sabato 15 giugno 2024

In sceince We trust. Et Pluribus... Nihil.

For instance most of our modern science is based on Inductive Reasoning and noting else (see Quantum theories, and that poor cat, Quantum computing mainly simulated on classic computers... and other irrelevant shit like "Scientific Consensus" and similar)

Inductive reasoning can only be verified by deductive counter reasoning or by experiments that validate it, so if a conclusion is drawn using inductive reasoning, but cannot be validated by deductive reasoning or by experiments that validate it, than it is nul, but nope, they hold it as the undisputable word of God, the Holly gospel, thou nobody has proven it right, nobody.

In a matrix of deception, who would even believe "science" is not a part of it?

The answer is "so many that its not even funny anymore."

Our problem is we know about the laws of phisics maybe 1 in a trillion of what we need to know in order to start understanding something of this universe.

And some of the things we know are absolutelly wrong, so go figure, our top scinece guys are techincally blatant nulities, blind worms in a bunch of shit pretending to be gods.

Trust the science.

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