domenica 24 dicembre 2023

Waking up is not fun. It's perpetual Hell.

Angela Ang said this in a comment:

Ever since I got pregnant and my "crazy brother" advised me not to vaccinate my daughter 12 yrs ago, I've slowly and painfully learned that the system is corrupt.

I had to unlearn a lifetime of deception.

There was years of mourning the life I'd thought I'd been living.

A lot of people are irreparably brainwashed/asleep, dreaming dreams where the government loves them, the system is run altruisticly and the doctors care.

What a lovely dream world, if only it were true.

I used to dream the same dream but my brother shook me awake and I can't go back.

I tried.
You can hit the snooze but eventually the truth prevails and it's a painful/lonely/debilitating process.

I was even suicidal throughout the awakening cause I kept fighting it but once you open your eyes to one thing, more evidence presents itself.

Not everyone can handle that so I understand why some refuse to wake up, I really, really do.

Waking up is not fun. It's perpetual Hell.

So no.
No "vaccines" for me.
My spirit won't allow it.
It's been a journey but I'm glad that I know better and ever more joyous that others are also coming to🥰.

Keep fighting the good fight!

Work is for suckers and tractors.

Tune your antenna to me, it says in the holy book that GOD, when he was angered by the man as it was an evil dumb and ate from that apple tree he was forbidden to, as HE said to them: "Cursed is the earth now because of you, weeds it will grow out for you, with the sweat of your work you shall take your bread out of it"

Spiritual conclusion: Work is a curse, laziness and resting is a blessing, sleep is gold, work is for suckers and tractors.

Be blessed my dears.

martedì 5 dicembre 2023

What you see and... what you get.

Life sucks, I know it, you know it, everybody knows it, but why?

Mostly because We tend to look at something, product, concept, service, idea, group of people, society, anything goes, and make up our mind of how it works, or what's in it for us, or why we dislike it, love it, hate it, cherish it, fear it, trust it, etc.

And when reality kicks in and... it is different from what we imagined, and we feel deluded, let down, lied to, cheated, exploited, abandoned, used, unnerved, and so on.

But who's at fault for this?

Well... us, we came up with the wrong idea, feeling, perception, etc. in the first palce, and decided that reality is as we please to see it, just to find out the damn reality it is as it is, nothing as we thought of it, and refuses to change in whatever we think it should change into; no matter what.

Bottom line, we lie to ourselves and decide that this is the absolute truth, and when we find out it is not, guess what, it is not our fault, is the reality that cheated on (or somebody els we can blame around)

The point is, we need to stop acting like the universe (or God, for what is worth) owes us to obey our feelings, aspirations, wants, wishes, perceptions, etc., and start looking into each thing, situation, society, group, vision, idea, to learn it as it is, not as we would like it to be, and maybe, just maybe, we would not be so deluded in the end, just in the begining, untill we swallow down the harsh truth and stomach it, than we can go along with God (or the universe, whatever), fine thank you.

Got it?

martedì 28 novembre 2023

The big If...

𝘐𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥

Not sure why would I do that.

Why would you follow my posts? Only "if interested".

If is a word that changes everything in life

Just like Leonida said it:


For me to invest time into something it means I understood what is the positive outcome I am investing in and when and how the outcome is due.

And how do I come to understand what is the positive outcome I am investing and and when/how the outcome is due?

One way is to go with what I already am doing and deviate from that according to what is available around,

another way is to talk to people (I am talking to you right now) and risk wasting time (often happens) that sometimes is presenting some positive outcome,

the other one is to throw stones into the lake and see if they make waves (blogging for example) or simply binging through youtube/odysee/rumble/ or various blogs or vlogs to get to know trends, ideas, people, etc. which again is risking time I don't have much of, hoping in an outcome of some sorts that sometimes happen, sometimes it does not.

Time is my most precious resource—with a lot fewer years ahead of me than behind.

Time means money, but is money going to buy you more time on Earth?

For me to invest time into something it means I understood what is the positive outcome I am investing in and when and how the outcome is due.

In mathematics there is a principle that you can change the position of two numbers in the ecuation, as long as you do not change the operation betwen them, the output is the same. Like 2 times 3 equals 6. But also 3 times 2 equals same 6.

In real life instead math goes bust; since time means money (what a sad thing to say), you actually are selling your (limited) time for some money, but once you have money, can you buy some more time on Earth to replace time wasted in earning money?

Say you hit the jackpot and are now a bilionaire, how many centuries are you going to live now?

Math is only good with numbers that are abstract, life is not an abstract thing, is much more like a concrete thing, and apparently we have no clue how concrete things behave in real life, an abstract invention, a social convention; such as money, borders, etc, can be matematically accouted for, but life... do the math please.

Perfection is never achieved, just neared... in any project.

Anytime somebody tells you that this, or that, or the other is spot on... it does not mean it is perfect.

It only means it is the best set of compromises between cost, market selling price range, craftsmanship and materials quality, and their availability obviously, processing capabilites, tax costs, and market perception possible at that moment in time, and the hope said set of compromises do not change parameters too much for the foreseable time to recuperate investment in production line, initial production stock of materials, investment in design, engineering, marketing effort and the associated taxes to all this.

In other words it is not that perfection does not exist at all, it is just not feasible if you want to stay afloat economically as a business, or as a person, and obviously whatever you might deem perfect today will not be anymore perfect in the future.

Because somewhere, somebody, sometime, will come up with a better idea and your perfection becomes obsolete all of a sudden.

Or maybe not, nobody comes up with a better and more perfect version of what you are doing, it is just that the marekt perception about their needs and wants goes towards another field leaving the entire industry of your filed, your business included, out in the dessert hang upside down to dry in the sun untill it becomes fosilised history.

Happens all the time, large and mighty corporatons went bust in a season for such reasons, to name a few would be Kodak, Nokia, but also small and extremelly promising startups like DeLorean for example,that thou is now extremelly famous due to a movie (Back to the future), is still dead as dead it might be anyway.

sabato 25 novembre 2023

Robby Knox said it right this time;

''There are three things that politicians are incapable of comprehending:

Logic, integrity and the truth.

To insinuate that 'republicans' or 'democrats' are capable of anything other than lies, assumptions and self absorbed narcissism is to admit blind ignorance or allegiance to their anti-humanistic, self serving agenda.''

I would add here the following self serving twats groups: Religions, Banks, Corporations, Police, Army, Secret services, Secret societies, and... tada... Schools, Universities and Academies, alongside of any form of political party or orientation, from left to right, and from right to left.


People complain they have not enough brains to learn languages or other shit.

It is not like you don´t have them brains, it is more like you have no idea what to do with the brains you have anyway, thus you don´t really do much with them, if at all.

Buy an Electric Vehicle and you are helping the demise of mobility.

No, they do not expect us to all drive EVs. They know these EVs will never fly.

The issue is mobility.

They are throwing people a carrot to get them out of the ICE cars then the EVs are next.

You will not be able to afford to charge them.

You taxes will go up because they chew the crap out of the roads, you will have to replace tires all the times again because these monsters are so heavy they chew up the roads and your tires (and the tires will be unaffordably expensive).

Then car insurance will soar because if you damage the battery in one of these babies they must be totaled and that will cost another unaffordable amount to replace and if you hit some one with these cars the damage will be catastrophic because again they are extremely heavy.

The war is NOT against fossil fuels.

The war is against mobility.

They want you out of your car, unable to travel outside your 15 Minute City so they can monitor and control everything you do and say.


Buy an EV and you are helping the demise of mobility.

The issue is NEVER the issue.

Unsolicitated medical advice.

Loneliness as a cure for stupidity is wonderful, you have time to learn,
patch up future plans and see them come true with effort and patience,
even if there are many people around you, some friends , others on the contrary, most of them don't even know that you exist, or at least that they themselves exist, that's a good loneliness.

Instead of feeling alone among friends who don't give a damn about you,
or themselves,
or each other,
and only care about beer, matches, politics and other nonsense, that's terrible.

I choose to be alone, to be able to create something, maybe it will be useful sometime, to someone, somewhere.

Slavery was never abolished

There is nosuch thing as communism,

there is no such thing as capitalism,

there is no such thing as socialism,

and there is n such thing as fascism,

and obviously democracy does not exist,

all of them are the same thing, neo feudalism under various wraps in an attempt to sell you the same illusion from another point of view to make it look good while tho other is evil. They are al same evil.

Slavery was never abolished, but enhanced to encompass everybody, that is all.

Batshit crazy people that own vehicles are what is wrong with this world

To start with, my grammar errors are not my problem, but of those that hunt for them, deal with it, I don't care.

Than talking about fallacies, I live in a large city, but my work takes me to everywhere from farms 100 miles away to other cities, villages and sometimes countries, travelling by public transport or electric vehicles would raise my costs from triple to 10 times fold, and my travel time from ten times fold upwards, things that I could sort out in one day take four days and 3 hotel nights, talking of simple logic.

Like me is 30% of Earth population at least, the rest of you, the 15 minutes people, can do whatever you want.

But without us your nice and cozy Megalopolis would crumble into deep shit and rubble in a decade, so with all the hate you have towards us, we keep you alive and out of a dystopian world so you can worship your goddess Greta.

I think we should simply stop and let you fix your own problems, that would be fair enough..

This way the Earth population would be reduced to half a billion in a decade due to starvation and diseases sprung from non collecting your garbage and not cleaning your sewage, not feeding you with our work and the resulting food that you consume while hunting grammar errors of us online and doing nothing else to make this world better, while the rest of us, those that actually do something, half a billion of engineers, farmers, agricultor, vehicle drivers, etc., that travel a lot for work and for fun, would finally enjoy living on this planet instead of slaving ourself out of any time to have fun just to keep you alive to criticize us while you are doing nothing to help us save your arses..

And if "owning a vehicle to go into the wilderness to explore it" is "the only way you can think of it" than sorry my friend, besides the outrageous fallacies in your (so called) logic, you don't even do much thinking either, at least not the type that is anchored into reality.

domenica 5 novembre 2023

Farming insects for fod, a no brainer...

Seems stupid not to opt for the shorter more productive cycle of insects farming rather than cattle farming, nope?

it is actually not more productive at all, insects have yes a faster reproductive and growth rate, but they are ... insects, their life span per Kg at the rate of their moving around consumes per Kg about 10 times more energy than a cow/horse/pig/or other large animal.

This energy must come from somewhere, like... food. Yes, an insect per KG consumes 10 times more food than cattle, hence farts 10 times more, etc.

Another little espect is... mismanagement of farming operations, when was the last time you heard of some farmer having lost control of their cattle/sheep/etc. and what was the damage they made to the world?

Now immagine an insect farm that crams them in 10 story high buildings losing control, all them billions of insecs (you need hundreds to make a Kg of usefull food product) fly out in the wild, reproduce exponentially (when was the last time you heard of cows reproducing daily?) doubling their number each second day, so day one you have a milion, day three you have 2 milion, day 5 you have 4 milion, day 7 you have 8 milion, day 9 you've got 16 milion, day 11 is 32 milion and day 13, two weeks later you've got 64 milion, keep counting and a month latter you've got bilions erasing anything that is vegetables leaving all vegans to starve to death, and with them all other animals, and anybody down the food chain like predators, and humans.

A Locusts invasion of biblical proportion.

Whipping out life on Earth in weeks.

Just as planed, especially if said incident is scheduled to take place simulatanoulsy on all continents in all insects farms, something easy to accomplish by any small terrorist organisation such as CIA, Mossad, FSB, DIGOS, MI5 or 6, and .. you name it. No bombs needed, just open them windows and let them fly out.

Remeber that insect farms are not cosindered militay strategic objectives, hence their security level is more like cow farms security level, or less, in the end why would they need security aparatus, some bloody grasshoppers?

domenica 10 settembre 2023

Slogans for the Great reset

A terrifying coalition of big business and big tech are so confident and brazen they are promising the public “you will own nothing, and you will be happy” in an advertising campaign for a global reset, according to Sky News host Rowan Dean.

“What they should have added is ‘we the very rich will own everything and be even happier’," he said.

The Great Reset is a proposal set out by the World Economic Forum for a new globalised fiscal system which would allow the world to effectively tackle the so-called climate crisis.

Mr Dean said the plan intends to use the “tools of oppression” implemented during the pandemic, such as lockdowns and forced business closures as well as other measures destroying private property rights, to combat the coronavirus to achieve climate outcomes.

“I've spoken before about the insidious phrase Build Back Better which sounds like common sense but is in fact just one of several slogans for the Great reset, another being the Orwellian phrase the fourth industrial revolution”.

“This is as serious and as dangerous a threat to our prosperity and freedom as we have faced in decades." Mr Dean warned viewers to think again if they believed this was just “crazy old Rowan with his conspiracy theories”.

“This garbage is already deeply embedded into our state and federal governments.”

Religion is business.

Religion is just business on the stupidity of those that have no idea of what they believe in, is theft from suckers.

It has nothing to do with God in who´se name pretends to tell you how to live your life and to whom to pay your tithes,

And nothing to do with faith, on the contrary, your true faith bothers them, because if you have faith and stick to the word of God, they cannot control your pockets and your believes.

Now we are 9 billion people on Earth.

9 billion people: if we all lived in a house with a garden that we would all fit in the Alaska Peninsula or in Spain.

And the garden here if instead of lawn it would produce vegetables and fruits would be 50% of the food needs for a family of three, or if built up; the greenhouse vertical model; 4 times more than we can eat.

So the story of overpopulation does not hold water.

However, it is not the population that is to blame for climate change, but the corporate industry, and 90% of that production is useless, designed to break down urgently so as not to reduce profits, scheduled obsolescence.

If it produced quality; then 90% of the industry would be useless, a good thing to live longer, cleaner, and without the need for money to keep buying what breaks down by design, just to make them profit, which in turn generates wars for resources to make a profit.

However, 50% of global production is for war and 80% of global pollution is generated in wars.

Eliminate the scheduled obsolescence and you no longer have a crisis of resources, eliminate wars and this reduces pollution to 1% hence the Gretina no longer has anything to protest, goes jobless.

So it's not about overcrowding the planet, it's about stupidity and greed.

The worlds larges plant capturing carbon.

The worlds larges plant capturing carbon was cut off and burned to ground, it was the Amazonian forest, and the ones in Borneo, Romania, Ukraine, etc.

Iceland has built a mechanical machine that cannot collect as much carbon as a single sequoia tree per year, pur technological bullshit that eat up huge ammounts of money and a long time to build, nt to mention ore,mineralsand polluting processing of them.

I am not shaming Iceland, just the whole of the humanity.

What we need to do is plant more forests and do not bomb them that are planting more trees... how about stop waging war against those that plant forests? Just for starters.

In the timeframe to build such a plant and with the funds eaten up to build such a plant, you can plant milions of hectars of trees in a few months, and by the time the factory is built have already by simply growing up captured more carbon than the machine could capture in it's entire life cycle.

And onwards each year the forest will capture more carbon, year after year for some ... eternity... at a rate of carbon capture per year bigger than the plant can capture in it's entire life cycle, when you have to spend more money to dismantle and replace the plant (forest revives itself automatically if not cut down) and still have to do something with the captured carbon in the plant, while a forest uses it as food to grow itself, replace itself when old, replenish itself when damaged.

Replacing mother nature with machines is bad from any perspective, planting trees is dirty cheap, so it is watching them grow, and the ecological cost is recovered in a year or less, and for the lifetime of that forest will free of any charge in money or lives, provide clean oxygen to any living being on earth.

A machine costs not only big money to produce far less oxygen per capital invested, but also does a huge ecologycal damage to the planet just to extract the minerals needed and to process them into the final product, The Machine,, impact that cannot be recuperated in the entire lifespan of the machine.

Besides without impartial trees to supply oxygen to just about anybody breathing on earth, the machines can be turned off by those in power if one place or another dares thuinking not alongside the aproved line of thought by the Ministry of thought, in other words business as usual for the sociopaths in power that canot be bothered by the existence of a forest that does not obey their orders to stop supplying oxygen to whosoever dares thinking with their own brains, so cut it of, burn it down, to can control the air supply.

On a different note, what animal and vegetal species thrive in a machine?

How about in a forest?

You were not the only conspiracy terrorist nutter around here.

Personally I am a conspiracy practician, digging shit up to find what they burried underneath, no matter how much it stinks, for like 40 years now, got used with them calleing me a shithead when digging and finding precious stuff hidden on purpose.

Also got used with them who used to call me shithead bowing their head in silence while bitting their lips in my presence when shit hits the fan and they have to admit I was right all along.

They hate to do it, but what other choice they have?

venerdì 8 settembre 2023

Using Greek mythology, Eris for example, to hide in plain sight and get away with murder.

The freaks of the planet are giving the mother of fire science with the Bovid Eris.

Eris... hmmmm... let's see who the Goddess Eris is and what subliminal messages the button parasites send us.

In Greek mythology, Eris was the goddess of battle, rivalry and discord.
She was the opposite of the goddess Dike and Harmonia, and was often equated with Enyo, the goddess of war.

Eris would make even the smallest quarrels erupt into very serious events, usually leading to war.
In fact, she is best known for the role she played in indirectly starting the Trojan War, which turned out to be one of the greatest historical events in Greek mythology.

As Hesiod mentions, Eris had several children, or "spirits" known as Cacodaemons.
Their role was to infect all mankind. The identity of their father is unknown. These children were:

Lethe - the personification of oblivion
Ponos - the personification of hardships
Limos - goddess of hunger
Dysnomia - the spirit of iniquity
Ate - the goddess of ruinous and reckless actions
Horkos - the personification of the curse that befalls anyone who makes a false oath
Machai - demons of battle and fighting
Algae - goddesses of suffering
Phonoi - gods of crime
Androktasiai - goddesses of manslaughter
Pseudologoi - personifications of falsehood and evil deeds
Amphilogiai - female spirits of altercations and disputes
Neikea - the spirits of strife
Hysminai - daimons of confrontation and fighting

To know what awaits us. Conspiracies, huh? Why not Aphrodite or Harmonia?
Why Eris, who is a complete disaster with all her children? Oxen do not see, they believe in science.
The same science that not long ago was recommending lobotomy for any minor shit, and treating children with DTT.

sabato 26 agosto 2023


I beg you to be strong and vigile!

You will see more and more individuals with muzzles, anticipating the (I lost the number) Wave that they will serve us from September, gradually, according to the scenario that went smoothly in 2020. There are individuals who cannot live without a submission or a addiction to the harm done to them (the Stockholm Syndrome), thinking it is good. I hope you understand that, in 3 years from now.

Stop hating the scumbags who will again point the finger at us, bash us down and persecute us at every step. You must understand that they are no longer human. And if they are no longer, do not judge them as such. You are superior to these zombie tools because you have retained 2 vital elements: soul and critical thinking.

Added to that is the experience from 2020 onwards (you may choose to forgive them, but never ever forget what they did).

Now you know what you will experience again, you cannot be surprised or upset. You have to take the humiliation, pressures and massive intimidation that follows in stride. Find new means of communication, human to human, by phone, by teleconference, by email groups, by anything outside of the platforms that will censor us heavilly. We go back before the 2000s and further back if need be. We will probably end up with printed manifestos or xeroxed flyers.

As I said in a previous post, if we can't beat them, at least we mess up their plans as best we can. Any grain of sand thrown in the bastards' gears is good, even if they have plans A, B and C made in advance.

We have to be inventive, rely on the weaknesses that they have also created, such as corruption or lying. There's no sin in lying to a scumbag who wants to kill you with a medical procedure excuse.

I know you are not afraid, but do not despair in your courage!

Desperation is the biggest enemy in the face of the coming upheaval, because now it won't just be the new cough-cough: they hit us simultaneously with CBDC, digitalization, claimatechange ballades. It abolishes any percentage of our freedom by any means they can find, financial, religious, class apartenence and anything else, job security included.

Stay calm in front of the (I lost the number) Wave of cough-cough because it's deja vu, squarely!

Again, you are superior to an army of zombies.

Some of you will succumb to this shift, some of you will die and our ranks will be thinned. Nothing changes our determination not to give in! As long as one seed remains the villains cannot enact their plans. As someone well said, I regret not remembering, to quote him: they want to bury us but forget that we are seeds.

We are seeds, they are leaves in the wind. Without root they will fail. They can torment our body, but they cannot take our soul, which is the root of any human, from birth and after death.

How has it become so difficult to have a place to live?

Houses and other items prices have not gone up a bit, expressed in a stable value such as gold, is the money that lost value in front of real comodities such as gold, so your question is wrong, it is not more expensive to live those days, it is the money that lost their value, so your time that you give in exchange of money.

Time to shift to real value again, stop working against FIAT or Cripto or CBDC currencies, stop saving in those currencies, stop dealing in those curencies.

They are designed to be manipulated against you, like casino games, the house always wins, you always loose, except sometimes to keep you interested in staying in the casino and constantly loosing, than you occasionally win to tease yo back in.

And constantly loose.

mercoledì 23 agosto 2023

They tell us the truth in cartoons and movies, and lie to us on the news.

Yep, they know they can't hide the truth forever so they regiment people into camps.

As happened, for example, with the documentary "Died suddenly" by Stew Peters where he introduces a scene from an operation with blood clots that could be found on the net before the pandemic. When you know that many millions will see the film, you can't make such a blunder, not check the source for every second.

Just as they promote aberrations in some interviews like vaccines contain microchips. He knows that his message is for one part of the public who will ignore some errors, and the other will be convinced that he is promoting conspiratorial lies.

Every day that I follow what is happening with the 2030 agenda, I become more convinced that NOM is not about the Great Reset, but is only the bait, the villain for the heroes of the Great Awakening that includes Trump, Putin, Xi, Musk, Alex Jones , Jordan Peterson, Kanye West, Tucker Carlson, the Tate brothers, RFK Jr, Russell Brand, etc.

They know that the project of enslaving the world through transhumanist technocracy cannot be implemented by characters like Clinton, Biden or Schwab who have a tiny number of progressive supporters, mostly in North America and a few in Europe, while the rest of the world just waits for the coming to power of the "patriots".

After we are almost destroyed by 2030 (especially the western world), when people can no longer stand the dementia, corruption and destruction of the globalists, there will be riots in many nations, and "patriots" will rise before the masses to take power.

Out of chaos they will create a new (and final) (world) order through a Hollywood script (see predictive programming in Gnostic movies like Matrix, Avatar, V from vendetta, Could Atlas, etc.) for trauma-based initiation (MKultra ) in the age of Aquarius, of the "chosen" ones who will survive the cataclysms.

See for example the initiation by General Michael Flynn (pardoned by Trump), spearhead of the Qanon operation, The Great Awakening, who utters a "prayer" taken from the theosophist Elizabeth Clare Prophet. A spirit is invoked that possesses Elizabeth and which they say was the archangel Michael, after whom Flynn is christened.

The history behind certain "stars" of the scientific world is certainly fascinating.

The father of symbolic calculus was Oliver Heaviside.

Self-taught mathematician and physicist who invented a new technique for solving differential equations, independently developed vector calculus, and rewrote Maxwell's equations in the form commonly used today, never went to univeristy, in fact he was soo poor that never could finish highschool either.

He made a living as electrician, telegraph specialist and similar. He also made a living with Einstein by providing him with direct engineering solutions.

Heaviside used to tell Einstein that he was talking to him because he was the only one less stupid than the others. Einstein didn't even understand how long waves propagate in the upper atmosphere - Heaviside had to explain them like to the fools.

Although intercontinental radio communications worked, it was not understood HOW long waves traversed the curvature of the Earth. Einstein believed that they pass through water and land. Heaviside wondered: How the hell are you, mate, so stupid?!

Heaviside mastered a mathematics that did not yet exist in textbooks, but always worked in practice.

Einstein, as an engineer, complained "This generator doesn't work for me!", and Heaviside told him: "Here's what you have to do!".

The Freemasonry that installed Einstein as Chair at Stanford immediately understood the immense danger Heaviside represented - basically, he could build anything. They cut off all his ways of earning money and left him to die in misery.

All the materials written by his hand later disappeared - a few chests of paperwork.

When Heaviside died - at the age of 75 - Einstein was only about 50 and had many projects. Only one worked without Heaviside, but after 20 years of efforts by an army of Jewish engineers stationed at Oak Ridge: the atomic bomb. Bomb that had to be dropped from the plane.

Heaviside mastered another method, according to which you could detonate the bomb anywhere you wanted (any bomb, not necessarily atomic), and transmit the energy of the explosion via radio waves wherever you wanted, anywhere on Earth, surgically. All the Masonic governments froze in fear that their headquarters might be struck.

It's the coolest description given to the impostor Einstein, whom Niels Bohr looked at like a drunk beetle.

And the list of big time scientists that were... but nobodies with igh connections in reality, is far longer than just Herr Albert, in fact most of the famous phsicists and mathematicians are on that list, and the real genius behind them are carefully deleted from history and never thaught in schools about their contribution.

domenica 20 agosto 2023

Burn your money. Or die.

"We are facing a major crisis, with deep implications in absolutely every field. From the ditch diggers who probably won't have anything left to dig to the "grandmasters" of the system who see their land fleeing from under their feet , absolutely all of them are threatened by the coming crisis.
I say this not to scare you, but to draw your attention to the fact that the hole is so big that even their supreme leader, with all his legions let loose, can't do much.

When the Bretton Woods fraud was revealed, it was known that it would not work indefinitely, that in 20-50 years it would collapse because this is the limit of any false financial system.
The system developed at Bretton Woods was, in itself, a fraudulent one because it put all the world's finances on the back of a fanciful theory, namely the one that had once collapsed the world in the first half of the 20th century.

The new monetary utopia promised not to repeat the failures of the old one and to establish a uniform and "correct" financial system worldwide.
In fact, it was only an illusion, and the stability of the new understanding came, in fact, from the much larger mass to which the system applied. It is well known that in a small town with a few thousand inhabitants, a pyramid scheme goes awry in a few months.

However, if you extend it to the population of a country and set higher payment intervals ("multiplication"), you can take it well for several years.
If, moreover, you extend the work to the level of the planet, you can hope for a long enough period of time, so that you appear as a "serious investor" who has multiplied his money hundreds of times and raised his sums, as by miracle, right before the wagon crash.

Unlike pyramid schemes, today's financial systems have certain methods of "removing" the disaster of the crash.
The first and most important is that of inflation. Inflation is like the phoenix bird: it makes money burn and the same money is reborn without destroying its credibility.
This is because the "burning" occurs slowly, without the population feeling that something is happening "overnight".
But, with every day of longing, with every lost moment, money is crushed by the demon of inflation. The money of the grassroots, since the insiders know the mechanism and have the tools to ensure profit rates higher than inflation, so that, while the majority impoverishes, the minority gets even richer.

The thing would have worked, only that at the top of the system are placed individuals who have no patience for inflation to quietly complete its crimes.
It is in human nature to be in a hurry, only "life does not wait", especially in a system built strictly on demented materialism.
That is why imbalances are sometimes so great that the very existence of the system is called into question.
For this kind of problems there is another emergency mechanism that promises a "hard reset" of the system: the economic crisis.
The crisis is generally triggered when the imbalances caused by speculators at the top of the system are so great that they can no longer be patched up.
And then they are cut into living flesh. That's why sometimes, in the big crises, the top of the system also perish.

But the crisis is not as unpredictable as it seems.
The key to any crisis is in the hands of the Central Bank.
When the Central Bank presses the STOP button, everything freezes and those caught on the wrong foot grab it in full swing.
It would be wrong not to understand that there are also insiders at this level who know well how things are.
And who, before the disaster, throws himself making the so-called "inspired gestures" that fascinate fools.
In fact, those gestures are nothing more than transactions based on confidential information. You'd be stupid not to implement them!

Crises are the ultimate elements of correction.
They differ only in span and, in theory, should cover the holes well enough.
This is only theoretical.
Practically, at the moment when the great accumulations of capital appear, doubled by great interests and even greater greed, the distortions are so great that it is impossible to correct them through crises.
At the national level, the so-called "stabilizations" occur, moments when the base currency is changed, and the excess accumulated in the old currency is melted.
It is a phenomenon of mass impoverishment.
Indeed, some of the tricksters of the system also disappear, but those who suffer the hardest are still the embittered ones who collected a pittance through an additional activity and who see their life savings melted in the furnaces of stabilization.

The last such stabilization was masked by the switch to the EUR.
In this way, the developed EU states of the first wave were able to correct their serious imbalances. Of course, since we were initially dealing with an account currency, the scammers laundered their black money, so that the real stabilization caught them red-handed.
But remember that for the financial systems of the first wave the movement was beneficial.

For those who joined the EUR after the first wave, it was a disaster.
Why, it's easy to explain: since there was already a currency in which the swindlers could convert their black money, upon accession, the economic distortions propagated, so that accession, instead of being a reset, was an acceleration of the disaster.
This happened to Greece and Cyprus, countries deeply hit and impoverished by the last crisis.

But let's return to the international financial system. The last crisis could not save the US bottom line.
The large imbalances generated by the local banks could not be covered even by eliminating one of the financial mega-vampires, namely Lehman Brothers.
To patch up the system, both coordinated movements of the Central Banks were used - for the first time in history - as well as legislative changes that allowed the mess on the balance sheets of the big banks to be ignored.
This paved the way for what we called the infinite money supply system.

But nothing works indefinitely without a real foundation.
That is what is happening now.
At first there is distrust in the economic processes, then in the currency.
That's why any financial crisis is preceded by a lack of confidence in the economy (people try to get rid of products to take refuge in money).
The same thing happened in 2007-2008, when the world got out of real estate to re-enter money, causing the fiercest crisis in history because the respective real estate was linked to pyramid products that were worth several times more than the world GDP.
Under these conditions, the currency refuge at the base of the system was left with fabulous losses at its peak.

A similar mechanism is happening even now. In fact, it is an identical risk outsourcing scheme practiced by the same tricksters from Goldman Sachs.
The same type of derivative financial instruments began to be bought by investment funds, with absolutely the same lack of analysis. Of course, in the beginning the guarantees are granted by large guarantee companies.
But, as they attract each other, little mice appear ready to put their skin to the test. And, if a great society remains beside them, all the better.
The setup being the same, I expect the big fault to appear also in the real estate area, especially since it is full of "investments" intensively supported (subsidized?) by the banks.
With such a setup and with the mess left in the accounts of the big international banks, it is logical to see an explosion that could call into question the entire world finance.
Since, at the moment when the job gets tough, the rush is no longer for money, but for the satisfaction of basic needs.

This being the perspective, the tricksters behind the system (for whom someone like Soros is just a puppy) have also set up the exit method: changing the entire economy.
This is why the utopia related to greenhouse gases is being propagated, and this is also why the so-called environmentalist parties (actually another face of the world mafia) come out on stage with disastrous scenarios and appropriate legislative proposals.
The whole utopia of man-made climate change is false, it's a fraud designed to cover up the serious collapse of the current financial system.
By trying to redirect the entire economy towards the fake green, it is believed that the wagon of the big world financial interests will be saved.
In fact, this is what lies behind the videos in which a nonentity like Al Gore launches abracadabrant theories or Germany forces the whole of Europe to turn "green".

martedì 15 agosto 2023

Industry standards required to run industries.

Any industry runs on standards; or huge conflicts appear in compatibility with the core industry business.

For instance the religious industry needs faith standards regardless of the confessed religion, be it of Zooroastrian origins (Iudaic, Christianity, Muslim, etc) Buddists, or other, they all bring forth the unseen almighty being dwelling somewhere, ultrawise, all mercifull and giver of laws for the rest of us, and they and only they are the keepers of the standards and can explain us how to comply, for a fee obviously.

Or the Political industries standards of thinking. Regadless wether you are of right or left wing inclination, or any other wing, leg, paw, claw or else, there must be an enemy, that hates you and wants to take away your freedoms and rights, and there are internal traitors too, you might be one of them if you dare thinking otherwise than instructed, and you must love unconditionally thy polical leaders (the God in the party) and obey their instructions, including to hate anybody that does not love and obey them, family included (yours, not theirs)

Than there is the Educayshun industry, where you indoctrinate others (and others indoctrinate you and eachother) into submission to the funds providers policies (mostly the govenrment, or some powerfull foundations, etc). Your knowledge is also a threat, and you need to be punished for it.

Do not forget the Health Industry, that is there to sell as much as they can of their "funds providers" medications, the Big Pharma, thechnically they are but Big Pharma local Drug Dealers, Pushers, and nothing else, priests of the Big Pharma religion.

Not to mention the industries in the various industries, automotive for example, where various makes in various brands on various manufacturing plants on various continents in various countries use the same nuts, bolts, coil springs, shock absorbers, electronics etc, but when you go buy parts each brand applies to the same part their in house stock bar code so you cannot immagine that said broken part that you cannot find for a Renault in reality you can buy at half price labeled as Skoda or Toyota, if you just knew the manufacturer codes for it.

Let's look into finance industries, banking, money transfer, money laundry (official and not offical versions) crypto currencies, bonds and payment methods, precious stones and metals, pearls, etc, in other words things of absolute no value that we worship so much and pay so expensive although we have actually no use for them to sustain life, just to sustain a fake economy. No matter the country, the language, the culture, there is a standard applied to them all so the same diamonds are valued same price plus minus a few percent to encourage specualtions, anywhere on the planet. Same goes for money, regardless of the currency, icluding the crypto version of them. Universally applied Banking and finance Industry standrds to keep the economy tightly enslaved into their ferocious control.

How about rubbish and recycling industries? Well these would not function without standards either, whatever can be recycled making money has standards and whantever when recycled makes a loss to the operators has a standard, the main one being that they will tell you they are recycling it and save the planet honoring the Climate Change goddes Greta, while in relaity the standard is to lie to you and take your money to "cover for the economical loss" of the process, than landfill them for cheap and keep the money for their own bonuses, that is the industry standard from US of A to Russia, from United Europe to China, and from Africa to Asia to South America and everywhere else, outer space included.

Let's look at the military standards a bit, they have volumes written on the sandards they use, but regardless of that some things are in comon, no matter if American, Russian, Chinese or South African or Israeli made gear, the electronics is Made in Taiwan for them all. But their behavioural standards is the most comon trait, such as "We can have all them weapons we want but you are not authorised to to have any so we can conquer you easilly" standard, and if you dare arming yourself up to your teeth to keep them at bay than you are a Rouge State harbouring terroism. US sais so about Russia, and Russia says so about US, take China - Taiwan relations too as a clear example, or most clear of them all US of A versus the indominable North Korea that they cannot attack since unlike Syria or Iraq or Libya, they actually have weapons of mass destruction and will use them if atacked.

The things you cannot standardise are a nightmare for any industry, such as art, music, acting, sporting, especialy when they make up some standards to bring everybody in line and have comercial music, comercial art, comercial acting, comercial sporting, etc, than some damn smock genius full of talent like Novak Djokovic or the lads that made The Sound of Freedom pops up and shows the world how is done when standards are a scam but you can do far better than the scam, and all industry is proven to be but a large con operation stealing your money with their standards.

mercoledì 9 agosto 2023

Monkey Business explained to monkey people...

A white guy appeared in a village in Africa and announced that he would buy any monkey for $10.

As there were hundreds of monkeys in the area, the locals started catching the monkeys and took them to the guy. The man paid the promised price and locked them in cages kept in a side of the village.

After another week he came again and announced that he would buy any monkey for $20 each.

The operation went identically, paid and locked them in cages. The third week raised the price once more, the monkeys were less and less, so 25 dollars a piece, the scenario proceeded identically.

In the fourth week he came with another guy, also white, and told the villagers like this: "I'm going to the mainland because I have a job, but my assistant is staying here and he's going to buy monkeys for $50 each".

"I will wait for you at my camp". And it was gone. The villagers quickly spread through the surrounding forest, but there were no more monkeys. So they went to his assistant and said:

- "Sir, what are we doing? We can't find monkeys anymore, just now when the price is the best?"

The assistant scratched his head and said thoughtfully.

-"I can help you, but you have to keep your mouth shut".

"Do you see all these monkeys locked in cages? I give them to you for 35 dollars a piece, and when my boss comes, you sell them to him for 50 dollars a piece! Deal ?"

The villagers were overjoyed, ended the bargain, paid the asking price and took their monkeys back. They never saw either the Chief or the assistant again.

That's how capitalist society and the Stock Exchange work.

sabato 29 luglio 2023

Comodifying value into valubles, here is the nature of evil.

What is the value of 300 ML of water? A glass of water, a mere nothing if you want ot buy it.

What is the value of 300 ML of water after 7 days in the desert without a drop of water and no chance in sight to reach an oasis or bump into somebody that can give you a glass of water?

Invaluble, priceless, life saving. You'd pay anything you have just to save your life.

Let me clue you, in both cases the value is the same: life.

But in the second case you actually understand that on your own skin, because in the first case you look at the comodifies price of water at the market rate, not at it's value, that is: life.

But you should look at it's value in both cases regardless of the price, water is water, water is life, that is the value of water, not the money you pay for it, them are just the price and do not reflect the value.

At all.

On the other hand what is the value of diamonds? Nothing, some stone that look better for some people than some other stones.

But what is the price you are ready to pay for them? Huge as long as your life does not depend on lack of water, than you realise diamonds are nothing, they do not create nor sustain life.

And that is the issue with human society, we comodify values and tag them with a price, some values are huge but we tag them as cheap, and some values are cheap but we are willing to pay huge money for them.

Matter of perspective, perception of reality, and perception can be easilly skewed by cunning crooks if you do not have intrinsec values in your mind, your core values, and you don't, because you are ready to pay a lot for absolutelly not valuble branded things just because... branded, and take life for granted and deem it cheap because you have no real values in your mind, at all.

sabato 22 luglio 2023


The person who calls into question and discusses, based on the data at hand, the statements of repeatedly proven liars, examples: politicians, ministers, presidents, corporatists, bankers, clerics, scientists paid to falsify data (including doctors), journalists, magistrates, lawyers (well, no one has doubts about the latter).

In the old days they were called Heretics (from Coine, or Ancient Greek if you want, HERETIC, the person who brings infallible arguments that directly contradict the approved dogma or the approved political line)

Chaos creates opportunities

I say;

Chaos creates opportunities,
opportunities attract opportunists,
opportunists attract funds,
the funds attract psychopaths,
psychopaths attract power,
power wants order and discipline,
with order and discipline comes peace,
you can find order and peace only at the cemetery,
no one wants to go to the cemetery, who can; leaves... who can't; dies,
the cemetery is deserted, weeds grow everywhere, after a while trees also grow,
after a while no one knows it was a cemetery, it's a forest by than,
but some want to cut down the trees, as money is made from lumber, black market money,
a total chaos that creates opportunities ...
Erdogan is at the stage where he wants peace and order as in the rest of Europe,
Europe is already becoming a cemetery and introducing immigrants from African and Arab prisons in the hope of creating controlled chaos, so it does not not die,
chaos cannot be controlled
so ...

"From each person according to their possibilityes, to each person accordin with their needs"

I lived in Socialism for 23 years, was born there all of the above has nothing to do with the reality.

Yes they used this slogan all the time, but the reality... same psychopats like in Capitalism climbed to any given key position in health, education, production, transports, cuture, turism, army, police, you name it, and it was nothing different than in any other corporation on this planet, with the bribes, connections and everything else.

Conclusion, create key positions and the psychopats will grab them in no time, including in the most utopicly perfect socialism or communism society. History is my witness.

The only society that saves itself form this is a complete autarchic anarchy where there is no key position, and where any responsible of others can be executed by their own subordinates if they go awry (like medical doctors, teachers and professors, police or army, etc), where there are no judges and you get to be judged by the very community you live in, where everybody knows you and your life.

You do wrong for gain or for power, you hang high of a thick tree branch by the hands of your own neighbours, relatives and coworkers.

Language is math

Words have exact meaning and cannot change it according to whom feels like reinterpreting them.

Culture is math used in arithmetics, logarithms, analysys and quantum phisycs.

Depending of each person's level of knowledge, however no matter how bad you might be at math 2+2 is never anything else but 4.

And radical of the second order of 4 will always be 2.

sabato 15 luglio 2023

Total Dead End.

Vasile Ernu is in Chisinau, Moldova.

Fragmented, individualistic, antisocial - and we don't know why. But we do not lose hope. Meditations from the flea market

Through my job (writer), I move around in many radically different environments: in terms of social status, age, and outlook on life.

It's something like: in the morning or Sunday I'm with the conservatives, at noon or Thursday with the liberals in the evening and on Friday with the progressives. With all age categories – from 12 years to 89 years. I also go to church and the discotheque, to the corporation and to the flea market, because that's the job of acquiering knowledge. I do this systematically for about 3 months a year. I like it, it gets me out of depression.

What is very difficult: you have to know how to listen a lot – people are sometimes hard to turn on but if you turn them on you have to listen. And this is quite difficult because you are limited especially emotionally. It's like a glass: it has liquid capacity limits. It overflows if it's too much. And sometimes you have to listen because you can't use people and press the button when you want them to start and stop.

I've always felt best closer to anarcho-collectivist Narodnik forms. Romantic narodnicism attracted me the most. It looks a lot like the Pauline evangelicalism characteristic of the family I come from - very anarcho-collectivist.

I also like the Pauline principle of universalism in communication and practice: to be with Jew - Jew, with Greek - Greek without losing your identity. I have never liked the fiercely puritanical individualism typical of American Protestant culture and more recently of neoliberal progressivism.

It's just that things got mixed up badly. What I see now is the incredible fragmentation on all levels.

It is very difficult to find coagulated groups - and when they are coagulated, they are based on marketing and financing principles, not beliefs.

Or if their beliefs are very individualistic – a group like a person: exclusive marketed puritanism is making waves – I and only I can stand on this supermarket shelf even if there is no difference from the other goods except for 1% of E- hate.

With conservatives, things are simpler: they have few marks of differentiation – race, blood, family, clour, religion. And this is easy to connote and use. They work with simple matters: water, stone, air, fire – that style. It's just that conservatives want change - that's an interesting fact: they are perhaps the most radical group for change. The war in the east also has this substance. It seems that the new upheaval, the new "revolution" will be conservative.

The liberals are somehow radically opposite: they are the only structure that does not want change - because it is now a form of hegemony - we want reform, which reform means preserving the current state of power at the global level. Liberalism as a form of preservation of the current hegemony. You see this at all levels: from politicians, to NGOs and from bureaucracy to corporations. Where there is power, change is excluded - all wrapped up in the liberal democratic language of rights whose basic purpose is to preserve power.

With what we call progressivism, it is even sadder: I think that nothing has been hit more cruelly by neoliberalism than this sector which has become a kind of total cultural individualist puritanism - it fights the hegemony of neoliberalism by preserving and protecting it. Progressivism is increasingly becoming a cultural design, devoid of social and economic content, which denies the hegemon while protecting it.

Its diversity has become a kind of puritanism of exclusion not inclusion: if you are a feminist you have to say which of the 33 forms you belong to and if you are a y you have to say which species of the other 22 branches you are from? If you match in 99 cases and 1 doesn't match, I'm totally pissed off.

Everything becomes sectarian, deeply puritanical, anti-universalist, commercial and individualistic. The exact opposite of what socialist progressivism was based on. This direction is a total dead end.

In reality these things suit the general situation very well. Because at the base is a profound social and economic inequality. And in the East we are witnessing a total destruction of the minimal social state that produces perhaps the most unequal society in the last hundred years. And behind it smolders a lot of violence, frustration and injustice in a sea of poverty and ignorance.

And when you arrive in the Republic of Moldova - being a small country - this is monstrous, it jumps out at you, it attacks you with a very violent radicality. You meet her from 12-year-old children to 80-year-olds, from kindergarten to hospitals, from school to the street, from the park to the market and shop.

And despite this violent and unjust, antisocial and antihuman jungle in which we live, you meet people and oases of normality that in this context work wonders. And that gives hope. Really very hopeful.

P.S. They still entrust me with a stall run by a grandmother at the flea market- relying on intellectuals: more with words than with deeds...

giovedì 13 luglio 2023

Why Cuba thrilled and Shri Lanka failed at organic agriculture?

History knows two examples that have passed 100% to organic farming: Sri Lanka and Cuba.

The first, under the rule of green ideology and democratic leadership, the second after the disintegration of the USSR (the only country that did not care about the US embargo on Cuba) and the brutal reduction of fossil fuels on the island.

Chronologically, the Cuban experiment succeeded, the Asian experiment was a failure.

How did the transition to organic farming in Cuba unfold?

Fidel Castro called all the specialists in permaculture and agrarian ecology worldwide, they made national programs, educated people and told them what to do.

The single party offered those who wanted 1 hectare of land, the donkeys multiplied, the mules with which the West was once conquered were brought back today.

Including the urban population; was involved in growing vegetables, Havana has come to produce more than 50% of its food needs within the walls.

The spaces between the blocks, the roundabouts, the balconies and the terraces were cultivated.

It is a success and an example for the moment when the energy we are so attached to will be little and expensive (unless we are already there).

In Sri Lanka it was shorter: yes, you are no longer allowed with chemical fertilizers, get to work organicaly! Left to their own devices, people broke their necks.

The rest is known.

Some draw the conclusion that, in the absence of terms of comparison, organic farming cannot feed people. It is superficial and false.

But the transition from agribusiness to organic is not done in the blink of an eye.

Property on small areas needs to be reinvented, which produce high yields in nutrient units, with the involvement of humans and animals.

An agriculture in which the Romanian village would play the fundamental role (Ukraininans and Rusians never ceased that).

The idea that profitability is measured in "accounting" must be abandoned (mechanized farms are profitable in accounting, but produce few nutrient per soil units relative to the area, while small farms fail the accounting test, but produce a lot of nutrient food in large varieties).

An entire modern, bankrupt and suicidal paradigm must be abandoned in favor of truly sustainable, human-oriented models and human-scale communities.

Things like that do not develop in a year and not starting from stupid prohibitions, and especially not without the involvement of the political element devoted to the people that entices experimented specialist, with or without a diploma, to train the others for some good reason.

domenica 9 luglio 2023

Welcome to my world beginner.

Yes you choose a beginner's printer and use beginners software and have beginners language and beginners ideas.

I used to be there 20 years ago when... nothing existed... and now everything exists (well... almost)

In time you will learn that even if a Prusa, bed slinger are not your best option, just the cheapest and most easy to get along whit when learning this new universe and how to deal with.

At a certain point in time you will want better design capabilities, and will start looking into FreeCad universe or it's paid counterparts Inventor, Catia, SolidWorks, Solid Engineering, and many others.

Now that is a steep learning curve compared with Tinkercad...Lol.

You will also want speed and precision, so you will try on your own skin Delta printers and Core X,Y, printers (I went for the latter)

You will want to skip the plastic V wheels for rail guides and try some Voron/Ratrig/Bambulab expensive machines and their cheaper competitors out there, just to learn that they are faster and better in PLA and ABS, but if you go for the real deal like Nylon (PolyAmide), PPS, PEI or PEEK, PEKK you cannot print them fast anyway, while PLA and ABS you can take them to insane melting rates, the others would melt far slower so speed is not a concern, but costs is, them art

So you don't want to waste them, hence you want no supports that you will throw away. I mean at 600 bucks to 1000 bucks a Kg... man...

And than you will want to print without supports, especially inside cavities where you cannot reach to clean them out...

But such printers do not exist yet (I have a few, ask me how... and there is no slicer for non linear 5 axis or 9 axis printers... yet).

You are welcome.

martedì 4 luglio 2023

The nuclear arsenal being prepared to combat "Fake News".

A little history doesn't hurt: the term "Fake News" started to be used mainly since 2016.

It has become the corporate media's favorite media weapon against Brexiteers and Donald Trump.

From the very beginning, accusations of "Fake News" have served as a cover for the most egregious lies and manipulations in modern history.

Under the guise of combating "Fake News", Brexit opponents have warned of a huge range of grotesque dangers, from a sandwich crisis to total economic collapse and from terrorist attacks to nuclear Armageddon.

(This campaign was called "Fear Factor", aiming to manipulate the British through Terror. It will be resumed and amplified during the COwID pandennic.)

Across the Ocean, under the guise of "Fake News," Trump and his allies have been accused of national treason, complicity with Russia, and generally all the evils of the earth.

Never in history has a greater amount of lies been poured into one man's head (to be clear I don't like the man, but never the less...).

The "spoilers" were the press and the state institutions, whose role was - in theory - to inform correctly and protect the citizen from abuse.

The effect of four years of lies under the pretext of fighting "Fake News" was the overthrow of Trump from power by the ultimate lie in a Democracy: election fraud.

An obvious, cheeky, gross fraud, comparable to the electoral thefts in the countries occupied by the Soviets, at the end of the 5th-6th decades. The fact that Trump conceded to Biden shows he was a complice himself.

After the neutralization of Brexit and Trump, the fight against "Fake News" has moved to a "qualitatively higher stage": shutting the mouths of all those who opposed the Medical Dictatorship during COwID.

Fighting "Fake News" was the club that crushed the resistance: it broke heads and literally broke bones, but above all it closed mouths. And it induced terror.

Not only speaking the Truth, but even Thinking for oneself were cataloged as strategic dangers and treated as such. I mean Criminal Prosecution like in the third Reich.

Personal opinion was forbidden as long as it differed from the Truth dictated by the Center.

Any Dissent was labeled as Terrorism.

As in the cases of Brexit and Trump, after the passing of COwID the evidence of the lies hidden behind the holy purpose of Combating "Fake News" began to flow.

It has become abundantly clear that the whole thing was a huge Psychological Operation (Psy-Op) for population control and the unopposed imposition of the Great Reset agenda.

At the cost of millions of lives for which no one paid.

Psy-Op Cowid only stopped because the War started. Another stage of the same operation. Another face of the same Dictatorship.

Only one state of emergency has been replaced by another.

The "Fake News" bully remained just as aggressive in silencing them. In the imposition of the official "approved truth".

Like the Virus during the "Plague of Party and State," War serves to cover up the most monstrous abominations and validate the wildest lies.

(And I'm not talking here about the drone-downing jam jars that are presented with all seriousness by the "quality" press.)

The most sinister effect of the post-Cowid War is the programmatic suicide of the West, Democracy and Freedom in the name of a New World Order with increasingly obviously demonic features.

(Why, for example, did no one see fit to sound the alarm about the fate of the relics of Saint Theodora of Sihla, moved from Kiev to the West, under dubious conditions and with an uncertain destination?)

It cannot be a coincidence that August 25 is approaching, when the so-called "Digital Services Act" will come into full force on the territory of the European Union.

It imposes draconian censorship on tech platforms and social networks in the name of combating – you guessed it – “Fake News”.

In Europe we are witnessing an unprecedented offensive against Freedom of Expression.

Both the United States and Russia are rapidly embracing China's Social Credit model.

System in which there is only one Truth: the one indicated by the Communist Party. Anyone who claims otherwise is literally thrown out of society.

(Whoever imagines that the Freedom of the people depends on one outcome or another in the Ukraine War is naive - the Battle for the New World Order is a clash between three Dictatorships, in which any human is crushed. The "Pandennic" amply proved it.)

In a NATO and EU member country with the largest number of practicing believers, the Church becomes a huge "tactical field" (Romania).

The need for this "tactical field" to be more severely controlled was proven by the lowest number of vaccinated people in Europe. An obvious consequence of the refusal of the priests and hierarchs, in their vast majority, to let themselves be recruited by the vaccinist propaganda.

Freedom of speech in Churches and Orthodox thought spaces has become dangerous.

Somewhere up there it was decided that this state of affairs had to end. The Romanian Orthodox Church must be harnessed - willingly or by force - to the train of the Great Reset.

Stated among other things that the purveyors of "Fake News" are "contaminated" and therefore a danger to the community. How were the Unvaccinated. The conclusion is clear: they must be isolated and annihilated.

And the solution to combating "Fake News," he also said "in the view of the Church" is not Information, but Education.

That is, not the Truth, but the Indoctrination. Just as Vaqqination was quasi-compulsory.

I am reproducing here the instructions given by the representatives of the elites to the subordinates in the newspaper editorial office... "The truth":

"I propose that you all, where we have similar cases, make materials with scandals in which priests were involved. Ideally it should be sexual scandals, but we can also include other things: fights between people, swearing, robberies..."

A Church harnessed to the wagon of the System would be a godsend for the drivers on the globalist ride wagon.

Unlike the Press, whose credibility has collapsed, the Church still enjoys enormous confidence.

But there is something else. The Church does not have the Patriarch at its head, but Christ.

For the Orthodox Christian, Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

But this is what the architects of the New World Order dream of: to control THE Way, the Truth and the Life of people.

They are not far from succeeding.

By combating "Fake News" they managed to create a Thought Police that controls the Truth.

Through the various dictatorships imposed by real or invented states of emergency (health, war, climate change, economic and financial crises, famine, etc.) they am very close to controlling Life.

The Way remains uncontrolled yet. Here things are a bit more complicated: they concern intimate beliefs. Of Faith.

The hardest thing is to control the Soul. That is why dictatorships (see especially Nazism and Communism) usually neglect this aspect and settle for the first two.

A perverted and traitorous Church, an overthrown Church like in Uk or USA or Canada or France, Germany, etc., could help the System control Souls.

As in Orwell's 1984, Big Brother's ultimate dream is to be not only feared but LOVED by their Victims.

How could the Church help Big Brother?

"The 'eyes to see' and the 'ears to hear', of which Christ speaks prophetically, are more useful today than ever before."

The Eye and the Eardrum, therefore. A kind of Church Security, put under the authority of a dictatorial false Christ. More of a Mao than Savior.

That is, a new Inquisition. Which has the right of life and death over people. And in front of which people should not only not cringe, but also fall down.

In which Freedom, the most precious right left to Man by God, should be abolished.

Such a scenario is the Devil's wet dream. A world like an overturned Church, with Christ kept in chains in the dungeons.

Christ bothers the Grand Inquisitor, a polished good-mouthed and bookish intellectual, slapping the overflow of his own personality.

In the New World Order, God has no place and it stinks.

domenica 2 luglio 2023

If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.

Today I want to tell you about the domination of the no boder "lords of finance".

The "lords of no border capital" are leading all of humanity into a world governed without any democratic mandate by the competitive oligarchic elite and fed by the precarious mass of the plebs of globalization, the new wretches who, deprived of rights and perspective, make up the part of the without part.

They are the clearest proof of the fact that crises appear as opportunities to erode rights and empty democracies, however imperfectly realized.

In this regard, think of the fundamental device currently in use within the framework of the new paradigm of the crisis as a governmental method:

it is what the English-speaking newspeak of the markets calls the spread, effectively assigning a fictitious objective and systematic form to the organized subjective reaction of the stateless-financial ruling class, when the national-popular masses vote otherwise than their wishes.

In other words, the spread, an instrument firmly in the hands of the dominant, serves to intimidate the masses, prefiguring the abyss as the necessary outcome of a policy that does not "democratically" make the choices autocratically desired by the markets and their reference class.

The goal is simply to make people prefer to remain tied to the chains of debt and the depressive policies of liberal austerity, rather than trying - or even just imagining - paths of possible emancipation.

In this way, one remains stranded in the fundamental error, true asylum ignorantiae, whereby one claims to cure the disease by administering massive doses of the drug that caused it.

Democracy thus becomes once again the ennobling name assigned to the free choice by the δῆμος of what elsewhere has already been a priori decided in ways that are not at all democratic. This is what has rightly been called the "dictatorship of the spread".

As EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger bluntly stated on 28 May 2018, "the markets will teach Italians how to vote".

This assertion admirably summed up the essence of the new post-1989 liberal authoritarianism, which punishes the peoples when they vote differently than the systemic needs, defaming and blaming the voters and striving in every guise to overthrow unwelcome governments and restore normalcy at all costs. politically correct.

The dominant turboelite now has no choice but to work to change the rules of the political system, so as to be able to govern it even when there is no consensus and recognition of legitimacy by the majority of citizens.

Ten years form now if you look back and comapre the rules that "democracy" is based on than; they will be pretty much the opposite of them rules form now or 20 years ago.

Because if you vote with your brains and go your way, until now they stolen that discretly making everybody believe they voted the other way, but with the networking capacity today that is no longer possible, hence the rules will dramatically change so that you cannot vote at all if you are known to vote the "wrong way".

Remember: “If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” (attributed to Mark Twain,arguably)

lunedì 19 giugno 2023

Improve your CORE X, Y, printer to go to be a 5 (or up to 9) axis machine.

This post is not for the lazy minded 3 D printer users, only for the ones that have the grip on bettering their lives, and machines.

If you do not poses a Core X,Y but still want to make your "more than 3 axis" machine, yes you can, it is just that a Core X, Y, machine has almost everything you need in it to be canibalised, while a bed slinger needs you to buy more parts to match the new configuration, that is all.


Do not remove this Warning, it is here to Warn you.

Jokes apart, WARNING, this post is not for fainted heart 3D printer users that can barelly stand the fact that their printer makes noise in the room, hence rarelly use it.

This post is for them that understand that going this way takes work, lots of work, patience, some money, and time, not days, not weeks, maybe months.

You will be printing large scale of intricated geometries, that should NOT warp, hence you need enclosure, heated chamber (even if only with a bathroom fan blower) stupid materials prone to warping such as ABS, Nylon, PPS, PP, etc are needed, PC is not recomanded for layer adhesion reasons.

To start with here is my portal wherefrom you can buy all the STL files you need:

Also this entire text above is but a huge link to the same portal,just in case...

Machine overall description:
It is a Core X, Y, system but... the bed does the Z axis based on 3 motors that act indipendently to also create the U axis and the V axis, that is tilt the bed some 30 degrees left and right from horizontal; U axis, and same for the back and forth from the horizontal; V axis, and any combiantion between them 2 tilting axix extremes, and anywhere in between.

This gives you the advantage that you will need almost ZERO SUPPORTS while printing. I mean if you print an empty cube touching the bed on the tip of a corner only, than bed surface is obviously not enough and some external supports are needed to keep the cube in balance, but they are external, and you still can print an empty cube and need zero supports inside, where you canot clean them up once you closed the cube. Same works for a sphere.

So we normally have an overhang printing capability with zero supports up to maybe 45 degrees, stretching a bit you can print overhangs up to 60 degrees, doable on any printer today. But if you can tilt the bed so that the nozzle stays within 60 degrees raported to the printed position vertically by gravity when your printed positon raported to the bed is at 90 degrees, technically you are at the gravity limit of an overhang without supports.

Now, if you think this all it takes... just have a thought; tilting the bed makes your printer gantry go astray from the bed, you nozle cannot reach anymore the targetd print because the bed edges will hit the Core X, Y, gantry system before your nozzle can reach the printing spot.

Hence a Top Down Z axis system is required. Ups, now you got TWO Z axis to deal with. So on the printing head carrier you have an extra Z axis motor lifting up and down an aluminium profile bar that at the botom end has the printing head, compensating in height to reach the printed part over the limits of tilted bed touching the gantry. And this adds weight to the Core X, Y, system, and this will slow down the machine.

But hey, printing with nylons and other exotic materials will slow down your machine by definition anyway, so where is the problem?

Just think of it, printing with supports, PLA, you eliminate 30% of printed material at the end by cleaning supports, say 10 USD of PLA used, 3 USD is waste. And waste of time to print supports. And waste of time to clean supports. And waste of time to sand where your supports were broken from.

Printing with say... PEKK at 1000 USD a Kg, 30% supports is..... 300 USd thrown away.

But if you use the Rumba 5 axis machine system, barelly any supports needd, maybe 10 USd of PEKK goes to waste, although you print slow due to material constrictions (and machine restrictions) by simply not printing supports your total printing time might be similar with printing in PLA with supports. And you waste no time with cleaning any supports in the end, and no time wasted on sanding down tose pesky supports breaking points.

Total processing time? Shorter than printing with supports. And supports wastage limited to a minimum if at all.

As I finish assembling the machine and start coding for it to make it move around (together with a professional in coding, since my coding capacity is limited) I will update this post, and I will update some youtube video footage.

5 Axis machine build needs:

- New bed motorised system on 3 axis, Z, U, and V. Headache to print it on a regular printer, more hadache to clean the supports and assemble.


- New print head carrier system with top down mini Z axis motion added, so on the gantry you will have a Core X, Y two motors plus a mini Z top down motor to manage.


- Cherry on the cake, you need a system to swap the printng head with the tool to "read" the bed postion before printng, thus creating 3 mesh readings, one mesh on Z, one mesh titled on U and one mesh titled on V to determine the pivoting center point each time before you start skirting filament out of the nozzle, that requires a TOOL CHANGER, so I designed and testd for 3 years now the Flip, a manual tool changer that allows you to swap heads at will. Working on the automated version of it right now

- Last but not least, a titled bed cannot be tested for accurate positon with any sensors, you need a mechanical touch probe pretty much like a CNC machine probe, but dedicated. So here I have for you the dedicated CNC like 5 axis probe on a Flip head. Unlike the CNC machines tool that only have ONE reading impulse regardless what direction the probe hits from on the object edge, determining the hit point just by deduction of the direction the probe was ported to, this head has 5 microswitches, hence the reading directional accuracy is no longer dictated by the motion only, but also confirmed by opening or closing the signal circuit of a specific microswitch of a certain axis at each touch.

And tis is but the begining of what you need, but it starts you up into the new era; Non Planar Printing, that is yet all to be conquered, Open Source style, by you and I and the rest of us out there having ideas, doing out bit, and pushing progress forward.

lunedì 12 giugno 2023


When only a handful of "people" want to gain control over everyone else, there are certain rules that must be followed and certain conditions that must be met.
They are the same whether it is a single individual or a family, or of a city, a country, a continent or even if the whole planet is being manipulated.

First, the "norms" must be established, what is considered Good and Bad, Possible or Impossible, Normal or Abnormal.
Most people will follow them without questioning them, because the "herd spirit" that has overwhelmed the Collective Human Mind for the past thousands of years works through them.

In the next stage, Life must be made as unpleasant as possible for the few who question the imposed norms.
For this, the most effective method is to transform this difference into a kind of "crime".

Therefore, those who give voice to another opinion about Truth or another style of Life become the black sheep of the Human Herd.
That herd is already conditioned to accept that the imposed norms have become part of their Life and therefore they are as Real and thus, through arrogance and ignorance, they ridicule or condemn those who choose to live differently.
They also pressure others to conform and serve as a warning for those who are thinking of breaking away from the Herd.

Thus, the few, who control the many, use this principle to convince the masses to stay on the same line.

What people do to each other on a daily basis, asking others to conform to the norms they blindly follow, is called psychological fascism (Thought Police with agents in every family, everywhere around us).

The agents are so conditioned, that most of them have no idea that they are policemen without a salary.
"I'm doing what's right for my child", you hear them justifying themselves.

No, you do what you were "programmed" to "think" is Good for him.

Everyone has their role in the process of mental, emotional and physical imprisonment. The puppeteers have nothing else to do but pull the right strings at the right time to make the human puppets dance as they sing.

How can I do this?

Simple, they dictate to mankind what they must "learn", through what we proudly call "Education", or what they think we need to know, through the "news" manufactured by them in their own mass media. Thus, they dictate to the flock, which does not Think and does not Challenge in any way what to believe about itself, about other People, Life, History and current events.

Once the Society's Rules are established, journalists, reporters or government officials no longer need to be controlled.

Everyone takes their "Truth" from those Norms and thus automatically ridicules and condemns anyone who offers a different vision of Reality...

Once Control is held over what is considered Normal, the entire System runs practically in automatic mode.

The self-surveillance of the Human Herd goes beyond the people in uniform or government officials, it begins with the Conditioned parents who impose their rules on their children and exert pressure on them to follow their religious, political, economic and cultural Norms.

There are no more eloquent examples than those in which parents insist on making decisions about their children's marriages, arranged through the prism of their hilarious Religion.

The creation of Mental and Emotional Norms, which enslave 99% of Humanity, continues unceasingly through more and more subtle ways.

Many children do not accept Religion, but follow it because they do not want to upset their families... there is also an almost Universal Fear of what people would say about a certain version of Reality or about another Way of Life.

Those who want to break away from the Herd, are afraid of what their parents, friends and work colleagues may say, that is exactly the people who are conditioned by the System of Imposed Norms.

Because the number of those who effectively control Humanity is not large enough to supervise the entire planet, a structure had to be created in which Humans can control themselves through Mental and Emotional Imposition.

As soon as the Herd applies its own mentality, it moves to a third phase in this imprisonment of the Human Consciousness.
Certain groups are created within the Herd in order to then provoke disputes between them, and this by creating different belief systems and causing conflicting states between them.
These belief systems are known as Religions, political parties, economic theories, countries, cultures, etc...
They are perceived as "opposites" when, in fact, they are the same.

The vision of Reality and Possibility inside the social bubble is so limited that it does not contain Opposite Elements.
What, for example, is the difference between a Christian priest and a Muslim rabbi or priest, Hindu or some disciple of Buddha who impose their faith on their children and others?

None, because the faith that they seek to root may be slightly different, but this difference is most of the time imperceptible, the general theme is always the same, the imposition of the Faith or the convictions of one on another.

What would you do if you suddenly realized that everything you know, everything you have learned through the years spent in school and in life, proves to be false?
How was this possible?

Very simple, first the Human Mind must be shackled in a rigid Belief and a limited sense of Reality in order to thus obtain the Herd... it does not matter much what the beliefs are, as long as they are rigid and discourage Free Thinking and good questions
I feel..Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and other religions also contribute fully to Human enslavement while proclaiming different "Truths".

Than encourage those who follow these rigid beliefs to impose them on others and make life very difficult and unpleasant for those who do not conform or who ask questions.

Than bring these beliefs into conflict, thus ensuring the existence of dissensions and then the ease of their control.

While people are preoccupied with fighting to impose their beliefs and opinions on others, they do not notice that those who actually Control everything are manipulating them like puppeteers.

People are like moths that buzz around the Light, enchanted by their religious faith, by the football scores, by the last episodes of a soap opera or by the price of a beer, until they notice the Real Changes around them.

"He who controls the Past controls the Future, he who controls the Present controls the Past" (George Orwell)

"History is a Lie accepted by common consent" (Voltaire)

Everything we think we are today and the way we look at Reality is largely based on our belief in what happened in the Past.

Therefore, if you want to manipulate the sense of Reality in people today, all you have to do is rewrite and "remodel" what we hilariously call History.