domenica 10 settembre 2023

Slogans for the Great reset

A terrifying coalition of big business and big tech are so confident and brazen they are promising the public “you will own nothing, and you will be happy” in an advertising campaign for a global reset, according to Sky News host Rowan Dean.

“What they should have added is ‘we the very rich will own everything and be even happier’," he said.

The Great Reset is a proposal set out by the World Economic Forum for a new globalised fiscal system which would allow the world to effectively tackle the so-called climate crisis.

Mr Dean said the plan intends to use the “tools of oppression” implemented during the pandemic, such as lockdowns and forced business closures as well as other measures destroying private property rights, to combat the coronavirus to achieve climate outcomes.

“I've spoken before about the insidious phrase Build Back Better which sounds like common sense but is in fact just one of several slogans for the Great reset, another being the Orwellian phrase the fourth industrial revolution”.

“This is as serious and as dangerous a threat to our prosperity and freedom as we have faced in decades." Mr Dean warned viewers to think again if they believed this was just “crazy old Rowan with his conspiracy theories”.

“This garbage is already deeply embedded into our state and federal governments.”

Religion is business.

Religion is just business on the stupidity of those that have no idea of what they believe in, is theft from suckers.

It has nothing to do with God in who´se name pretends to tell you how to live your life and to whom to pay your tithes,

And nothing to do with faith, on the contrary, your true faith bothers them, because if you have faith and stick to the word of God, they cannot control your pockets and your believes.

Now we are 9 billion people on Earth.

9 billion people: if we all lived in a house with a garden that we would all fit in the Alaska Peninsula or in Spain.

And the garden here if instead of lawn it would produce vegetables and fruits would be 50% of the food needs for a family of three, or if built up; the greenhouse vertical model; 4 times more than we can eat.

So the story of overpopulation does not hold water.

However, it is not the population that is to blame for climate change, but the corporate industry, and 90% of that production is useless, designed to break down urgently so as not to reduce profits, scheduled obsolescence.

If it produced quality; then 90% of the industry would be useless, a good thing to live longer, cleaner, and without the need for money to keep buying what breaks down by design, just to make them profit, which in turn generates wars for resources to make a profit.

However, 50% of global production is for war and 80% of global pollution is generated in wars.

Eliminate the scheduled obsolescence and you no longer have a crisis of resources, eliminate wars and this reduces pollution to 1% hence the Gretina no longer has anything to protest, goes jobless.

So it's not about overcrowding the planet, it's about stupidity and greed.

The worlds larges plant capturing carbon.

The worlds larges plant capturing carbon was cut off and burned to ground, it was the Amazonian forest, and the ones in Borneo, Romania, Ukraine, etc.

Iceland has built a mechanical machine that cannot collect as much carbon as a single sequoia tree per year, pur technological bullshit that eat up huge ammounts of money and a long time to build, nt to mention ore,mineralsand polluting processing of them.

I am not shaming Iceland, just the whole of the humanity.

What we need to do is plant more forests and do not bomb them that are planting more trees... how about stop waging war against those that plant forests? Just for starters.

In the timeframe to build such a plant and with the funds eaten up to build such a plant, you can plant milions of hectars of trees in a few months, and by the time the factory is built have already by simply growing up captured more carbon than the machine could capture in it's entire life cycle.

And onwards each year the forest will capture more carbon, year after year for some ... eternity... at a rate of carbon capture per year bigger than the plant can capture in it's entire life cycle, when you have to spend more money to dismantle and replace the plant (forest revives itself automatically if not cut down) and still have to do something with the captured carbon in the plant, while a forest uses it as food to grow itself, replace itself when old, replenish itself when damaged.

Replacing mother nature with machines is bad from any perspective, planting trees is dirty cheap, so it is watching them grow, and the ecological cost is recovered in a year or less, and for the lifetime of that forest will free of any charge in money or lives, provide clean oxygen to any living being on earth.

A machine costs not only big money to produce far less oxygen per capital invested, but also does a huge ecologycal damage to the planet just to extract the minerals needed and to process them into the final product, The Machine,, impact that cannot be recuperated in the entire lifespan of the machine.

Besides without impartial trees to supply oxygen to just about anybody breathing on earth, the machines can be turned off by those in power if one place or another dares thuinking not alongside the aproved line of thought by the Ministry of thought, in other words business as usual for the sociopaths in power that canot be bothered by the existence of a forest that does not obey their orders to stop supplying oxygen to whosoever dares thinking with their own brains, so cut it of, burn it down, to can control the air supply.

On a different note, what animal and vegetal species thrive in a machine?

How about in a forest?

You were not the only conspiracy terrorist nutter around here.

Personally I am a conspiracy practician, digging shit up to find what they burried underneath, no matter how much it stinks, for like 40 years now, got used with them calleing me a shithead when digging and finding precious stuff hidden on purpose.

Also got used with them who used to call me shithead bowing their head in silence while bitting their lips in my presence when shit hits the fan and they have to admit I was right all along.

They hate to do it, but what other choice they have?

venerdì 8 settembre 2023

Using Greek mythology, Eris for example, to hide in plain sight and get away with murder.

The freaks of the planet are giving the mother of fire science with the Bovid Eris.

Eris... hmmmm... let's see who the Goddess Eris is and what subliminal messages the button parasites send us.

In Greek mythology, Eris was the goddess of battle, rivalry and discord.
She was the opposite of the goddess Dike and Harmonia, and was often equated with Enyo, the goddess of war.

Eris would make even the smallest quarrels erupt into very serious events, usually leading to war.
In fact, she is best known for the role she played in indirectly starting the Trojan War, which turned out to be one of the greatest historical events in Greek mythology.

As Hesiod mentions, Eris had several children, or "spirits" known as Cacodaemons.
Their role was to infect all mankind. The identity of their father is unknown. These children were:

Lethe - the personification of oblivion
Ponos - the personification of hardships
Limos - goddess of hunger
Dysnomia - the spirit of iniquity
Ate - the goddess of ruinous and reckless actions
Horkos - the personification of the curse that befalls anyone who makes a false oath
Machai - demons of battle and fighting
Algae - goddesses of suffering
Phonoi - gods of crime
Androktasiai - goddesses of manslaughter
Pseudologoi - personifications of falsehood and evil deeds
Amphilogiai - female spirits of altercations and disputes
Neikea - the spirits of strife
Hysminai - daimons of confrontation and fighting

To know what awaits us. Conspiracies, huh? Why not Aphrodite or Harmonia?
Why Eris, who is a complete disaster with all her children? Oxen do not see, they believe in science.
The same science that not long ago was recommending lobotomy for any minor shit, and treating children with DTT.