martedì 4 luglio 2023

The nuclear arsenal being prepared to combat "Fake News".

A little history doesn't hurt: the term "Fake News" started to be used mainly since 2016.

It has become the corporate media's favorite media weapon against Brexiteers and Donald Trump.

From the very beginning, accusations of "Fake News" have served as a cover for the most egregious lies and manipulations in modern history.

Under the guise of combating "Fake News", Brexit opponents have warned of a huge range of grotesque dangers, from a sandwich crisis to total economic collapse and from terrorist attacks to nuclear Armageddon.

(This campaign was called "Fear Factor", aiming to manipulate the British through Terror. It will be resumed and amplified during the COwID pandennic.)

Across the Ocean, under the guise of "Fake News," Trump and his allies have been accused of national treason, complicity with Russia, and generally all the evils of the earth.

Never in history has a greater amount of lies been poured into one man's head (to be clear I don't like the man, but never the less...).

The "spoilers" were the press and the state institutions, whose role was - in theory - to inform correctly and protect the citizen from abuse.

The effect of four years of lies under the pretext of fighting "Fake News" was the overthrow of Trump from power by the ultimate lie in a Democracy: election fraud.

An obvious, cheeky, gross fraud, comparable to the electoral thefts in the countries occupied by the Soviets, at the end of the 5th-6th decades. The fact that Trump conceded to Biden shows he was a complice himself.

After the neutralization of Brexit and Trump, the fight against "Fake News" has moved to a "qualitatively higher stage": shutting the mouths of all those who opposed the Medical Dictatorship during COwID.

Fighting "Fake News" was the club that crushed the resistance: it broke heads and literally broke bones, but above all it closed mouths. And it induced terror.

Not only speaking the Truth, but even Thinking for oneself were cataloged as strategic dangers and treated as such. I mean Criminal Prosecution like in the third Reich.

Personal opinion was forbidden as long as it differed from the Truth dictated by the Center.

Any Dissent was labeled as Terrorism.

As in the cases of Brexit and Trump, after the passing of COwID the evidence of the lies hidden behind the holy purpose of Combating "Fake News" began to flow.

It has become abundantly clear that the whole thing was a huge Psychological Operation (Psy-Op) for population control and the unopposed imposition of the Great Reset agenda.

At the cost of millions of lives for which no one paid.

Psy-Op Cowid only stopped because the War started. Another stage of the same operation. Another face of the same Dictatorship.

Only one state of emergency has been replaced by another.

The "Fake News" bully remained just as aggressive in silencing them. In the imposition of the official "approved truth".

Like the Virus during the "Plague of Party and State," War serves to cover up the most monstrous abominations and validate the wildest lies.

(And I'm not talking here about the drone-downing jam jars that are presented with all seriousness by the "quality" press.)

The most sinister effect of the post-Cowid War is the programmatic suicide of the West, Democracy and Freedom in the name of a New World Order with increasingly obviously demonic features.

(Why, for example, did no one see fit to sound the alarm about the fate of the relics of Saint Theodora of Sihla, moved from Kiev to the West, under dubious conditions and with an uncertain destination?)

It cannot be a coincidence that August 25 is approaching, when the so-called "Digital Services Act" will come into full force on the territory of the European Union.

It imposes draconian censorship on tech platforms and social networks in the name of combating – you guessed it – “Fake News”.

In Europe we are witnessing an unprecedented offensive against Freedom of Expression.

Both the United States and Russia are rapidly embracing China's Social Credit model.

System in which there is only one Truth: the one indicated by the Communist Party. Anyone who claims otherwise is literally thrown out of society.

(Whoever imagines that the Freedom of the people depends on one outcome or another in the Ukraine War is naive - the Battle for the New World Order is a clash between three Dictatorships, in which any human is crushed. The "Pandennic" amply proved it.)

In a NATO and EU member country with the largest number of practicing believers, the Church becomes a huge "tactical field" (Romania).

The need for this "tactical field" to be more severely controlled was proven by the lowest number of vaccinated people in Europe. An obvious consequence of the refusal of the priests and hierarchs, in their vast majority, to let themselves be recruited by the vaccinist propaganda.

Freedom of speech in Churches and Orthodox thought spaces has become dangerous.

Somewhere up there it was decided that this state of affairs had to end. The Romanian Orthodox Church must be harnessed - willingly or by force - to the train of the Great Reset.

Stated among other things that the purveyors of "Fake News" are "contaminated" and therefore a danger to the community. How were the Unvaccinated. The conclusion is clear: they must be isolated and annihilated.

And the solution to combating "Fake News," he also said "in the view of the Church" is not Information, but Education.

That is, not the Truth, but the Indoctrination. Just as Vaqqination was quasi-compulsory.

I am reproducing here the instructions given by the representatives of the elites to the subordinates in the newspaper editorial office... "The truth":

"I propose that you all, where we have similar cases, make materials with scandals in which priests were involved. Ideally it should be sexual scandals, but we can also include other things: fights between people, swearing, robberies..."

A Church harnessed to the wagon of the System would be a godsend for the drivers on the globalist ride wagon.

Unlike the Press, whose credibility has collapsed, the Church still enjoys enormous confidence.

But there is something else. The Church does not have the Patriarch at its head, but Christ.

For the Orthodox Christian, Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

But this is what the architects of the New World Order dream of: to control THE Way, the Truth and the Life of people.

They are not far from succeeding.

By combating "Fake News" they managed to create a Thought Police that controls the Truth.

Through the various dictatorships imposed by real or invented states of emergency (health, war, climate change, economic and financial crises, famine, etc.) they am very close to controlling Life.

The Way remains uncontrolled yet. Here things are a bit more complicated: they concern intimate beliefs. Of Faith.

The hardest thing is to control the Soul. That is why dictatorships (see especially Nazism and Communism) usually neglect this aspect and settle for the first two.

A perverted and traitorous Church, an overthrown Church like in Uk or USA or Canada or France, Germany, etc., could help the System control Souls.

As in Orwell's 1984, Big Brother's ultimate dream is to be not only feared but LOVED by their Victims.

How could the Church help Big Brother?

"The 'eyes to see' and the 'ears to hear', of which Christ speaks prophetically, are more useful today than ever before."

The Eye and the Eardrum, therefore. A kind of Church Security, put under the authority of a dictatorial false Christ. More of a Mao than Savior.

That is, a new Inquisition. Which has the right of life and death over people. And in front of which people should not only not cringe, but also fall down.

In which Freedom, the most precious right left to Man by God, should be abolished.

Such a scenario is the Devil's wet dream. A world like an overturned Church, with Christ kept in chains in the dungeons.

Christ bothers the Grand Inquisitor, a polished good-mouthed and bookish intellectual, slapping the overflow of his own personality.

In the New World Order, God has no place and it stinks.

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