domenica 12 maggio 2024

Bullshit jobs and technologies to come.

I am 56 and I still invent things that I have to learn how to use and have a hard time explaining to others what are them good for.

The world is split in two, makers and users.
Makers produce what users use, most makers are themseves users of other makers, some users are themselves makers but... most users make nothing, they account for, supervise, transact, teach, research, hold political positions, administrative positions, police things and places, or to describe them all briefly, they are working bullshit jobs.

Planet is full of bullshit jobs; users that make nothing, produce zero, but thrive on the work of them makers and without it they would be thrown back in time into the stone age as soon as all the goods they bought and use will be uselsess for wear and tear, because not even fixing them they can.

But they are paid best salaries on the planet, stolen money from the makers worth.

And them makers make whatever the inventors invented, and here is where I come in, I am a maker myself, but I also have needs that are not fulfilled by anything already existing as technology.

So I make me something to make it happen, test it, try it, use it, somone else sees that and want one, I make more of them and sell them around, someone else thinks they could produce them on the scale, I sell them a license, teach them how to make them and they fill the world with them made cheap so users can use them without loosing their fingers doing the same thing the old and maybe unproductive way.

Some business people that know how to scale production up come to me for advise or for new products to be created, they need a life line to keep their production afloat when something they rely on stops being sold because somebody else is producing already something like that cheaper and better.

And that makes me an inventor, somebody that by trade comes up with new ideas, tries them out, makes things that can solve tasks, to make life easy at home, on the road, at work, to make safer, cheaper, easier to use and enjoyable new things for them users that don't bother to use their brains to make something, anyting, in their entire life.

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