venerdì 24 maggio 2024

Humanity as whole though seems to be regressing to being pets.

So there are 3 trends:

A) the masses hooked into technology they do not understand but are depending on it for entertainemnt and "makig a living". They are on a regressing to stone age path.

B) The technology owners that want to keep the status quo by holding their slaves being tecnology and food handouts dependent, but they already lost since their slaves are mentally regressing towards pets.

C) Than there is us, those that hate "B" people and despise "A" people.
We; the technology creators that use the brians to make a better world for temselves and everybody else, we are the future.

When the nowadays human society will go bust all "A" people will be zombies like in Idocracy the movie, the "B" people will be dead because they create nothing, know noting, mostly like the "A" people, but administrate the "A" people as slaves, and without them slaves they will starve to death.

The only ones to survive and organise themselves in meaninfull societies will be us, the fringe minority "C" people, technology creators, traditions keepers, that know how to farm, manufacture, repair and invent.

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