture to everything when it comes to how we are built, but we are too proud to see it, we think we are better because we talk, and invent technology, maybe that is what makes us more stupid than the rest of them that keep in touch with Base or Mother Nature, or God or the Universe, whatever you define it, on a constant basis while we totally ignore it.

mercoledì 31 luglio 2024

The Instant Gratification Syndrome is killing humanity

Pertinent but incomplete analysis:

Let's not forget that all the bad things that make our life good are not because we want to have them as antique culture inherited from generations and generations of practicing their use.

It is because we were pushed from behind to want, often against our will.

Just like when they were under Communism or Capitalism, the peasants were taken from the villages in sackcloth and relocated in to the factories in the city to produce for them rich peoples business, because they had control of society and business, and made to live in conditions not at all consistent with their countryside lifestyle, forced to adapt to become something else (much taller, and much sooner), and in order to attract them they had to offer them "advantages" either economic or comfort, gadgets that arouse the envy of the neighbors and parents but... they bring zero extra comfort in reality.

Someone and something had to produce those gadgets, so they invented an economy of "fashion" that is floating and permanently changing in everything.

It's fashionable, so I want it (Well, but do you need it for something?) It doesn't matter, it's fashionable, I deplete my savings, abandon my human dignity, I kiss the ass of whoever I want, I stand in queues for three days and nights, and then I boast into the press that I have it.

I don't need it for anything, but I can brag big time.

Because this mental illness stuck only to those who had a lot of money, most of the population had not fallen ill from "I want to have it even though I don't need it" and therefore they gave access to money at any level, cheap, urgent credit and without any guarantees required.

This gave birth to an enormous wave of mental illnesses on the new version; "instant gratification".

So it doesn't matter anymore that I want to, even though I don't need to, and I'll be saving money for five years so that I can brag when I can have one.

Now I am going to brag in three days, the time needed to make myself a slave for life to whoever gives me the credit, then I not only work as a slave on the plantation to pay the debts (which keep accumulating as more and more fashionable things appear out of nowhere) , but I can't blame anything against whom is directing the planet, leading to my psychological and physical damage, because I owe them, so the "keep your mouth shut or you don't have another credit" to maintain the social status of "I don't actualy need this but... I have it" kicks in provoking self censoring behaviours.

Stop the planet because I want to get off here.

So if you ever thought FreeCAD is a poors man choice...

I was Autocad full steam till about 2008 when a friend of mine introduced me to Inventor, that wrecked my Autocad addiction and made me Inventor dependent, I did extrmelly complex projects in Inventor versions 2009 to 2012 and bumped in a lot of the Inventor limitations and bugs because of that.

Fusion 360 is a mini Inventor, bare bone, just like Revit is a mini Autocad, in my view.

I was aiming around the year 2014 to go Catia when somebody pointed me towards FreeCad, a free (like in freedom from oppresion, but also like in not for pay to use, however the accent is in free like in freedom) open source CAD parmetric modeler intended to do anything Catia would do.

I found it scarce and lagging years behind not only Catia but even Inventor wise, however it was usefull, so I started digging in. With time not only constant newer versions came up, but the community started creating plugins that brought it on par with Inventor 2009 version, including the bugs like Topological naming problem just to name the most obvious one (that happened around 2018 for me).

Now is 2024, FreeCad still has bugs, although they sorted out the Topological naming problem and are preparing themselves to release it in Beta testing in the next release, but heck man, it beats Inventor in some aspects, I mean the 2024 Inventor, you ca run it in Inventor like GUI, or in Solid (something) like GUI or in Catia GUI (FreeCAD has several different navigation modes available, that can be set in the preferences settings dialog or changed by right-clicking in the 3D view. For full details about the modes, see the Mouse navigation page), you have various analisys plug-ins, CFD, Stres, Weldings, you have pre made parts stocks when it comes to bearings, nuts, bolts, you have assembling plugins and much more.

Now FreeCad is on par with any paid big league CAD software at the pact you take the time to dig into it (most of you give up too early,waaaaay to early), you can work complex projects like boats, airplanes, blocks of flats, cars, I mean not just the outlines, but the whole assembly bolt by bolt, welding by welding, cable by cable, etc.

There are drawbacks too, it has some limitations that can be worked around with a bit of a headache, and obviously as you drag in more plugins and make it more powerfull, you need computing power, yes it drains a lot of math power, processor, memories, video board and tranfer BUS highway capacity, it is no longer a go cart, we now have a 400 meter long cruise boat that needs 200 people to steer it around and drinks fuel by the ton per minute.

And it grows up and many bugs are sorted, and new ones popup, is a never ending game.

So yes the learning curve is step and painfull unless you come from Inventor, Catia, Solid something world, than is a breeze, and yes, your super duper gaming laptop is by no menas good enoug to run it if you plan to design yoursefl a helicopter from tip to toe and spit out the BOM to start purchasing parts to asemble and fly it, it will actually crash your computer often, thermal runout form over stress, unless if it is water cooled, than it will freeze your screen for hours until it gets the computing done, sometimes I leave mine at night frozen, wake up in the morning still frozen, go to work, come back home, still frozen, and sometimes in the evening I have access again, the CFD is done, or the linear pattern of 400 columns and 300 rows, etc.

I need a better machine, the software needs more computing power, rendering and memory power than any machine under 3000 USD can provide.

So if you ever thought FreeCAD is a poors man choice for basic needs witout any real industrial capacities, well... think again, because you labeled FreeCAD so in your mind, but in reality is the paid counterparts like Fusion 360 or Revit that actually fall into that category not to mention the pleiade of Android and Iphone apps at hand; that are extremelly usefull but also extremelly simplistic and limitative (what? you expected to run a Catia like program on a phone? Get real will ya...)

martedì 30 luglio 2024

New economic trend globally is bound to change the world as we know it.

Apparently good resources are coming our way more and more, lots of former paid for developpers, engineers, medics, researchers, etc., are turning open source now,indipendently or in ad hoc teams.

Maybe due to the age and time availability; for being in pension, and I can see an avalance of excellent resources poured in 3D CAD design platforms, Maps and Charts for flight, navigation or road use for trucks, cars, bicicles and hiking, or for video and audio processing, and many other fields including 3D printing, CNC milling or boat and airplanes construction for instance.

Ever since 2020 layoffs a lot of people learned they don't actually need those corporate jobs, and simply have fun developing open source versions of whatever they used to deveop for a salary.

Now that is a beautifull turn in the economy for the human society, for the desperation of the corporate world that was parasiting us for centuries now.

I admit that from all I can see coming my way open source, I am personally interested in less than 1% generally, and I actually use less than 10% of that 1% due to time limitations, I cannot live and work 50 hours a day to cover them all.

But I do welcome the new trend, working for fun and for the curiousity to see where that project might take you to, no comercial corporate purpose in mind, eventual some personal income to stay afloat, mainly derived from donations or consulting work.

And the scientific and technological progress resulted out of this is astonishing, no corporations in a milion years using the pattenting protection model could of produced this much progress as the Open Source Movement produced in a few decades only.

venerdì 5 luglio 2024

Democracy and creativity are not for the poor of the people... only for the first class rich.

This is an interesting topic. Apparently complicated. In reality very simple. And which generally shows the extremely superficial approach of contemporary intellectuals. For example, Th. Dr knew the answer back in 1900:
Work is done for money. Art and philosophy do not bring money, but poverty (unless you are already from the rich class, than they bring shit loads of money, mainly from being in politics). Why would you want to condemn poor people to more poverty, wile being smart and knowing how to get out of it in two three generations?!

You do realise they will get out of it eventually?, Now as a superiour cast, upperclass, ruler over poor, why would you want that?

A romanian's lady father was a philosophy teacher and she was so fascinated by his discussions that they had at supper in the 11th grade so she decided to study philosophy. That was in 1990. After a year, she instead decided that the whole Economy Studies was better. After 13 years, she had no choice but to emigrate to Canada, because of poverty. With Economy Studies accomplished and a job in the field, mind you.

According to a study by the UK's Office for National Statistics, the number of working-class actors, musicians, writers and artists has halved over the past 50 years, falling by 50%.

This suggests that, contrary to discourses on the democratization of creative professions, the arts are becoming an increasingly less inclusive and increasingly privileged domain of human activity.

What this means? What effects do they have on the human society?

Frankly it's a catastrophe. I don't think I need to explain this, the why and the how...

A kind of Middle Ages - where these domains are the prerogative of the "new aristocracy" - "new aristocracy" is given not by "blood" and skills but by wealth alone.

I don't even want to imagine what is happening in the political, judicial and economic area. We return to where we started: medieval castes are being restored:
Top level those that can afford to have politicians on their payroll,
Second level those that work direct for them,
Third level, politicians at the top,
Fourth level the rest of the polticians, coroporate top level, art and culture top level, spies and counterinformation operatives.
Fifth level, controllers, tax people, police, army, inspectors, etc
Sixt level, teachers, doctors, small time business owners with up to hundreds of employees, other artists, writers, philosophers, low lever living on merelly scraps, but not doing raw work.
Seventh level, engineers, specialist workers (welders, drivers, taxy drivers, machines operators, CAD designers, nurses, etc), higly skilled personell in industries, services and agriculture, mainly slef employed at least as a side hustle while also working for the Sixth level as employees
Eighth level, non specialist workers, industry, constructions, cleaning, city maintanace, agriculture, living on meager crumbs, mostly drunk after working hours and watching footbal and other sports, betting systematically in a hope to get some lucky money and as a result becoming poorer and poorer with every bet they take, hating school and teachin their children to hate education and educated classes.
Ninth level; low calss low level deliquents, homless people, people living on benefits for generations, illegal substances cookers and smuglers,drug dealers, people for whom passing at the seventh level would be an insult and they know it well, dreaming to pass straight at the fourth level or better simply by hitting the jackspott, without considering that once they stolen the big pot of gold and are at said level they will lose everything very fast to the top level thieves in politics and bank whom actually are highly educated and know how to steal from uneducated poor, even if became rich by some miracle overnight.
Tenth level, higly educated poor people that opted out of the cast system and live on the fringes, fishing out of the Seventh, Eight and Ninth level every now and than some brilliant mind and teaching them how to climb on cadavers to the top 3 levels by the pension age, just to get some revenge on the system, people that care not about money economy, they have their own based on reciprocating services, they are happy with little in life as long as they can study hard and build dreams that make happen thorugh others that they educate illegaly at higher levels that they could afford to be legally educated. People with strong back bones that do not bend to the system ever... they change the system by infiltrating it with higly self educated young men that seek revenge and help them get that revenge by altering the rotten system away from it's rotten course. In other words, madmen and wemen.

You have to have a very high level of insanity to do some kind of studies today - philosophy & arts without having a suitable ATM card provided by the family.

Soon not even madness will help us - it is the road to the certain death of these study matters.
But I believe that there will always be madmen - and they will save something if it can be saved.
If one starts applying so much insight on how to fit in their own cast from the age of 17 - we kill their life: we makethem robots. We shoukd make them go through all the stages - they won't starve if they are good at what they aim to do. And anyway they doen't really starve anymore if supported byt the tenth cast. And we don't really get away from work anyway, just pick smartly the income source... It seems to me that we should have higher aspirations than a simple "not to die of hunger", however is a metaphor, and the idea was to do what they like and not depend on money. That was the basic idea. I find myself in this kind of kid, exactly that was my dilemma - and choice - 35 years ago. I made my bloody choices than, Theology and Economy, plus Engineering, I changed my choices as I had the diplomas in hand and worked a year or two in the Economic field, Politics, and Theology, now I am on the fringes and boy it feels good to do shit my way not depending ond the money of whom wants to give me orders to benefit them while hurting everybody else.

People need to understand the truth, even if the cast system dictates that they sould not be able to because born in a lower cast than the third one, that is the only way we can destroy the new feudal cast system, the neofeudalism pretending to be anything else, (like Socialism, Communism, Corporatism, Capitalism, Fascism, Democracy, etc,) none of them are what they sell them out to be, and the truth you see it in the education system and what cast can study up to what level...

William Deresiewicz has a great book on this. The Death of the Artist. Find it.

I was afraid of three things in life, an organic fear of what could destroy me physically or mentally: Raw work, joining the army, police or similar systems, and being employed by a corporation.

I ran away from the army, from raw work as well, from corporations as if I escaped after working inside a few years to see how they are internally organised, is pure madness and hell in there.
Let's see if I can last until the end and raise some others to be like me.

This is what is needed. We live in feudalism, only instead of the senior there is the corporation in the hands of a few milking everybody else.
And Corporate wars are knocking at the doors now more and more and more.

We are becoming more and more practical. I've always had the impression that people in the Middle Ages were extremely practical, they really didn't waste time on anything useless. It is possible that the days of dialectics are over. Fixation and repetition await us as casts, let's put a dent into that any way we can to actually save humanity from human society.

mercoledì 3 luglio 2024

Generation NEXT... is nil.

Is best if the people do their own research and tries to understand on their own, rather than have the homework done by somebody else and only being fed with the correct results without having a clue what are the basis of said correct results.

For that would be knowledge without basis, thus easily to be manipulated and fooled latter on. What I want is the people to have the best knowledge and the basis that led to it, so nobody can manipulate them and fool them.

If you would of studied the string theory implications at quantum space level, instead of just copy paste the generic enunciation, there is a very interesting concept that explains many not previously understood phenomena like the duality of light in the same time wave and matter, and many others, (thou they still cannot explain such a simple thing as gravity, we only know how it works on us, but have no idea yet what it is and how it works in the universe) and one of the most interesting implications is that ... nothing exists until there is somebody to perceive it, if there is nobody to perceive you, you actually do not exist.

An extrapolation of that into the Normandy memorial post is that since the new generation don't give a shit on history, thus do not know who is their president in charge for instance or what country they live in, not to mention things that happen 70 years ago or on a different continent, therefore Normandy never exited (for them, and they are a large majority) just like you do not exist for those that do not perceive you and it does not bother them at all this fact.

And the consequences of this is that history will repeat itself, for as long as Normandy never existed nor other events, and "Charley Chaplin and his evil Nazi were defeated by UN" (I recommend you to see "Idiocracy" since we already live in one, it is the only movie I know of that was intended to be a comedy and ended up being a documentary) sooner than you expect we shall be back to square one thanks to the US military complex waging war everywhere, the Chinese military complex that want their share of blood, the Russians, the Brits, and the Indians that want revenge on the Brits and Paki, the Arab countries that want revenge as well on the Brits, Russians, Israel and US, and let's not forget Africa and their colonial past that now is bringing us the Black Lives Matter and the Black panthers to start with.

Yes it's getting messy and it's going to be ugly, as ugly as you don't dare imagine, just because Normandy never existed for too many of the people living today on this planet, including those in power.

sabato 29 giugno 2024

People who get offended on PURPOSE! Misunderstand on PURPOSE!

Apparently this is a way of life. Being offended.

And if there is nothing to cling to and play the offended card, you make shit up out of anything: Somebody made some sound? Aha... gotcha, you said that(and make up some shit that offends you).

Nope, I said nothing, just wrapping my parcel with paper, that is the sound you heard...

Irrelevant, I still am offended, your wrapping is offensive to me.

The problem between western countries men and women is that they are competing against each other in almost every facet of society rather than accepting complimentary roles to progress through life together.

They are no longer teaming up for something, but rather slitting eachother's throat for that something.

Social engineering promotes spiritual grandiosity. And personal glamour regrdless of how shallow and empty you are indeed, the only thing that matters is what others can see and thus you make up a nice shiny empty shell to show up with.

For instance there was a lady commenting on a channel that she has 2 degrees and cannot find the perfect man for her since all she finds want to be dominant and control her life, and she cannot stand that...

The men you want to partner with are runing away for their lifes when you get on their radar, they don't want somebody to booss them, be dominant, demanding and a control freak in their lives either. You are the exact kind of person you are running away from. And their radar spots you very fast and they head the opposite direction from where you are full speed ahead long before your radar spots them, and this is why you will be an eternal single for life.

We have become a population that generally knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

People are offended when you tell the truth... because they know what you are saying is true.

Not agreeing with someone else's point of view is not the same as being offended.

You can not agree and still not play the offended card if your integrity is legit, playing the offended card anytime you do not agree and /or you want to make a point or punish somebody, maybe for something else that you canot bring up, is an absolute lack of integrity, and unfortuantelly is also what most people do those days.

It's always funny when someone mistakes their personal preferences for "The Truth" and try to impose it on everybody else.

And should somebody point it out that this is not the truth, than all hell breaks loose, like "how dare you"...

Bottom line, the social engineering promoted those days by education, schools, social media, clubs and any other mass controlable means, does it's best to protect and enhance the powers of lunatics over the normal people, making it desirable to be a lunatic; well accepted in the mind illness hospital called modern society rather than being a normal human, because being a normal human hurts the abnormals in control places and their income, being truthfull exposes their lies that makes them rich and powerfull, so they develloped this tecnique of purposelly misunderstanding and getting offended by just about anything, in order to silence the truth and those that dare speaking it.

domenica 23 giugno 2024

Why science sucks.

A friend of mine (statistician of profession, that is to say a math geek pulling out numbers from data to see where that leads) got a job in the government. Previously, he would be given data, and asked for his conclusion. In his new role, he was given the conclusion and told to go and find the data (supporting it) or else...

I know that a statistician it is not a scientist, but people think scientists do this too, and they are not wrong at all.

Just think of it, if as a scientist you want your money to keep coming, than you bend over and povide as requested. And if you have to find a pink elephant in your data, you will keep trimming it and coming up with justifications for it until it starts to resemble a pink elephant. And spray it pink just to make sure money is there, hoping people will think it also is an elephant.

Nowdays people seem to think science is another rival religion and they are right. Scientology didnt help with this point much either.

3rd world countries don't even consider science as equal to, or a viable alternative to religion, or even valid at all, or even understand what science is, they actively reject science as they equate it with colonialism and cognitive domination, which they have a fair argument in many cases.

Most scientists treat science just as dogmatically as a religion and tout their anti-religious beliefs just as proudly as a zealot. Science has it's own religious cult like following. Largely be people who don't know what it is (Greta Turnberg and Antony Fauci are some random examples here), but that's the typical way these things work. Religious people rarely know what their religion preaches too.

The ones treating science like dogma, are ruining the concept entirely. The others are but a few and sistematically bullied and silenced by the majority that can see their income being threatend by the truth.

Way too many of them are out trying to prove a political point because that's where their funding comes from. Gotta tell the money guy what he wants to hear or no more research funds for you.

Montagner took a hard hit when he went against the mainstream media narrative about that virus...

It ain't working with violence, only with education.

Evolving is painfull.

It takes a change of paradigm at the entire society level, the Jews tried with the violence when they pumped from UK, Germany, USA, France and Switzerland men and money into Russia to kill it's elites and install communism generating the USSR.

Than again when they pumped from UK, Germany, USA, France and Switzerland money and manpower to raise Hitler and the Nazi in power to kill all Hebrew and Gypsies in gas chambers, (yes Auswchwitz, Dachau, Sobibor were built on British money and the British took didivends from them while operating,) and all the way to pumping money and manpower into creating and expanding the state of Israel where the Jews pretend to be Hebrew while not allowing any real Hebrew into the power structure, ever.

It ain't working with violence, just with intelligence and wisdom, and this is why they are unerbudgeting education worldwide to dumb down the population and set them against eachother to wars, they fear the change in better for that cancels the illusory power they think they have upon the rest of us.

But they don't, it is just a projection, don't fall for it.


The reason why empires fell, including the USSR, British, Roman, Turkish, and now US in in free falling too, is that they needed brains to become empires, so they invested heavily in the schooling at academic level of dumbasses and slaves.

But the dumbasses, the mujik, the slave, once educated, passes the schooling on to the second generation, who no longer feels the obligation to kiss the hand of the master because they took him out of the pig shed and put him in charge of the pig shed, they owe that to moms and dads, not to their owner, so they start in life benefiting from quality family education, and the clear awareness that they don't have to kiss anyone's hand for that.

Their babies are already somewhere further away, they hate the masters who raised their grandparents from the pig sheds; and they want to take their place, they want a society where wealth and power are no longer in the hands of 1% but they will redistribute it to 20%, that is, to themselves (the ones in the pig sheds are to stay there, because they are stupid), but there's a problem, to get down the 1% elites you need that 80% of the pig shed army, and you stand no chance if you don't educate them a little, not too much, but a little.

And that's how the nation wakes up, nobody wants to be in the pig shed anymore, everyone wants up to the buttons, even if only the tractor buttons, at least they have buttons there too, and hopefully they give 1% of the earth a smack of their heads against the same earth.

And out of those, 20% coagulate 1% the more corrupt and corruptible, get their hands on the reins and look straight at how they got from shoeless in the pig shed to elites in power in three or four generations, and they get really scared, well if we could they will be able to do the same, them the today's dumbasses and slaves, as soon as possible.


The solution; the degradation of education, the export of brains so that there is no shadow of organization, rebellion, uprising, to take their place in stealing up there.

We are at this stage now globally, more or less.

In 3-4 generations we will be again the stage from which the the planet rose from the mud in the 50s and 60s, that is, the ones from the top buttons will be surrounded only by fools and villains, they will be caught by the truth that without educated subordinates they will be swallown by the neighbors, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine (if there will be more something called Ukraine), Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, etc., that they can not even defend their own trousers on their butts from them, and will start a massive schooling to form the base of experts whom to support them in power, and the wheel turns again ...

Revolution ...

In 10 generations from today we will be back in the 70's and 80's with too many smart people who see the truth and are organized to bring down that 1%, and in 100 years we will be again as we are now, only bullshit and education degraded and dumbed down .

Revolution ...

domenica 16 giugno 2024

Personification, the fiction of law.

The person, or in the modern sense: character, is a fictional character whom to take life; someone, an actor, has to interpret him.

In the legal fiction (yes, law is a fiction) a person is that living being or that agreed status to which a person is attributed, a fiscal code number, personal code, national insurance number, social insurance number, numeric (or alphanumeric ) personally, it depends on the fiction of the "corporate person" called The State that manages the people in a certain geographical territory.

When a person dies, the actor does not necessarily die as well, as in the movies, so in real life the actor can leave the skin of the character, the person, by returning to the issuer (the state) the capabilities of the assigned person, so it works when a company is dissolved, but note; no one dies, a country dissolves but those who should die don't die, the poor die because they are drafted and sent to war until they lose it.

A physical person ceases to exist (dies in the eyes of the law, of the fiction of the law) either when the actor dies naturally (that is, the person born alive reaches the end of life cycle) or when the actor renounces the character (renunciation of citizenship without adopting another citizenship), that is, precisely what did Christ call us to do, to renounce the person assigned to us through the fiction of the law, usurping from God the right of master of man born alive and assigning this right to the demonic state, that is after all an act of lese majesty, usurpation, and theft, and therefore to restore divine order upon us through free choice, to give back to God what is God's, ourselves, and to Caesar what is Caesar's (the person, what.. do you think it's about money in that parable with the payment of taxes? ) untying us from the chains of death (Caesar's law) to be reintegrated into the original matrix from which we decided to be stolen, giving the usurper (the devil) the right over us through the demonic contract (the request to be registered at birth that assigns us a numerical code; personal) without legal value until we confirm it personally through the request for confirmation of your personal numerical access code when submitting the application for the Id. card/passport. Yes, we give away our babies as a gift to the devil at birth.

Renouncing citizenship for another citizenship only changes our department and therefore the corporation under which we operate as a person under the same owner; the devil.

Instead, renouncing citizenship without acquiring another citizenship makes us free, we no longer have a demonic contract with the devil, right for which earthly laws are tailored in such a way that without a demonic contract with the devil (passport) you cannot travel internationally, also you can't drive vehicles, you can't have a job (something that Christ also urges you not to have a job with demons, including in religious, state, corporate organizations, etc.) and therefore not have access to money (the devil's eye ... ehh...) and therefore to the food bought, heating, light, etc. that is; not to manage outside the demonic system.

But if you know the laws of God, you can live like that, without a cityzenship, you won't have a playstation, or a Mercedes, not even a Dacia, you will cross the borders illegally (from a demonic point of view) and you risk being shot by any armed servant of the devils ( the police, the military, the gendarmes, etc.) because for them you are from the enemy's army, you belong to God.

sabato 15 giugno 2024

Art as a form of protest against tirany, dictatorship and oppression.

Artificial Intelligence is dumb, by definition. My definition.

And now they advertise for the new smartphones, a must have, ditch your old brick bought last month, buy this new brick, it is full of A.I. Well... technically if it is full of A.I. it is full of... dumb, it is a dumb phone. Thanks but... no thanks, I'll keep mine. No A.I. in it, a real smart phone.

The above is satire combined with sarcasm and irony, expressing the truth in a different manner, a bit comical, a bit harsh, a bit contradictory, definetelly not on the same tune with the mainstream media.

Satire, Sarcasm, Irony, the weapons of mass distraction of any artist that fights the establsihment when the establishment has turned out to be the very enemy of the people they govern; and blatantly or veiled forbid any form of protest, criticycsm or whistle blowing that would put them in the light they hate so much.

Example: try satire against any of the Clintons, Bidens, Netaniahu, Putin, Sunak, Xi Jin Ping Pong, or Kim Il Jung, Fauci, Gates, just to name a phew... and facebook algorythm will rebuke you for posting fake news, their fact checkers have spoken, you cannot do zath... zig heil.

The sad part is that becasue many dumb facebookers (and other similar networkes, Youtube included) slowly slowly started to reason like the algorhytm, is got no rhytm anyway in it. And when they bump into satire in text or images, or irony, or sarcasm, they start making a fuss about fake news, fake images, fake ideas association... so they bump into art that is the fruit of immaginaton, and they say: This is not real.....

Yes it is not... for it is art, immagination, you know, like the one you dont even have.

It is satire, is a form of art, satire is not a fake, it is mocking them in power for doing all things wrong, including by awekward associations of ideas or images, you should respect art, you should not respect government, art brings you to start thinking, goverment wants you dumb.

In sceince We trust. Et Pluribus... Nihil.

For instance most of our modern science is based on Inductive Reasoning and noting else (see Quantum theories, and that poor cat, Quantum computing mainly simulated on classic computers... and other irrelevant shit like "Scientific Consensus" and similar)

Inductive reasoning can only be verified by deductive counter reasoning or by experiments that validate it, so if a conclusion is drawn using inductive reasoning, but cannot be validated by deductive reasoning or by experiments that validate it, than it is nul, but nope, they hold it as the undisputable word of God, the Holly gospel, thou nobody has proven it right, nobody.

In a matrix of deception, who would even believe "science" is not a part of it?

The answer is "so many that its not even funny anymore."

Our problem is we know about the laws of phisics maybe 1 in a trillion of what we need to know in order to start understanding something of this universe.

And some of the things we know are absolutelly wrong, so go figure, our top scinece guys are techincally blatant nulities, blind worms in a bunch of shit pretending to be gods.

Trust the science.

mercoledì 12 giugno 2024

Eternal life, living for ever...

Mid Life CRYSIS, I haven't had that yet, so I am going to live 120 years.

So what brings up such crysis?

Culture, habits, expectations and social status, that is what brings it up, the wrong way of thiniking life.

From early age due to the the dumbness of our parents that knew no beter we are flooded not with:
their love, presence, guidance, entertainment,
but with:
gifts, more gifts, other gifts, and... expectations. Toys, smart phones, tablets, internet access, everything not to bother them, let them be, live them alone.

So us and latter our kids, just like their grandparents, etc, grow up considering expectations of others from them to be "the norm", normality, hence striving to meet them to be normal, "the norm", and spending;
money (you don't have)
on things (you don't need)
in order to impress the others (that don't care anyway)
giving (unwated) gifts,
donating (not needed) things to charity,
replacing (unbroken, still in perfect shape) goods with new ones just because... fashion...
and tossing them in the garbage very soon to replace them with....
the never ending cycle of consumerism, where we fix nothing, repair nothing, not even our own relationships, we toss them too in a bin and replace our spouse, kids, friends anytime they inconvenetly step on our nerves for some reason.

And than you get to be old, you are in your 40ties... and your inner void for trust, love, stable social self confidence, peace of mind grows bigger and bigger.

Spending spree did not work apparently, buying a big house accomplished nothing, having that car to leave all jaw dropped des not do anything anymore for your self esteem, changing spouses like you cange your socks neither, getting rid of the kidds to feel indipendent again not helping at all, nothing that you grew up with as sucess story social behaviour expenctaions works, and you are going to die in 40 years, unaccomplished, at all.

So if spending more didn't work what do you do?

You try to fix that by spending even more... faster car, red if possible, yellow might do if Lambo, newer house, larger garden, bigger yacht (boat for por class) another wife, new "freinds" (actually other desperados like you trying to fill the void).

But nothing works, however you will never ever consider changing the course... because it requires a change of paradigm first, and before you have one, you are on a crush course with history in order to becomne history yourself, and as we know it, history never teaches us nothing and is largelly forgotten by everybody.

Instead if you raise your childer by being there to laugh with them, by being there to fix broken things with them instead of tossing them and buying new ones, to let them see you grow old while you wach them grow up, to let them see money don't matter, relations matter, soul to soul contact matters, by the age of 60 you have not had a mid life crysis yet, nor a lambo, huge house built on debt, yacht built on other people's bood etc, for none of this matters.

You want to live happy, go give un required help to anybody in your way that needs some, even if you hate them, or unknown people, just do it, brick work, cleaning, grocery shoping, buy them a new car if buying a new car makes you happy, fix yours instead and keep it.

Make other people happy by saving them in the hour of need, and that will actually fil the void, and make you bunches of real friends (and bring your way fake friends that expect you to do for them anything they want , toss them away, they are but narcisistic psychopts that are profiting around, you know... like the government, banks and religions, not to forget here corporations and Home Owners Associations and Charities)

You will never have a midlife crsis living like this, and that might mean you are actually going to live for ever..

lunedì 10 giugno 2024

Antidote for stupidity.

The middle class, thin and feeble, but educated and vocal, hates the lower class, thick and strong by their huge numbers, but uneducated and quiet in the media, for voting like stupids against their own interests and against the interests of the middle class, thus keeping the country down and in misery with their stupidity. Dear intellectual, smart, vocal middle class, here is a piece of advise from a former lower class now middle class. Stop being dumb asses. When you go to a fancy club or restaurant, being charged a fortune for a crappy meal, but good looking, that you could of bought at the supermarket for 3% of the price you paid without blinking, you are the stupids.

When you buy directly from the lower class, whether eggs or a day of moving furniture or cleaning, or brick laying or driving service, or milk and cheese, and negotiate their prices down to their sore bones, you are being the stupids.

If you decide to pay them more than they ask, and skip that restaurant crappy meal for once because of budget re distribution, you give them the chance to become like you, more money in the pocket, more time to study, more budget for education, more smarter choices, more voting like you, you help them become like you, and they will vote like you, increase your numbers and gain their votes.

And that would not be stupid at all.

There is a set of presumptions that government can be trusted.

You save money in government scheme pension plan, the government decides if you are eligible to have them back, how can they be trusted?

You pay taxes unwilingly for you already know the government is going to misuse the money anyway, government people are going to steal them money for their villas through the chain of contracting against a bribe, but you are supposed to trust your government.

If a low life steals from you, legally, through a corporation scheme like Amazon, government tells you that is a dispute, win it or lose it, you are on your own, but if you tell the truth about such practices all of a sudden the government takes you to jail for defamation, and you are supposed to trust government.

If you lie to the government is jailtime for you, but if government lies to you, sends you to murder other people or get murdered by them defending themselves, lies to you about the use of your tax money, and generally lies to you on a daily basys, that is OK, is politics, and you must trust the government.

If you reveal government lies and deceit against it's own population or third countries population, you go to jail for telling the truth, for not supporting your government lies, but you must trust your government.

I could go on like this for decades, from National Health Government practices, to government in bed with corporations practices, to government illegally appropriating of unions money, pensions, savings funds of people practices, to government siding with the low life that broke into your house and threaten your family life, can't touch them, can't beat them, but is allright if they kill you, more, they become national heroes like Floyd if somehow killed while doing their job (which is to steal, torture and kill citizens as long as not politicians) and so on and so forth.

But I don't have to do that to reach to a simple conclusion; never trust a government, any government, nor any agency, authority, or similar be it in the service of a government or in the service of a corporation/religion/political movement or party,

domenica 9 giugno 2024

Humanity is doomed...

Humanity is so intelligent that it started counting generations from X, respectively: Silent Generation (1928-1945), Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Gen X (1965-1980), Gen Y or Millennials (1981-1996), Gen Z (1997-2010) and...


Generation Alpha (2010-2024).

Like asking a toddler: Please count from one to ten! Sure: Eight, Two, Jack, Banana, Five, Six, Milk, Stick.

Monkeys can do better than that common core math.

Nope, you were not unfair to FreeCad, you were just unfair to yourself.

But again, you can be as unfair to yourself as you want as long as it does not affect negativelly others.

FreeCad is like a foreign language, and if you don't give yourself a chance to learn it, you are not fair to yourself when it comes to understanding the relation of that language to other languages you know (Am I assuming it right when I guess you only understand English?), their common roots for certain words and concepts, their separated roots for the others, why synonims are soooooo different in spelling and pronunciation, what the heck are them omonimes, antonimes, etc.

I started my CAD life in Autocad in 2000, when it was... yeah. It was shit, horribly shit, but also the only option I could afford.

Migrated to Inventor 5 or 6 when they popped up and the world changed from North Korea to South America, I mean still shit but not that shitty all the Amazon jungle was mine now, but to me was huge improvement.

I do remeber that untill version 11 (they were already part of Autodesk by then) they had same issues like FreeCad has today, including the topographical naming problem that was making my geomtries go bizark and cockoo all the time, is Autodesk Might we speak here.

So if Autodesk higly paid teams of program writers took them from like version 7 or so when they bought Inventor to I guess version 12 or latter to fix that, why blaming some unpaid volunteers in FreeCad random teams patching it for struggling with it?

Blame yoursleves.

Putting down FreeCad with scaremongering beginers from using it, touching it, is counteproductive to the project itself.

I am a heavy FreeCad user for maybe 10 years now, their struggle was similar to Inventor struggle to patch it up to desired outcome, but unlike Inventor that can only be Inventor style, FreeCad you can run it any other style available, Catia style for instance, among others, you can also use any brought in patch indipendently, such as OpenScad or others, and eveidently you have to cope with all yet to be fixed issues.

For now I am still runing FreeCad 1.9 that I find more stable and less problematic than 2.0 or 2.1 ones, I tried Ondsell for a few weeks, well combed but you don't have the original FreeCad pallet of options I am used with, so extremelly limitative, I felt like going from Android to Iphone, pasing from being free to roam the woods to a glamourous jail.

I saw comments that in FreeCad you cannot build complex geometry... dudes... and duddessses... if a complete part 103 airplane with every single command cable, handle, seat and any detail you want is not complex geometry... and yes I am actually building it in my shed, or a complete catamaran with hydraulic mast, riggs, sails, bilge pumps, water lines, water filtration, sewage, galley, bedrooms, heads, showers, gallery, steering systems, not to mention hull and keel, stern and bow weird geometries to get even in free hand design, not to mention the molds to build said geometris is not complex design I have no clue what else could be since modern buildings have fairly straight lines shapes and hence architecture of buildings is far less of a challange than boat architecture, and yes, I am doing all this in FreeCad, in my spare time, unpaid, just for the fun of it.

I love designing my ideas, and I love prototypng them and see how it comes out in real life.

. Conclusion, the more FreeCad users are the more complaints can be raised ( I won't ever in my life bump in all the possible issues, trust me) and more of the FreeCad issues can be sorted by other volunteers that never bumped into them issues, but know how to snug code, love it like I love design and prototyping, and do it just because and for no other reason, like I do...

sabato 8 giugno 2024

What keeps you busy nowadays?

phone calls,
learning new things or trends,
designing and engineering,
3D printing and refining for printers optimisations,
and moslty lots of intruders that try to sell me things I never needed and will never need, so on and so forth.

Such is life...

Any system of governance that gives any man power over another man to any extent, isn't worth shit.

I am receiving constantly form friends and unknown persons invitations to go to protest, marches, sign protest letters to government, members of parliament, CEO's, and similar high end toddlers.

Beg your pardon mates, so they are milking us up dry, literally enslaving us with fearmonghering psychological mass scale operations, and you think that protesting in the main capital city, or flooding them with leters, e-mails, petitions signed by millions, etc, is going to actually stop them?

Just picture this, a pocket thief is picking your wallet in the tube, so you tell the thief;
"stop, wait a minute, I am just collecting right now a milion signatures on a petition that you stop nicking my wallet, can I have your home address to send you the signatures? To show you how wrong is what you are doing to me!"

I guess the answer is not that one, no polite request to have their address, no sending in petitions and letters, no marching in front of their residence protesting, so why do you do that when it comes down to governemnts and banks and coprorations?
You really think they are going to stop, cease and desist because you marched in 2 milions in a day and collectd 100 milion signatures on a paper to present it to them?

There is one thing and one thing alone for you to do, unlpug their life line, take away their bateries, live them dying without any energy, and their energy is ... you, your vote, your taxes, your work, your creations, your lives.

And how do you unplug the system and take their batteries away?

- pay no taxes, yes they tell you nice words about how they use the money, well... they lie, and steal most of them money anyaway.
- Stop taking money from banks and private loan sharks, let them sit on teir money and wait, make your life without them, you can live without them, they cannot live witout you.
- grow your own, make your own, (3D print your own is a good start) instead of buying made in China from some mutlinationals that label it as Made in Germany, or Made in the USA, or France etc, for all they do is change a label on a Chinese made substandard low quality product, if not directly tell the Chinese producer to label it with their multinational label from day one.
- Stop investing their money (you have no money of your own, they lend it to you, it belongs to them all the way, you have just a temporarilly use of them) through banks and investments companies, stop using them except maybe amongst your group of friends if no other way is found to do a transaction. Use cash only, no electronic money.
-No more watching television, forget their radio stations, ignore Facebook sponsored or mandatory popups, same works for any social network or other media, talk to friends and people you know, people you have a beer with, people you grill with, people you play football with, etc.
- No more voting, prove them they do not have your support, are not endorsed by you and are not acting in your name and best interest, which is true; they act in their best interest, you are but the excuse if things go south, it is your fault, you voted wrong, yada-yada-yada.

Remeber, Democracy is not what they tell you it is, nor Capitalism, neither Communism, or Socialism, or Fascism, in fact they are all but more subtle models of slavery in the Neofeudalism, a bit more poslihed and shiny than the original feudalism era was.

What if they cannot find idiots desperate enough to enroll in their armies and go to war?

USSR and China, bla, bla, bla, on one side, and USA and NATO bla, bla, bla on the other side were basically the same thinking with different correography and propaganda, but essentially the same thing, neofeudalism, and no, the capitalism did not win, and nope, the communism did not lost, they just merged.

Hence if feudalism did not work out, neither neofeudalist variation did, I go back in time to even older currents of social engineering, and I find Autarchy a good solution, in an Anarchic form, it was constantly suppresed in the antiquity by large armies of idiots in the service of some sociopath or some other psychopatic ruler.

But in modern days, with modern knowledge, it might actually be unstoppable by any psycho or sociopath, if they cannot find idiots desperate enough to enroll in their armies and go to war.

What if they gave a war, and nobody showed up? Guess where I took that from?

mercoledì 5 giugno 2024

The west is collapsing without cheap labor.

I don't have it with the conspiracy theoryes, more with the constipation theory, because this world is shit.

Moscow, January 1994:
US President Bill Clinton, Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk shake hands after initialing the Trilateral Agreement.

According to the document, Ukraine was giving up its nuclear weapons (it had the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world, after the US and Russia), in exchange for a firm guarantee from Russia that it would respect its borders and sovereignty and never use force against it.

The US was the guarantor of this solemn agreement.

In the same document were written statements that NATO WILL NOT EXPAND INTO Ukraine... and will not destabilize the buffer zone that was Ukraine.
What was NATO doing?

Well, they financing with one million dollars in cash per day the Maidan Revolution, the implementation of fascism in Ukraine, the first victims being the Ukrainian Romanians among other ethnicities, who were forbidden to speak their language, to have schools in their language, to have religious services in their language, as well as those who speak Polish, Russian, Slovak, Hungarian, Tatar, Gagauz, etc.

And they wanted to join the EU where the law forbids such legislation in the component nations, proof that they forced Romania to change its legislation to join, but they didn't force Ukraine either... it was OK to ostracize the Romanians and the Poles, like no... Uncle Sam said to us is allright.

So Ukraina violated the treaty first, hard and horrible, NATO wiped its ass with the treaty in a few years after signing, and the Russians couldn't wait for this to have reasons to enter with tanks, NATO were so stupid to give them a reason, such is their culture.

The level of stupidity of Western politicians leaves me speechless.
The next move will be to surrender to China and we have solved everything.
They'll find a way,trust me.

Putin creates the atmosphere in Ukraine because he was asked to do so, by Biden, Merkler (latter Ursula) and the Queen (still queen today, but male), by Xi and whoever gives them orders, just follow the money, a bunch of airliners worth billions were leased to Russia by European companies , Europe blockaded Russia, they were stuck with money in hand and they can't pay the Leasing, the planes are stuck in Russian airports, who cares about that in next 10 years when the rebellion is over?
Europeans, who wins here?
The Americans who in 10 years will sell thousands more planes to European leasing companies.

Should I also say how things stay with Oil, Shale Gas, Coal, Wheat, Crude?
Want more?
I still have more;
Who loses is us, Europe, who wins is them, Putin and the Americans, and obviously who dies?
The Ukrainians, and who is taking cash under the table to push them to death?
If you refuse to see that Putin and Biden are hand in hand, that's it, dream, my friend, dream.

I'm not apologizing for the Russians here, not even for Putin, but to be honest, he wouldn't have entered Ukraine if NATO didn't give him the opportunity, so we're the fools for giving him a hard time.

And maybe with a purpose, because for 30 years the idea has been circulating that Ukraine will end up like Yugoslavia, divided into pieces because they are too disturbing.

So I say for myself that Putin and Biden are doing nothing but to carry out the five-year plan in four and a half years, and Zelinski is just a paid actor, like Macron and Trudeau and whoever else you want, Iohanila included, and while hand to death the nuts from the Azov battalion and the mercenaries, under the table they collect the money from Putin and Biden and the Queen, to play the front game, the one with Ukraine invaded, the country of heroes who ... oops, did not resisted, as Yugoslavia did not resist either.

In the meantime, innocent people are dying in villages and towns, the goal being their dislocation, for the west is collapsing without cheap labor, and the Poles and Romanians who have been coming here for 30 years have smarten up, they ask for more money per hour than the locals now (because the locals don't feel like working and are on welfare) so we need the hordes of maids, nurses, care takers, drivers, masons, plumbers, and porters from Ukraine.

And how do you dislodge them from there?
With the bombing, as in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Myanmar, and the list is bloody long.

We currently have the lowest concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere for nearly 500-600 million years.

The share of CO2 in the atmosphere has been decreasing for 600 million years and there is no correlation with global warming.

About 500-600 million years ago, the CO2 content of the Earth's atmosphere was up to 20 times higher than in the last few centuries before the industrial revolution. According to the greenhouse effect theory, this should have made the Earth extremely warm. In contrast, global temperatures were no higher than they are today.

Through numerous studies and investigations, many famous scientists began to collect all the existing measurement results and data series and theirs.
And a more than clear picture emerged, namely that no correlation could be established between the CO2 content of the Earth's atmosphere and the Earth's temperatures, and therefore CO2 cannot be considered the cause of global warming.

According to Professor Wolfgang H. Berger of the University of California San Diego, there have already been considerable fluctuations in the concentration of CO2 on this globe throughout Earth's history of the last 600 million years.
About 450 million years ago, CO2 levels began to drop significantly, only to rise again 250 million years ago, reaching a level five times higher than today. Since then, it has continuously declined with a multitude of fluctuations.
We currently have the lowest concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere for nearly 500-600 million years.

A large number of fossil discoveries have shown that, several hundred million years ago, the living conditions for the animal and plant world had a positive effect, despite a much higher CO2 content.
Both the plant and animal worlds were considerably larger than today, for example.
For example, the average CO2 concentration during the Jurassic period (200 million years ago / the era of the dinosaurs) was about 1800 ppm, which is about 4.7 times higher than today.

The highest CO2 concentrations (550 million years ago) occurred during the Cambrian period and, at about 7000 ppm (0.7%), were about 18 times higher than today. Today, for example, there is only about 400 ppm CO2 (0.04%) in the Earth's atmosphere.

"There was a global cooling (approx. 3°C) for approx. 8,000 milion of years.”

Interrupted by four cold phases (at intervals of ca. 150 million years) in the last 600 million years and a decline to an average temperature of ca. 12°C, the Earth's average temperature was for most of the time constantly elevated at approx. 22 degrees Celsius.
This means that average temperatures today (and this has been happening for about 2 million years) are about 10 degrees Celsius lower than in the Mesozoic Era, the time of the dinosaurs. Today we live in an in-between period and are most likely headed for a new ice age.

"Increasing CO2 is not the cause but the consequence of global warming"

An article published in the journal Science analyzing data from Antarctic ice cores has made it clear that the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide over the past 800,000 years did not actually occur before global warming, but 200 to 1,000 years after this.
If the increase in carbon dioxide (CO2), as established, occurred only after global warming, it cannot possibly have caused it.

● In today's global warming and CO2 debate, only the last hundreds to 1,000 years are used (or even at all), which is highly unscientific and highly falsifying because it ignores the extremely long period of Earth's history , with its sometimes massive temperature fluctuations and a reduction in CO2 levels lasting several hundred million years.
If we look at a longer period of time, we must inevitably come to different conclusions than those propagated today by politicians and the media.

INFO regarding data:
To obtain past temperature and CO2 data, so-called proxy data is used.

These are obtained by analyzing natural and dependent processes such as: tree rings, ice cores, pollen and fossil plants, marine sediments, corals and historical data.