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With the scientific revolution and the enthronement of science as the only method of knowing the objective world, the "Disenchantment of the world" was proclaimed as THE rule, a concept introduced by Max Weber, which describes the character of the modernized, bureaucratic and secularized Western society, in which the scientific understanding prevails in relation to the other forms of knowledge: religious, spiritual, mythical.
The world can be described exclusively by the natural forces inherent in matter, the only objective reality, capable of self-organization from simple to complex, the last step being life (bios), crowned by the emergence of consciousness.
The stage of the mechanistic view of the world was thus entered, in which any phenomenon has purely mechanical causes and can be formulated mathematically.
There is no place left for God in the Universe, or perhaps, as some physicists ironically stated, the only place left for him is black holes, where light does not enter, the gaze does not penetrate and from where nothing comes out.
That's where some physicists think it could still be.
When Laplace, the great mathematician and physicist of the 19th century, was asked by Napoleon about his theoretical system about the Universe "But where is God in all this?", he replied: "Your Majesty, I did not need this hypothesis" . Indeed, in a mechanistic view of the world, evacuated of all other realities of a spiritual, metaphysical nature, you do not need the hypothesis "God" to describe the world of matter.
However, the 20th century began with another revolution at the level of knowledge, quantum mechanics.
A theory of matter and energy that describes the behavior of subatomic particles. This theory led to a new view of reality, in which particles can simultaneously exist in several states (superposition) and be mysteriously linked (entanglement). Something that Newtonian mechanics could no longer explain.
Today there is already talk of the second quantum revolution. It refers to recent developments in technologies such as quantum computing and quantum sensing.
Quantum computers are able to perform calculations much faster than classical ones, thanks to the principles of quantum mechanics. Quantum detection enables the precise measurement of particle properties at the atomic level.
But all these scientific revolutions, which had the effect of secularizing Western societies, did not improve human nature at all, did not bring with them the promised earthly paradise. The 20th century was considered by many to be the cruelest century in history, through the two planetary cataclysms, through gas chambers, live experiments, social engineering.
So, after the 1960s, there was a return to transcendence in the West. A new search for religion and new forms of spirituality, through which people can find a meaning in life, which science cannot provide. "Scientific knowledge helps us understand the world, but it does not tell us what to do with it," declared Einstein.
Eastern philosophies, yoga, mindfulness, eco-spirituality, connecting to transcendence through drugs and psychedelics, and neo-paganism have become the new forms of spirituality among Western youth. Fascination with the demonic world, with ghosts and hauntings, the telluric have become subjects of Western literature, cinema, artwork and music, shaping the minds of young people and even children.
What we see today at Eurovision as well as other major music festivals in the world is the promotion of the demonic world. Starting from the costumes, the clothes of the participants, the music lyrics. It is a glorification of death - as a solution to the prevailing nihilism - and the meaninglessness of life. A morbid, pathological attraction to vampires, werewolves, and other demonic forms.
Life is no longer seen as the ultimate value. There is no more thirst for life, for its beauty, for the world, for the joy of living them. And young people throw themselves with all their might into a psychedelic, demonic reality. Promoted, unfortunately, on all channels by the Western world. And we are still surprised by the suicide rate among the younger generation. And even among the very artists used to promote it.
If you need superior beings to give you value, then you have no value! Valid for both "deists" and "satanists". Morality belongs to us. You must be able to be a good human without being afraid of any god or demon. Otherwise, you're just a monster on a leash!
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