sabato 4 febbraio 2023

They got to believe such religious line is the absolute truth.

I hate communism, fascism, democracy, capitalism, socialism, catholicism and Muslim, and any other religion that requires that I submit my rights to their guidance so I can be saved from ( each one comes up with something) in exchange of my taxes and absolute obedience to their (creed, political line, Imam, Pope, etc) as by them authorized.

I try to use my brain, and this labels me antipathic, inconvenient, recalcitrant, reactionary, anarchic, and so on, to make it brief, I am among those that seek the facts or the satire against "alternative facts", and throws them in the face of those that ignore and deny them, by posting biased information in support of one of the line above mentioned or others not mentioned here, simply because this is how they make a living, or worse, because they got to believe such religious line is the absolute truth.

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