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The paralel societies are the solution

I don't want people to be radicalized, I want them to be enlighten and wise.
Radicalization means hatred, incapacity to organize and stand your grounds, fight back all time with zero success, and that is exactly what the power wants, because they know how to handle hate, fear, radicalization.
What they cannot handle is happiness, wisdom, satire, irony, knowledgeable people, people that build their own societies outside the state, government, banks and corporation control, people that build without help from anybody, independent, wise, knowledgeable societies that need no government control or support, no money to trade among themselves, no centralized production capacities in the hands of a few.
Going on strike... bad idea, not really the solution, that is a group taking the decision to go on strike leaving another group that parasites them to die of their own politics.
I view it more like everybody leaving the parasitic groups to die by becoming educated enough and wise enough to not need them at all, although there are bunch of laws forcing us to abide by the parasites orders and fil their pockets, we can still make our own paralel societies and keep our acievements for ourselves.
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