mercoledì 24 gennaio 2024

We have always eaten insects, especially without a helmet as a rider.

It's comical, an insect needs to breathe more often for the same weight, so for the same weight it produces three times as much CO2, which is fine with me, it helps the trees to grow big and beautiful.

Then, for the same weight, an insect has more "bones" than "meat", so it is necessary to eat three times as much to cover the same protein requirement, which will lead to the production of CO2 per kilo of consumable protein of approximately 6 times respect to the beaf, pork, or other political animals that wander around television or write bullshit online and offline.

And that's fine with me because this way plants grow stronger and more beautiful, by consuming CO2.

So there are no problems here, since we have always eaten insects, especially on horseback and on a motorbike, but also on a bicycle and a scooter, especially without a helmet as a rider.

But... if the cows, pigs, etc. from a farm away escape from their stables, they will make a killing around your crops until you catch them and put them back in again. Let's make a large breeding farm, ten thousand animal heads. Massive damage, proportions comparable only to the damage done by the tax man in your life.

However, if the insects escape from your farm, let's say from a small farm, ten million (and an apartment is enough to raise them), in three days they are 100 million, in two weeks they are one billion, in one month they are billions of billions, nothing stops them, they fly over rivers and fences, they raze everything that can be eaten to the ground, harvest fields, forests, golf and football fields (those that are not synthetic, however), leaving all the animals, including humans, dead of hunger...

Only the ocean and the North Pole stops them fro crossing from continent to continent.

However, if in a coordinated way tens of farms accidentally lose billions of insects each, cautiously on every continent and island, what happens is, you know, well, you do the math...

sabato 20 gennaio 2024

How can you use feedback to improve your team resilience?

Linkedin invited me to contribute to a shared article with this tittle.

After reading all the toxic contributions combing down the use of feedback and ... resilience; I said mine:

Resilience to what?

Building resilience presumes from start a harsh environment due to a long standing enemy in a position of occupation that we need to endure in order to survive untill the enemy is gone.

Using cliche' words like resilience to try to prove that regular emplyoees don't need to be paid for their work, minimum wage should do, but the top management should be authorised to take the cream as bonuses depriving those that actually produced that value of their own work is not a way to justify top management and directorship greed and blame all the failure on those that actually work and make value happen.

Pay your workers better, so they don't need any resilience at work.

Let them thrive. Sack bad, greedy management.

Trusting is fair enough, but verifying is not an option, it is the only way.

You cannot calm down the storm.
Calm down yourself, and face the storm.

Going desperate about a situation you cannot avoid or change is not solving your problem, changing your circumstances so when the situation hits you than it finds you ready to resist untill it passes and you can raise again; seems to be a more of a wise option.

That also involves situation awarness, you cannot prepare yourself to be resilient and master yourself during bad times unless you are fully aware such times might come, what would they look like, what resurces you need to gather to cope with the situation, what knowledge you need to achieve to handle such resurces thoughtfully and wiselly, whom can you count on, and whom can count on you.

That involves building ties with some sort of comunity that is looking into similar options, might have gathered knowledge, might think otherwise than you do hence see things that you have missed from your assesements, and so on.

That involves communication with people, groups, and obviously scammers that want to make a living on your fears, desires, needs or wants, and especially on your naivety.

And that involves building the ability to segregate good info from bad intel, good people from parasites, and the ability to belive nothing just because said so by somebody in some authoriatarian position such as a politician, minsiter, bank president, medical doctor or some top scientist, because everybody will convincingly lie to anybody as long as the money is good to do that, so trusting is fair enough, but verifying is not an option, it is the only way.

Starving nations to death as a mainstream politics.

The easiest method to kill hundreds of milions and play the Saviour Card is to pretend you do it for their own good, you "save them" from some immaginary evil, such as CO2 and Methane gases coming out from ... plants growing and cow farting.

So they need to stop growing plants, for food evidently, and that will lead to massive famine, and hundreds of milions of deaths in the coming years.

Stalind did that in USSR, Mao did that in China (his excuse was the birds eating in the crops...) Churchill did it in India... they did it in Uganda (chasing away all the farmers that know how to cultivate the land) they do it now in South Africa using the Uganda Method of chasing away the farmers.

And now Ursula Von Der Leyen, Klaus Schwab and others are pusing for the same agenda world wide, because it happens to work fine thank you, you promote that with the might of state institutions behind you, people believe you for a couple of years, and voila... starvation on a large scale killing hundreds of milions in a few monts.

They also want farmers to raise locusts and grasshoppers for food, your food.

Immagine what happens when thousands of farms doing that, each raising trillions of locusts per years, accidentally let them loose into the wild... in a week all planet will look moslty like the Sahara dessert, no plants alive anywhere because... ups, it was an accident, a global accident I might ad...

In a mind-boggling proposal, the World Economic Forum has reportedly entertained the idea of banning rice production as a solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

See the video of each of their proposal online, easy to find them on Youtube, Odysee, Ramble, Vimeo, and many other portals.

In Europe they are banning the land owners from cultivating their lands by various methods, one of them is state subsidies to not cultivate your land (I have relatives owning hundreds of hectars of land and being paid to let it uncultivated, not even cutting the hay they can now)

Another one is forbidding families to raise their own animals for family needs; like pigs, chicken, cows etc, or forbidding families to use their lawn for crops for family needs, you can only have grass lawn and that needs to be cut short or they evict you from your own property.

Because apparently, in their parallel universe, the world can do without some of the most widely consumed staple foods, and millions of people can simply forget about their beloved sushi and biryani, sarmale or bread, cokies and pastry, etc.

One can only imagine the uproar from rice-loving nations and the bread and pasta loving nations in the other hemisphere, and the perplexed looks on the faces of farmers who have been cultivating the grain for centuries so you can have bread on the table.

Dutch farmers are in uproar for over a year now against their government that wants to take away their lands so they cannot cultivate it, and now the German farmers are taken the streets too.

It seems the folks at the World Economic Forum have cooked up a scheme that will murder most of the population if various countries will bend over and apply it!

It happen in the past, and now they propse it again, for their own beneft naturally, not yours obviously, you are the ones they try to kill after all.

venerdì 19 gennaio 2024

High end cuisine of the future.

Researchers in general are a bunch of scoundrels who don't know much about anything, but they know how to get funds the hard way, eat them up big time, and they give results as they should, that is, as they are instructed by the source of income.

A few years ago they also understood that cows dream, as well as chickens and fish and all other animals.

Every peasant knew this from the Romans time onwards, but not the researchers and other scientists and academics, they didn't...

And someone more vegan told them... look; here is some big time money, now you know too like farmers knew, make a fuss about this topic so that the world stops eating animals for those dream too like us, eat crickets since those don't dream (they say).

And worms, yes, make sure to make them flour sou you don't loose apetite from the appearance on your plate.

Appearance matters. Worms with green parsley, enjoy your meal.

Regaining trust through censorship

That's all the naked announced at la World Economic Forum.

In Germany, the banning of some opposition parties and the lifting of the civil rights of a politician who has not been convicted of anything, but has a different opinion than the government, is being openly discussed.

China Comunist Party style...

Same did Trudeau in Canada, same in Australia and New Zeeland, not to mention the Uited States.

Very difficult times await us

lunedì 15 gennaio 2024

Aliens are coming, aliens are coming, aliens are coming, aliens are coming.

Yes, the black ops, the one with the plandemic blew up in a year or two, they hoped it would last for about 10 years.

The masters of the current narrative panicked.

They beggd with Putin and Zelinsky to put on a war farce for a decade or so.

It blew out their nosees in a year, since then they've been dragging the stretcher through the televisions because no one gives a shit about this program anymore.

Then they begged Netanyahu to do something monumental, that's what Bibbi told the Mossad to bring out Hamas, and now we have the circus again,on bread, but it deflates quickly, another 6 months and they lose the consumer's attention in front of the TV again.

They keep pleading with Xi to enter Taiwan, maybe... for now they patched up with the Houthis temporarily, and they resuscitated the Somalis to help them out, it won't last long, the world is already bored with so much low budget suspense.

Their quality is more like there were movies with Steven Segal, nothing professional.

So, in preparation with fanfare and drums... Aliens....

They will be very advanced beings, technologies unmatched on the planet (well, to keep the scheme functional, they have been preparing for 30 years by dumbing down the population and destroying the state and private educational system, you'd have to be stupid to believe that, so they made all more stupid)

And above all they will not have a body (where have I heard of this before?, ah yes, in the Bible, devils do not have a body, they have to occupy the body of people or animals to run on our hardware as they are only software)

Now, fight with some incorporeal ones, but who have intergalactic bombs, shoot at you with laser guns, masser weapons, and taser weapons, occupy anyone's brain (you gonna see what the queue will be of hypochondriacs who in the plandemic walked around with a mask on their nose and 17 boosters in their arms that there was no more room on the body to insert another needle), who all disappeared overnight and reappeared as experts in Slava Ukraini, with flags and everything on the doors and windows, which are now badly disoriented if Slava continues or Let's go Neaniahu... (as Ukraina is a form of Gaza while Israel is a form of Russia) ups... transition, hard uphill, they will all suddenly be "possessed" by aliens, for a nice bank account of course, as none of them before worked for free.

I went on a bit too long, but I don't know how to be enigmatic and universally valid in predictions like Nostradamus, me, I am more Nostamasculus Mentulantes ad Mentula Cannem.

I've got the solution in my pocket. Now, what was the problem?

Due to the Global Warming we are now entering another Ice Age for a few millenia.
Just stop oil.
And breathing.
And farting.
To simplify, just stop being, and all of a sudden the world will be back on it's feet again.
And you will have the huge advantage to become tax exempt too.

sabato 13 gennaio 2024

TRILOGY. (project)

By Ovidiu Gheorghe Ruta


I want to write a trilogy.

Let me explain briefly, let's see if we have customers. (Whoever adds value appears in the co-authors.)

Give a heart emojy if we have customers and a tearful and yellow face if you don't give a sod or something like that.

The first book should be called 1776.

It seems that those from the 13 colonies are dissatisfied and would put of a small revolution or something like that, so they have to ask King George to approve that "Yes you can" and that where and than when.

They ask allright, King George presses the button on his abacus and says, from where a good British series was inspired: "Computer says no."

They're angry, so King George, to calm them down, tells them "you know what, look give time another year and we'll reassess".

So they let the matter go, that it was illegal anyway, that what to do if you don't have permission from the twat at the prefecture, or the Epstein at the girls' school?

They got carried away with work, the daily troubles, the hard work of making childrens and at the past for a year, forget to make any more requests.

And they remain British colonies under the name of FUK, The Federation of UK.

The second book, 1948, is about how George Orwell became prime minister of the MIB, the Great British Empire, and how he appointed Aldous Huxley as the Minister of Culture and what social-political reform followed from there.

The third book, 2030, is about the adventures of some Romanian deputies in the Chezaro-Imperial Parliament of the Austro-Romanian Empire, but mostly about how they do nothing there day in and day out.

That's about it, yes, anyway, it's already too much.

Are you in?

mercoledì 3 gennaio 2024

You matter, but if you multiply yourself with the speed of light than; you energy.

There is no such thing as gravity, or time, or space.

It is our perception of the Universe base on which all matter "exists" for us.

Our senses made us think in therms of space, time and gravity.

The reason the time stops at the speed of light is because it does not move to start with, we move through time, and space, our motion makes us feel gravity as we perceive it.

Armageddon now is Overdue...

Yes I know, Armageddon is not an event, just a place, the vally next to the hill of Meggido (where by the way there is a huge aviation base of the state of Israel)

However it is in the collective mind that Armageddon is an event of catastrophic consequences for the humanity, it is not.

The Bible (New Testament) tells us that in that valley all nations will send military to battle the remaining of the seed of Hebrews and will lose so badly that it will take the victors months to collect and burry all the dead.

It does not say all people on Earth will be in that battle, just all govenments military, everybody else will be fine thank you wherever they are on the planet.

Conclusion: if you don't want to die in the battle of Armageddon, just stay at home (or if you live in the Kibutz village next to the said base, move out to live)