giovedì 9 febbraio 2023

You are a slave, you are somebody unable to cater for themselves outside the system.

The Religion of Redistribution and Social Justice (taxing the poor to enrich the ultra rich, under the disguise of taxing the rich to save the poor) has won.

For now.

But it will not be able to provide the founding narrative that will regroup society (it never happen in the past, it shall never happen anytime).

Until the wealth produced by "freedom" and "capitalism" is completely dissipated (and this will take decades, because things move from inertia and the vehicle batteries are still at a decent charging level for now), there will remain two options only

- slavery to the new aristocracy, whether it consists of technocrats or tribunes of the people (activists ) and no other option will be left alive, including whom proposes it.

Because it is not what you give to the state (taxes, contributions) that enslaves you. But what you receive from them (pensions, social benefits, education, health) turns you into a slave, somebody unable to cater for themselves outside the system.

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