lunedì 21 dicembre 2015

Despre prostia umana, sau cum a ajuns Dacia tara tiganilor si de ce.

Nu sunt un istoric, nu sunt un expert, nu stiu mare lucru, dar cand pute a cacat, dau ca scontat ca am calcat in ceva care este de tot cacatul.

Dupa cum vedeti nici gramatica nu stiu, scriu fara diacritice si fara filtru, taran, ce sa mai....

Hai sa analizam ceva cantece populare patriotice ROMAnesti si plecand de la ce exista mergem la ce trebuia sa fim si sa stim, dar nu mai suntem ca nu stim.

Faimosu "Eroi au fost eroi sunt inca" pe care sub nea
Nicu il cantam in soapta ca Erori au fost Erori sunt inca, si acum imi dau seama ca din eroare nu gresem cu nimic....

Aici textul, melodia nu o contest, e adorabila.

Pui de lei
de Ioan Nenițescu

Poezia a fost pusă pe muzica compozitorului Ionel G. Brătianu.

Eroi au fost,eroi sunt încă
Și-or fi în neamul românesc!
Căci rupți sunt ca din tare stâncă
Românii orișiunde cresc.

Adica unde cresc Românii?  Oriunde numai in Dacia nu, aici au fost importati pe capul Dacilor, in acelasi lot cu Hunii si inaintea loturilor Germanice.
Scurta analiza istorica asa cum se vede cand admiri padurea ignorand copacul din fata, adica da-te la o parte si vezi de mai departe...

Dacia, tara milenara care avea o grupare de limbi relativ uniforma azi delclarate pierdute (sau dosite ca de carte ori se iveste o alta tablita la Tartaria, dispare ca sa nu se stie ce si cum) care se intindea de pe la Graz in Austria cel putin, si pana dincolo de Ukraina, este cucerita in  proprtie de nici 30% de romanii lui Traian si dintr-o data toti, inclusiv cei ne cuceriti, vorbesc latina in mai putin de un secol, limba dusmanului (vedeti, stiu si turceste)... Hm....  tare poanta.

Si cine erau Romanii?  O adunatura de idioti manuitori de sabie, fara neam si fara dumenzeu, din toata EurAsia, in slujba imperiului cu capitala la Roma, in Italia, care pe langa leafa si prada mai sperau si in cetatenia Romana, deci Romani nu erau sigur.

Ok, cine ii comanda, pai tot o adunatura de asasini si ucigasi, care se pusese in fruntea lor ca Senat si Imperator, unii deveniti Romani ca mai sus, altii prin nastere din persoane devenite Romani ca mai sus, asta pentru ca Romani nu au existat niciodata cu adevarat, rasa aia nu exista, punct.

Amintiti-va ca Roma a fost fondata de Romulus si Remus, fugaci din Troia, si ca pe alea taramuri in acutala LAZIO din peninsula Italica se vorbea Etrusca cand au navalit ei.  Deci limba latina a venit cu ei, de unde?  Pai din TROIA unde asa se vorbea curent.

Si de ce Grecii i-au batut pe Troieni mar?  Din cauza Elenei care a fugit acolo, bai da tari mai sunt basmele astea, se misca toata Grecia sa mearga la Troia sa moara pe acolo ca sa o prinda pe aia si sa o aduca acasa la familie, tare sentimentul asta de familie al Greci, monolitic.

Ce ziceti de faptul ca pe Greci ii deranja Troia care fiind o colonie Tracica crescuse cam mult, era de bun acord cu locuitorii zonei si se organizase in asa masura incat controlau rutele comerciale cu Orientul indepartat facand averi peste averi pentru ei si pentru gazdele lor orientale.  Si Grecii ravneau la controlul acestor resurse si averi.

Mi se pare mai realist.

Trecand de lacomia Grecilor care uitati-va ce bine au ajuns subt Tsipras si Merkler, daca Troianii au dus limba lor la Roma, si erau colonie Tracica care facea cap la Sarmisegetuza, dupa mine vorbau un dialect Tracic, ca la Sarmisegetuza, si uite lamurite cateva dileme.

Cum ar fii faptul ca toata Dacia vorbeste o limba latina dupa cucerirea Romana, pai asa au vorbit ei inainte sa fondeze indirect Roma, si uite asa ne lamurim de ce banditii aia de Romani au atacat pe toata lumea dar niciodata Dacia cel putin pana la Traian, pai erau ca fratii, ca erau frati, in cardasie, comerciau impreuna, de fapt prima natie la care s-au dat Romanii dupa ce au prins forte erau dusmanii lor ancestrali, Grecii pe care i-au expulzat din colonia lor Italia, apoi din Sicilia, si apoi i-au batut pe teren propriu pana in Asia Mnor, in timp ce de la Daci cumparau cu bucurie arme harana si haine.

Si ce la apucat pe Traian sa atace Dacii?  Lacomia?  Oare?

Hai sa cantam mai departe:

E vița noastră făurită
De doi bărbați cu brațe tari
Și cu voința oțelită,
Cu minți deștepte, inimi mari.

In realitate vita noastra e o amestecatura de te doare capul, dar prin vointa puterilor centrale Europene care plateau Telectuali indoielnici care ne-au ramas in istorie ca stalpi ai formari Romaniei mari, niste tradatori jalnici, ne-au bagat pe gat denumirea de Români, sub motivul "ca de la Râm ne tragem" ca sa uitam ca suntem DACI.

Si uite asa se nasc miscari protestatoare in sanul intelectulilor adevarati ca Eminescu si Creanga, care au mirosit duhoarea, ca chemandun-ne Români putem fi asimilati cu Rroma, adica Tiganii, si exterminati lent sa le revina tara asta lor, de origine din India, Gujarati, Katchii, Punjabi, nicidecum din Europa, deci ne prostesc ca noi suntem urmasii Romei ca sa ne numim Romani, cand eu tin bine minte ca sa fii numit roman era o injosire acum 50 de ani inca, ca sa fi cazut in Romanie insemna sa fi cazut in saracie lucie ca Tiganii... nu va suna nici un clopotel?

Lui Mihail Eminovici, rusul nostru patriot Dac, care vroia sa ramanem Dacia, ii sunau nu un clopotel ci mii de talangi cand auzea traznaile astea.

Voi sunteţi urmaşii Romei? Nişte răi şi nişte fameni!
I-e ruşine omenirii să vă zică vouă oameni!
Şi această ciumă-n lume şi aceste creaturi
Nici ruşine n-au să ieie în smintitele lor guri
Gloria neamului nostru spre-a o face de ocară,
Îndrăznesc ca să rostească pân' şi numele tău... ţară!

La Paris, în lupanare de cinismu şi de lene,
Cu femeile-i pierdute şi-n orgiile-i obscene,
Acolo v-aţi pus averea, tinereţele la stos...
Ce a scos din voi Apusul, când nimic nu e de scos?

Da' de ce nu citit voi Scrisoarea a-III-a din perspectiva luptei impotriva tiganizarii Daciei dusa de Eminescu si Junimea, tiganizare pe care vroiau sa ne-o bage pe gat inainte de tratatul de la Trianon, facandu-ne sa devenim mandrii  Români ca sa ne poata transforma incet in mandrii Rroma.
Si uite asa l-au otravit cu mercur pe Eminescu sa scape de o pacoste.

Si doi banditi cu brate tari si cu vointa otelita, vezi mai jos cum apar ca doi amici patrioti, ia hai sa vedem ce amici earu Romanul cu Dacul de a venit cu puhoi de oaste sa ii ia gatul.

Foarte buni amici, verisori in realitate, a lui Decebal aveau in mana conducerea imperiului Dac si ai lui Traian erau si ei o trapta mai jos in administratie, mafie mare.
Vorbesc de bunici, ca parintii erau inca pustani abia insurati, iar eroii nostri abia incepusera sa alerge pe propriile picioare in ograda.

Și unu-i Decebal cel harnic
Iar celălalt Traian cel drept
Ei, pentru vatra lor amarnic
Au dat cu-atâția dușmani piept.

Și din așa părinți de seamă
În veci s-or naște luptători,
Ce pentru patria lor mamă
Vor fi mereu învingători,

Au fost eroi, și-or să mai fie,
Ce-or frânge dușmanii cei răi,
Din coasta Daciei și-a Romei
În veci s-or naște pui de lei.

Hai sa plimbam ursul ca rugineste lantul, costa Daciei mai treaca mearga, dar coasta Romei?  Adica toti mercenarii aia puhoi adunati din Eur
Asia sperand sa devina Romani daca nu isi lasau oasele intre timp pe alte plaiuri, ar fii costa Romei, hai sa radem nitel, face bine la ficat.

Si de unde tot interesul asat al puterior mondiale (nu ma refer la state, alea nu contează, ci la cine decide cine sa le fie regi, presedinti si ministrii, controland banul si resursele, inclusiv cele umane, uitati-va numai cum au scos din maneca minerii cand le trebuiau, sa nu mai vorbesc de AlQueda sau ISIS/ISIL si avioane pentru 9 Septembrie care se vaporizeaza la impact dar pasapoartele pasagerilor rezista la 6000 de grade celsius... hmmm) in ultimi 500 de ani sau mai bine, de a sterge tot ce e Dacic de pe lume (si Kurdic pe care vor sa ii inlocuiasca cu arabii, si alte  natii stravechi prin Asia, Sudamerica sau Africa, sa nu vorbim de verii  nostri Celti in vestul Europei)

Ciudata chestia asta.

lunedì 14 dicembre 2015

Receiving your parcels ordered online, what to know and what to do...


home delivery, 

on-line ordered things on Amazon, E-Bay,, and other local and international selling systems is mainly done because you folks need to go to work, thus have no time to go shopping, most of the time you do this on the way home, in the train/bus/tube, using your smart-phone or tablet, sometimes you do it from home with family around your laptop, but that is a rare family reunion occasion.

Any medal has two sides, and the revers of this medal is not looking any better than the front of it, same lack of time that urges you to buy on-line is also preventing you, most of you, to be home when the delivery arrives, and here is where the trouble starts.

How many times you had your delivery days or even weeks late due to a single factor found on the "we have being here attempting to deliver" note, with a big "X" right on the "we still have your goods, you were not home to receive it" pre printed line?

How may times the neighbors refused to take your delivery for they have being fed and had enough...  how about parents and relatives?

How many times the parcel have being left on your doorstep, in your rubbish bin or even worse, chuck over the fence in your garden, exposed to theft, rain, deterioration, due to a desperate attempt to deliver in your absence?

Did you ever read on your "we were here" card things like "in your blue bin" than the parcel stinks like rotten, maybe you just ordered bananas...

Or even "your parcel is delivered in the safe place" printed line completed by hand with "ups... top of your roof"  sorry.

I need to remind you here that the delivery driver works for 8 hours paid, any extra hours are not paid, also I need to remind you here the driver has to do between 130 and 230 drops a day most of the times, and has 1 (ONE) minute alone to do that each single drop, any wasted time with ringing the neighbors, looking for a way to hide the parcel so you can find it, makes him work late, for free, unfed and with no access to the bathroom, add rain and cold to this, just for fun.

Why would you not take a step forward to help them help you out?


Think like a delivery driver for 5 minutes, time to go from a drop to the next one,

 1. look into the Satnav (G.P.S.) to see how is the access (an many times the Satnav is wrong, thus if that is the case please include in your notes the best access for them , the way you use to come home and park your car, could be a totally different street leading to your rear garden, instruct the delivery driver in the notes please, do that in the purchasing process)

2. drive there through traffic, sometimes in reverse for 100 yards (it takes what it takes...)

3. find a way to park their van (many times there is no room to drive, not to talk about parking it, simply because all folks living there for simple laziness are parking on the street by the kerb) So the driver might park on the sidewalk and if there is a grass strip will park on it ruining the grass.  Don't curse the driver, curse yourselves and do something about it, like buying some cavity pavement
to grow the grass through and put them on the grass, of course neighbors will take advantage to park, but if you park your car there, neighbors can't do it, and if there is no room on the street to park anyway, at least the van driver can use your driveway (no neighbor will dare parking there)

 4. You have no driveway because you keep it as a grass surface?  put the cavity pavements there too, so you have grass yard and driveway in the same time.

5. You might not be home for the delivery?  If you have a shed for the meters or else, install on the door a push button code lock like this and give the code in the instructions for delivery, change the code regularly both on the lock and in the instructions.

6. Your shed/Cabot/green house/rear porch is not in front of the house?  Diver has no legal rights to deliver there regardless the notes on-line or on paper glued to your door, but INSTRUCTIONS for delivery can be given at purchase moment, this allows them to legally go in your property and put tings in your rear garden shed, otherwise they will just ignore the notes, they do not want to spend time in jail for helping you.
 Talking about putting instructions for delivery, some sites make it easy, some not.  Amazon is a negative example for instance, they are giving some standard options that are not matching the reality 80% of the case, so people just pick the nearest option and add a few words, it helps but not always, so in that case just hit the Customer Service button on your purchasing page, this puts you on LIVE TALK with a person that can put in your profile instructions that you cannot, as long as the instructions make sense, are legally doable and present no legal risk for Amazon, as company, for the driver as a person and for the goods themselves ("throw the parcel over my fence" is not a good instruction for instance, but : "enter my back garden via gate on left of the house, entry code is 1234XY than turn knob to right, and put the parcel in my shed", they will consider this a good instruction)  You can ask them to put there a PERMANENT instruction like above, without the code, and each time you change the code just change it in the delivery notes on-line too.

7. You don't have a porch in the front, nor in the rear, no shed, no Cabot, nothing, no problem, just buy a suitable size Postal Delivery Box, have it installed (bolted in the floor or on the wall for safety) somewhere the delivery man can have access to it.  What is that?

Truth is they do not exist but in way to small sizes generally, but here you can find something suitable, large metal boxes waterproof, theft proof, with push button coded lock that you can change the code as you wish and when you want, they might seem ugly to some but they certainly do the job.  If you want them nicer they can be personalized for a price, cladded in timber or painted in various colors, or simply you can plant decorative bushes all around leaving an access path for you and the delivery man, can be a grass path with cavity pavings or a concrete block path, your choice, in the first case do not forget to trim the grass once a month please.

8. Las but not least, render your house findable, how?  Put a darn door number that is visible from a mile, on a high position, make it from L.E.D. light so Santa can see it from the sledge in the night.
Delivery drivers hate houses with no numbers, it's confusing for them, they also hate big ceramic plates that reflect light back in their torch, with a bounty floral motifs all around and a small door number in the middle that they can only see after getting off the van and walking for 2 minutes, when they are one foot away from it.

Make your door number one foot tall, write beneath the street name, and place it above your SUV height on your wall so they can see it from the van while driving when your SUV is parked in front of your door, and if your house is 10 yards or more away from the street, put another set of door number with street name on it just by the sidewalk on a post so drivers can see them form 5 feet while driving.

 9. Bonus tip, buy the largest box you can fit, if large enough you can place in it permanently a pit deep freezer on a side, and have the Iceland groceries deliver your frozen food ordered on-line in your absence in the safe box.  P.S. do not forget to bring a power line in the box and plug the freezer in that thingy, just so it has a light on when you open it, for no other reason at all.

Happy shopping on-line folks.

martedì 13 ottobre 2015

Creating Ex Nihil, the Deus Ex Macchina? Nope.

I saw a video last week, one morning I was waiting my son in the car for over an hour and had time to go online and watch it calmly. It was a presentation on a creativity doctorate works of my acquaintance Jesvir Mahil to whom I give credit for a lot of work in the sector, and sometimes I happen to disagree with some findings, but nobody is perfect, me less than others.

At a certain point in her presentation she came across the Michelangelo definition of art in which the creator of something merely discovers the "to be created" object of his creativity embedded in a pile of something else (his case the marble) and his work consisted in eliminating the excess and bringing it forward.

Than she later on argued that nowadays things have progressed and creativity is no longer a mere unburying of something concealed to the eyes of common mortals by somebody with special skills, but it has a different approach of creating new stuff ex nihil.

 To start with, ex nihil does not exist, anything that is to be created or invented is already embedded in the very pattern and matrix of our system of universes, otherwise would not be creatable in the first place, or to put it simpler, if God would of not created the premises and means to create that, the creative mind included, there would be zero creativity, and even that would not stop the universe evolve, since it did it anyway for millenia without any creative brain to help it out from within, as there were no intelligent beings to acknowledge the evolution towards creative brains out of unicellular forms of life, at least on earth.

Therefore the mere creativity is nothing more that the intelligent perception of discovering new (for us) ways of using the already existent laws of the universe to obtain things we consider worth of our consideration (like money) but that other species or components of the universe (say the dolphins, or the angles) have no interest for at all.

And if you want to listen to the universe, yes you need to be quiet in your ears and in your mind, for the continuous voice of the universe is feeble compared to the noise we make, but constant in our minds, should we only decide to stop and listen.

Two main examples of creative folks struck my mind as well accepted worldwide, out of the manny other more or less known, and those are two creative minds that nobody will dare shun, Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton.

To the best of my knowledge Einstein crafted the theory of relativity that changed the way we see the whole universe, from throwing a stick for our dog to traveling to Alfa Centauri, should this ever happen.

He created this theory after he discovered (and this implies the pre existence) the relativity in his head, due to some connections he made and others did not, or if they did, they never dared to pursue the thought.  Than he studied it in depth, proposed it to the world, feared he was wrong and will be shun by all, but in the end he was right.  However he did not invented nor created THE relativity itslef, it was always there, as many other things we have no idea about, but will eventualy when somebody stumbles upon.

Nor Newton invented or created THE gravity, just as above, he understood a bit of the created universe and made it clear to us that did not, we simply used to fall down, now we know why.

So although we disagree upon the definition of creativity, non the less creativity helps us progress to better times, or as proven by history, to worse...

lunedì 14 settembre 2015

Highly qualified personnel required

I am staring at some bushes in front of me, squeezed in a hospital inner court in between two walls and a portacabin that is accesible for "staff only"

They've being chopped badly to suit the height of the handrail by some highly specialised tree doctor care company employee that acts as a green areas subcontractor.

Translation:  Some dude that has no idea how things work, nor has any horticultural training, experience or at least some love of nature, but knows how to handle a chainsaw and a lawn mower like no one else, since that is the only thing is he capable of in his life, has being sent by a company run by a similar dude with no competencyes at all regarding vegetable life and compatibilityes, but he has the right hooks to secure a green spaces care (why do I still call it care?... huh) with the local hospital based on some sort of common interest or parenthood or something with somebody in charge, to do whatever it takes so that other partecipants in the hospital life would feel like someone is taking care of green spaces, by nuking them (the green saces).

This is the world we are living in right now, those are our electronists, that have no idea what they are doing and how things work, but can read big time on a diagnose computer which board is not giving the right output so they can order it online based on the manufacturers code and replace it, instead of simply replacing on the existing board that damn burned off transistor, if only they would knew what they are doing there.

Think of the car mechanic, lots of diplomas and course certifications, but not better than the electonist above, or the green spaces "doctor".  I do remeber old days when mechanics knew what an adiabatic curve worked like and why an izocore chart was good or wrong based on compression readings made with analog gauges you had to interpret in your brain, thing that today has being replaced with sawdust and fakebook thoughts.

Talking of Health Care, imagine our doctors and nurses, my wife is one of old school that fights doctors when  they just throw in a stupid cure based on having googled the symptoms of the poor fellow that fallen in their capable hands and is about to be killed with a pill that is for somehting else but what is affliting them there and than.

 Doctors that look at you the same way I look out the window now at the chopped bush, I realise it has being hacked badly, and as I am not a botanist or horticulturist I might go google to find out how to cure it, and look... a bit of petrol at the roots dried op with a lighter on does the job, bingo...  cool.  Who wrote that cure, an expert, is online, his name is Bin Laden, so why should I challnge that?

Imagine our policeman, accountants, store cashiers, politicians, administrators, managers, drivers, school staff and university professors, "nothing knowers with a diploma" helping us learn by memory things that have no connection with reality, but hey, they are paid to do it and skilled like hell, have past all their memorising exams and now they rule the world....

And all of them are higly quaified individuals, so highly qualified you should not dare asking them a sensate question that makes sense but they cannot answer, this is highjacking their authority and that makes you a terrorist, make it brief, you dare thinking, therefore you are dangerous...


Copyrighted 2015, Emil Pop.

All rights reserved.

domenica 9 agosto 2015

Christians versus aliens, on the inexistent teological conflict that I don't buy.

As a Christian I do read my bible, I am also very curious thus I red the Book of Mormon, the Coran, the Mahab Haratha, the Epopees of Gilgamesh, and other basic books that are considered scared, and realized a few things:

Me being Christian is not me being religious, but me having faith, religion is opium for the sheeples, lucrative illegitimate business on people's ignorance in their faith, Jesus kicked the religious in their faces (Sadducee, priests and pharisees)

He also kicked the bankers out of the house of God (not that God would really need a house, it is rather us that we need it if immature enough not to find Him anywhere we are, since He is anywhere, literally). 

My faith is simple:

1 God Exists,
2 Ain't me,

3 Ain't part of this universe of time and space limitations that keep both us and any other being blocked here, at least for the part we know as "being alive", but there's much more we will never know beyond that known universe to us. And this logic leads me to the simple conclusion that God ain't you either, irrelevant of how much you might try to convince yourself of the contrary.

4 Aliens must exist since the bible tells us so (in the bible there are demons and angels as a simplified description, but if you go through carefully they are many species described from the point of view of a toddler seeing the world, therefore naive and inaccurate, body shifters, form shifters, monsters for our eyes, even flight and combat machines that at the time were not intellectual properties of human beings living at that time, we now managed to make pretty similar things we call airplanes, helicopters, and so on, than there are beings that can transcend time and genetics described briefly from the same naive perspective, but none of them is God, they just inhabit this same universe, whether is only 3 dimensional plus time as we perceive it or of more dimensions than just that as we managed to guess by math and theories)

 So yes, being a Christian does not exclude aliens and other forms of extraterrestrial life, nor excludes the existence of life beyond the created world we can perceive, on the contrary, it is normal to me to think they are out there, maybe smarter, maybe no needing flesh and bones or to eat at MacDonalds or to pay taxes, actually I doubt they have any interest in our money system at all. 

It only means that being a Christian I wouldn't care less about religions, political spectrum, and whenever possible I tend to sort things out without getting involved in financial transactions, since God created the living beings, not the money, therefore money must be the creation of a devilish evil mind or organization, and the less they get involved in my life, the better. 

I don't think it is so complicated to understand this, do you?

Copyrighted by Emil Pop 2015 

domenica 12 luglio 2015

Beings were made to be loved and things were made to be used, our problem nowadays is that we love things and use the beings....

 When we dreamed of a robotized world in the '80es we saw it as robots serving the beings, doing the jobs, and mankind enjoying life, hanging out, working 4 hours a day for the benefit of their society, creating new things.

No need for an income anymore, a resourced based economy where anybody could have anything and if that thing did not existed they would invent it and had the robots make it, no communism, no fascism, no socialism (that is a milder form of commies in our sight) no capitalism (that is a milder form of fascism in our sight) just democracy in the beginning until we moved into the laws that have total respect for the society that no one needs to rebel against them, and folk would have so much respect for the law that no law enforcement was needed thus no government required worldwide (pure anarchy)

What we have instead now with more robots than ever?

New World Order (opposite of democracy), robotized wars, robotized industry, unemployed starving to death, homeless families, resources thrown to be destroyed so that people with no money can have no access to them to survive, war on poor not on the poverty, distorted medicine meant to make money on perpetual sick instead of curing them once and for good, mind control and propaganda, a regression to fascism and communism... and more robots, of course.

Not the robots are our problem, but our politicians and banking system, they value more the money than life. Our life.

Copyrighted by Emil Pop 2015

venerdì 10 luglio 2015

We do not exist, unless someone percieves our existance

 Just read this article here:
and this guy replied in an amazing way, love the dude, here is the post he placed
The Dr. Quantum video is a good one for introducing the ideas of wave/particle duality, probability waves and consciousness interacting with physical reality. It was incomplete in one thing. There was a variation of this experiment performed in which the detector of which slot the electron passed through was left functional, but the results were not recorded or available to the conscious observer. The results obtained were those of a wave interference pattern. This indicates that it was not the the result of the detector being in the experiment that altered the results. Rather it is the inclusion of a conscious observer “aware” of the detector’s results that makes the difference. It is consciousness that collapses the probability wave function and causes the electron to act as a physical “particle”.

Side note: In school we were taught about atoms. They have a +charged nucleus and -charged electrons orbited around it. Actually, there are not little electrons in orbit whizzing around the nucleus. They exist as a probability waveform (PW) electron “cloud”. Within this they exist in all possible locations within the cloud with varying degrees of probability. They only act as an electron “particle” when they have to act as a particle for some reaction. When this occurs, the PW collapses and the particle is actualized.

One of the headings above asks, “What does this mean for US as individuals?” The short version is this. Our futures exist as a probability wave function (PWF). There are a lot of things that could occur, each with varying degrees of probability. With the moment by moment changes of our present physical “reality”, our consciousness collapses our PWF and we experience the present moment. Our consciousness also influences the changing probabilities of our possible futures. Our emotions, desires, hopes, choices and actions increase the probability of some possibilities and decrease others. In this way our consciousness creates the reality we experience. Wave/particle duality also exists on a macro level in our physical world.
Done reading, good, now read this:
The above is not the fruit of my creation, but I still feel like it expresses my thoughts the way I could not.

domenica 24 maggio 2015

Gay marriage rights... Let's be serious!

This Gay rights, non gay rights ( soon it will be ilegal to be straight, also will be considered abnormal and imoral) palestinian rights, jewish rights, catholic rights, muslim rights, etc. rights, is a stupid and dangerous game. (Remember when it was considered ilegal and imoral to be Jewish in Germany?  Or wen it is considered ilegal and imoral to be a Palestinian in Israel?  Personally I see no difference between those tho situations.)

Marriage is about having children, not about signing a tax saving contract between two beings, how many children can they have naturally?

Whether they sign a legal document or not, either they get sacralised their union or not in some religious establishment of some sort or religion, as long as two beings are having natural children together, they are married and bound to raise them just like other species of animals do. 

And if the animals do that, we that claim to be better, smarter, wiser than beasts, why we should not do the same.
Any other "marriage" by signing a contract, legalise a union, getting a union blessed or sacralised or sanctified is pure bullshit or just a way to pay less taxes or gain more voters, but not a marriage.

You need no contract to be married, paper does not marry you, nor blessings or sacralisations, less a government voted law.

Nowadays when filling up a legal document you tick your gender box as Female, Male, or Other.

Since when the hell at birth you were "Other" than a boy or a girl?

Let's be serious!

venerdì 17 aprile 2015

We are what we eat. Dixit.

Ok, the dixit thing is a bit extreme, the rest it is as it is.

If you really think it does not matter what you eat, enjoy life, as long as it lasts, but when your body gives in... than the "  dixit " thing applies.

For a long time I was planning to put this together in a form that anyone could understand, and found no inspiration, but than I saw a movie.

District 9.

Nothing about food, no big chefs, no gourmet lessons, just aliens, humans, conflicts, underground life, guns, bioengineering by mistake, etc.

And some African believes that seem absurd to educated Europeans... but hey, how many absurd thing have being proven correct, the theory of relativity included?

Somewhere in the District 9 a Nigerian cannibal mafia warlord and his killers are knocking off and eating those strong and daring to absorb their strength and powers and enhance their own body.

  I am aware in some African or Asian cultures, and some European ones, eating a mighty wild beast would make your body likewise,  so they would kill the bear, lion, tiger, and consume it, to be strong and brave like them,  in the film they eat aliens, but it did not work.

However that is exactly how it works, but at a different scale, in a different manner, and it takes a hell lot of time to can see some results.

Genetically speaking in our lifetime we involuntarily alter our genetic code and transmit it altered to our kids modifying them, thus kids had in youth will be nothing like their younger siblings had in the last mile of fertility.

The last ones are more kind, more contemplative, more introspect, thinkers and analisers.

Because our DNA has being altered meanwhile, by our thoughts, by how much we learned, by skills we apprehended, by sicknesses we had, and obviously by things we ingested like; food, drinks, microbes, viruses, etc.

All those things do not only contain proteins, glucides, lipides and other chemical groups of essential to us nutrients, but within those nutrients there are genetic codes that are transported into our very cells and occasionally they alter some of our DNA code in good or,  unfortunately, in bad, mostly the chemicals they put in food to enhance taste or to preserve it on the shelves long periods of time.  So we get all sorts of cancers.

Imagine if the African belief were true and even if slow in time, eating tomatoes, raw ones, regularly, what this does for us, mainly positively, same for the apples or oranges.
Good stuff.

Imagine eating regular bears, or bulls, or tigers, in a few generations we might communicate by roaring at each-other.

However noways folks mainly eat fast-food, where they mainly sell us chemicals meant to give us cancer to the thrill of the pharmaceutical establishment, and in this  bunch of chemicals there is chicken, thus we are bound to become chickens, if you know what I mean.

And pigs, and cows, this is why we behave like we do now-days, after a few generations of fast food.

To make things worse, the buns they wrap the big mack in are from genetically modified wheat flour.  One of the genetically modified plants characteristics is that they are sterile, they do not bear fruitful seeds, and they are the last generation since they cannot reproduce.

Guess what that does do to us???


Bon apetit monsieur.

Copyrighted by Emil Pop 2015

sabato 28 marzo 2015


One co pilot decided is time to die together with his friend the captain and all of them passangers including kids.

Who are you kidding?

Not me.

Just like in the Polish president "aircraft crush by pilot error" multi homicide assassination of one (the target was the president, but to make it look like accident they had to kill all of the others in the crush), here it smells from miles of something else than just a crazy co pilot.

Now how can you program and induce a skilled co pilot with a huge amount of schooling done and bunch of exams passed, thus not an idiot, to commit collective suicide that took some 10 minutes of stubborn grabbing to the plan, 10 minutes in which he could change his mind any second, and still make sure he would not, and why?

What for?

Speculating I can see alternatives like  being preprogrammed for a long period of time without being told you are preprogrammed, than being under the influence of specific drugs that put you in a certain state of mind, and pass all the screenings without being caught, and that leads me to the conclusion somebody is faking your blood and urine tests without your knowledge so they look OK.

Who and why would go through such trouble with more than one candidate (one can never be sure which candidate will drop dead or go cuckoo before task is completed, thus alternative reserves are required, contingencies they call them) just to obtain a highly publicized suicide?

For once, those that for years are trying to obtain legal grounds so that our airplanes and cars become computer driven of flown, the big software companies, the big data companies, the big banks, the BIG BROTHER...

I do expect other similar events to happen in the air, on land and on the sea in the next few years until they succeed and we shall ride driver-less, be flown pilot-less and go on seas captain-less and crew-less.

They did it with the September 11 and other terrorist acts to take away our freedom of speech and act, they did it with ACTA and the other versions of Internet Suppressing Treaties to stop us from sharing knowledge they could not control, and as in the scene of Twin Peaks last episode when the giant stud up and spoke, I am here to speak up and say unto you:

It is happening again!