giovedì 8 agosto 2024

domenica 4 agosto 2024

Hell knows where heaven is located.

SmarterEveryDay Nature's Incredible ROTATING MOTOR (It’s Electric!) - Smarter Every Day

We invented electric motors, or so we thought, but in reality electric motors existed in nature and our body is littered with rotary electric motrs, actuators and sensors at celluar level, a size we are absoutelly unable to work at, we cannot create such small motors.

Just think of it, sub nanometric electric motor single direction rotating when some protons of hydrogen are pushed through it...

than rotating a lager gear reduction system in either direction according to where it postion itself, out of the gear or inside the gear, also the capacity of starting severall of these motors in the same time if more torque is needed at the reductor gear...

mate, we only started using such technology a thousand years ago (gears) and electrified it only a hundred years ago as human society, just to discover that this is how we actually work inside since... forever...

we are the robots... so whom created this technology?

and what software is a cell running to know what the sensors detectd and what actuators and motors to activate?

on what OS? what CPU?

yes, i don't know how nerves work, but they are very similar to wires, beacuse they are,

would even be interested to know the electrical parameters, like resistance, if it has, and it has

extremelly low but it has
measuring those things requires extremelly fine apartus
your basic multimeter does not cuts it in
a very fine lab multimeter is still to gross for that
it take sensors capable to sense variation of nanovolts and nanoampers

just think of it, the human brain is like a mega rack of servers with the capacity per human being of all the computers ever made and sold on the planet taken together, that in such configuration would need a few thousand terrawatt hour to work, but the brain it only needs a few milliwatt hour to do the same ammount of computing.

And we think that shrinking from desktop to tablet was a revolution in

We need a trillion tablets to equal one human brain, we need hundreds of millons of tablets to equal a mouse brain.

But we want to run A.I on our phones... lol, hilarious.

Scientists still have seen only the surface of things.

Assuming science is like an iceberg, most of it is under water, the visible part above is maybe 5% of it, what we saw is just an ice cube we have put in our glass of cola from that iceberg, not even the part above the water, we just scratched the surface of it.

Scientists are wondering about consciousness; it's something still mysterious and unknown mostly

And that, and ideas, and thinking, is not even happen in our brain they discovered, ideas and thinking seems to happen in the rest of our body little nanao brains than when done conveyed to the main brain for coordination.

Consciousness instead is proven to happen somewhere else out of our bodies, maybe out of this universe, and our brain is but the rack of servers that connect us with that gigantic system through a communication system and antennas that are also part of our body.

A part of it physically we can detect, most of it isn't in the physical or something different.

What's strange is the body seems almost insensitive to magnetic fields.

I would say rather extremelly sensitive, we sense it, measure it with our body sensors, use it maybe for subconscious communications, but we are also very much not negateivelly affected by it unless if it is variable at high frequencyes (radiation), than is disruptive.

Like the strong fixed fields are not disturbing, it could be indeed but we don't so much sense it.

So we are low frequency communicators possible over extreme distances, maybe entire galxies, using quantum communications, hell knows where heaven is located.... lol

Put forinstance a 1.5V battery on your tongue, that's sensing the electric flow...

For magnetic fields, we don't generally feel in the same way as far as I know, there are 7kHz coms with submarines, apparently. We can even listen to it, it's taking care all the time.

People put a wire on sound card and it just works, you can see it. Such low frequency, don't seem to bother us.

You don't sense the air you are breathing either, but you would die without it, same works with the magnetic fields I guess.

Now if you put an effort into sensing it yes, but regularlly you just ignore it.

Try paying the same attention to your magnetic interractions and you will start sensing that too if you put an effort into it.

Like with the birdsthat know the north, I think we have reminisence of magnetic sensors.

We are magnetic sensors, we just ignore it, and rely on technology.

How to whales and dolphins know where they are in big distance, I don'nt know, they may have also magnetic sensor

I think they have their own satelites... lol.

Ants, insects, bees, fish, birds, mamals, all have their geopositoning satelites network... lol.

We are close in architecture to everything when it comes to how we are built, but we are too proud to see it, we think we are better because we talk, and invent technology, maybe that is what makes us more stupid than the rest of them that keep in touch with Base or Mother Nature, or God or the Universe, whatever you define it, on a constant basis while we totally ignore it.