sabato 8 giugno 2024

Any system of governance that gives any man power over another man to any extent, isn't worth shit.

I am receiving constantly form friends and unknown persons invitations to go to protest, marches, sign protest letters to government, members of parliament, CEO's, and similar high end toddlers.

Beg your pardon mates, so they are milking us up dry, literally enslaving us with fearmonghering psychological mass scale operations, and you think that protesting in the main capital city, or flooding them with leters, e-mails, petitions signed by millions, etc, is going to actually stop them?

Just picture this, a pocket thief is picking your wallet in the tube, so you tell the thief;
"stop, wait a minute, I am just collecting right now a milion signatures on a petition that you stop nicking my wallet, can I have your home address to send you the signatures? To show you how wrong is what you are doing to me!"

I guess the answer is not that one, no polite request to have their address, no sending in petitions and letters, no marching in front of their residence protesting, so why do you do that when it comes down to governemnts and banks and coprorations?
You really think they are going to stop, cease and desist because you marched in 2 milions in a day and collectd 100 milion signatures on a paper to present it to them?

There is one thing and one thing alone for you to do, unlpug their life line, take away their bateries, live them dying without any energy, and their energy is ... you, your vote, your taxes, your work, your creations, your lives.

And how do you unplug the system and take their batteries away?

- pay no taxes, yes they tell you nice words about how they use the money, well... they lie, and steal most of them money anyaway.
- Stop taking money from banks and private loan sharks, let them sit on teir money and wait, make your life without them, you can live without them, they cannot live witout you.
- grow your own, make your own, (3D print your own is a good start) instead of buying made in China from some mutlinationals that label it as Made in Germany, or Made in the USA, or France etc, for all they do is change a label on a Chinese made substandard low quality product, if not directly tell the Chinese producer to label it with their multinational label from day one.
- Stop investing their money (you have no money of your own, they lend it to you, it belongs to them all the way, you have just a temporarilly use of them) through banks and investments companies, stop using them except maybe amongst your group of friends if no other way is found to do a transaction. Use cash only, no electronic money.
-No more watching television, forget their radio stations, ignore Facebook sponsored or mandatory popups, same works for any social network or other media, talk to friends and people you know, people you have a beer with, people you grill with, people you play football with, etc.
- No more voting, prove them they do not have your support, are not endorsed by you and are not acting in your name and best interest, which is true; they act in their best interest, you are but the excuse if things go south, it is your fault, you voted wrong, yada-yada-yada.

Remeber, Democracy is not what they tell you it is, nor Capitalism, neither Communism, or Socialism, or Fascism, in fact they are all but more subtle models of slavery in the Neofeudalism, a bit more poslihed and shiny than the original feudalism era was.

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