sabato 15 giugno 2024

Art as a form of protest against tirany, dictatorship and oppression.

Artificial Intelligence is dumb, by definition. My definition.

And now they advertise for the new smartphones, a must have, ditch your old brick bought last month, buy this new brick, it is full of A.I. Well... technically if it is full of A.I. it is full of... dumb, it is a dumb phone. Thanks but... no thanks, I'll keep mine. No A.I. in it, a real smart phone.

The above is satire combined with sarcasm and irony, expressing the truth in a different manner, a bit comical, a bit harsh, a bit contradictory, definetelly not on the same tune with the mainstream media.

Satire, Sarcasm, Irony, the weapons of mass distraction of any artist that fights the establsihment when the establishment has turned out to be the very enemy of the people they govern; and blatantly or veiled forbid any form of protest, criticycsm or whistle blowing that would put them in the light they hate so much.

Example: try satire against any of the Clintons, Bidens, Netaniahu, Putin, Sunak, Xi Jin Ping Pong, or Kim Il Jung, Fauci, Gates, just to name a phew... and facebook algorythm will rebuke you for posting fake news, their fact checkers have spoken, you cannot do zath... zig heil.

The sad part is that becasue many dumb facebookers (and other similar networkes, Youtube included) slowly slowly started to reason like the algorhytm, is got no rhytm anyway in it. And when they bump into satire in text or images, or irony, or sarcasm, they start making a fuss about fake news, fake images, fake ideas association... so they bump into art that is the fruit of immaginaton, and they say: This is not real.....

Yes it is not... for it is art, immagination, you know, like the one you dont even have.

It is satire, is a form of art, satire is not a fake, it is mocking them in power for doing all things wrong, including by awekward associations of ideas or images, you should respect art, you should not respect government, art brings you to start thinking, goverment wants you dumb.

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