sabato 25 maggio 2024

I am lazy, that is my trade, I make money from being lazy.

For instance is it clear based on my achivements that I belong to several unrealted groups like:
A) I am an inventor, I invent things for a living, pattent them or not, than release them to the public.
But that is somehow a consequence of the fact that I also belong to another group,
B) I am lazy hence instead of trying to work harder, I invent ways to work less while accomplishing more.

Belonging to a group is not something mandatory, official, and binding, is a consequence of whom you are and how you act, freely.

Apparently we are 8 bilion people on Earth alive, add another trilion or two that existed...

Supposing you don't want to be cataloged in anny group because you think you are unique... logically your supposition makes no sense, matematically impossible.

We all can be labeled as belonging to some sort of grouping, most of the time we belong in various unrealted groups simultaneously.

I belong for sure in the lazy group. And maybe some others, but lazy for sure. And I get paid to be lazy.

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