domenica 5 marzo 2023

Why do you have to kill everybody on this planet (and others) if they don't submit to you bias?

Yes, I know what you are thinking, this is about wokism... Nope and yerp.

It includes them among other fascists and antifascists, commies and anticommunists, globalists, talebans, inclusivists, climate changer activists, climate change deniers, global warming activists, global warming deniers, pro Putin, against Putin, pro Zelinsky, against Zelinsky, pro Biden, pro Trump, KKK activists and Black lives matter activists, and those that are against them, and so on and so forth.

You got the idea.

I can never wrap my head around this thing: Why can't we agree to disagree and live with it. Have a beer over it, talk over it and not hate each other because of our difference in opinions, ideas, ideologies, faith, believes and scopes in life?

Multitude of ideas, approaches, believes, opinions and their clash into a debate is what brings out progress, enhances our experiences, makes us better, why instead of having our ideas clash we prefer to physically clash onto each-other because of our differences, what is with this morbid craziness of "if you disagree with me than you hate me and must die" thing?

No I do not hate you, I just happen to disagree with this one on your side and maybe agree with another of your ideas, so how comes that if I disagree with an idea you have than I hate you but if I do agree with an idea you have than I do not love you, I just kiss up?

What contorted line of thinking is that?

What kind of mental yoga is that, Olympics Gymnastics of Twisted Thinking level.

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