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Employers want both skills and degrees in the same employee.

Employers have degrees themselves and zero skills, and want to pay skills like they pay degrees, and as a consequnece they don't find skills, all they find and hire is degrees, skills they find on the free lance sector, self employed people, and pay dearly each time they need them.
And this is why corporations and governments are going down the drain, for all they have is a bunch of papaer degrees hoarders with next to no skills.
Also becuase even the degree hoarders when they get skilled, and realise they are seriously underpaid for their skills, move over into the free lance sector and start making money for real, and even hide the fact that they have degrees, they pretend to be almost illiterate, and only sell their skills; that are paid far better out of desperation to get things done, while degrees are paid peanuts just to show up, so that the corporation/government agency/etc. looks like it has qualified personell.
Qulaified personell that does nothing but pay huge money to skilled free lenacers to sort things out.
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