venerdì 30 dicembre 2016

My New Year Resolutin

Yap, it is in fashion to have one, so here is mine:

As of the beginning of the new year I have decided to change nothing, do nothing different, loose no weight, gain no muscles, be no richer, get no smarter, learn nothing, teach other nothing.

Seems weird?

You are weird, weirdo...

Since when anybody kept any New Year resolution?

Since when at the next turn of the year they look back and say: "I did it, now let's set some other goal and accomplish it!"

Look back to your years.... nada, nothing, nix, niente, nulla, rien, nimic, keine, nincsem, oxi, and whatever other languages you might remember.

Yes you did stuff, and accomplished things, saw people and met places, or vice-versa, but nothing that was in that resolution unless you managed to keep it ambiguous enough to cover all possibilities, since you have no idea what is it that the life will throw at you.

So be realistic, keep flexible, skim what you can skim, face what you can face, fight if you can't run, ignore if you can, or learn to manage it if you can't ignore it.

Next year you might still be alive, unlike the dude that wanted to have a resolution and died trying to accomplish it, therefore accomplishment zero, and lost their lives for that, smarten up and keep rolling, something will happen, something bad, something good, heck I know, I am no GOD.

Copyright Emil Pop, 2016, I guess is the last for this year, see ya.

domenica 11 dicembre 2016

The taste of bitterness for poor quality remains for far longer after the sweet taste of "lower price" has vanished

Can you imagine progress without success?
Can't be...
Can you imagine success without failure?
Can't be...
Can you imagine failure without stupidity?

That might happen, but how much of failure is due to daring attempts and how much to stupidity? Reality shows us that 99% of failure is not due to daring attempts, for who does travel that way makes a million calculations to avoid failure, and if it still occurs it is for lack of information to put into the equation. Remains the other option.
So how can stupidity help to fail?

The question above is rhetoric, naturally, but it serves the purpose.
Stupidity aims for success too, but without paying the price: in working hours, in accurate planing, in quality of workmanship and materials, and above all, in money. Yes, the stupids are cheap.

Yet they want quality, but without paying for it. The smarter ones know that is impossible thus are somehow accepting cheaper versions that kind-off do the job, somehow look pretty close to the real thing, so other stupid people would think this is the real thing and the output is reliable (ain't, trust me).
The most stupids, the majority, would not even accept it can be less than the real thing in output and looks, but are not smart enough to make the difference anyway, so they are really happy they have got the real deal for a fraction... and here is where the crooks make their money, but to make some cash out of crap, you need to buy it even cheaper, so you can imagine the quality the end cheap user buys...
Fact is, if everybody would know what they are doing, I mean... for good, not just yelling around they know but when asked questions they vanish for as much as answers... they know zip, than quality works would sell double quantity than today, rubbish would sell almost zero, (today it amounts at over 60 times more than their quality counterpart) but since well done things last a few lifetimes, there would not be a need for replacement as with the cheap crappy products that in a lifetime are going to be replaced 10 times, thus in the life span of a quality product their cheap version gets replaced 40 to 60 times.

Is true that to build quality it takes lots more work, lots more time and far better materials, but this would keep people employed and away from producing rubbish, thus all balanced from an occupational point of view.

But think of this, to build quality one needs skills, I mean real skills, from theoretical knowledge to hands on experience, needs to invest time, passion and love in himself (herself too, so to please the nowadays politicians on-line), and in it's skills and craftsmanship, and that is no longer in line with the get rich quick lifestyle they are proposing us in the past 30 years. And everybody would be skilled at something and care less about crises since their skills can be traded against skills or utilities more than against money, therefore the need of banking would be considerably lowered to where it was 100 years ago, and that is where it is supposed to be.

But to go there we need to re educate ourselves into the good old thinking "I am too poor to buy cheap, I can't afford that"

domenica 24 luglio 2016

On Fakebook somone asked how I coped with loss and grieving, and if I looked for professional help....

To answer the first question, nothing.

I grew up surrounded by grief, and by joy in alternative stages, lost my gramma when I was 7, but had my 2 brothers and other kids to play with, so it compensated the balance, my parents divorced by the time I was 10, by the same time we had our smallest brother brought home and I kindda' kept busy with him for the coming 3 years and this rebalanced the things again. 

As I grew older uncles and aunts started to die, but I was young and kept myself busy, once I passed 20 some friends started to die (I had some old friends, but also some young that had accidents) but I was working full time and studying night-school, and that kept me afloat. 

When my father in law died, two years after that also my father, another 3 years later my mother in law, I was always keeping busy with my son, my work, my wife, some relatives and friends. 

Grief is not something to be accounted for as unusual in life, is part of day to day living, and those that try to take it out of the context, to exacerbate it and make an issue of it are either people that all their lives were over protected thus never had to deal with, or mentally instable aiming for drama at any cost, or professional shrinks making their money out of this market, thus exaggerating anything to make an extra buck.

The above somehow answers your other question, never needed it, not a drama queen myself, plus help and support always came unsolicited and unconditioned, just as I was giving it when times required around. That means living in a healthy society and being sane, give help when and how it is needed, and accept when people wanna help you even if you have no idea who they are.

It is the natural way of dealing with life, grieving included, any other way it means looking to make money out of other peoples misery, sort for the Grinch. 

Money talks, those folks are vulnerable since grieving right now, let's rip them off. 

I hate that.

venerdì 17 giugno 2016

Hai sa vorbim nimic.

E prin ardeal o voba, “hai sa vorbim nimic” atunci cand se pierde subiectul si o iei pe aiurea, dar in vorba asta e o intelepciune greu de descris, care a iesit la iveala intr-o discutie amicala cu nepotu, Serpe, pe Fakebook.

Eu: ce faci ba Serpe?

Serpe: Caut sa gasesc echilibru ... si cateodata ma dezechilibrez total... sa il regasesc incerc tot felul de technici sa cresc, tu Emil in ce ti pui energia ?

Eu: La 2 noaptea Serpe? asa cauti tu echilibrul, esti cumva noctambul?
Eu prin Anglia cu familia, mergem inainte, ca timpul inapoi nu stie sa mearga, sau nu stim noi unde e marche arrier-ul.

 Serpe: Atunci se plimba sarpele, cand toti dorm e conexiunea mai buna. Si cand mergi inapoi, tot inainte mergi.
Emil ce sa zic? Deocamdata una din cele mai importante faze e sa ma decid daca vreau o viata de familie... Sau o viata in care familia … e unde sunt, simt ca nu e o necesitate pt mine, si stilu meu de viata e greu de inteles produce mai mutla suferinta decat intlegere. Asa ca ma gandesc sa scutesc oamenii de intelegere si sa merg inaite.

Eu: Habar nu am unde esti, tu?

Serpe: Luxemburg

Eu: Nu ma refeream geografic... intrebarea era daca tu ai habar unde esti, spiritual si filosofic, metafizic si euteristic.

Serpe: Directia e buna, doar cateodata incerc carari noi sau, de frica sau comfort aleg unele carari mai ushoare.. aha,

Eu: Si de cine ti-e frica?

Serpe: De carariile noi, deci nus total prezent in nici o directie. Nu vreau sa o numesc asa insa, starea cred ca se numeste inspiratie, sau in biblie poate se face referire ... cand simiti prezenta Duhului Sfant.... drumul pe care sunt nu ma indeparteaza, de Dumnezeu... chiar cred ca e un drum mai rapid, sau mai potrivit pt mine.

Eu: Scurtaturile deseori duc la o rapa, ai parasuta?

Serpe: Momente cand intelegi ce mic esi si ce frumos e tottul si ca de cele mai multe ori stam impotriva, in loc doar sa observam si sa ramanem uimiti...

Serpe: Parasuta...  cred ca referinta ramane aceeasi,  am cazut mult mai grav,  astea sunt deja cazaturi cunoscute... iar daca e sa ma pierd prea tare... prefer sa fiu total pierdut, decat sa traiesc viata a 90% din populatie.

Eu: Prostii sunt foarte convinsti ca stiu tot ce trebuie sa stie si putinul de care sunt siguri e tot ce poate sa fie stiut, inteleptii sunt plini de dubii, intrebari, exploreaza toate cararile ca sa vada care unde duce, cata vreme mai ai dubii si nelamuriri, mai e speranta.

Serpe:  Is total pierdut,  insa,  simt ca pierania asta... simt o evolutie... pierzania...

Eu: Nu exista alta cale sa fii regasit, ca daca nu ai fii pierdut, ce ar ma fii de regasit?

Serpe: Mi se pare ca atat chestionam pana ce ajungem la noi, credem si suntem ajutati de exterior insa in final, cred ca ne intoarcem la noi.... adevaratii … noi, insa nu am avut niciodata ocazia sa ne cunoastem cu adevarat.

Eu: Ocaziile nu lipsesc, dar noi avem un talent in a le rata, ceva de groaza.

Serpe: Asa ca deocamdata avem parinti, biblie, guru si yoga, viata si societate, dar sunt ajutoare, nu sunt destinatia, ne putem focusa energiile si atentia pe ele pt o periada, ne daruim cu totu insa, inveti ca nimik nu e mai stabil decat ceea ce porti tot timpu cu tine, insa nu ai avut ocazia sa cunosti niciodata, asa ca te folosesti de oglinziile exterioare.

Eu: Un proverb chinezesc zice ca un bun profesor nu iti spune ce rezultat trebuie sa gasesti si ce anume trenuie sa vezi ca sa inveti ceva, dar iti arata directia in care sa te uiti, si pana la urma o sa gasesti ceea ce nu stiai ca cauti, si intelegi ceea ce aveai de inteles, printre alte lucruri peste care dai in cautarea ta.
Te bagi?

Serpe: nu ma pot intoarce inapoi, m-as forta sa traiesc cum eram.
Este ceva oricat as incerca sa il inec care tot timpu ma deranjeaza, sa invat sa misc si sa nu ma plafonez

Eu: In spatiu nu exista inainte si inapoi, sus si jos, stanga si dreapta, asta e valabil aici pe pamant, vii in spatiu?

Serpe: Nu stiu unde ma indrept, insa atat timp cat pot inteleege ce zici chiar daca suntem pe carari diferite inseamna ca posibilitati sunt nenumarate si ca vorbim despre acelasi lucru din perspective diferite

Eu: Facem un prim experiment?

Serpe: Sa vedem...

Eu: Exista Dumenzeu, punct, acum imagineaza ca:

Nu a fost scrisa niciodata biblia sau alte carti si singura cale sa aflii ca exista este sa te uiti logic si matematic, sa analizezi existenta (de la mare pana la munte, de la planeta la stea, de la vid la nimic)
Asta e directia, nu zic sa nu citesti carti daca vrei, poti citi Biblia, Coranul, Ramaina, Epopeea lui Ghilgamesh, Mahabharata, si ce vrea muschii tai, inclusiv bloguri, chiar si pe al meu, nimic ni iti este oprit.
Dar tu trebuie sa imi dovedesti ca exista fara sa faci apel la nimic de mai sus in demonstatiile tale, numarul de demonstratii e infinit, deci nu pierzi nimic daca mai incerci una.
Acum ai directia, cauta, si vezi ce gasesti, examineaza si vezi ce concluzii tragi.

Serpe: In yoga zicem ca esti 4 tipuri de practici:
Gnana modul stiiintific prin logica descoperi totul
Karma, doar actiune
Bhakti devotie totala, religie dumnezeu
Sau kriya, energetic
Ceea ce este clar ca suntem o combinatie de toate, avem parte dominanta.

Exista Dumnezeu, tu ce vorbesti acum, din punctul meu de vedere... este software, este clar ca exista referinta, si reguli care trebuiesc descoperite, insa cred ca noi suntem programatorul, Dumnezeu e infinit insa a creat un software de protectie, s-a spart intr o infinitate de posibilitati, si acum se reconstruieste... ca siguranta softwareul daca il intelegem ne aproprie de el, sau sa devenim inapoi el... trebuie sparta bula de identificare, si sa ne intregim …

Eu: Yoga e doar o alta cultura dezvoltata din nevoia de a definii lucrurile in maniera mai usor de digerat pentru cine nu are chef sa sape singur in directia justa, ca si biblia, etc., deci nu am nimic impotriva sa te folosesti de yoga printre altele in cautarile tale, dar nu in explicatiile tale ca e considerat plagiat, fii original...

Serpe: Si pana ce ultimu om, karma, program, nu intelege asta nu suntem completi.
Original... este ceva originial? Tot ce facem este sa mutam si combinam ceea ce este deja intr o forma originala..

Eu: Dar putem sa explicam fara sa copiem din cartile altora, deci din punct de vedre uman, suntem originali in raport cu ceea ce deja s-a facut.
Hai sa iti dau un pont ca punct de ancorare de unde sa pornesti in cautare

Serpe: Sunt inca copil mic, invat doar un alfabet, ce e cel mai usor pt mine de digerat e yoga, insa cu cat is mai adanc in yoga cu atat vad biblia … mai extraordinara ca inainte, si toata perceptia peste tot, creste... ma ajuta sa intaleg si sa vad totul mai clar.

Eu: NIMIC, cauta sa definiesti Nimic ca principiu de baza, si de acolo mergi catre Dumenzeu.

Serpe: Hmmm stiu ce zici,  sau cred... e singurul gand care ma face sa ma blochez intelectual... de ce?
E clar ca totul are un creator, insa cine a creat pe Dumnezeu? cum poate ceva sa fie dintotdeauna? Ce a fost inainte? In alte cuvinte... chestie de perceptie.
Ca observator te poti defini pana ce nu mai ramane nimic de observat, observatorul nu se poate observa pe sine...
Si atunci.... care este ultimul observator?

Eu: esti sigur ca nu mai ramane nimc de observat?

Serpe: Ca si nimic inca, il putem observa sau cel putin in limitarea noastra credem asta.
Eu pe mine … nu ma pot observa.

Eu: Si inca cum...

Serpe: Nu ca minte nu ca corp, nu ca energie....

Eu: De dinafara, de dinauntru, dar mai ales de dinauntru.

Serpe: Nu ca gand, ca... ceea ce... observa... cine observa observatorul... adica nimicul... cine e nimicul...

Eu: aici greseste yoga si biblia din punct de vedere pedagogic, inceacrca sa te invete sa folosesti un telefon mobil, sa zicem cu Android, comenzile, tastele, programele, cume se face sa obtii un rezultat deja pre programant si delimitat de programator.
Eu vreau sa inveti sa programezi mobilul de la zero.
Nu ma intelege gresit, zero nu este egal cu nimic, e doar punctul de plecare... care poti temporar sa il asimilezi cu nimic, pana iti dai sema ca zero era deja acolo ca baza, deci nu era nimic, si cand vezi baza aia iti dai sema ca zero era mai mult decat nimic, si deci vei cauta sa definesti un nou punct de plecare, un nou zero mai aproape de nimic, pana epuizezi toate radacinile si dai de nimc absolut, de acolo poti construii.

Serpe: Incolo ma indrept, asta se presupune ca trebuie sa invat, haha cum suna sa invat, sa exist intr-o forma in care sunt programatorul nu programul sau computerul, si ma folosesc de un program sa realizez, asta da referinta...

Eu: Defineste nimic, defineste caramida de baza a universului...

Serpe: Stii momentele alea cand cineva vorbeste, si esti uimit de ceea ce zice cea mai simpla persoana, cata intelepciune si adevar iese din gura ei/lui, si realizezi ca aceeasi forma o vezi in altii, fiecare are momentu lui de sclipire, la unii accidental, altii sunt mai conectati si stiu cum sa acceseze.... mi se pare ca aia este forma de referinta... sa fi constant in pozitita aia, sa pleci si sa vii cand vrei... control total... insa in acelasi timp nu e control deloc pentru ca iti dai seama ca nu esti tu... ca este doar ceva frumos... incredibil de frumos... si ca toata creatia... si ceea ce nu este creat... a fost conceput de aceeasi minte, aceasi inteligenta.... trebuie doar sa fi martor... la ceea ce e deja...

Si atunci intrebarea vine... cine e?  Ce entitate... si oare este chiar o entitate... sau aceeasi entitate sunt eu... sunt eu oare dumnezeu... sau dumnezeu e ceva ce pot acceasa in mine... cu cat devin mai pur, mai rafinat mai aproape de referinta....
Sunt eu dumnezeu intr o forma anemica... sau e pacat sa si gandesc asa... Si atunci esti in 2 stari... creator, si persoana care iubeste si observa creatia... fie ea ce a fi...
Si cautarea reincepe.... sunt doar gandurile uni copil...  insa devin realitate pe masura ce exploram posibilitatile... un dumnezeu ce se vede pe  el... pentru ca creatia nu are nici un sens... daca nu este cineva sa o observe si sa se minuneze....
Suntem noi si dumnezeu si observatori? Si cum e posibil...
Dar pana la urma el e imposibil... sau trebuie sa zicem posibil, ca daca nu creem o granita intre el si noi... intre noi... si noi...
Toata nebunia asta trebuie sa aiba sens...
Si ma gandesc ca... in momentul in care rezolvam ecuatia creatia... dispare... si un alt joc incepe...  iar anemici... iar in descoperire... un proces infinit.
O respiratie dumnezeiasca... completa... inhale exhale...
Explozie si creatia... sii o gaura neagra... sa devina tot un punct... sau nimic

Eu: Ecuatia se rezolva de la sine cand ai gasit Nimc, pana atunci nu ai sanse, iti lipseste minimul necesar ca sa poti rezolva ecuatia, nu poti rezolva o ecuatie care are doar necunoscute, deci trebuie sa definesti o cunoscuta, ce-a mai la indemana.

Serpe: Spor... inapoi la viata... tocmai a plecat si prietena suparata, ca am fost total prins pe conversatie am fost absent pentru 1 minut in conversatia ei...
Ne intoarcem la conversatie... cand mai cresc...
Pana atunci orice declar o sa fie probabil schimbat.

Epilog post factum:


Hai sa vorbim Nimic:

Nimic este ceva care nu exista, dar ca sa il definim trebuie sa ne gandim ceva mai simplist.

Sa zicem ca masuram cu un voltmetru existenta unui curent electric intr-un cablu de cupru.

Pe mine nu ma intereseaza de cupru ci de curent, ca sunt voltmetru nu punct de reciclare a metalelor.
Deci cand trece un curent, acul aparatului indica existenta lui, si daca e tarat bine indica cati volti sunt in retea.

Daca in schimb nu trece curent prin cablu atunci aparatul nu indica nimic.  Deci aici avem nimic, din punct de vedere electric.
Nu si din alte punce de vedere, pentru ca din punct de vedere material, cablul e tot acolo, deci avem cupru.

Cea mai cunoscuta forma de nimic pentru noi e vidul cosmic, acolo nu e nimic, rar cate o particula de materie ratacitoare, poate o unda magnetica ratacitoare, ca frunzele pe mare, si ca undele pe lac.
Si ca si curentul electric prin cablul de cupru.

Ups, adica daca nu am cablul nu trece curentul?
Cam asa ceva, si daca nu am lacul nu sunt valurile?
Cam asa ceva.
Si daca nu e marea pe care sa pluteasca frunzele, alea nu se mai plimba incoace si in colo pe apa?
Cam asa ceva, o sa stea pe uscat, cuminti.

Atunci faptul ca materia se plimba prin spatiu, si lumina tranziteaza spatiul, si radiatiile se plimba si ele prin spatiu, inseaman ca vidul le ofera un suport, ca si cablul de cupru pentru curentul electric.

Daca e un suport, atunci nu mai e nimic, doar ca eu sunt voltmetru si nu percep cupru, ci doar curent electric, dar daca as fii cantar?  As percepe greutatea cablului, si deci nu l-as mai ignora considerandu-l nimic.

Nimic e caramida de baza a universului, Dumenzeu a facut totul din nimic, atat de important este NIMIC.

Intrebarea e, cum ajungem sa descoperim ce e NIMIC?  Pe bune.

mercoledì 15 giugno 2016

Microsoft bought Linkedin, now how about that?

It has being a few weeks now that this is a news passed in silence, thus not a news since not relevant to nobody but the involved parties.  That would be Linkedin and Microsoft, but also the Linkedin members, I mean the active members, paying or free as they might happen to be.

Am I pro or against?  Who cares, they are going to do it regardless, if they are going to do it, and the same, if they are not it will always disregard what I want.
For I am but a user, just like you, and yes, it was because of us and the confidence we gave to Linkedin that they grew that big, and yes it was due to us that Microsoft wants to buy it, what they are buying it is in the end US, our business, our numbers, our sensitive data, our correspondence, our habits, simply us.

And where is that leaving us?  Heck do I know, in the mist as always.
Why would I say so?  Experience maybe, not positive one naturally, otherwise I would be shouting of joy from the top of the mountiens and the roof of the houses, the problem is at my age I am no longer a highlander and climber, not to mention I do not do any Parkour, I leave that to my son.

Of course experience is not coming out of the blue, but from bitter past events, as they say, the wisdom comes with experience and experience comes from having done a lot of unwise choices, or even simply stupid ones in the past, and yes, I do have a past.

One of my past experiences in the social media is called Plaxo, when it came up they were zero, but with a good and organized platform, one could form or join groups, start or participate in debates, blog, connect, brag, read, form opinion streams or join some, so I created 2 groups, joined others, people started talking to me, even got some business ideas lined up, than Plaxo was acquired and suddenly in 3 months my groups were erased, along with all other groups, and Plaxo was reduced to a mere agenda online where you could keep a diary and a rolodex, and died.  They  have tried to monetize it the wrong way, harvesting what they have not sawn, bad investment for the buyer, good sale for the Plaxo team.

I joined than Ecademy, that although with a different policy and graphic interface, kept the free exchange of ideas and groups policy, encouraged direct contact online and at the local bar holding chapters worldwide and local events where you could have a coffee and shake a hand of those met only via network, awesome idea, were purchased, platform died, the former owners moved ahead, now this Ecademy does not exist anylonger, it has even changed name.

Meanwhile I already joined Linkedin when it was still a small project, and Facebook, and Viadeo, and Xing, and Meetropol, and Yasni, my Plaxo and Ecademy lesson taught me not to keep all eggs in a basket.

Than Microsoft bought Facebook and Skype, integrated them, Skype went awry, started to work bad on android, Linux, and Windows, I gave it up and shifted to Oovo, than disapointed tried Wazzup, and again disappointed jumped on Viber, well, for now Viber still does the job, will see.

But Facebook became Fakebook, comments vanish, posts vanish, not mine, but from friends or their friends, I do not post much, sometimes I re post if interesting, comment, interact, but I can feel something went wrong.

Microsoft learned thou something from others experiences in purchasing existing platforms to  monetize, their changes are less obvious, less aggressive, boasted as progress although they are but a mere censorship, so Fakebook still exists, expands, but it is no longer what it was.

And now Linkedin, so based on my experience things will change, and not in good, there will be censorship masked as progress, since the new owners are the same as Fakebook, and therefore I am focusing on my other platforms to keep up a lifetime of contacts, since I expect Linkeind to stop being Linkedin, I hope I am wrong, but I am not that naive to take no action, and this is what I recommend everybody here, move around your contacts elsewhere and keep more than one string alive, never hang on one rope alone, it's a bit risky.

Have a nice one.


domenica 12 giugno 2016

Chestie de semantica. Tigani, sau Rromi; Daci, sau Romani?

Tu bei ori not to bei, la o plainca, asta-i intrebarea.

Pai daca vrei, bei, daca nu vrei, ... vrei nu vrei, bea Grigore aghiasma!

Asta e raspunsul, politically correct.

Noi am fost Daci de cand lumea si pamantul, ramurica de Traci ca si alte natii pe aici, acum mai mult sau mai putin disparute.

Chestia e ca noi nu am disparut, si asta a deranjat pe multi mai recent.

Cand in ultimele 3000 de ani am fost noi Romani?  Pai nu prea pana de curand, eram Daci, Valahi, Ardeleni, Moldoveni, si hop deodata au inceput sa ne pompeze in cap idea cu Romanii, ca de... asa se poate face ce vor ei si sa disparem si noi din istorie.

Acum ca suntem Romani, a inceput sa devina ilegal sa numesti alte natiuni conlocuitoare minoritare pe numele lor vechi, e insultator, deci Tigani devin tot Romani, dar ca le mai punem un "r" minuscul dupa prima litera ca sa facem ceva deosebire, deci Rroma, Rromani, etc.

Deosebirea o facem noi, celelate popoare nu o fac, deci noi suntem Tiganii Europei, pardon Rroma, ca sa nu fac puscarie ca spun adevarul cu cuvinte nepotrivite legal.

Si se gasesc unii sa incerce sa forteze istoria inapoi la denumirea de Tigan pe baza absurdei idei ca la un studiu de opinie publica 98% din populatie a zis ca asa vor ei sa fie.

Considerand ca din toti locuitorii tarii asteia cam 7% ar fii Tigani, si sa zicem ca toti cei 2% care nu vor revenirea la denumirea de Tigan ar fii de ai lor, adica Tigani care acum se dau Rrom, raman asadar doar 5% din cetateni care sunt Rrom dar vor sa fie mandri Tigani ca pe vremuri, iar de unde 2% e mai mult decat 5%, rezulta matematic ca cei ce doresc revenirea la vechea denumire de Tigan dintre Rromi sunt o minoritate, iar majoritatea, adica 2%, le place sa fie Rromi.

Ce ti-e si cu statistica asta.

Am o idee, si sa nu ziceti ca nu pot sa am idei, ca se revolta Hitler si Stalin in pamant de ciuda, nici macar la ei nu era interzis sa ai idei, era doar interzis sa spui cuiva ceva despre ele...

Lasam Tiganii in pace sa se cheme Rrom pana la sfarsitul veacurilor, muschii lor, treaba lor, pentru mine tot Gujrati, Katchii, Goa, Punjabi sunt.

Hai sa revenim noi la vechea noastra denumire de DACI, si cu asta basta.

Tara asta sa se numeasca DACIA, iar limba noastra sa fie DACICA MODERNA (sau DACA, ca daca nu... la altitudinea Academie Lingviste DACE).

Bineinteles ca cei ce au facut si desfacut ca sa devina Tiganii de pe vremuri Rroma de azi o sa aplice aceasi metoda ca sa ii faca Daci.

Deci prin introducerea unui "r" imediat dupa prima litera a numelui vor fi si Rromi asimilati Dacilor devenind legal Draci.

Nu ca ar fii mare diferenta pentru restul popoarelor, dar pentru noi cel putin ar fii clar cu cine avem de a face.

Chestie de semantica.

sabato 7 maggio 2016

Not only INRI, Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews...

Non solo INRI, Gesù Nazareno re dei Giudei…    

in the link the original text by Daniele Di Luciano in Italian

In The Exodus 20,2 God reveals his name to Moses:

“I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.”

The very word translated with “the LORD” is the famous Tetra-gram that the Hebrews have a hard time pronouncing: “YHWH“, vocalizing it in various way amongst which “Yahweh“. The four Hebrew letters that form it are: “יהוה“, yod-he-waw-he. We shall remind you that the Hebrew is to be read from right to left.
In the Gospel according to John, chapter 19 verses 16-22, we read:
16 Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified. And they took Jesus, and led him away.
17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha:
18 Where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst.
19 And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS.
20 This title then read many of the Jews: for the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city: and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin.
21 Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The King of the Jews; but that he said, I am King of the Jews.
22 Pilate answered, What I have written I have written.

Although this text being famous, the stage in front of the crucified Jesus must of being a bit different from haw we always have imagined it. John seemingly tried to underline it but the reader not being acquainted with the Hebrew language is prevented from understanding that.
The inscription John is talking about is the famous acronym “INRI“, than until nowadays is painted above any crucifix. The acronym that stands for the Latin “Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum“, means exactly “JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS.“.
But John specifies that the inscription was also in Hebrew.  Not only that: in a such important moment the gospel writer seems to stop on certain details of little importance:
  1. the fact that many have read that inscription because the crucifixion place was close to the city,
  2. the most important of priests asking Pilate to modify the inscription,
  3. Pilate that denies their request.
Pontius Pilate, as a roman citizen, possibly have not understand that, against his will, he had created a situation a little embarrassing -if we want to define it like that - for the Jews that were looking at Jesus on the cross with that script above his head.
Henri Tisot, an expert of the Hebrew language, asked various rabbis to comprehend what was the exact Hebrew translation of the Latin inscription placed by Pilate. He is talking about it  in his book “Eva, la donna” pages 216 to 220.
He discovered that it is grammatically mandatory, in Hebrew, to write “JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS.“. in a certain way and the result is “ישוע הנוצרי ומלך היהודים“. We remind you to read from right to left.
Those letters are the equivalent of our “Yshu Hnotsri Wmlk Hyhudim” spoken as “Yeshua Hanotsari Wemelek Hayehudim“.
Therefore as in the Latin you obtain the acronym “INRI“, and for the inscription in Hebrew you get “יהוה“, “YHWH“.

Here is the explanation of the reason John pays so much attention to this situation that takes place just below the cross of Jesus.  In that very instant the Jews could see the men they have asked to be killed, the one that stated his is the Son of God, with the name of God, the famous tetra-gram, just above his head.

It wouldn't work right for them that the YHWH was written there, visible to all, and they tried to convince Pilate to change it.  Here is where the sentence of the roman  ruler "What I have written I have written" earns a much more profound significance.

Seems incredible? Think that Jesus have had a prophecy about that very moment. In John  8,28 it says:
“Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he,
By "lifting up" Jesus meant the crucifixion. "I AM" points to the name of God revealed to Moses in Exodus 3,14:
14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.“

Translated in 2016, May 07

lunedì 2 maggio 2016

Science versus reality, guess who is right?

Cold Fusion seems to work just fine against official scientists ignoring it.

Never mistaken the world of scientist with the reality, they do not  mingle at all.

One small example is the French Academy and the scientists at Sorbone University to whom Mr. Traian Vuia presented his plans of a heavier than air flight machine years before the Wright brothers took off the ground, but they classified him as nut, dementia and impostor, so Mr. Vuia had to sort things out on his own little income and took off a few months after the Wright brothers while if the scientist would of helped a bit he could of being the pioneer of aviation long before that.

Another small example is Mr. Henry Marie Coanda who invented the turbine propelled aircraft and discovered the Coanda effect that gave aviation a boost, him as well was treated as a scumbag and impostor by the Sorbona scientists.

The conclusion is the scientists are calling themselves as such but they are not, they just hold fast to their chairs and income and deny anyone else who is really working on something revolutionary, typical reaction of rats fearing their bread, that comes from being somebody, not from really doing something.

If those guys really managed to discover something, ignore science and the universities and go to production, the so called scientists will have to adapt themselves to reality sooner or later.

I am ready to pay to have such a machine in my garage, just to prove the scientists are always wrong when it comes to acknowledge new discoveries.