giovedì 16 febbraio 2023

Entering the 3D printers world, costs pro and con.

Let us now try to define 'too much money' - the market is exploding right now. The need really drives the recommendation. I have 3 printers for over 8 years now, I design and build new 3D pritning technology, I design for 3d printing and have in mind what machines can 3D print my designs better, and each has it's advantages and are great values.

200 USd to 600 USD I would qualify as cheap but OK-ish,
over 600 USD to 1000 USD I would qualify as not cheap but good,
over 1000 USD I would qualify as expensive and better perform flawless or they are not worth their money.
Under 200 USD I would qualify them a good learning opportunity.

Again, it depends on what your needs are. There is a full spectrum of printers out there. $1000k is a very generous budget. And for many folks; including in the so called rich countries, it is a lot of money to set aside.

True, most enthusiasts go for 150 to 500 USD budgets without understanding what are they getting into, 80% of them abandon after the first month and never go back to it, 20% of them end up spending another 300 USD or more just to make their machine perform decently before they realise they could of bought for that money a far better machine. But the experience they get from upgrading with their sweat is priceless. That makes them masters.

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