domenica 5 maggio 2024

Body and soul, sin and redemption, Christ and salvation.

You're already struggling to explain with peanut terms to them millenials and it still don't stick with them like water on the goose.

Take it on their terms and see how they get it, quick, quick.

Body equal Hardware
Soul Equal Software
Software evolves (with the help of the programmer) Hardware deteriorates over time, wear and tear.

There are also viruses, malware, backdoors, crypto currencies, fiat and other problems that intoxicate software, you need a constant, vigilant, and nimble antivirus.

Our role on the Hardware in this universe is to perfect the Software for a clearly superior Hardware to be, but which we cannot run before reaching a higher level of development here, in the Planet Earth laboratory.

Those who corrupt their Software here by accepting malware and viruses for some Hardware advantages (position, power, money, drugs, etc.) will not be developed enough to be installed on superior Hardware and will be condemned to remain on some additional memory somewhere from where they can do no harm at the next level. It is said that it is a bit hot in the closet where the scraps are kept.

Death is actually the moment of transferring the software from the hard drive here to scrap, if it has been irrevocably compromised, or to a level of waiting, decontamination, (eternal sleep) from which you will be recovered for the next level of evolution at the right time when upgrade is planned.

And the hardware left without software is recycled at the molecular and atomic level into other hardware for microbes, insects, bacteria, plants and various animals, nothing is lost, nothing is gained, everything is transformed.

Explain this to the Androids and Iphonists and you'll see they barely understand, the Bible was written for sheeperds and farmers, now we have hardists and softists, most of them a bit stupid and inept, but they understand this, guaranteed.

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