mercoledì 22 gennaio 2025

Artificial intelligence in everything.

I have noticed now that absolutely everything you buy Must Have A.I. in it, you car, checked, your 3D printer, checked, your coffee maker, checked, heck, even your coffee must have A.I. in it or else...

By the way, have you noticed that Coffee spelled in reverse is... Ee....ffook, what the...

I don't drink coffee, but I do drive cars, and I do conceive, build and use 3D printers, and I observed one thing in common to both sectors, and many others.

Ever since the advent of A.I. (in the toothpaste included) the number of incidents and malfunctions increased dramatically.

In car this translates in car crashes, A.I. generated but the human has to pay for that too, in 3D printers the range of dumb shit A.I. generates is amazing, from dumb useless models to meaningless slicing iterations that generate layer missing, print head crushing, printing session collapsing in mid print and many more.

My point is, if we get to trust this A.I. than we must be dumb, I mean really dumb.

I prefer to drive my car, hell, I even prefer a car without any computer on board, so I can trust it, the mechanics, not trust the ICU and and the A.I. to keep me alive, what interest do they have anyway to keep me alive anyway?

With 3D printers is different, you need electronics by default. But you do not need any A.I. by default, proven by a few decades of 3D printing without A.I.

So it can be done.

I am developing new generations of FDM printers, and new generation of Resin printers on Cartesian Motion systems (similar to FDM) with 5 to 9 degrees of liberty, a combination between Core XY, Polar and Non Planar printing technologies, and to the best of my knowledge, introducing A.I. in the process would absolutely make it unmanageable by humans.

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