mercoledì 17 maggio 2023

Define "normal"

Way too many people experts at being fake think well of themsleves as sane of mind, just because in perfect harmony with the others that are experts at being fake

I can not define "normal"! (and those who tried ended up with big and various ... "anomalies"); yet, surprisingly, within a given cultural group, it is relatively simple to delineate normality from abnormality; the problem arises when the ideologies of distinct groups collide, or when idiosyncrasies collide

I really believe that people should relearn tolerance: no tribe lived alone, there were always neighbors who were more and more strange, with whom, willy-nilly, you had to find a way of coexistence; even more so, when the whole planet is a village, we communicate instantly at impossible distances and have access to a quantity of information for which an Aristotle or Davinci would probably sell his soul...

Tolerance is the prerogative of the extremely educated, intolerance shows the low level of education.

Let's start, but let's educate early, it's important.

Forget the schools, they are there to produce more and more educated young people as they are ordered, we have to create an anti-scholastic current where it is cool to read as much as possible and be educated, not to plagiarize as much as possible harder for a piece of paper called a diploma.

My words state the facts as they are, now if you have a problem with the fact that I can see through the smoke curtain how governments are manipulating, lying and cheating, that is your problem, not mine. It is you, work on it.

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