mercoledì 15 novembre 2017

Fiat money, phony baloney...

Our planetary economic system is a joke, a set of rules that disregard nature and push to the destruction of our own habitat just to grab some more money.
Money, they do not even exist in nature, just in our sick brains.

Money is like inflated balloons, full of hot air, now, do not take me wrong on this, the air in the balloons belongs to nobody and everybody in the same time, just like the surrounding air, anybody has a right to breathe it.

It is the balloon itself, the thin rubber that holds our air in it, that is proprietary, and if you pop it, the air released is universally available to all.

But they made laws that we are not allowed to pop the balloons, and they keep inflating them, so they pop on their own, and when they do it is loud and dangerous, too much pressure hold in a thin wall of nothing and without value.

It is when the economic bubble bursts.

Imagine the air we have is limited and held into a large room, and also more than enough for everybody.

Than the balloons guy comes in, inflates a few, no big deal.

But the more he inflates, the less air is available for us, it is just that you cannot pierce the balloons they are his property, forgot to mention, their property illegal held prisoner everybody else property, and that should not be legal.

And if they inflate too many balloons, than there is no more air left to breathe, they hold your right to live and breathe in their balloons, and you should not pierce them, that is illegal, but you can die, that is legal.

How about we forbid the balloons to hold public possessions form now on, they can have the balloons but must stay flat, so that our common good, our air to breathe cannot be hold hostage, and with it our very lives cannot be held hostage at their mercy?

lunedì 13 novembre 2017

Evolving ourselves into self extiction, humans on the brink of technology self ahichilation.

Here I go again.

Someone comes and tells me that there is no market until a first economic exchange takes place.

A theory is just that, a theory, it is the reality that kills us.

It is like stating that there are no casinos in Las Vegas until somebody goes there to play.

The problem is that the said casinos do exist even if nobody plays in them, they are there, ready for business.

But the biggest problem of them all is that they are full of people that play, clients, and also body guards, spies of the house and those of the competition, thieves, professional players, prostitutes, dancers, escorts, chefs, waiters, etc, and at the entry/exit point somebody sales fiches, and buys them back (normally the buy back is for less than 10% of the sold ones, otherwise somebody starts to ask some painful questions)

And each casino has owners (unknown to public) directors (unknown to public) and managers (a little bit more visible to the public).

Also the market has being created to bring in money just like the casino, to the owners (unknown to public) directors (unknown to public) and managers (known to public as politicians, government, etc, that we are induced to believe that we elected them and they represent us, well they are not, your vote does not matter, if voting could change something they would not allow us to vote in the first place) and to the other employees that are there to milk us out of our work and money, people of the state system that are paid crumbs as salaries to steal from us.

Therefore; the market exists whether we want it or not, somebody invested big resources to create it and empower it, it has owners (unknown to public and hiding well) control and leadership structures (super-national sized), implementation structures (supranational banks, IMF, UN, ICB, BRICS, WHO and many others) of which nobody truly knows whom they are accountable to, but they have their national implementation subsidiaries in each country (national banks, monarchs, government and parties) that have their governing means (army, police, secret services, banks, insurances, taxation, financial police, tax evasion police, religions, etc.)

What else do they need?

Just like the casinos; players, clients, suckers that play by the rules, loosers.
And to make sure the mass of suckers are ready for the market game (not for life), that means to compete shrudeless with each other for the crumbs available, tough training starts from preschool already;

- Individual voluntary sexual orientation, because... human rights...

- Individual voluntary professional orientation, because... human rights... especially to work, better if poorly paid or not paid at all

- Individual voluntary political and religious orientation, because... human rights...

- Individual emancipation of the ladies, because... human rights... (that is ladies can no more take care of their offspring, they must outsource that to paid professionals that do not necessarily love them, and work to can pay for that instead of taking care of them in first person, many time out sourced to TV or Play Station for convenience)

- The emancipation of toddlers, the right to vote to 16 years old, or 14, because... human rights... and wifes right to turn trans and abandon the kids, and the prostitutes rights or LGBT rights, especially rights to key political positions where-from they can impose on the others their rights, while you have no rights to your rights.

-Political correctness, because... human cannot affirm a truth as such because that might hurt the fillings of a category that lives in lie and makes nice money for that

- The right to self defining of your own person (trans, LGBT, male-female, female-male, other, etc.) that also gives me the right to define myself as having multiple personality thus primarily I self define me as THE judge of this universe, and thus I can judge how others define themselves, my absolute prerogative, you cannot interfere, than I also self define me as the tooth fairy, and if you piss me off I am going to leave you without them.

If you do not like the New World Order you are free to leave, go to Mars, tickets are on sale now, take off in some 2 years, one way only.

domenica 1 ottobre 2017

Cele trei fete ale monedei.

Cap sau pajura?

Si daca cade intr-o dunga?

Mai rar dar se intampla.

Hai sa vedem cam ce reprezinta asta in viata de toate zilele.

Persoanele sunt ca niste monede, unele bune, altele false, ne ocupam de alea bune, pe bune, alea false aici nu ne intereseaza.  Abunda si alea.

Toate persoanele sunt ca niste monede, au valorile lor, au o valoare intrinseca imutabila, o valoare de piata care urca si coboara dupa cum merg vremurile, dar au valoare.

Monezile false nu au valoare intrinseca, sunt tinichele, pitule, discuri de metal ne pretios ne recunoscut de nimeni, care incearca sa imite monezile de valoare si sa se dea drept valoroase pe piata, poate poate prostesc pe careva, de obicei prostesc prostimea care ii voteaza.  Cum ziceam aici nu ne ocupam de ei.

Monezile de valoare intrinseca au si o valoare de piata care variaza cu vremurile dar mai ales in functie de cum vine prezentata moneda, daca e ca o necesitate ca sa cumperi ceva urgent ii cade valoarea, daca e ca o salvare de la un dezastru iminent ii creste valoarea... cap sau pajura?

Dupa cum se vede clar valoarea de piata e arbitrara, si se poate schimba in 5 secunde in functie de interlocutor, dar pentru cunoscatorul adevarat, valoarea de piata e irelevanta, cap sau pajura, cui ii pasa, hai sa vedem a treia fata, adica circumferinta, ce grosime de aur are circumferinta, si asta ne da valaoarea intrinseca.

Da da, a treia fata e circumferinta, ia si te uita la orice moneda, toate au a treia fata, si sunt si niste litere mici pe acolo, daca nu ar fii a treia fata atunci monezile ar fii ascutite si taioase pe circumferinta, niste cutite rotative pentru pizza.

Persoanele sunt niste monezi, fiecare cu valoare sa, intrinseca, si fiecare cu prestul sau stabilit arbitrar in funnctie de moment, cerere, oferta, manipulare, disperare, nesimtire.

Cei care stiu cu adevarat cat valoreaza sunt putini, nu se uita la care fata a monedei expun, ca nu ii intereseaza amanuntul, si isi vad de tereaba lor cu nepasare, ceea ce se petrece in jur nu ii afecteaza, ca nu se vand, deci valoarea lor de piata nu ii doare.

Cei care desii sunt fara valoare intrinseca, sau foarte mica, dar vor sa se vanda scump, escrocii, managerii, banchierii, politicii, si alte animale din astea, monezi false, sunt ca niste monezi bine lustruite, stralucitoare, dar... de greutate gresita ca materialul e fals, nu au stofa, dar se dau mari si rotunzi, nu erau cand s-a impartit rusinea, sau modestia.

Cei cu valoare intrinseca se impart in 3 categorii, si fiecare cade in orisicare dintre cele 3 categorii de mai multe ori pe zii, in functie de imprejurari, ma rog, cel mai des in doua dintre ele, poate in a treia mai rar, poate anual...

Definim fetele monedei ca fiind cap si pajura, asa ca avem chef, putea fi fata si dos, stema si ban, etc.
Si dunga, binenteles.

Sa zicem ca o fata este ca la magnet, negativa, alta pozitiva.

In functie de situatie predomina o anumita fata la un moment dat, cum o dai cum o sucesti cade cu negativul la vedere, sau cu pozitivul, dupa interes, dupa care incepe legea atractiei universale, negativ atrage pozitiv si invers, se lipesc valorile intre ele.

Si asa se aleg oamenii pe bisericute, dupa interes, valori, care de putere, unii pe bune, altii pe rele, si fiecare isi apara casta, interesul, gruparea, evident fiecare grupare are un lider sau un grup de agitatori, lideri.

Aici e buba, liderii au interesul lor, diferit de cel al grupului, dar imprima grupului o tendita care pare atractiva si legitima pentru alcooliti, si care in acelasi timp fara voia grupului sustine si promoveaza pe ascuns prin forta grupului insusi si agenda personala, ascunsa, a liderului/agitatorilor.

Exemple sunt la greu, de exemplu un lider agitator vrea sa darame pe liderul altui grup, dar nu poate ca omul e vazut bine, integru, cu bun simt (exagerez aici) si de treaba (aici nu exagerez), pentru inceput isi face datornici, cui nu are o clara ideee despre propria valoare ii imprumuta ceva, bani, idei, loc de munca, un sac de cartofi, un cadou de nunta, etc, metode sunt, apoi cand la o adica ii explica mai indirect ca ¨ imi esti dator moral/finaciar/etc) asa ca votezi cum zic eu¨.

In tabara adversa se face la fel, evident ca liderii si agitatorii nu se baga sa fie sefi, imping in fata sefi care le sunt datori, de merge rau altul o ia in freza, de merge bine ala e laudat si agitatorul incaseaza beneficiul pe subt mana, iar oricum seful de grup face ce i se spune ca de.. e dator, a fost facut sef prin sfanta voie a liderului... deci ciocul mic, privirea la usa sii.... executarea.

Daca se reuseste manjirea cumva a unui apropiat al agitatorului advers, prin date pe bune sau false, se poate ajunge sa preiei controlul asupra sefului, care e ramas fara de proptea.  Daca boul ala de sef se trezeste realismul in el si vede ca nu are nevoie de proptele ca se descura minunat si fara, incepe razboiul intestin, i se da peste nas ca protejeaza si se inconjoara ce persoane corupte, adica celalt leader si alcolitii lui.

Si uite asa se sparg biserici, migreaza parlamentarii de la un partid la altul, se desfiinteaza si re infiinteaza partide, lideri de partid is fac partide noi in ciuda alora de i-au dat afara din partid si de la guvern, etc.  ca de bisericute e plina omenirea.

Si fiecare zice ca e cu polul pozitiv al monezii la vedere, deci aia cu negativ sunt atrasi ca sa le manjeasca valoarea, si fiecare se da in stamba si isi da in petic ce buni sunt ei si ce piosi si idispensabili sunt ei celorlalti, care daca si-ar cunoste cu adevarat valaorea, nici nu i-ar baga in doua bete pe domnii lideri, ca lideri nu sunt.

Si aici apar raritatile, aia intr-o duga, nu care au cazut intr-o dunga din greseala si mai apoi se culca pe o ureche sau pe cealalta, din astia avem mai des, nu destul de des din pacate, din cei care temporar isi descopera valoarea si capacitaitile, dar se lasa convinsi ulterior ca aiureaza si se dau cu o grupa sau cu alta.

Dar sunt unii care fie din nascare, fie din experienta, reusesc sa fie intr-o dunga tot timpul, si daca ii darami cumva, se invart ce se invart si hopa iar intr-o dunga.  Scoala grea asta, sa nu te lasi pe o ureche cum e mai comod, sa te tii tot timpul la propria valoare si sa nu iti pese de toti aia de vor sa te culce la pamant pe o parte sau pe alta, si pe stanga si pe dreapta, hop si asa...

Persoane rare, des atacate de ambele tabere la instigarea liderilor agitatori, pai cum ala isi arata valoarea si il doare in cot de cat ii atribuim noi?  Cum adica, nu are nevoie de noi ca sa stea drept?  Pai iti dai seama ca in felul asta se vede ca noi stam stamb?  Asta nu putem permite.  Si dai si omoara-l.

Dar nu prea au pe cine, ca daca stai intr-o dunga te misti lejer si rapid, ai valorile bine definite ca altfel cazi, si nici puscaria si nici moartea nu te scot din echilibrul tau decat cel mult temporar, dar te ridici din nou in secunda doi.

Oamenii de tipul asta deranjeaza centrele de putere ca arata adevarata natura a lucrurilor, nu exista cap si pajura, nu exista dreapta si stanga, sunt aceasi chestie, depinde cum te invarti, pai iti dai seama ca daca afla grupul meu sau al tau ca ii prostim cu stanga si dreapta, cu cap si pajura cu false conflicte ideologice, ne lasa balta si toata puterea noastra asupra lor dispare imediat?

Indira Ghandi, Nelson Mandela sunt doua exemple, dar
José Mujica e cel mai recent si zic eu cel mai bun exemplu, om intr-o dunga, a facut puscarie pentru ca era intr-o dunga si nu se lasa pus jos nici la stanga nici la dreapta, nici pe bani grei nici cu amenintari grele, a iesit si a ajuns presedinte, si a transformat tarisoara aia din un iad intr-un mic rai fara sa aiva scoli multe sau celebre, si bine inteles a fost un cui in tlapa si la dreapta si la stanga liderilor agitatori pe interese. Nu l-a interesta banul, faima, puterea, il durea o singura chestie, fericirea oamneilor cale l-au ales.

Mai sunt oameni intr-o dunga azi?

Prin partide nexam, prin biserici neam, prin scoli inalte sau joase hatz, dar mai sunt, si toti leaderii si agitatorii se bat cu morile de vant sa ii faca invizibili pe astia, intr-o dunga, ca sa nu le ia crema de pe inexistenta prajitura cu care atrag turma la vot dupa ei.  Mare, voluminoasa, frumoasa si gaunoasa ca si valoarea liderilor agitatori care defileaza cu ea in mana.

Fara astia intr-o dunga s-ar duce de rapa tot.  Asa invizibili cum sunt ei, ei sunt forta care ne tine sa nu rupem zagazurile si sa ne imprastiem ca faina orbului, fara rost si fara sanse de viitor.

martedì 25 luglio 2017

Your target market is split in two: those that need the product, and those that want the product. Which one makes you more money?

Analyzing based on past time each category is again divided in minimum two, to simplify, those that can afford your price and those that cannot.

Let's start with a simple market that anybody understands today, software.  We all have it on the computer, on the tablet, on the phone, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the garden water hose.

When software first popped up the way we know it today, as OS, (not mere trials of some nuts that loved to play with), it was damn expensive, few rich companies could afford computers and software, and even fewer governments.

But people needed it, so we had the segment of those that needed it split in two, who could afford it and who could not.

Unix was as dear as the costs of a war between two nations, they run with him nuclear plants, and similar things of great magnitude, including government operations.

Dude, home needed one too, Dude was accountant but could not afford to spend the the national income of a small country for that.

Dude knew some Unix programmers because they were his clients and they kept telling him what a kaboom of steroids would mean to have a computer, so he bought one, but no OS...  that was wayyyyyyy toooo muuuuuch.

So his clients charged him peanuts and beer, and made a micro Unix like something to run his expensive and inert toy, to bring it to life.

So on the market popped up Linux, Sun Solaris, IBM, DOS, M.S. Dos, MacIntosh, CPM and a rainbow of others.

They made their programmer rich in the first run?  Nope, I mean wealthy yes, but rich Bill Gates style, nope.

How many of those names you still remember?

Maybe none, their target market were not the guys who wanted, but the guys who needed, like Dude above.

Than two guys had the same idea, what if we sold this to whom wants it, although not really needs it?  Yea, but how, I mean everything was on programming language, no Graphic Interface.  So they both created graphic interfaces, one named Apple, one named Windows, and both priced it low, damn low, less than 1% of what Dude paid his friends to get his pile of sand and metal come to life and producing money, and definitely less than Unix, maybe one fraction of a million of it's price.

Steve Jobs did a good quality job to keep his name's sake, and priced it accordingly, some 1 monthly salary of a coast to coast truck driver.

Bill Gates made a pale quality one, full of bugs and incertitudes, but priced it for one day of work of a coast to coast truck driver.

Everybody wanted them, guess whom got rich?  Did those people really needed them?  Nope, there were not even applications at the time, except e-mail, Microsoft Works (what an oxymoron) text processor and the like.

Internet browsers popped up far late in time, and changed the game for ever.

The computers revolution ladies and gentleman, disruptive technology, game changer (gamers included) the future... now obsolete.

Let's have a look into the same perspective at the 3D printing technology, dream of the humanity, the physical replicator of... anything, new shoes?  Print them in leather, New chairs?  Print them in oak, new car body?  Print it in carbon fiber, New car engine?  Print it in metals,   fresh stake to grill?  Print it in bio flesh materials, also print the grill in metal and some coals in carbon and hydrogen please.

Now available?  Not yet, maybe some on monomaterials like plastic or ABS filament, or cement, or metal shyntheriser or Stereo Lithography Tridimensional (I guess, damn those acronyms, what the heck means SLT anyway?) with UV curing in various waxes, plastics, silicones (not for breast implant I guess, buttocks implants maybe) and other materials.

I heard somebody is printing with meat cells living steaks, or human parts, a printed liver, fully operational for transplant please...

How much per machine to start with?  Millions when they came on the market.

Who bought them?  Just like with initial computers and OS platforms, General Motors, the Pentagon, DARPA and similar, for fast prototyping and design proofing.

Than somebody came up with the first open source Rep Rap printer, with plastic filament (fishing line to be more precise), somebody else with cheap SLT solutions, for now small machines, like a coffee maker size, can print a mug or half a shoe in plastic or ABS or similar.

For those that needed them, but could not afford, and cost wise... thousands of USD a piece (far cheaper than the big money counterpart, but still dear to the segment "want them"  not the "need them" one).

Than more feeble and slow machines were made, now a Reap Rap machine DIY can cost USD 200 or more, and a day of work to assemble it home from kit, and maybe a month to finally make it work in synchrony with your laptop.

Metal printers are still around 60K to 100K each, SLT from 3 K to 100 K each, but is a start, son the shit hits the fan and a machine as big as a fridge with multiple heads (metal, plastic and SLT) might come on the market big enough to print a chair or a small table or piece of furniture, or the fender of your car if you dented it.  Probably priced around 1 monthly salary of a coast to coast driver (say 3Gran).

And from than on the game changes for ever, again...

Copyrighted by Emil Pop, July 2017.

martedì 28 marzo 2017

I decided to live my life As a form of protest Against human stupidity

Collection of thoughts of mine upon the human stupidity at it's best.

Legal hour now kicked in, but in 6 months the natural hour takes it's place back.
Conclusion: If it's legal than ain't natural, and if it's natural, than ain't legal.
I think it applies to all legal matters.

Nothing is easy unless you like what you are doing, not even thinking or taking a nap.  But mostly thinking the right thing and doing the right thing.

Imagine if you please a place in the universe where people believe that war is peace, destruction is profit, greed is good, drugs are health, debt brings wealth, taxation is progress, stupid is brilliant and ignorance is bliss.  It's name is "nobody cares", population seven billion. 

Driver school is no driver school, is handling a vehicle school, the license is not a driving license, just a license to kill.  Once passed the threshold of one hundred thousand kilometers it may become a driving license, maybe...

Smoking is good for the environment, since it kills the smokers...

Life can only be understood inwards, happiness is an inside job, same as freedom.  However that is illegal and however, nobody cares.

Dubito ergo cogito, cogito ergo sum, said the wise man.
Modern interpretations is: debito ergo sum.

The problem is not the small psychopathic minority that insults left and right, black, Asian, natives or white, the problem is us, the majority, we now fall for their game and feel insulted by anything, instead of diminishing their power upon us by simply ignoring them as you ignore a worm in the grass or a flee in the orchard, instead of burning down the orchard for that flee.

With friends like those I need no enemies. (Romanian proverb)

Not even the disinformation is what is used to be, dropped in quality lately.

we are the future, but future is not ours...

Health savings accounts??
"Giving the poor a health care savings account is like giving the starving a cookbook."
The idea is that if you do not strive to put some cash into health saving account, they cannot steal it later, and that is what they are looking for, everybody to have any money only in the accounts, cashless world, so if they want, they can in a blink erase your balance if you are inconveniently thinking or speaking.
Did you ever see "enemy of the state"?
What other incentive to have you do that they can come with better than your health worries?

 If you want to join the army you must be some criminal mind, otherwise I cannot explain people joining the army.

mercoledì 22 febbraio 2017

Turn the other cheek.

All preachers and most church attenders know and will point out to these verses

Matthew 5:39 and Luke 6:29

Where basically they state Jesus is teaching us not resist the persecution and the aggression of the wicked.

But the bible also tells us to preach the gospel all times, and according to Martin Luther, sometimes we should also use words.

There is one more thing the bible tells us and this is what the preachers tend to avoid mentioning:
-And He said to them, "When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?" So they said, "Nothing." Then He said to them, "But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.  For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: 'And He was numbered with the transgressors.'  For the things concerning Me have an end
in Luke 22:35 - 38-

The fact is those passages are on irreconcilable positions according to the preachers..., on the contrary, they state the same thing to me.  "Preach the gospel at all times" (and sometimes use the words too)

Now how is that working?

Some might argue that the sword is figurative, but I doubt so, I think is about a good Damascus steel sword we are talking about here.  The real deal.

I mean you had to sell a garment to buy it, not your socks, not the shirt, not the trousers, but the whole garment; overcoat included.
At the time that was some real money, Primark and Walmart were not selling yet single time use items for one dollar/pound/euro each, making a garment by hand from seeding, to harvesting to processing to making the fabric to tailoring and coloring... must of cost like a good car now days.  Sell your good car and buy a sword, that must of being a good sword.

Back to what we need to learn from all this:  preach the Gospel the way they shall never forget it, teach them a lesson they will remember for life.

In the first case, by turning the other cheek... in public (have you acknowledged in all cases this is preached it is not about things done in private, but in public?) to shun them for being abusive, to teach them such a harsh lesson of superiority, humbleness, might and strength that everybody around would remember that for ever; and the trespasser would not dare stick their heads out of their houses for shame unless they change in better and be re accepted by the community after a deep evidence of having learned their lesson once and for all.

O yes, the bible is meant to be read in it's literal and cultural context, anything else is out of place, which is the way they preach anyway, out of place.  Why so?  Simply so they can take advantage of you being humble and submissive to their abusive ways.

Following the juridical principle that the last law to be issued completes the previous ones, eliminates among the previous ones those that are in disagreement with the last one and takes over the legal issues as the only applicable law from that moment on, we must note that the "buy a sword" commandment arrived after the "turn the other cheek" on a chronological order.

And it is telling us that if in our appraisal of the situation, the "turn the other cheek" will have no positive effect, than pull out the sword and defend your rights, fight them to death, chain them and send them to jail, whatever, if they have a hard time behaving like they should, just kick their asses.

Of course there is another command coming latter in time, "love one another", but surprisingly that is not canceling the above two. 
What is that command doing is telling you not to be like those that you have to punish for being wicked, be it by shaming them publicly or if not efficient to do so, by fighting them with the sword or whatever you happen to have as weapon, legal documents, lawyers, courts, guns, as long as justice prevails.  Be a warrior and kick ass.

Be better.  As long as it works, and be stronger and more mean when needed, but without being wicked and evil yourself.

Bottom line, turn the other cheek it is only another weapon to publicly put to shame ad teach a hard lesson to the evil ones, use it when it works to kick their asses around, and if that would not do, remember that sword you bought and trained with?  Use it... with love.

sabato 18 febbraio 2017

The political sphere overview

I hate communism, fascism, democracy, capitalism, socialism, catholicism and Muslim, and any other religion that requires that I submit my rights to their guidance so I can be saved from ( each one comes up with something) in exchange of my taxes and absolute obedience to their (creed, political line, Imam, Pope, etc) as by them authorized.

I try to use my brain, and this labels me antipatic, inconvenient, recalcitrant, reactionary, anarchic, and so on, to make it brief, I am among those that seek the facts or the satire against "alternative facts", and throws them in the face of those that ignore and deny them by posting biased information in support of one of the line above mentioned or others not mentioned here, simply because this is how they make a living, or worse, because they got to believe such religious line is the absolute truth.

The official line is that the political spectrum is ... a line, democracy in the middle, the left, the right, the extreme left and the extreme right...  there is no room for other options, thus anarchy is  not even contemplated for instance.

In reality the politics is sphere (a... yes, they sometimes call themselves the political sphere, but you shouldn't know that) half sunk in shit, where at the top pole is the Anarchy, than below is the decayed from anarchy due to greed and stupidity, and that is democracy.

Than from the 45 degrees below we have a shady zone where half is socialism and half is capitalism, sort of democracy abortions towards decay. If you spin the sphere around an axis that passes from pole to pole, you can't really tell the difference between the two when it comes to common people's daily life.

Capitalism is decay, of democracy, as socialism is decay of democracy, fascism and communism is their extreme decay that closes the circle below equator line, thus fascism and Communism are the opposite side of the sphere from democracy and deep in violent shit.

At the equator of this sphere is where the deep shit starts.  And from there below we have Communism and Fascism.  Again if you spin the sphere around an axis that passes from pole to pole, you can't really tell the difference between the two when it comes to common people's daily life.  Same shit.

And below that, at the deep end pole, opposite to Anarchy, we have extremism, militarism, corporatism at it's best, is where people are numbers and can be scarified at will for the profit of the few, same goes for the nature, who cares if forests are vanishing and waters and poisoned, once money are made.

In the end is the same sphere, where anarchy is freedom to think, speak and act but without being an asshole, and from that point below, starting with democracy and down to extremism and violence, is but mere economics imposed upon social throughout politics and terror.

We are living cheap times when stupidity and insolence are the law and admired in awe, but wisdom is stepped upon and spat on the head, bought and sold on mere nothing or thrown away for nothing.

 It is a war stink around.

Deep thoughts are only coming to those that think, the others are just shitting in their brains in public.

I share ideas with the idealists
I share thoughts with the thoughtful
I explore profundities with the deep thinkers
I observe the Universes with the acute observers
I split the hair in 4, or 16 or 32 with the keen analysts

I dream beyond of what it can be seen

United Mediocrity sticks together united as a wall against intelligent, the usual.

Don't be normal, mediocre is normal
Don't be the best, the best is in management
Don't be extraordinary, heroes are extraordinary
Be Superlative, Thinkers are superlative
They feed the to do to heroes, management and the masses
They are unknown, they hide, think and lead.

Simply me

I am finite and infinite
I am everything you can see
In a smile, in a glimpse or in a gaze,
I am stardust, starlight and night
And all that matter, multiplied
By the square of the speed of light

The moment you stop learning is the moment you start dying.

I have always learned from my mistakes, and still consider I need some more experiences, thus, will keep doing some more mistakes, they seem to be needed.

So why stop now that I have gained so many years of experience in doing mistakes.  My biggest mistake I keep on doing is seeing things as they are not as I am told to perceive them for the momentary interest or gain of somebody in charge.

For instance, there is blond hair, and there is brunettes hair, also red hair and gray hair, there also is white hair, but in the end all of it is hair.
One exception thou, the bald hair, more difficult to deal with since literally invisible, but there is none the less.

And if somebody wants you to stick to their "view" of alternative facts, well... it does not work with me.

No system is going to give you the education you need so you can overthrow them, just enough to serve them. Educate yourselves out your mental slavery.

Because me is... me, and I want to do all my mistakes myself, and learn from them, thus thanks for your benevolent help of feeding me your version of the truth, I love you, I trust you, but make no mistake, I will verify you and what you said, and make up my own mind.

The Chaos reigns, and is well organised, than there is Anachy!

The Internet is full of wrong and unreal definitions of anarchy.

This is but mere biased definitions, the truth for which the power fears anarchy is total different, this is why they portray it as violent, violence is not anarchy, is but mere organized chaos.

Anarchy is organized mutual respect and support.

An Archos, means without a hierarchic structure, no need for it under the conditions that the law is so respectful of the citizens that there is no need to enforce it, and the citizens are so respectful of the law that there is no need to police them.

And in that case there is no need for a structure of power.

And that my friends means that there is no need of Putin, or Clinton, or Bush or Thatcher or Assad or Trump or Obama or Saddam or anything similar, and that scares the shit of all the psychopaths in power, army, politics, business, for that takes the most desired toy out of their hands, absolute power, dominance, control, despotism, dogmatism, their power over their own kin.

Study a bit the history of anarchy, there were anarchic cities in Italy that lasted and prospered for hundred of years, same in antique Greece, until military organized greedy psychopaths warlords from exterior conquered them to loot them, just go ahead and study this, it is really interesting.

And that is why they call any negative event now Anarchy, that is why they send violent Black lives matter, or other smashers in the midst of any peaceful protest, to make it look like thieves are looting and destroying everything around when seen on TV, than call them anarchists, but they are not, mostly they are police or military in action under cover and under strict orders to create chaos and destruction so they can blame anarchy... and the demonstrators.

Watch them carefully any demonstration, the organized chaos agents only destroy a small area where preventively is all the press filming (by some odd chance), than the police block opens miraculously for them to pass through unharmed, smiling at each-other, than they simply vanish.... in thin air (actually they put the police gear back on and are to be found right there under shields charging against the real demonstrators).

Because they love chaos, and promote it, than label it anarchy so nobody thinks that anarchy is good.

That is not anarchy.

lunedì 23 gennaio 2017

Why go in search of the truth when you can create it tailored to your needs?

It is called Perception Manipulation.

And is done by a few ultra expert companies against millions, they do not go in search of the truth, they make it up and shovel it down to everybody's throat through the mainstream media.

You will never know they exist, who they are and how much are they paid to create "truth" according to the buyers needs of your perception, like the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq or the Terrorism in Syria. Just to mention two, OK, three, let's ad 9/11 and the missing building 7.

 We as humans feel the need to be lazy and take thngs for granted, so trust your government, they know what is best for you.

Fascists boasted all they do is for the best of their people, and the people trusteed them, same was the communist propaganda, nothing different form the Democracy propaganda, or any other religion.

And all propaganda was always based on make believe stories that had little or zero to do with the reality, but had anything to do with how they wanted you to percieve the reality proposed by them.

It is called indoctrination, thus their proposal is rather a Dogma, or the party line of thinking, same thing.

The means used are utter lies, well coordinated thou, little massacre here, some bombing there, a lot of cinema and television support, big media coverage in support of the line approved, blaming anybody else of; obstructionism, crimes never committed, inexistent intention of crimes, and so on, in order to create a mass hysteria, leading to blind support of their line of action.

Rings any bell?

Nearing the truth...

Nothing exists if there is nobody to perceive the said existence... most humans think.

In 1869 humans discovered the DNA, but did not discovered who created the DNA and the humans, that one discovered it long time before, and nobody said the people of Noah did the delicate part of the job saving the species, they just did the Ark, if ever it was them, maybe they were just cheap labourers.

You see, the fact that we, humans, did not know or are not aware of something, that does not mean that something does not exist, nor it means somebody else that knows about it and how to handle it does not exist.  DNA existed before we discovered it, it did not enter into the existence just because we acknowledged it.

Otherwise how do you justify our creation "ex nihil", not to mention the creation of every other known life form, not to bring in the discussion the creation of the entire universe or multiverse...  Somebody was there, at work, and had the know how.

I would argue with anybody, about anything, over a beer.

I would argue with anybody, about anything, over a beer.

Bring your own bottle.

Don't forget one for me.

Breaking and burning things makes head line news, but calling that anarchy shows an absolute lack of knowledge and culture.

Therefore if you think rioting and smashing and setting ablaze things is anarchy, than you are dumb.

That is the exactly opposite of anarchy, is organized chaos.

Anarchy is organized mutual respect.

Unfortunately most of the folks are slave of the approved line of thinking.

Slaves are brain and soul damaged, they cannot understand the real meaning of Anarchy, some time I think they deserve to be slaves ....

And Yes .... they want to be slave !!! ... unbelievable but true.

Never anywhere in the Bible did Jesus asked us to be stupid


Never anywhere in the Bible did Jesus asked us to be stupid, he asked us to be humble, meek, kind, to share, to care, to turn the other chick, but not to be stupid and uneducated.

And this is why I cannot share into the sadness and madness and despair of either the Trump supporters or the Anti Trump protesters, I cannot be that stupid, it is not biblical.

If done without hysteria, it is wise to be anti any government that is wrong by definition, and as of today only Iceland has one that is decent.

Keep reading my blog, and yes, start writing yours too, but make good choice of words and concepts... it is so easy to put in wrong wordings the right concepts, you have no idea. 

For paying attention while reading is one thing, paying attention while awakening the sheeple, that is something far beyond...

 It is a mistake to be totally ruled by emotions over transitory matters, such as who is the next president... what political party wins, what team wins the next derby.

Just an anti democratic thought


Democracy is a religion as any other, just like the Fascism, Communism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and the list can go ahead.

And it is forced down on the people throughout means like the media, throughout absolute obedience and observance to the creed, throughout high interest, taxes, armies, police and secret services, school and education systems.

And it destroys without mercy anybody that dares having a different line of thinking, not necessarily worse, but especially if the line of thinking brings forth better solutions.

mercoledì 4 gennaio 2017

To be normal today you must be nuts, otherwise you are abnormal.

All over the on-line space today all we see is about refugees. 

None of our business why they are refugees, on the contrary, ask that question and you are trolled to death.

What you are supposed to do is to be highly sensitive to their crisis, needs, to be "empathic", to feel their drama (dare not ask who provoked it in the first place) show solidarity,  adopt them as they are, in one chunk, no selection, right now, unconditioned, urgent, without controls.

Dare you having some other opinion, not necessarily against them, but a slight reserve onto the whole trend, all of a sudden you are a hater, xenophobe, hearth-less, soul less, no conscience, racist, chauvinist, masochist, and the list can go on.

On FB and other blogs, highly paid "intellectuals" are crucifying themselves to convince you to think like them (while they don't think, they follow orders) to re asses your believes to match their convictions, to pull us out of our primitive way of thinking that what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine, so they start explaining us from the Big Bang on to today's days how is the past and how should we act in the present day.

Is like we are supposed to take some Karma punishment over what a few thousand years ago some ancestors of ours did while the crusades, thus today we have to lower our pants to take our punishment, that to be realistic never took place against none of nowadays nations or governments like Syria or Iraq or Pakistan or India, at the time nor our nations neither their's were formed.

 Oh yes, those government paid trolls are trying to teach us from the height of their plagiarized diplomas that this is how things are supposed to work.

You know what, we are lucky enough the American Natives from both continents, the Africans, the Polynesians  and the Japanese and Chinese did not decided yet to get even with us for the "visit" somebody down our history-line paid them in the past centuries, not to mention how much the Europeans have to pay back to the eastern invasions in the past millennia, could you imagine the slaughter?

Or maybe this is exactly what they want us to do, commence the slaughter for their joy.  

In such case migration to Mars should start on a private means basis or no human on earth will remain alive in a decade, although I think it already started, we just were not informed yet, thou.

Looking in the right prospective