mercoledì 3 maggio 2023

Buy a dumb phone and learn how to use it the smart way.

Among us some friendsand I have being been investigating consciousness and how to develop ourselves and community. Not easy to understand, even less easy to make it understood to others.

We need to find the answers ourselves within ourselves and work together with these answers to create a new paradigm and live by it.

I saw this current situation coming many years ago, thou it took me decades to fully comprehend the mechanisms.

Detoxing (indidvidual choices), dealing with nano tech (evil tech if in the wrong hands, and government and corporations are always the wrong hands to handle that), plastics in food and water (placed by design), grand solar minimum (natural occurence), it's a galactic level cycle we are dealing with and we have had many mass extinctions before.

Learn about the gut biome and borax, keeping a healthy probiotic balance and flushing out molds and fungi from your body.

Colloidal silver and fruits and vegetables which boost immunity can be taken as extracts or refined oils (learn how to make them in your kitchen).

Grow your own garden, get totally off grid with self sufficiency.

Atmospheric water generators, solar, wind, permaculture, geothermal, biogas, etc.

It's doubtful most will make it as people are very unprepared and waiting for their stimulus check from mind controllers (government), and said stimuls check serves it's purpose, a sleep pill to keep dumb sheeple asleep and trusting the government that leads them to slaughter.

Find safe havens of others who have a similar vision,I know they are labeled extremists, lunatics, lost in space, conspiracy theorists, and so on,but they shall live for they are prepared for anyting, the others will die.

Those that still stuck in the right/left paradigm think voting will save them are naive, condemned and fueling the machine with legitimacy.

It won't save anybody, save yourselves.

Been warning people with what I have uncovered for 30+ years and so many in our community called me a kook or just eccentric, alarmist, dumb, etc.

It's not about countries as those are just corporations, Coca Cola is a coutry as much as USA.

You have resources and land and know how to use it, you are on the good path, you don't, ups, you are at risk.

Prepping and permaculture are two good places to start, cehap land is available in remote places, grab some.

Turn OFF the TV unless you know how to filter the information to see what these people are telegraphing. No info is better than toxic info.

There are mind control and psyops all around us. We grew up into them and got a birth certificate who's name is one control mechanism, than latter in your life links to several others, just to chain you better.

Get off smart everything. Keep their use to a minimum and make it a predictable patern, so they see that, everything else do it the dumb way, and keep that secret, so they don't see that.

An AI army of bots is scouring this post and tracking everything so you and I are not immune.

I have a legacy of posts about this since I joined fascistbook, and previously Plaxo, Ecademy and many other platforms.

Know yourself and how you have been assimilated by the system, loose the chains around your mind and be ready to vanish into the woods when shit hits the fan.

We all have being asimilated, but some understood that and found holes in the fishing net.

Take this as a warning or just ignore it and have a snappy comeback!

Your choice my friend!

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