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Leaders that are stupid, psychopathic, functional semi analphabets with charisma.
Followers even more stupid, paranoid, fanatics and corrupt, not happy to just kiss ass and do as told, but recruiting by force and under threat more followers in exchange of favors and some peace of mind that really means nothing, and if you do not follow with them your life becomes hell.
Then there is the rest of people that swallow the shit as it comes and pretend to follow just to be left alone to live in peace, the masses of sheeple, the majority.
And somewhere on the periphery there are a few lost souls, some deep thinkers that cannot accept this as being normal.
If we could only restrict the access to power and key postilions in society for the mind sick people that now lead or follow by conviction, I guess we could be a nice planet to live on.
It is the fault of those who bowed their heads, wore a mask, did the "fascination" jab, and the second round, and the third and the ninety-third, have cursed in public who chose not to do such a thing,
- and all this not because they believed the lie about the pandemic and the virus,
- but because although they did not believe the lie,
-although they clearly told their friends and family that they knew it was all a big joke because a military dictatorship can be established on medical grounds,
- while the boys up at the buttons stole through the budgets from Health, Education, Internal Affairs, External Affairs and wherever else they can, the last ones being the budgets from Defense, Energy and Industry, while officially they
said that we have to save our planet, fight the pandemic and all that
- they didn't believe it, but did it just to keep their social status, just to get money into their account, just to keep their social staus.
I'm talking here about doctors, nurses, journalists, news anchors, Youtubers, politicians, police, army, teachers and professors, bosses at work, especially the doorman and security lads, and the list is long from the North pole to the South pole.
It's your fault, that for a bowl of lentils you betrayed your conscience, the country, the nation, the family and God, so that you would be fine for a while, that is, you are doing exactly what Mao loved you for, exactly what Hitler, Stalin, Netaniahu, Kim Il Yung, Fauci, Gates, Zuckerberg, Biden, Pelosi, Trump, Xi and many others should have been shot for, but here it is, congratulations, you have done this with the pandemic to keep your social positions by killing millions of humans and putting them in poverty much worse than the one they were in, who survived, for many were killed in days in hospitals, that's how you sided with the demons at the time of war against humanity, with Putin in the time of his glory, or Zelinsky in the time of Zig Heil Slava Ukraini, and Occam with his razor (Latin: novacula Occami) and everything.
And you will cry on the street corners because it is sad and hurts you, just like in the time of Christ, as you know, to cry on the street corners because it is sad and bark the official slogans when in public, because; that are the orders, so that the money comes in.< /a>
E vina celor care au plecat capul, au purta masca, au facut injectia, si a doua, si a treia si a nouazeci si treia, au injurat in public pe cine a ales sa nu faca asa ceva, si toate astea nu pentru ca au crezut minciuna cu pandemia si virusul, ci pentru ca desi nu au crezut minciuna, desii spuneau clar la amici si familie ca ei stiu ca e totul o mare cacialma pentru ca se poata instaura o dicatura militara pe motive medicale, timp in care baietii de la butoane furau de rup prin bugetele de la Sanatate, invatamant, interne, externe si pe unde mai pot, ultimele fiind bugetele de la aparare, enrgie si industrie, in timp ce in mod oficial ziceau ca trebuie sa ne salvam planeta, sa combatem pandemia si tot cea ce nu credeau, doar ca isi pastreze statutul social, doar ca sa le intre banutii in cont, doar sa isi pastreze jiltul.
Vorbesc aicea de medici, asistenti, ziaristi, tembelizionisti, Youtubersi, politicieni, politie, armata, invatatori si prefesori, sefi de pe la munca, mai ales portarii, si lista e lunga din Vama Veche in Vama Bors.
E vina voastra, ca pentru un blid de linte v-ati tradat constiinta, tara, neamul, familia si pe Dumnezeu, ca sa va fie bine o vreme, adica facurati exact ceea pentru ce la-ti impuscat pe Ceasca, exact ceea pentru ce trebuiau impuscati si Iliescu, Nastase, Basescu, Ciolacu, Ciolos, Vosganian, Ciorbea, Constantinescu, Iohannis, Dragnea, Veorica si multi altii, dar iata ca na, Iliescu bate suta bine mersi, ca asa cum v-ati dat pe langa pandemica sa va pastrati pozitiile sociale nenoricind milioane de Romani si bagandu-i in saracie mult mai lucie decat aia in care erau, care au supravietuit, ca pe multi ia-ti omorat cu zile prin spitale, tot asa v-ati dat pe langa FSN la vremea lui Ilici Iliescovici, PSD in vrema Dragniei sale, sau PNL in vrema lui Zig Heil cu razatoarea lui cu tot.
Si va mai plangei pe la colturi ca e jale, exact ca pe vremea lui Ceasca, ca atat stiti voi, sa plangeti pe la colturi ca e jale si sa latrati sloganele oficiale in public, ca asa e ordinul, ca sa intre banutul.
The person, or in the modern sense: character, is a fictional character on which to come to life;
-someone, an actor, has to interpret it.
In the legal fiction (yes, it's a fiction) a person is that living being or that agreed status to which a person is attributed, a fiscal code number, personal code, national insurance number, social security number, numerical (or alphanumeric) code, personally, it depends on the fiction of the "corporate person" called the State that manages the people in a certain geographical territory.
When a person dies, the actor does not necessarily die as well, as in the movies, so in real life the actor can leave the skin of the character, the person by returning to the issuer (the state) the capabilities of the assigned person, so a company is dissolved, but not no one dies, a country dissolves but those who should die don't die, the poor die because they are incorporated and sent to war until they lose it.
A physical person ceases to exist (dies in the eyes of the law, of the fiction of the law) either when the actor dies naturally (that is, the individual born alive reaches the end of life) or when the actor renounces the character (renunciation of citizenship without adopting another citizenship), that is, what Christ called us to do, to renounce the person assigned to us through the fiction of the law, usurping from God the right of master of the man born alive and assigning this right to the demonic state, that is, an act of lese majesty, usurpation, and theft, and therefore to restore divine order upon us through free choice, to give back to God what is God's, ourselves, and to Caesar what is Caesar's (the person, what.. do you think it was about money in that parable with the payment of taxes? ) untying us from the chains of death (Caesar's law) to be reintegrated into the original matrix from which we decided to be stolen, giving the right over us to the usurper (the devil) through the demonic contract (the request to be registered at birth that assigns us a personal numerical code) without legal value until we confirm it personally through the request for confirmation of this personal numerical code when we submit the application for the Id. card/passport.
Yes, we make our babies a gift to the devil at birth.
Renouncing citizenship for another citizenship only changes our department and therefore the corporation under which we operate as a person under the same owner; the devil.
Instead, renouncing citizenship without acquiring another citizenship makes us free, we no longer have a demonic contract with the devil, right for which earthly laws are tailored in such a way that without a demonic contract with the devil (passport, drivers license, other licenses) you cannot travel internationally, you can't drive vehicles, you can't have a job (something that Christ also urges you not to have a job with demons, including in religious, state, corporate organizations, etc.) and therefore you don't have access to money (the devil's eye ... ehh...) and therefore no access for "bought" food, heat, light, etc. that is, not to manage outside the demonic system,be it called democracy, communism, capitalism, fascism or any other "ism".
But if you know the laws of God, you can live like that, you won't have a playstation, or a Mercedes, not even a junk car, you will cross the borders illegally (from a demonic point of view,God has no borders on earth) and you risk being shot by any armed servant of the devils ( the police, the military, the gendarmes, etc.) because for them you are from the enemy's army, you belong to God, their enemy.