mercoledì 3 luglio 2024

Generation NEXT... is nil.

Is best if the people do their own research and tries to understand on their own, rather than have the homework done by somebody else and only being fed with the correct results without having a clue what are the basis of said correct results.

For that would be knowledge without basis, thus easily to be manipulated and fooled latter on. What I want is the people to have the best knowledge and the basis that led to it, so nobody can manipulate them and fool them.

If you would of studied the string theory implications at quantum space level, instead of just copy paste the generic enunciation, there is a very interesting concept that explains many not previously understood phenomena like the duality of light in the same time wave and matter, and many others, (thou they still cannot explain such a simple thing as gravity, we only know how it works on us, but have no idea yet what it is and how it works in the universe) and one of the most interesting implications is that ... nothing exists until there is somebody to perceive it, if there is nobody to perceive you, you actually do not exist.

An extrapolation of that into the Normandy memorial post is that since the new generation don't give a shit on history, thus do not know who is their president in charge for instance or what country they live in, not to mention things that happen 70 years ago or on a different continent, therefore Normandy never exited (for them, and they are a large majority) just like you do not exist for those that do not perceive you and it does not bother them at all this fact.

And the consequences of this is that history will repeat itself, for as long as Normandy never existed nor other events, and "Charley Chaplin and his evil Nazi were defeated by UN" (I recommend you to see "Idiocracy" since we already live in one, it is the only movie I know of that was intended to be a comedy and ended up being a documentary) sooner than you expect we shall be back to square one thanks to the US military complex waging war everywhere, the Chinese military complex that want their share of blood, the Russians, the Brits, and the Indians that want revenge on the Brits and Paki, the Arab countries that want revenge as well on the Brits, Russians, Israel and US, and let's not forget Africa and their colonial past that now is bringing us the Black Lives Matter and the Black panthers to start with.

Yes it's getting messy and it's going to be ugly, as ugly as you don't dare imagine, just because Normandy never existed for too many of the people living today on this planet, including those in power.

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