venerdì 5 luglio 2024

Democracy and creativity are not for the poor of the people... only for the first class rich.

This is an interesting topic. Apparently complicated. In reality very simple. And which generally shows the extremely superficial approach of contemporary intellectuals. For example, Th. Dr knew the answer back in 1900:
Work is done for money. Art and philosophy do not bring money, but poverty (unless you are already from the rich class, than they bring shit loads of money, mainly from being in politics). Why would you want to condemn poor people to more poverty, wile being smart and knowing how to get out of it in two three generations?!

You do realise they will get out of it eventually?, Now as a superiour cast, upperclass, ruler over poor, why would you want that?

A romanian's lady father was a philosophy teacher and she was so fascinated by his discussions that they had at supper in the 11th grade so she decided to study philosophy. That was in 1990. After a year, she instead decided that the whole Economy Studies was better. After 13 years, she had no choice but to emigrate to Canada, because of poverty. With Economy Studies accomplished and a job in the field, mind you.

According to a study by the UK's Office for National Statistics, the number of working-class actors, musicians, writers and artists has halved over the past 50 years, falling by 50%.

This suggests that, contrary to discourses on the democratization of creative professions, the arts are becoming an increasingly less inclusive and increasingly privileged domain of human activity.

What this means? What effects do they have on the human society?

Frankly it's a catastrophe. I don't think I need to explain this, the why and the how...

A kind of Middle Ages - where these domains are the prerogative of the "new aristocracy" - "new aristocracy" is given not by "blood" and skills but by wealth alone.

I don't even want to imagine what is happening in the political, judicial and economic area. We return to where we started: medieval castes are being restored:
Top level those that can afford to have politicians on their payroll,
Second level those that work direct for them,
Third level, politicians at the top,
Fourth level the rest of the polticians, coroporate top level, art and culture top level, spies and counterinformation operatives.
Fifth level, controllers, tax people, police, army, inspectors, etc
Sixt level, teachers, doctors, small time business owners with up to hundreds of employees, other artists, writers, philosophers, low lever living on merelly scraps, but not doing raw work.
Seventh level, engineers, specialist workers (welders, drivers, taxy drivers, machines operators, CAD designers, nurses, etc), higly skilled personell in industries, services and agriculture, mainly slef employed at least as a side hustle while also working for the Sixth level as employees
Eighth level, non specialist workers, industry, constructions, cleaning, city maintanace, agriculture, living on meager crumbs, mostly drunk after working hours and watching footbal and other sports, betting systematically in a hope to get some lucky money and as a result becoming poorer and poorer with every bet they take, hating school and teachin their children to hate education and educated classes.
Ninth level; low calss low level deliquents, homless people, people living on benefits for generations, illegal substances cookers and smuglers,drug dealers, people for whom passing at the seventh level would be an insult and they know it well, dreaming to pass straight at the fourth level or better simply by hitting the jackspott, without considering that once they stolen the big pot of gold and are at said level they will lose everything very fast to the top level thieves in politics and bank whom actually are highly educated and know how to steal from uneducated poor, even if became rich by some miracle overnight.
Tenth level, higly educated poor people that opted out of the cast system and live on the fringes, fishing out of the Seventh, Eight and Ninth level every now and than some brilliant mind and teaching them how to climb on cadavers to the top 3 levels by the pension age, just to get some revenge on the system, people that care not about money economy, they have their own based on reciprocating services, they are happy with little in life as long as they can study hard and build dreams that make happen thorugh others that they educate illegaly at higher levels that they could afford to be legally educated. People with strong back bones that do not bend to the system ever... they change the system by infiltrating it with higly self educated young men that seek revenge and help them get that revenge by altering the rotten system away from it's rotten course. In other words, madmen and wemen.

You have to have a very high level of insanity to do some kind of studies today - philosophy & arts without having a suitable ATM card provided by the family.

Soon not even madness will help us - it is the road to the certain death of these study matters.
But I believe that there will always be madmen - and they will save something if it can be saved.
If one starts applying so much insight on how to fit in their own cast from the age of 17 - we kill their life: we makethem robots. We shoukd make them go through all the stages - they won't starve if they are good at what they aim to do. And anyway they doen't really starve anymore if supported byt the tenth cast. And we don't really get away from work anyway, just pick smartly the income source... It seems to me that we should have higher aspirations than a simple "not to die of hunger", however is a metaphor, and the idea was to do what they like and not depend on money. That was the basic idea. I find myself in this kind of kid, exactly that was my dilemma - and choice - 35 years ago. I made my bloody choices than, Theology and Economy, plus Engineering, I changed my choices as I had the diplomas in hand and worked a year or two in the Economic field, Politics, and Theology, now I am on the fringes and boy it feels good to do shit my way not depending ond the money of whom wants to give me orders to benefit them while hurting everybody else.

People need to understand the truth, even if the cast system dictates that they sould not be able to because born in a lower cast than the third one, that is the only way we can destroy the new feudal cast system, the neofeudalism pretending to be anything else, (like Socialism, Communism, Corporatism, Capitalism, Fascism, Democracy, etc,) none of them are what they sell them out to be, and the truth you see it in the education system and what cast can study up to what level...

William Deresiewicz has a great book on this. The Death of the Artist. Find it.

I was afraid of three things in life, an organic fear of what could destroy me physically or mentally: Raw work, joining the army, police or similar systems, and being employed by a corporation.

I ran away from the army, from raw work as well, from corporations as if I escaped after working inside a few years to see how they are internally organised, is pure madness and hell in there.
Let's see if I can last until the end and raise some others to be like me.

This is what is needed. We live in feudalism, only instead of the senior there is the corporation in the hands of a few milking everybody else.
And Corporate wars are knocking at the doors now more and more and more.

We are becoming more and more practical. I've always had the impression that people in the Middle Ages were extremely practical, they really didn't waste time on anything useless. It is possible that the days of dialectics are over. Fixation and repetition await us as casts, let's put a dent into that any way we can to actually save humanity from human society.

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