domenica 4 giugno 2023

Go figure why you are not alowed to develop any technology that puts them out of business

Politicians, corporation, religions, they all share one common thing, they want revolutions, but no evolution...

Revolution, form the Latin, Revolutio, Revolvere, meaning circling around a central point, like the Earth around the Sun, one revolution per year and... is back where it started.
Revolutions change nothing, just the muppet in power, but not the strings all muppets are held together to revolve around the core values, that is, keep anything unchanged, preserve the status quo.

And the same is true for industries, any evolution is a threat for their model of doing business in which they are heaveilly invested and unwilling to alter. So they want Revolutionary solutions, that is solution that keep them in power while cosmetically changing something at the wrap level, but not at the core level.

So any Evolution will be oposed for as long as it takes to the industry, politics, religion, to figure out a way to grab control of that evolution, and hold it tight, than once integrated in their controllable assets, it becomes a... Revolution.

Take Electric vehicles for example, all social systems, political, corporate, business and even religions, blocked that for decades, subtly, arguing lack of technology progress (obviously they made it stagnate on purpose) untill they could figure out a way to control and milk it out, and Elon Musk found it, so all of a sudden he "Revolutionised" the sector of transports.

But there is no Evolution here, "They" still own all mines for the raw materials, "They" still own al electricity production (even your own solar pannels production) transport and sells of it," They" still own and control the roads, the legislation and the narrative.

So after about 100 years that it was known as possible and even better than Fossil fuel powered transports (Be it chacolaed forests or liquefied dinosaurs based fuels) they finally allowed it on the market, but without letting go of their income out of it...

Space flight, if we believe we went on the Moon in the 60'es, could be now at the stage where we go Hollyday on Pluto for a few weeks, but nope, why?

Because out there is that much space that anybody having the means to travel can do it without even being detected, there is so much resources out in space that you can travel harvesting your own fuel without "Them" being able to charge you for it... go figure why you are not alowed to develop any technology that puts them out of business..

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