sabato 10 febbraio 2024

So... It itches me to buy a new freezer.

Not that the old one was broken, just to change something, therapeutical shopping.

- I recommend this one, the seller told me. It is created on the basis of a highly performing revolutionary technology.

- Well, what makes it different from other freezers? I wondered.

- It no longer works on the basis of freon, but uses an experimental substance that enters food and genetically modifies it, suddenly turning it into frozen products.

- Well, isn't it, God forbid, toxic?

- Our specialists assume it is not.

- Interesting! It probably freezes everything quickly and efficiently.

- In principle, yes, but for now it is not known if it can keep the products at the optimal temperature, so you will have to periodically put ice packs in the drawers.

- Do I understand that there is a risk of my food defrosting from time to time?

- There is, but it is quite small. However, for added safety, you should store them once a month in another freezer, which you can rent from us.

Do you think I'm going astray here?

Just see how the Plandemic puncturing mandatory volunteering thing was pushed on us.

You will understand that there are customers in this world for the above freezer any time day or night.

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