sabato 18 febbraio 2017

The political sphere overview

I hate communism, fascism, democracy, capitalism, socialism, catholicism and Muslim, and any other religion that requires that I submit my rights to their guidance so I can be saved from ( each one comes up with something) in exchange of my taxes and absolute obedience to their (creed, political line, Imam, Pope, etc) as by them authorized.

I try to use my brain, and this labels me antipatic, inconvenient, recalcitrant, reactionary, anarchic, and so on, to make it brief, I am among those that seek the facts or the satire against "alternative facts", and throws them in the face of those that ignore and deny them by posting biased information in support of one of the line above mentioned or others not mentioned here, simply because this is how they make a living, or worse, because they got to believe such religious line is the absolute truth.

The official line is that the political spectrum is ... a line, democracy in the middle, the left, the right, the extreme left and the extreme right...  there is no room for other options, thus anarchy is  not even contemplated for instance.

In reality the politics is sphere (a... yes, they sometimes call themselves the political sphere, but you shouldn't know that) half sunk in shit, where at the top pole is the Anarchy, than below is the decayed from anarchy due to greed and stupidity, and that is democracy.

Than from the 45 degrees below we have a shady zone where half is socialism and half is capitalism, sort of democracy abortions towards decay. If you spin the sphere around an axis that passes from pole to pole, you can't really tell the difference between the two when it comes to common people's daily life.

Capitalism is decay, of democracy, as socialism is decay of democracy, fascism and communism is their extreme decay that closes the circle below equator line, thus fascism and Communism are the opposite side of the sphere from democracy and deep in violent shit.

At the equator of this sphere is where the deep shit starts.  And from there below we have Communism and Fascism.  Again if you spin the sphere around an axis that passes from pole to pole, you can't really tell the difference between the two when it comes to common people's daily life.  Same shit.

And below that, at the deep end pole, opposite to Anarchy, we have extremism, militarism, corporatism at it's best, is where people are numbers and can be scarified at will for the profit of the few, same goes for the nature, who cares if forests are vanishing and waters and poisoned, once money are made.

In the end is the same sphere, where anarchy is freedom to think, speak and act but without being an asshole, and from that point below, starting with democracy and down to extremism and violence, is but mere economics imposed upon social throughout politics and terror.

We are living cheap times when stupidity and insolence are the law and admired in awe, but wisdom is stepped upon and spat on the head, bought and sold on mere nothing or thrown away for nothing.

 It is a war stink around.

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