domenica 23 giugno 2024

It ain't working with violence, only with education.

Evolving is painfull.

It takes a change of paradigm at the entire society level, the Jews tried with the violence when they pumped from UK, Germany, USA, France and Switzerland men and money into Russia to kill it's elites and install communism generating the USSR.

Than again when they pumped from UK, Germany, USA, France and Switzerland money and manpower to raise Hitler and the Nazi in power to kill all Hebrew and Gypsies in gas chambers, (yes Auswchwitz, Dachau, Sobibor were built on British money and the British took didivends from them while operating,) and all the way to pumping money and manpower into creating and expanding the state of Israel where the Jews pretend to be Hebrew while not allowing any real Hebrew into the power structure, ever.

It ain't working with violence, just with intelligence and wisdom, and this is why they are unerbudgeting education worldwide to dumb down the population and set them against eachother to wars, they fear the change in better for that cancels the illusory power they think they have upon the rest of us.

But they don't, it is just a projection, don't fall for it.

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