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I have noticed now that absolutely everything you buy Must Have A.I. in it, you car, checked, your 3D printer, checked, your coffee maker, checked, heck, even your coffee must have A.I. in it or else...
By the way, have you noticed that Coffee spelled in reverse is... Ee....ffook, what the...
I don't drink coffee, but I do drive cars, and I do conceive, build and use 3D printers, and I observed one thing in common to both sectors, and many others.
Ever since the advent of A.I. (in the toothpaste included) the number of incidents and malfunctions increased dramatically.
In car this translates in car crashes, A.I. generated but the human has to pay for that too, in 3D printers the range of dumb shit A.I. generates is amazing, from dumb useless models to meaningless slicing iterations that generate layer missing, print head crushing, printing session collapsing in mid print and many more.
My point is, if we get to trust this A.I. than we must be dumb, I mean really dumb.
I prefer to drive my car, hell, I even prefer a car without any computer on board, so I can trust it, the mechanics, not trust the ICU and and the A.I. to keep me alive, what interest do they have anyway to keep me alive anyway?
With 3D printers is different, you need electronics by default. But you do not need any A.I. by default, proven by a few decades of 3D printing without A.I.
So it can be done.
I am developing new generations of FDM printers, and new generation of Resin printers on Cartesian Motion systems (similar to FDM) with 5 to 9 degrees of liberty, a combination between Core XY, Polar and Non Planar printing technologies, and to the best of my knowledge, introducing A.I. in the process would absolutely make it unmanageable by humans.

"It would be good to understand that nature does nothing against us. Viruses are informational structures, that is, protein chains that induce certain information in our cells.
They are not alive, just as a memory stick on which we have stored software for our personal laptop is not alive.
But what is their purpose?
Our body must function in variable conditions. Atmospheric pressure, the geomagnetic field, solar and telluric radiation, the psychological and emotional environment are constantly changing.
The body's adaptation to all of these and many others, such as pollution or nutrition, is done through computer programs.
The so-called viral diseases are nothing more than "updates" followed by "upgrades" of our body.
Nature protects us and constantly pours out her gifts on us.
And this time she demonstrates her love and care for us: these adaptations of our body happen in the cold season, that is, when we would not have much to do but stay warm by the pantry food.
Winter is the season of hibernation, a season of recovery par excellence, of resetting things in a favorable womb.
How do you get over a flu? Staying warm, in bed, hydrating yourself well. That is, letting the body do its upgrades quietly. When the computer updates itself, it is good to let it do it, not to overload it by opening more and more work windows.
The same is true of a virus or a flu.
What has modern man understood? That he must oppose his own adaptation mechanisms to the world that his actions are changing more and more rapidly!
For example, we adapt to an increasingly polluted atmosphere, the body copes with filling the air with various particles. Of course, at the cost of some viruses. Well! How can we accept such a thing? Only we humans are wonderful and intelligent! How can we spend a week with a runny nose and a fever of 38.5C (or even 39-40C) and not be able to carry out our destructive actions peacefully? So let's go with the vaccine!
I mean, we've discovered a remedy that will protect us from our own adaptation, from our own refocusing of our body!
Why? Because some of those who have made fun of their own body all their lives, who have not understood anything about what that body needs, and have ended up getting sick with their heart, pancreas, lungs or kidneys, some of those who can no longer withstand their own abuses (or those of others), they may not withstand the adaptation process and die.
So, let's make a vaccine so that the adaptation process no longer works for anyone.
Bravo, man! You're a smart ass! Don't look in the mirror, you'll be scared... Don't change anything in your way of life, don't stop what you do, the way you've understood to live.
Make every effort to continue living the way you've lived until now and it's perfect.
You who have understood everything, but have problems with eczema or intestinal parasites, have understood how nature is against you, and you, in a perpetual and superb effort to display your own greatness, face the waves while keeping the bow of the ship aimed at the rocks.
Bravo! I'm sure you'll be able to create some hermetically insulated suits similar to those of astronauts to step on this earth far from all its evils... you'll be able to build isolated houses in the near future, artificial environmental conditions in which you can carry out your greatness until the end of your days.
Bravo! That's why we like jokes with stupid: they're topical..."
Iosif Dragu.
Medical Doctor.
But the tunnel.. is only in your mind, they convinced you that it exists to keep you on the desired trajectory.
Likewise, the laboratory cages, are just a belief that they impose on the rest to keep them in check and in their place.
Yes the world is a lab, and they keep everybody prisoner in as Guineea pigs to perform painful experiments on us.
When you discover that the cage does not exist, you also discover that you can leave the laboratory whenever your muscles want it, and you can never return if you so desire, and there is nothing they can do to you.
Yes, they will impose on you with a lot of shit, they will spread rumors that you are dangerous, imbecile, crazy, Putinist, anything so that the others do not go out and take a walk too, so that they do not see that that cage in the laboratory only exists in their heads.
Brighen up, leave the lab, there is no cage to hold you in anyway.