Since when money is wealth?
Since when money mean true wealth?
I saw many born in money rich families that after the money maker (mainly daddy) died, they lost everything in a year and died on the streets homeless, or drug addicts,
and I saw many with no chance in hell to go to school, living well even on little money, but living well for they self educated themselves into something usefull for themselves and the others,
some even become famous and money rich, but most of those wise people never really were into money rich thingamajing, they understood money is not the real deal in this world, they play a social role for the way the society perceives them, but that is all.
Real wealth has nothing to do with money, and those that push such agenda as money is everything, money is value, etc, are but desperate beings clinging on a nightmare and wasting their own and other people's lives.
venerdì 5 maggio 2023
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