sabato 29 giugno 2024

People who get offended on PURPOSE! Misunderstand on PURPOSE!

Apparently this is a way of life. Being offended.

And if there is nothing to cling to and play the offended card, you make shit up out of anything: Somebody made some sound? Aha... gotcha, you said that(and make up some shit that offends you).

Nope, I said nothing, just wrapping my parcel with paper, that is the sound you heard...

Irrelevant, I still am offended, your wrapping is offensive to me.

The problem between western countries men and women is that they are competing against each other in almost every facet of society rather than accepting complimentary roles to progress through life together.

They are no longer teaming up for something, but rather slitting eachother's throat for that something.

Social engineering promotes spiritual grandiosity. And personal glamour regrdless of how shallow and empty you are indeed, the only thing that matters is what others can see and thus you make up a nice shiny empty shell to show up with.

For instance there was a lady commenting on a channel that she has 2 degrees and cannot find the perfect man for her since all she finds want to be dominant and control her life, and she cannot stand that...

The men you want to partner with are runing away for their lifes when you get on their radar, they don't want somebody to booss them, be dominant, demanding and a control freak in their lives either. You are the exact kind of person you are running away from. And their radar spots you very fast and they head the opposite direction from where you are full speed ahead long before your radar spots them, and this is why you will be an eternal single for life.

We have become a population that generally knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

People are offended when you tell the truth... because they know what you are saying is true.

Not agreeing with someone else's point of view is not the same as being offended.

You can not agree and still not play the offended card if your integrity is legit, playing the offended card anytime you do not agree and /or you want to make a point or punish somebody, maybe for something else that you canot bring up, is an absolute lack of integrity, and unfortuantelly is also what most people do those days.

It's always funny when someone mistakes their personal preferences for "The Truth" and try to impose it on everybody else.

And should somebody point it out that this is not the truth, than all hell breaks loose, like "how dare you"...

Bottom line, the social engineering promoted those days by education, schools, social media, clubs and any other mass controlable means, does it's best to protect and enhance the powers of lunatics over the normal people, making it desirable to be a lunatic; well accepted in the mind illness hospital called modern society rather than being a normal human, because being a normal human hurts the abnormals in control places and their income, being truthfull exposes their lies that makes them rich and powerfull, so they develloped this tecnique of purposelly misunderstanding and getting offended by just about anything, in order to silence the truth and those that dare speaking it.

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