domenica 30 aprile 2023

The Light at the End of the Tunnel, but... there is no Tunnel.

Foucault doesn't seem to me, at all.

He is lost in space, as were Marx, England, Milton, Nietzsche, Freud, Kant, Hegel, Descartes, Spinoza, and other troublemakers who thought they had divine revelations for foolishness, only sophistication on the same subject, how to turn the mouse wheel more well in the casino, maybe, maybe go to the nap with a little more chips than you had when you came to gamble.

Nothing about how to stop playing at the casino and not be subject to the rules of the casino.

Others, on the other hand, teach us exactly that, from Plato / Socrates / Seneca to the present day pehilosophers such as Marx, one of the Marx brothers, of whom Groucho was the best but not far ahead, or Frank Zappa, Thoreau, Einstein , George Carlin, Giorgio Gaber and the list goes on, they not only described the beast inside out, all the guts, but also gave solutions on how to get out of the casino and live free from the rules of the game.

Because philosophy means exactly how it translates from Coine ': Philo (Philia) meaning to love as you would love your children and Sofia, meaning wisdom, so to love wisdom as you would love a child of yours, without conditions.

And the famous right-wing left-wing dichotomy, and those who tortured their books to get out of them Communist ideologies, Socialist, Zionist, Fascist, Capitalist, Corporate, Democratic (whatever that means, since everyone has a different opinion.)

In whose names they shouted, shot, killed, bombed, nuked, gassed, bayoneted, blown up children in schools and buses, etc. always come with conditions, well that's not love, wisdom neither, and the basic condition of each is how to be more successful in the casino as an organisation,while oppressing the poorer.

The bad part is that there are solutions, and the casino tricks us with them, it shows us the light at the end of the tunnel.

But it's only accessible if you play by their rules, they say.

That light exists, it's real, it's there.

But the tunnel ... the tunnel doesn't exist, THERE IS NO TUNNEL it's just in our heads, piles of slogans and propaganda, state and private education, media, corporate entertainment, money and the current social economy, allows us not to go to that light that is. .. out of the casino.

Forget the tunnel, be free, go to that light and live under it, without a casino, fichettes, and all the apparent advantages if you do better than the other at gambling tonight.

mercoledì 26 aprile 2023

Riding the wave of a new revolution.

There is Science, there is Science Fiction and there is Fiction science, and than there is disruptive science.

Kaku San (don't ask me how is this sound in Romanian culture, you don't wanna know ) each time our civilization had a boom was because disruptive science (not intentionally, pun intended) has put on the plate something that caught the minds of everybody in short time.

Automobiles, industry, aviation, mass production, each kaboom-ed in folks heads, and hence we have the world we have, space flight kaboom-ed in a few peoples head, hence Sci-Fi, but the others are more fascinated about it than interested to do it, hence no kaboom there.

Thus we are grounded, no business sense solutions there yet.

Aaaa... that was the introduction, now the example:

Computers Kaboom, big time in short time, now we have computers in our pocket that have a telephone app in them, yerp, they art not telephones anymore, but have a phone app to keep that side of business alive.

Now the question:

What is the next kaboom, really, no SF with going to Mars to find some more water.

My hint is 3D printers is that new Kaboom, already rep-rap printers can be afforded by a third world dude that has a steady job, saving 2 years they can buy it, me I have to save one week only, but I live in UK.

There are 3D printers for other materials (SLT) that cost little, and there are 3D printers that can print with metals or ceramics but they cost an eye and a kidney for now, however previously they cost an army of kidneys each, and that's a huge discount we have, I could buy one with my 3 years of salary, like a Porsche.

My vision is that in 20 years from now everybody will have 3D printers in their house, printing various materials, even large size printers (I designed one that can print a whole car-boat-experimental airplane sizes of components) and they can be used to print with iron, steel, titanium, plastic, carbon fiber, cement, ceramics, meat, leather or hell knows what else we might be able to invent as printing ink.

That would lead to huge transformations in society, many manufacturing places will vanish, people will print their own shit home, from downloaded files or their own drawings, be it ordered bespoke or DIY like I do.

Manufacturing will plunge to either raw materials for printers (they can print themselves out for 95% to self repair) or critical components for them, or manufacturing of not printable things, and that will change the face of earth and society at least as much as the industrial revolution did a couple of hundreds of years ago, it will just not happen in 100 years time frame, but far faster.

Now that is something I would like to talk to you about, and why hell not, even do something about it to make it happen. To get in touch with me, I don't think you need any indications.

martedì 18 aprile 2023

Inner dialog with a friend....

Reality is reality, propaganda is not the same thing.

What are we living in?

Each as the brains leads them, me, reality, so I ignore the propaganda.

Propaganda shapes reality. For several years even more intensely than ever. So...

Negative, it only shapes the perception of the reality for the weak minded.

I think everyone understands what the other wants to say.

What I want to add is that what we live in is important. When propaganda is transposed into reality, it is no longer perception, it is even reality, and therefore the construction we adhere to out of habit/tradition/frond/principles/not drinking the koolaid/etc becomes an illusion.

It is reality only for those who believe propaganda, for the rest of us it is not reality, and therefore we do not adapt to the currents of opinion generated by propaganda, we see our own path.

If everyone did that, the propaganda would have zero effects, but activists are paid to believe the lies they propagate and make them believe to the stupids, and stupidity prefers to believe what activists and propgandists say for they are famous actors, politicians, sold scietists and bilionaires, rather than to use their own brains. They lose, not me.

For example, how do we see our way where the payment is only by cash?

Giving up payment as often best option rather than accumulating money in the account or in the stocking in exchange for accumulating something else that can quickly be turned into cash when needed, that is much more interesting, said the one who has being crucified last Friday (and the other they crucified him two Fridays ago, the Catholics, I think they had agreed) that we should not work with the currency of the demons because they control our lives, why do you think your government is pushing the free and guaranteed universal income down the throats of all the suckers?

To keep us addicted to their drug, and to farmers with subsidies, but if you move something not sanctioned by them, you get cut off the income... freedom is not easy to maintain, as Jennis Joplin also said, Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose...

For her and Bobby McGee it seems easy.

Everything seems easy for those who are not directly involved, like couch football players or keyboard warriors, but in reality everything is difficult at the beginning, but let's not forget that at the beginning everything is harder, then it becomes easier.

It's all about starting and not giving up.

lunedì 17 aprile 2023

You gonna melt and make filament from old prints ?

Just bought some parts to finalise my Filament making line, this summer all my wasted supports and failed prints will become filament again, all filmed and posted online linked to the website.

And make myself new filament from new pellets too.

For example, PLA pellets virgin (best quality, remolten filamnet is lower quality in printing) is about 2 to 3 Dollars per KG, but filament made of it you buy at 15 to 30 dollars per KG, and the better the filament the bigger the price difference between pellets and filament version, for example if making your own PLA filament saves you 10 to 20 USD per KG, making your own nylon saves you 20 to 30 USD per Kg, and so on to PEKK, where you save some 200 to 300 USD per KG.

Another good source of filament material for (almost) free is water botles, caps are Poly Amide, and body is HTPS, also coca cola, pepsicola, etc, bottles.

But when making filament is best to stay with one brand for each batch, as the polymers used differ from producer to producer so do not mix the coca cola bottles or caps with pepsi for example.

And the neighbours are good source of supply, just ask them to wash them with soap and rinse well before they dry them do bring them to you (except from the water bottles, does not need washing) so I acept any bottle as long as I know what was the origin, and store them in separate batches nd melt them indipendently.

Than I heed to shred them to pellets (I use a large industrial paper shredder that I recuperated on Ebay), dry them well (80 Celsius for a week) either in a food drier if the quantity is about 3 Kg or less, or in a clothes drier (cheap one on Amazon) cabinet where i can dry like 30 Kg at the time, than make them filament immediatelly or in 24 hours they have sucked back enough humidity to need another week of drying.

If you wanted a computer in the 80'es...

We used to build them computers in the kitchen on wekends, nobody could afford to buy one ready made, we draw our circuit board with nail polish, sink it in battery acid to get the motherboards and the rest, drilled the holes with dremel like tools, soldered resistor by resistor, processors were Z8080, super duper, capacitors were a headache to find, bobins.... we made them by hand gauging wires with the caliper, extracted from cables, coiling them around mateal rods of the exact diameter, and counting carefully the number of turns, than measuring them with the Ohm Meter before cutting their end to make sure it mathched the desiresd frequency.

Nobody sold keyboards, we made them from a circuit board, and some keys we made out of wood blocks on springs we recuperated from pens.

There was no hard drive, nor monitors, we hooked them up to our TV and loaded programs from a casette player. And saved on casette players too by recording the session on the tape.

sabato 15 aprile 2023

Stay alive.

Take countermeasures:

Take your vacciens the natural way as GOD intended, from mosquito bytes, flees bytes, eating honey and other naturall stuff that grows in the wild, not on the supermarket shelves.

When somebody is ill pay them a visit, get vaccinated by direct contact, besides helping them in the hour of need.

Make your own energy (electricity, heat from sun, store it in batteries and heat storage like water, rocks, sand, graphite blocks, buy land and grow your own food, and diesel etc)

Do not use face recognition on your devices, avoid digital money in your personal relations and survivial scheme.

Grow a beard, big one, so anytime you comb it your face is ... somebody else(sorry ladies...), and learn how to sneak out before you actually have to senak out to stay alive.

Move out of urban agglomerations, prefferably in the country side, not in the village itlself.

Stock unregistered valuables that you can easy convert in the future (apart gold and silver there are many others, home made canned food and home made diesel included)

Mke sure you have the tech and skills to stay alive in any dooms day scenario (moslty imposed by powers to be like in Ukraine, or the plandemic, etc.) and a network of people as prepared as you are to back eachother.

Take no unecessary medicines, learn the power of ntural plants healing and use it wiselly, stay away from doctors, stay healthy and alive.

Learn to swim, sail, and fly, eventually learn how to make your own devices (dinghy, semisubs, glider or microlight, tracked vehicle or hovercraft), just in case you need to fle a place, knowing sports and technology, and having practiced a lot, might help.

Never trust government, even when they want to help you... especially when they want to help you...

Question everything, always.

Be yourself, no matter what they say.

Sleep minimum 8 hours a day, not neccessarelly in one chunk.

Meditate at the things you learned or at the things you are preparing to do at least 2 ours a day (not neccessarelly in one chunk)

Learn as much as you can about anything you are doing or intending to do, besides anything else relevant to you.

When wroking make it effcient and fun.

Talk to people over a beer, grill, a relevant matter, or anything else fun and relevant (not gossip or sports unless your income comes from that)

Exercise in any sport you find interesting, even if your's will not understand you.

Grow your own food, and learn to store it and cook.

Help anybody without expecting anything in return as much as you can, (if some people become abusive and profitting on this, ditch them)

Repair recycle, reuse, repurpose, make it a habbit and teach that habbit to others (do not save the planet like Greta, protesting witout actually doing something, just for the show of it)

Let nobody know your goals, resources and level of knowledge before you can prove the accomplishment, except a team or occasional helping friends.

You are not what you are worth, you are what you accomplished, value is not price tag, so measure your values in accomplishments not in cash.

lunedì 10 aprile 2023

Autarchic Anarcy is the perfect society

Anarchy is good, wrong understanding of anarchy as chaos is promoted by the establishment that fears it like devils fear holly water, because anarchy means perfect harmony that requires no governance, hence no police and pyramidal administration, nobody to give laws but the people themselves, like in Switzerland right now, the closest country on Earth to anarchy, and boy they are having a hard time in that country living day to day... lol

And this is why they demonize it, because they live off of enslaving the others under their ponzy scheme, but in an anrchic society they would just be like anybody else, not the big bosses they are today, and start wars over whom of them is the boss of them all bosses, at our expense and life risks of course.

Autarchic Anarcy is perfect society, study that concept.

Autarchy is an economy of giving without anything required back

Be Autarchic first, that is the foundation, self sufficiency in pretty much everything, be your own farmer, doctor, nurse, chef, driver, car mechanic, mend your own utensils, machineries, learn phisics, chemistry, biology, zoology, astronomy, theology, ancient languages, read the old manuscripts, learn to weld, drill thread, use a plasma cuter, make your own solar sytem, storage batteries, wind generator, green house.

That is Autarchy, and by definition Autarchy is Anarchic for nobody knows them all or is very good at everything, hence all know everything but each has talents in one domain and is an antitalent in some others while there are domains in the middle where one is ok-ish so people rely onto eachother for teaching, learning, mutual help, all this without involving any money, debt or similar.

Autarchy is an economy of giving without anything required back, when you can, what you can you give away; an advice, a day of work, products, expertise, tools you made or acquired, books you have or wrote, anything goes as a gift to anybody that can make use of them or needs them, and obviously some people will give something to you, but what you receive should be a small percentuale raported to what you give.

The solution is riddled with problems

So, what's the problem than?

The problem is not enough cooling of the heat-sink by the air flow so it needs more cooling to stop the jamming consequence.

More cooling? Alright, bigger fan, jump from a 30x30x10 fan to 40x40X10, it sorted it out? Yes, passing from PLA to ABS, that bullet missed me by a span. That of course meant redesigning the fan to heat-sink holder to funnel from a larger fan but still match the same heat-sink (did it for Volcano, Hemera and others).

Going up in temperature, going nuts, jams again, so... bigger fan, 50x50x15 this time, so enhanced funnel to same heat-sink system.

PETG sorted, also HTPS.

Rising temperatures again, approaching 300C,warping occurs more and more often, solution, enclosed printing chamber (easy peasy, transparent Lexan sheets, made walls and doors, sorted or so I thought), now the fan sucks in hot air from the heated chamber... this really sucks. Jams again. Plus fans give in from working in hot environment. OK, let's try 80X80X15 fan... well jamming did not really stopped, just happened less often.

Going wet, since introducing cold air from outside would of maybe worked on the heat-sink, it would of also skewed awry the chamber temperature leading again to warping, water be it.

3-4 years ago I started experimenting with water, first take... pricey like hell, radiator, container, hoses, pumps, and feeble, all made to fail in days. But some of my prints take weeks to complete.

DIY steps in, I buy a 3.5 litre jar of transparent HTPS full of... something to eat, I remember I eat that, large lid, I could put my fist closed trough the aperture down in the jar, also bought a cheap radiator for computers, and a membrane mini pump, hooked all together Frankenstein style and... no more jams. Hurray... but it looked dodgy.

So I undertook the task to design a holding device to keep the jar from tripping, to keep the radiator by the jar, than my pump was getting hot enough to fry the motor, so I made a twin fan shroud to put on it.

Happy days, some week long printing sessions went perfect, even two weeks. Than the pump membrane ripped off. Another pump, after all they are cheap. By my count every 100 hours of printing another 10 USD was out the window for a new pump. 100Hours of printing for me is just about a week or two.

Well if the membrane sucks (and when it rips of water enters the motor and fries it) shall we try dual gear pump than, also cheap... it lasted 5 minutes, got that hot not even the two 40x40x10 fans were keeping it at bay. The problem was water volume, the heat-sink head would take a litre a minute, the pump was pushing around 20 Litres per minute, encountering opposition, and dying.

Here we go again.

Peristaltic pump be it.

It worked for a few months before the little elastic hose in the pump cracked, so it pumped well over 2000 hours. 10 USD new pump, plus another 4 to spare, juts in case. Also bought new rubber hose to change it, since the motor was not damaged at all. I tried with elastic silicone hose, but is not elastic enough to pump water unfortunately.

So here is my saga of a series of solutions riddled with problems. Maybe next step is a peristaltic pump with pressure reader that I can set to a certain Litre per minute self adjusting RPM and let it run on it's own, but those cost almost like a small 3D printer.

However in the link (that is this entire text by the way) you have access to all I designed for this solution to print yourself the bits and bobs and go wet yourselves, and if you go to the site map page from there you can see more things to enhance your 3D printer that I did for myself and now you can print and use on your 3D printer.

Printing with nylon is hard, messy, stringy, warpy, and extremely rewarding.

Nylon is slick, in any aspect you look at it.

In fact is so slick your extruder will skate on it instead of pushing it in the nozzle.

I am printing with difficult to print filaments for years now, if you think ABS is hard to print with... think again.

So how do I print with nylon, ABS, PPS, or PEKK, PEI, PEEk?

I do what I have to do to make my machines compatible.

Warping, it occurs due to uneven cooling of the printed object, since most polymers (or metals for what is worth) grow in size (swell) with temperature rising (water shrinks, but that is an exception) towards transition from solid to liquid, the opposite is also true, they shrink with temperature lowering accordingly.

Here you have a printed object maintained in temperature at the base by the hot platter, molten on top by the nozzle and cooled in between by any air draft happening around, hence it shrinks in the colder parts accordingly remaining hot at the base, dimensions within the said objects change and the shrinking part will try to coerce the non shrinking part to follow, resulting in bending it up from the platter, peeling it off.

The rest is a mess.

In order to prevent this you need the whole environment hot enough to prevent shrinking anywhere in the object before is printed 100%, rule of thumb, around 30% to 50% of the melting point, most materials are happy with 30%.

Hence full enclosure of the machine is required, sometimes an extra hand with heating it up too (a bathroom fan does the job up to nylon, above that you need hotter air, so maybe an industrial little fan used to peel off paint might be a cheap and good enough solution)

The simple way to enclose it is to throw a large cardboard box upside down over the printer after the first layer is done, but if said box is transparent is better for you since you can inspect visually without raising said box and inducing air drafts in mid printing.

So if the box is transparent good, if it has doors; one on the filament path side just in case you need to mess with it, and another one where you have access to the platter is even better.

Also fighting warping mechanically proved invaluable for me. Fro this I use large brims, 20 mm around, plenty of glue stick, and once the brim is layed and a few layers are printed, I put some 2 mm thick 30mm wide Aluminium plates as long as the whole bed on the brim left and right touching the printed part base for as much as possible, and clamp them down with paper clips, large ones made of spring metal sheet. Cheap and efficient, should warping peel off my brim after a few layers, I have the metals to hold everything down.


Your regular Bowden extruder here is not going to be of much help. First you need to place a stronger stepper motor, so buy one and slap it on the machine (keep the extruder mechanism, most of them are OK) Same Nema 17 but with more amps drawing, and tune accordingly the stepper driver.

Now that you have double the horse power, you need to press more against the filament, so you need to replace your extruder tensioning spring with one that can push some double to triple, or the gears will slip against the filament all the time resulting in under-extrusion. If you are quite there but not yet, a method to make the spring pushing more is to cut some washers a channel so you can sneak them under the spring, I piled up 4 washers to help the stronger spring make it.

Is called fine tuning... lol.

Your direct drive extruder cannot be beefed up like this, so you ad an extra Bowden extruder to help with pushing, buy a Y split stepper driver cable adapter, and take the motor cable commands to both motors, make sure the Bowden motor is as above, make sure the number of steps per rotations is the same as your direct drive extruder and that it rotates accordingly at the same imput.

Do NOT forget to fine tune the stepper motor driver on the motherboard to cope with the extra amps load.

Dry your filament thoroughly.

Nylon and most high temperature filaments are like vacuum cleaners when it comes to moist in the air (and to moist in the water too).

If there is any, be sure the Nylon magnet will drag it in it's molecules from a mile away.

And will not easily let go of it.

PLA, ABS, HTPS, PETG, you can dry at 40C minimum 50C maximum in a cheap food dryer, ventilated, in 24 hours or 48 hours tops. Even a few 1Kg spools in the same time.

Nylon, PEEK, PEKK, PEI, PPS and similar... I sometimes keep them a whole week or two, at 80C, and it still pops in printing a bit. Those filaments even if completely dried when you throw them in the printer, will suck humidity while printing, and in mid print you find your hot end puffing like a bong of dope.

So keep them in the drier while printing, make a Bowden Teflon tube connection to the printer, put a filament spool aider (holder) in the drier, drill a hole in the side wall and bring the Teflon tube in, this is how you minimise your moisture intake while printing.

Remember: Filament in the food drier, passing straight to the extruder through a Teflon tube helps, a lot.

My drier temp for Nylon and above is 80C day in and day out, even when not printing, my printing chamber is 80C or 100C when printing, depends on the filament requirements, my platter is 80C or 100C, or 120C, depending on filament. Yes I know; in the winter sounds great, no other heating method is needed in that room, is at 30C all time, I can stay in my trunks there no problem. In the summer thou... windows wide open or I boil in my own juice.

And that induces one other problem, your heat sink takes hot air from the heated chamber to cool the filament path. And it does not cool it anymore, so your filament jamms all the time. This is why I swapped all my heatsinks to water cooled blocks, and besides the printers I have a water jar, pump, radiator circuit to cool down the water coming from the heat sink before sending it back in to refresh my filament path.

domenica 9 aprile 2023

No shift of paradigm happens in somebody's brain without a critical event

Wake them up? Lol... no shift of paradigm happens in somebody's brain without a critical event, most of the times a painfull one, that wakes them up to protect themselves from a perceived danger.

Sometimes it happens from an "aha" moment in which they come to ralize in an instant things they knew from ages but ignored them because... educayshun... works.

For the same reason they did not perceive most dangers and ignore their existance, educayshun... works perfectly.

So it is either a solid smack on the head from life that wakes you up, or an inner dream that catches roots and them roots grow big enough to crack the asphalt and cement casted on them by decades of systematic indoctriantion in family, schools and at the workplace.

And the system is well oiled and engineered so that you intepret wrongly either situation, no smack over your head that cannot be numbed down to a small headache with some Prozac, no dream strong enough that cannot be fadded out with some other Prozac...

But when it happens the machine has other means to put you back in place;

- instant gratification,

- debt and fear of losing your workplace, house, achievements, social status,

- respect from the others,

- peers appreciation for being... another uniformed nothing like them,

- and finaly, fear of jailtime or sudden death by "suicide" in a car "accident" thou you don't drive or own a car anyway.

And if you do wake up, and decide to stay up and thinking things straight and right, dig for information, analize it logically, reach straight forward conclusions based not on speculations, propaganda or slogans but on reality, than the shit showering machine is unleashed upon you, to silence you up and if not possible, at least to make anybody else disregard your sayings as comming from a nutter, a conspiracy theorist, one gone bannanas with self sustainment, indoctrinated with growing his own food and preserving it because... doomsday is coming... and other slogans, well prepared and that worked in the past well and with some small adjustments work well today too.

"Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses." said Plato, long before humans had a propaganda machine of the magnitude we have today, and maybe such ultraperfected propaganda machine today is most needed exactly because more and more individuals realize what the truth is and wake up, and that is absolutelly undesired by the slave owners that rule this planet for now.

No other planet we could go to; to destroy, it has yet being explored, so stop being stupid and start being smart

So we have Gigio on Whatsup talking to Nino about their locations:

"Weiiii Nino, don't be stupid,there are two mountains and that is all that it is here, one to the east and one to the west, where are you now?"

"Gigio, dumb ass, where do you see two mounains here? There is one mountain to the east and a valley before that, I can see no other mountain around, are you on weeds or something?"

"Nino, you are drinking? What valley, there is no valley here, just the two huge mountains, you idiot"

Natasha joins the conversation:

" Guys, stop doing yourself with all kind of shit, yes there is a valley, and west of it there is a mountain , what the heck"

"Nino, tell Nasha to go back to cooking, ladies have no room into a conversation if they have no clue where the west is or where east is, besides she sees a valley, what valley?"

"Gigio, the valley is there, but you are right, she canot tell east from west, dumb woman, they should stick to their kitchen pots and pans"

"stupid testosterone patriarchal bucholic toxic masculinity morons, sun rises at east; no mountain there, sun sets at west; mountain there, valley before montain, stop intoxicating yourselves and find a way to get back to camp or we all sleep in the woods tonight?"

"Goddamit girl, just found my binoculars, let me see, yes, valley down there, and there is Gigio on that stone texting on the phone to us, so there is a valley you idiot and you are in it, and huh, sun rises at east, right in front of me, there is a mountain at same direction, and there you are woman, agitated like a possum in a trap."

"Gimme a sec, right, binoculars, I should of thought of them, yeah, now I can see you on the mountian at west Nino so there is a mountain at the west, you dumb ass, and let me spin around, hopla there is a mountain at east you russian spy girl, you are on it, so you are both wrong and stupid, and I see no valley nowhere."

"That is because you are in the vally Gigio, you moron"

logical conclusion:

Zelinsky and his gang of nazies must go, to the guilotine prefferably, jail would cost us to much to feed them.

Putin and his gang of oligarchs must go, to be hanged preferrably, as jailtime, you know, costs us taxes.

Biden and his son, plus every US president still alive, congress man/woman and governors, police, military, CIA, NSA, must go, no time to jail them, just judge them, and hang them togehter with their friend Zelinsky.

Xi Jing Ping and all of his commies must go, no time waste in jails, just guilotine them together with their friend Putin.

And this is but the begining of the list of those that destroy this planet via war, corporatism and money based economics ment to push innocent but stupid people to extract everything from the planet untill it remains but a desert like Mars, or they go to jail for not performing economically (poverty is a form of jail), so add to it every single country politicians of any given level, from village to president, any country military, banking, corporate, magistrates, prosecutors, police, members, owners, pushers and lobbysts, you name it.

And once we managed to eradicate the cancer killing the planet, we need to start re planting forests, re growing the sea life, the land life cycle by simply not interfearing with it destructivelly anymore.

We need to start mending anything that breaks down instead of tossing things, people, relationships to the bin/landfill/crematorium/etc thus creating destruction.

Start fixing broken relations, broken friendships, broken families, broken cars, broken appliances, broken tools and broken minds.

Do not buy anything new anymore, look for old broken things, learn how to mend them and do it so that the corporate economic model through exploitation of human and natural resources goes bankrupt and ceases to exist, and a new paradygm catches roots in your minds, a world based on regeneration of all resources by not using them to a destructive extent, and to do that you need to make live all existing tools and machines 100 lifespans by mending them.

So that mother nature has time to heal and get back on track.

Stop drawning in your own shit, start living as care takers of Earth, for there is no planet B to go to, Mars is not an option, it has no breathing atmosphere, no forests, lakes, oceans and rivers, it has already being destroyed by the civilisations that suicided themselves there if we ought to belive the images taken by the rover mission that show unnatural formed megalithes there, or maybe it never had life at all if we are to believe the opposite scientific camp.

And no other planet we could go to to destroy it has yet being explored, so stop being stupid and start being smart, stop buying just because what you have is out of fashion, start mending what is broken, and learn to eliminate from amongst yourselves the socipaths and psychopts that have grabbed now the power on Earth and have your children kill eachother in some countries or other, just to establish which one of them psychopatic sociopats groups is more in power than the others.

venerdì 7 aprile 2023

Going dropshipping, going bannanas.

The initiative of having a dropshipping relations came from me, but seemed to be fully embraced by some suppliers and have the blessing of his superiors at the time we correesponded.

We both knew the chalenges of starting up such a project and both accepted our part of effort.

Shipping costs might sightly vary in time and from country to country in the same region, but if say we take the most expensive China mail cheap price for that region and raise it by 30% that should cover us for at least one year in the region, North America for example, so USA, Canada and Mexico in one strike are covered.  And grouping them on regions like that might help reduce the number of price tags to a dozen or similar.

The problem of dropshipping companies is exactly this, they become retail suppliers to direct buyers, by using some other sellers for their own market, like a marriage, so they must do some policy changes in house to meet the said market that belongs to other sellers.

For a seller is the same, no personal warehouse, no stock no inventory, that helps starting up when you have no capitals, but you have a market that buys, alas you will have the downside of  many suppliers shiping on your behalf, many times one buyer might be supplied for one single buy by 3 or 5 different suppliers, so the back office management of purchasing redistribution is a nightmare.  

Example, one buyer buys a 3D printer in 9 axis with uninteruptable power supply for 2 Kwh for 24 hours (to keep it simple)  in reality it buys from me the 9 axis mechanisms, from you the UPS inverter, the batteries, from my Turkish supplier the Aluminium profiles, from my Taiwan supplier the motherboard, from my French supplier the software form my Chinese supplier the closed loop stepper drivers, from my US supplier the Thin Client, form my UK supplier the Ruby nozzles, and so on, so while my one client places one order, I have to redistribute said order to 20 other suppliers so I can sell my 9 axis system in the bundle.

Since we have no cash to make our own stocks for far cheaper than we will be forced to buy in dropshipping (and make less profit because of this) the capitals situation is forcing us up this street for now.  In order to sell our main in house product we have to help the final client buy everything else in one stop shop even if that means more work for us, for less profit per operation.

If I would have the money to start my own centralised warehouse stocking systems around the world I would not need to partner with dropshipping suppliers in the first place, and instead of choosing to make smaller margin working with them I could go direct with CATL, LG Energy Solutions or Panasonic for batteries and so on... 

So that is why I went for the dropshipping model, no money to make my own stocks.

My website is up and running in Beta tests for 3 months now, anybody can buy from me and I deliver, just click on the text here anywhere and you are in the shop. 

I am now integrating dropshipping into my platform to help me sell more, once this is up and running I shall hire managers to hadle this for me and move onto my next level. 

I am not a dropshipping guru, I do it for necessity.

I am a technology developper and researcher, and that is what I sell to the end user, full access to tomorow technologies today, at cheap prices, as opposite to large corporations that ask millions for similar tech they develloped. 

I democratise technology for the masses.