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The Climate Change is real folks.

We are falling into a deep mini-ice age,” says British astrophysicist Piers Corbyn, “and there is no escape.”
For the next 20 years it will get colder and colder, on average, says Corbyn who holds a B.Sc. in Physics and an M.Sc. in Astrophysics.
The jet stream will be wavier: there will be many more temperature changes, more hail events, more earthquakes, more volcanic extremes, more snow in winters, terrible summers, late springs, short autumns, and more and more crop failures.
“The fact is that the sun governs the temperature of the sea and the temperature of the sea governs the climate,” explains Corbyn.
“What is happening now is the beginning of a Mini Ice Age… which began around 2013. It was a slow start but now the pace of transition to the Mini Ice Age is accelerating.
Little Ice Age triggered by Arctic sea ice.
The Little Ice Age (LIA) was triggered by a large outflow of sea ice from the Arctic Ocean into the North Atlantic, according to the results of a new study published in the journal Science Advances.
The paper combines marine sediment cores drilled from the ocean floor from the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic, and what these records indicate is a sharp increase in Arctic sea ice and cold water exported to the North Atlantic since 1300, with peaking in the middle of the century, ending abruptly at the end of the 1300s.
Crucially, the paper provocatively concludes that external forcing from volcanoes or any other cause may not be necessary for large climate swings to occur – a previously widely held assumption:
“These results strongly suggest that these things can occur suddenly due to variability in the climate system,” said Dr. Martin Miles, a researcher at the Arctic and Alpine Research Institute at the University of Colorado.
But the sea cores also show a sustained increase in sea ice near the Nordic colonies in Greenland, an event that coincided with their disappearance in the 15th century; A colder climate is believed to have put a huge strain on their resilience.
Today there is fear that a similar event is about to happen.
“We are waiting for a huge flow of cold water to be released from the Beaufort Gyre,” one of two major ocean currents in the Arctic Ocean, which is roughly located north of the coast of Alaska and Canada, says David Mauriello of the ORP, a release that is long overdue with the vortex having been in the area much longer than normal. “And when it does,” continues Mauriello, “it could stop the Gulf Stream.”
The Beaufort Gyre current has been circulating in the area for much longer than normal.
When it finally stops, the cold water will flow into the Atlantic, potentially interrupting/stopping the Gulf Stream.
The Gulf Stream is key to Europe with the mild and habitable climate it has.
A disruption of the Gulf Stream will lead to Arctic-like cold conditions invading Western Europe almost overnight, Mauriello concludes, with Britain, Ireland and Scandinavia at the forefront of this sharp drop in temperature.
However, it should be emphasized that these processes and mechanisms remain poorly understood, but so are most topics in the field of climate science: this reality makes the supposed 100% confidence and consensus about the impact that a gas traces as the CO2 can have on global temperatures are even more absurd.
To conclude: “Carbon dioxide levels have no impact – I repeat, no impact – on the climate,” says Corbyn, “the CO2 theory is wrong from the start.”
Don't fall for bogus political agendas.
COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are COOLING, in line with historically low solar activity, cloud nuclear cosmic rays, and a much more southerly jet stream flow.
Both NOAA and NASA seem to agree, if you read between the lines, NOAA says we are entering a 'true' Grand Solar Minimum in the late 2020s, and NASA seeing this next solar cycle (25) as “the faintest of last 200 years,” with the agency linking previous solar minimums to prolonged periods of global cooling here.
We fully agree with what astrophysicist Piers Corbyn hypothesized. In our writings, we have placed the PEG (Little Ice Age) between 2035/2040
It will be like this ?
Col. Paolo Ernani Meteorologist
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