Perfectly indoctrinated two legged cow.

And so... me.. driving, nothing new, I drive 80% of the time I do not sleep, gota pay that rent somehow.
Busy little town center, university accross the roads from mall, perfect mix for society to ruin itself when smart people are teaching empty benches because students... mall.
Aged 20 something, thus student, too old to be in lower grades like high school, too young to teach at Univeristies, unless she was sort of a prodigee genius kiddo, comes from the mall to the campus, probably run out of money to throw outta windows and was resignated to go back studying for that day.
Obviously eyes in the phone, why not. I mean traffic, what the hell is that anyway? She stops at the traffic light post, raises half an eyebrow just enough to locate the magic box, presses the button to cross and dives back into the phone, deeply.
As car stop at the red light she starts crossing without checking if all cars stop or there is someone like her just driving, eyes in the phone, that will run her over. There was none that dumb, so it was her lucky day, got to the other sidewalk, ignores where she is and bumbs into the kerb so hard she almost fells on her nose.
By some miracle she manages to set a foot far ahead and stop herself from damaging the sidewalk with her face, gets back vertical fast, all this without lifting her eyes from that screen. Than for a second she looks around, realises what direcion she needs to steer to, turns lef 90 degrees, dives back into the virtual world and starts walking.
Well, if the virtual world is more important than staying alive... who am I to judge her, after all she is a university student, smart young hope for our brilliant tomorrow.
Where else did I see such attitude? Pastures, cows to be more precise. If there is somebody that does not belong there, unknown humans, animals, cars, etc, horses raise their heads and follow the intruder to make sure it is not a danger, so do the sheep, goats, pigs, dogs, cats, but not the cows.
As long as you don't go to them to push them, beat them or any other obvious aggression, they don't give a crap, they graze like that is the last thing they do before the end of the world, nothing else matters (and I guesss here is where the title of the song comes from), cows have the gift to ignore just about anything and anybody as long as there is grass to graze, or a phone to stare into.
"We aren't going to make it, aren't we? People I mean" Asked by John Connor to the Termiantor friend in the omonim movie. Good question.
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