mercoledì 12 giugno 2024

Eternal life, living for ever...

Mid Life CRYSIS, I haven't had that yet, so I am going to live 120 years.

So what brings up such crysis?

Culture, habits, expectations and social status, that is what brings it up, the wrong way of thiniking life.

From early age due to the the dumbness of our parents that knew no beter we are flooded not with:
their love, presence, guidance, entertainment,
but with:
gifts, more gifts, other gifts, and... expectations. Toys, smart phones, tablets, internet access, everything not to bother them, let them be, live them alone.

So us and latter our kids, just like their grandparents, etc, grow up considering expectations of others from them to be "the norm", normality, hence striving to meet them to be normal, "the norm", and spending;
money (you don't have)
on things (you don't need)
in order to impress the others (that don't care anyway)
giving (unwated) gifts,
donating (not needed) things to charity,
replacing (unbroken, still in perfect shape) goods with new ones just because... fashion...
and tossing them in the garbage very soon to replace them with....
the never ending cycle of consumerism, where we fix nothing, repair nothing, not even our own relationships, we toss them too in a bin and replace our spouse, kids, friends anytime they inconvenetly step on our nerves for some reason.

And than you get to be old, you are in your 40ties... and your inner void for trust, love, stable social self confidence, peace of mind grows bigger and bigger.

Spending spree did not work apparently, buying a big house accomplished nothing, having that car to leave all jaw dropped des not do anything anymore for your self esteem, changing spouses like you cange your socks neither, getting rid of the kidds to feel indipendent again not helping at all, nothing that you grew up with as sucess story social behaviour expenctaions works, and you are going to die in 40 years, unaccomplished, at all.

So if spending more didn't work what do you do?

You try to fix that by spending even more... faster car, red if possible, yellow might do if Lambo, newer house, larger garden, bigger yacht (boat for por class) another wife, new "freinds" (actually other desperados like you trying to fill the void).

But nothing works, however you will never ever consider changing the course... because it requires a change of paradigm first, and before you have one, you are on a crush course with history in order to becomne history yourself, and as we know it, history never teaches us nothing and is largelly forgotten by everybody.

Instead if you raise your childer by being there to laugh with them, by being there to fix broken things with them instead of tossing them and buying new ones, to let them see you grow old while you wach them grow up, to let them see money don't matter, relations matter, soul to soul contact matters, by the age of 60 you have not had a mid life crysis yet, nor a lambo, huge house built on debt, yacht built on other people's bood etc, for none of this matters.

You want to live happy, go give un required help to anybody in your way that needs some, even if you hate them, or unknown people, just do it, brick work, cleaning, grocery shoping, buy them a new car if buying a new car makes you happy, fix yours instead and keep it.

Make other people happy by saving them in the hour of need, and that will actually fil the void, and make you bunches of real friends (and bring your way fake friends that expect you to do for them anything they want , toss them away, they are but narcisistic psychopts that are profiting around, you know... like the government, banks and religions, not to forget here corporations and Home Owners Associations and Charities)

You will never have a midlife crsis living like this, and that might mean you are actually going to live for ever..

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