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For instance is it clear based on my achivements that I belong to several unrealted groups like:
A) I am an inventor, I invent things for a living, pattent them or not, than release them to the public.
But that is somehow a consequence of the fact that I also belong to another group,
B) I am lazy hence instead of trying to work harder, I invent ways to work less while accomplishing more.
Belonging to a group is not something mandatory, official, and binding, is a consequence of whom you are and how you act, freely.
Apparently we are 8 bilion people on Earth alive, add another trilion or two that existed...
Supposing you don't want to be cataloged in anny group because you think you are unique... logically your supposition makes no sense, matematically impossible.
We all can be labeled as belonging to some sort of grouping, most of the time we belong in various unrealted groups simultaneously.
I belong for sure in the lazy group. And maybe some others, but lazy for sure. And I get paid to be lazy.

So there are 3 trends:
A) the masses hooked into technology they do not understand but are depending on it for entertainemnt and "makig a living". They are on a regressing to stone age path.
B) The technology owners that want to keep the status quo by holding their slaves being tecnology and food handouts dependent, but they already lost since their slaves are mentally regressing towards pets.
C) Than there is us, those that hate "B" people and despise "A" people.
We; the technology creators that use the brians to make a better world for temselves and everybody else, we are the future.
When the nowadays human society will go bust all "A" people will be zombies like in Idocracy the movie, the "B" people will be dead because they create nothing, know noting, mostly like the "A" people, but administrate the "A" people as slaves, and without them slaves they will starve to death.
The only ones to survive and organise themselves in meaninfull societies will be us, the fringe minority "C" people, technology creators, traditions keepers, that know how to farm, manufacture, repair and invent.

EMF meters does not tell you the whole radiation spectrum, only the Radio-TV and cellular phone range.
But the majority of the radiation in an electric vehicle is lower than that spectrum, you need a few fine tunned frequancy Gauss meters to give you the Tesla levels readings at each level, and they are off the charts by a magnitude of 10 to 1000 over the medical legal levels of poisoning radiation.
Elecric Vehicles are about 80 times worse, first an Internal Combustion Engine drives power from controlled micro explsions of chemical mixtures that produce expansion of gases due to enourmous heat, but zero electromagnetic activity; they also have some electric activity with electricity geeration for the battery, on board computer etc, about 80 times less than an Electric Vehicle, if measured next to it.
While EV produces motion from; twisting and torsioning pulsing electric charges at 120 degrees from eachother (tri phanse motors) that create proportionally (huge) electromagnetic field variations both in
A). 3 phases orientation in all the cables from the inverter to the motors (like under the high voltage electricity transport lines that gives you cancer in 10 years if you live in vicinity, but in a car you sit on them with your genitals, so no problem I guess, just like sitting on them high voltage cables would be no problem for your genitals, at all) and
B). in rotary (drill bit effect\ orientation) around each motor that have a low frequency rotary effect in any cell of your body that contians water disoving something, (but only in those cells, the others not affected since the others do not exist, al you are is water disolving other chemicals).
All this in extremely low frequencies that cannot be dettected with any radiation detecting device, you need a low frequency Gauss device to measure the Tesla levels, and they are according to my measurments about 1000 times higher than the humans limit of toxicity medically acceptable.
Plus the electronics on board that also has some effect (negative) on humans in a totally different frequency range easy to mesure with devices you find in any online shop for cheap.

CO2 becomes absorbed by the oceans than the fitoplancton and other aquatic plants use it to forage for themselves releasing oxygen, unless if you kill them so they do not exist.
CO2 is also absorbed by any vegetable form of life on land, from grass to trees and many others, without it they die, and when they die, we die, for noting else lives if plants die.
Why do you think there are so many forest fires today?
It makes them money, that is why, private contractors sparying water with choppers and planes get paid royaly, so they hire some dudes to set up more forest fires, to get paid more, take them contractors out of the picture and.... no more fires.
Somobody isitituted this mechanism on purpose, to eliminate forests, wasn't me, rather you and your dear friend Greta Thurnberg that makes big money (she is but 19 years old and already has 8 milion USD in her bank account as reported in her income tax that is public domain in Sweden, where from?) out of Climate Change that does not occurs, so they need to make it happen... and get paid big times to do so.
Not my fart or cows fart are the danger for this planet, nor my car or my bike, you are, the activists that on one hand make money to cry out loud Climate Change an on the other hand set forests on fire to provoke climate change.
Stop doing the Devil's work, start planting trees legally and illegally, plant anywhere you can, parks, private land, public land, you eat a fruit, you save the seed, and plant it, for every fruit you eat.
Untill you do that daily I will not consider you human, but just an activist, a gear in the Devil's machinery of destruction of this world.
Knowledge is freedom.
Autarchy is freedom.
Anarchy is freedom.
Posibility to remove yourself from a place and replant yourself to another place is freedom (No passport needed, just do it).
Living outside the state handouts zone is freedom.
Money don't bring freedom, bring you more ties to the income source and the shopping source, make sure you do not depend on money.
A Job does not bring freedom, is a tie to a slavery place nicelly wrapped as a right (to work for others).
A mortgage does not bring you freedom, brings you slavery till the end of said mortgage repaiment, true also for any other credit or debt.
Freedom is not easy, not gratis, not without hurdles, learning and doing using your own tools and knowledge, freedom is not for free, there is a price to pay, constantly.

1. SMOKING kills over 400,000 Americans each year. Each one of those deaths is completely preventable.
2. USE OF ALCOHOL, even in moderation, damages brain and body cells. Alcoholic beverages generally contain chemical additives as well. Most suicides are alcohol related.
3. LACK OF SLEEP makes any problem worse. There's rarely any real need to stay up late. Turn off that TV and read until you are drowsy. A good sleep each night beats most vacations.
4. CHEMICAL ABUSE hurts your body. Of course it does. Chemical abuse includes over-use of prescription drugs as well as narcotic addiction.
5. EXCESS USE OF OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICINES is basically another form of chemical abuse. Headaches are not caused by aspirin deficiency, nor are digestive problems due to insufficient "TUMS" in your diet. Look for the real cause of illness.
6. OVERWEIGHT by more than 20%? If so, you can expect many more health problems and a shorter life. If you travel overseas, try playing "Spot the Americans." They are usually the most overweight people in sight. Lose that excess weight!
7. DRINKING COFFEE is not harmless, "Garfield" jokes notwithstanding. If you "have to have your morning cup of coffee," then you are dependent on caffeine, which is a drug.
8. EATING CHOCOLATE negatively affects more people than you might think. Theobromine and other chocolate chemicals may not be ideal for your body. Try something else instead.
9. SUGAR is not your friend. Avoid it and feel better right away. You will notice fewer mood swings.
10. WORRY is useless. A one-hundred year old lady was (predictably) asked to give a single bit of advice that would help a person live a long time. She said, "Well, I think that people should not worry. 95% of the things we worry about never happen, and the 5% that do you can't do much about anyway."
11. DRINKING SOFT DRINKS. If you are going to drink something, why not have something that is good for you? Carbonated drinks erode tooth enamel (because they contain carbonic and phosphoric acids) and appear to promote kidney stones.
12. USING ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS adds chemicals instead of sugar to your body. What kind of an improvement is that?
13. EATING MEAT is a tradition, not a necessity. Meat not well cooked is dangerous to your health.
14. EATING JUNK FOODS gives you extra calories and gives the big food corporations extra profits.
16. EATING ANYTHING WITH AN INGREDIENT THAT YOU CAN'T SPELL EASILY means you need to read those food labels more carefully.
17. WORKING TOO HARD. Henry David Thoreau said that after years of hard work, the farmer really didn't have a farm... the farm had him. We should work to live, not live to work.
18. NOT CHEWING YOUR FOOD results in an enormous variety of health problems. We are not wolves; slow down. As my mother said to me, "Nobody is going to take it from you." Although it is clear from this statement that she was not watching my brothers, it is still true.
19. CONSTIPATION makes your body into a plugged sewer. Eating a raw food diet, one-half cup of molasses or a can of sauerkraut will put an end to it.
20. HURRYING YOUR MEALS almost guarantees poor digestion. Put on some music and relax. My parents had the following mealtime rule: "No discussion of money or politics at the table." Not a bad idea. Forget those high-pressure business lunches.
If you are going to do something FOR your health, you first should stop doing bad things TO your health.
Just what are you willing to do to get better? If you limit your answer, you are limiting your success. Do everything possible to enjoy good health. Don't worry about being called a "health nut." What are the others called, then? "Disease nuts?"
It has been said that Mother Nature will not be fooled... at least not for long. If you are what you eat, and you eat a lot of worthless stuff, don't expect good health. If you provide your body with good food and a happy life style, you will feel better and look better. Lincoln said that anyone over age 55 is responsible for his face. We are most likely responsible for even more than that.

As you might understand by scaning my profile and my publisings I am a poor inventor living in the future creating technologies 20 to 50 years ahead of their time (and I am not the only one poor in the future, there are many inventors here) absolutelly ignored by the industries that invested heavilly in production: money, time and personell preparation; in what my inventions make obsolete, hence I am for them the Dooms Day Threat... lol
So as the Nemesis of old tech (which some of it I love, like Mercedes 124 cars 3L diesel five cilynders in line, that are far better than modern Mercs, Teslas or else) I tend to live of little money and invest all I can get into my creations, and when it comes to 3D printing... boy am I half a century in the future.
I do not work alone, some software experts, like me; living in the future, program my machines to be user frendly, some materials technology experts advise me on materials behaviour, etc.
We are all nuts, nerds, dorks, dedicated to create new things because it is funny, not for the money, but money can help us, if they come without stupid commercial conditions.
We often turn down financing proposals and investing offers because their conditions are absurd, beter without.
Currently working on 3D printable 3D printers add ons to transform in your kitchen by canibalisation of existing 3 D printers models plus 3D printed parts the "2.5 D" printers you can buy for a weeks worth of salary into 5, 6 and up to 9 axis full non planar 3D printers; that you would need milions to buy one today, all it takes you is some 200 hours of 3D pritning, putting together, testing, and a couple of Kg of Nylon (PolyAmide) if you want a durable machine, with Carbon Fibre, obviously, (if not PLA, and in 6 months you need to start printing your add on parts again...)
We are dman good at what we are doing, inventing, iterating, prototyping, repeating untill it comes out perfectly functional if 3D printed on a Creality by any dummy beginer.
And obviously we are not good at anything else, for instance my portal still sucks... lol

The Eurovision song contest is an extremely important lesson in understanding the nature and functioning of the European Union!
1. Some (big) Countries participate unconditionally (inspirers)
2. The rest are urged to join in terms of fluid art redefined by the inspirers, in terms of no musicians needed!
3. The character of the event is purely artistic, but countries are excluded for purely political reasons (Russia)!
4. The competition is held solely between European countries, but also non-European countries (Israel) participate, for no reason!
5. The winner is not the one who wins in artistic points, for the lyric (poetic), music, orchestration, vocal performance, orchestra excellence, choreography, but also the visual theme (costumes, sets, direction) etc, no,no, no; but the one who expresses current views and policies of some centers, such as, woke agenda (straight are almost persecuted), or demonization/worship, geopolitical interests etc etc!
6. Theoretically, the public also votes (Democracy in art! ), but the result is not verifiable and does not count anyway!
7. Countries, as representatives, win different places and then the results are one after another.
8. The spectacle is no longer funny, it’s beyond the watch; is deplorable ridiculous!
9. The crowd and especially the youth, nevertheless watches it and celebrates, mocking about what the system showcases!
10. I have a lot more, but for those who get it needless to mention! For those who don't understand, it's still unnecessary...

I am 56 and I still invent things that I have to learn how to use and have a hard time explaining to others what are them good for.
The world is split in two, makers and users.
Makers produce what users use, most makers are themseves users of other makers, some users are themselves makers but... most users make nothing, they account for, supervise, transact, teach, research, hold political positions, administrative positions, police things and places, or to describe them all briefly, they are working bullshit jobs.
Planet is full of bullshit jobs; users that make nothing, produce zero, but thrive on the work of them makers and without it they would be thrown back in time into the stone age as soon as all the goods they bought and use will be uselsess for wear and tear, because not even fixing them they can.
But they are paid best salaries on the planet, stolen money from the makers worth.
And them makers make whatever the inventors invented, and here is where I come in, I am a maker myself, but I also have needs that are not fulfilled by anything already existing as technology.
So I make me something to make it happen, test it, try it, use it, somone else sees that and want one, I make more of them and sell them around, someone else thinks they could produce them on the scale, I sell them a license, teach them how to make them and they fill the world with them made cheap so users can use them without loosing their fingers doing the same thing the old and maybe unproductive way.
Some business people that know how to scale production up come to me for advise or for new products to be created, they need a life line to keep their production afloat when something they rely on stops being sold because somebody else is producing already something like that cheaper and better.
And that makes me an inventor, somebody that by trade comes up with new ideas, tries them out, makes things that can solve tasks, to make life easy at home, on the road, at work, to make safer, cheaper, easier to use and enjoyable new things for them users that don't bother to use their brains to make something, anyting, in their entire life.

With the scientific revolution and the enthronement of science as the only method of knowing the objective world, the "Disenchantment of the world" was proclaimed as THE rule, a concept introduced by Max Weber, which describes the character of the modernized, bureaucratic and secularized Western society, in which the scientific understanding prevails in relation to the other forms of knowledge: religious, spiritual, mythical.
The world can be described exclusively by the natural forces inherent in matter, the only objective reality, capable of self-organization from simple to complex, the last step being life (bios), crowned by the emergence of consciousness.
The stage of the mechanistic view of the world was thus entered, in which any phenomenon has purely mechanical causes and can be formulated mathematically.
There is no place left for God in the Universe, or perhaps, as some physicists ironically stated, the only place left for him is black holes, where light does not enter, the gaze does not penetrate and from where nothing comes out.
That's where some physicists think it could still be.
When Laplace, the great mathematician and physicist of the 19th century, was asked by Napoleon about his theoretical system about the Universe "But where is God in all this?", he replied: "Your Majesty, I did not need this hypothesis" . Indeed, in a mechanistic view of the world, evacuated of all other realities of a spiritual, metaphysical nature, you do not need the hypothesis "God" to describe the world of matter.
However, the 20th century began with another revolution at the level of knowledge, quantum mechanics.
A theory of matter and energy that describes the behavior of subatomic particles. This theory led to a new view of reality, in which particles can simultaneously exist in several states (superposition) and be mysteriously linked (entanglement). Something that Newtonian mechanics could no longer explain.
Today there is already talk of the second quantum revolution. It refers to recent developments in technologies such as quantum computing and quantum sensing.
Quantum computers are able to perform calculations much faster than classical ones, thanks to the principles of quantum mechanics. Quantum detection enables the precise measurement of particle properties at the atomic level.
But all these scientific revolutions, which had the effect of secularizing Western societies, did not improve human nature at all, did not bring with them the promised earthly paradise. The 20th century was considered by many to be the cruelest century in history, through the two planetary cataclysms, through gas chambers, live experiments, social engineering.
So, after the 1960s, there was a return to transcendence in the West. A new search for religion and new forms of spirituality, through which people can find a meaning in life, which science cannot provide. "Scientific knowledge helps us understand the world, but it does not tell us what to do with it," declared Einstein.
Eastern philosophies, yoga, mindfulness, eco-spirituality, connecting to transcendence through drugs and psychedelics, and neo-paganism have become the new forms of spirituality among Western youth. Fascination with the demonic world, with ghosts and hauntings, the telluric have become subjects of Western literature, cinema, artwork and music, shaping the minds of young people and even children.
What we see today at Eurovision as well as other major music festivals in the world is the promotion of the demonic world. Starting from the costumes, the clothes of the participants, the music lyrics. It is a glorification of death - as a solution to the prevailing nihilism - and the meaninglessness of life. A morbid, pathological attraction to vampires, werewolves, and other demonic forms.
Life is no longer seen as the ultimate value. There is no more thirst for life, for its beauty, for the world, for the joy of living them. And young people throw themselves with all their might into a psychedelic, demonic reality. Promoted, unfortunately, on all channels by the Western world. And we are still surprised by the suicide rate among the younger generation. And even among the very artists used to promote it.
If you need superior beings to give you value, then you have no value! Valid for both "deists" and "satanists". Morality belongs to us. You must be able to be a good human without being afraid of any god or demon. Otherwise, you're just a monster on a leash!
You're already struggling to explain with peanut terms to them millenials and it still don't stick with them like water on the goose.
Take it on their terms and see how they get it, quick, quick.
Body equal Hardware
Soul Equal Software
Software evolves (with the help of the programmer) Hardware deteriorates over time, wear and tear.
There are also viruses, malware, backdoors, crypto currencies, fiat and other problems that intoxicate software, you need a constant, vigilant, and nimble antivirus.
Our role on the Hardware in this universe is to perfect the Software for a clearly superior Hardware to be, but which we cannot run before reaching a higher level of development here, in the Planet Earth laboratory.
Those who corrupt their Software here by accepting malware and viruses for some Hardware advantages (position, power, money, drugs, etc.) will not be developed enough to be installed on superior Hardware and will be condemned to remain on some additional memory somewhere from where they can do no harm at the next level. It is said that it is a bit hot in the closet where the scraps are kept.
Death is actually the moment of transferring the software from the hard drive here to scrap, if it has been irrevocably compromised, or to a level of waiting, decontamination, (eternal sleep) from which you will be recovered for the next level of evolution at the right time when upgrade is planned.
And the hardware left without software is recycled at the molecular and atomic level into other hardware for microbes, insects, bacteria, plants and various animals, nothing is lost, nothing is gained, everything is transformed.
Explain this to the Androids and Iphonists and you'll see they barely understand, the Bible was written for sheeperds and farmers, now we have hardists and softists, most of them a bit stupid and inept, but they understand this, guaranteed.

The systematic promotion of the ugly in life, schools, fashion, films, cars, souls, thinking, literature, politics, education, art; is part of the strategy of psychological manipulation, sideration by paradox.
The "he's too ugly to win" surprise, "I see white, but I'm told he's black" bewilderment, confusion by design, disarms the common people from having a normal reaction.
We, the populace, have the impression that for instance, the others around us perceive the ugly as beautiful, the abnormal as normal, and they are the problem.
Remind yourself every time that it is not society itself through natural mechanisms that goes crazy, but as a result of persuasive manipulation from "the powers above".
Everything is premeditated and controlled, the others are not the problem, they are just going with the flow as instructed.
Every time you are amazed by the paradoxes, tell yourself that it is intentionaly constructed to manipulate suckers, and "I am also the target"; always (because you are).
It is already a first step for the psyche to absorb less manipulation, to become resistant to propaganda and systematic lies imposed "from above" (lies that others accepted to go along with, just so they do not seem to make a dissonant tune from the mainstream busslhit, they just want to blend in... they should not ).