domenica 23 giugno 2024

Why science sucks.

A friend of mine (statistician of profession, that is to say a math geek pulling out numbers from data to see where that leads) got a job in the government. Previously, he would be given data, and asked for his conclusion. In his new role, he was given the conclusion and told to go and find the data (supporting it) or else...

I know that a statistician it is not a scientist, but people think scientists do this too, and they are not wrong at all.

Just think of it, if as a scientist you want your money to keep coming, than you bend over and povide as requested. And if you have to find a pink elephant in your data, you will keep trimming it and coming up with justifications for it until it starts to resemble a pink elephant. And spray it pink just to make sure money is there, hoping people will think it also is an elephant.

Nowdays people seem to think science is another rival religion and they are right. Scientology didnt help with this point much either.

3rd world countries don't even consider science as equal to, or a viable alternative to religion, or even valid at all, or even understand what science is, they actively reject science as they equate it with colonialism and cognitive domination, which they have a fair argument in many cases.

Most scientists treat science just as dogmatically as a religion and tout their anti-religious beliefs just as proudly as a zealot. Science has it's own religious cult like following. Largely be people who don't know what it is (Greta Turnberg and Antony Fauci are some random examples here), but that's the typical way these things work. Religious people rarely know what their religion preaches too.

The ones treating science like dogma, are ruining the concept entirely. The others are but a few and sistematically bullied and silenced by the majority that can see their income being threatend by the truth.

Way too many of them are out trying to prove a political point because that's where their funding comes from. Gotta tell the money guy what he wants to hear or no more research funds for you.

Montagner took a hard hit when he went against the mainstream media narrative about that virus...

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