venerdì 27 luglio 2012

Basta cretinate!

La fine del mondo non verrà nel 2012 in Italia in quanto il paese non ha le infrastrutture adatte per poter sostenere un evento di tale portata.

Ma potrebbe venire nel 2013 la fine del mondo in Italia se facciamo 13, non per noi la fine, ma per loro che ci hanno governato, derubato e fregato per decenni.

Come si fa a fare 13? Pura fortuna, dico io, e un pizzico di olio di gomito!

 Dobbiamo partire dalla realtà e la realtà è tante (uso il singolare in quanto correttamente usarlo al di sotto di 50, al di sopra si usa il plurale).  

La prima realtà è che il Movimento 5 Stelle non è di Beppe Grillo.

 Lo stesso come un quadro di Picasso (avete presente il tizio che dipingeva la gente come se fosse investita da un camion ed in seguito gli fosse passato sopra un rullo compattatore ed alla fine fossero sparati sulla tela con una cannonata?) ma di chi lo ha acquisito, dunque resta un opera di Picasso, ma non è più sua di proprietà.

 Il Movimento 5 Stele resta una creazione di Beppe Grillo, ma non è di sua proprietà, ma di proprietà di chi si si candida nello spirito della sua piattaforma programma, e sopratutto di proprietà di chi gli vota, cioè TU!

E ora al lavoro! Andate e convincete la gente che se vogliono di meglio tocca rimboccarsi le maniche e votare M5S.

 Il metodo e semplice ed e stato messo a punto da un famoso ricercatore di sociologia di oltre 2 millenni fa: Il Ribelle Gesù.

Consiste di due passi:

il primo e scritto nel Vangelo di Giovanni capitolo tredicesimo verso 34

" Un nuovo commando do a voi, che vi amiate l'unno l'altro..."

 in quanto troppo oddio ha fato troppo male penso si ora di cambiare secondo colui che caccio a pedate i mercanti dal tempio, non che non se lo siano ripreso il tempio, anzi, stano su troni d'oro in Vaticano, ma penso che amorevolmente potremmo cacciarli via presto.

 Il secondo passo richiede un po di olio di gomito: Nel sedicesimo capitolo del vangelo secondo Marco, versi 15 e 16 Gesù disse "Andate in tutto il mondo, predicate il Vangelo a tutti gli uomini, chi crede e sarà battezzato, sarà salvo..."  

Traduzione moderna: Andate da tutti quelli che si astengono dal votare in quanto lo considerano inutile, fategli usare il cervello, e chi crede andrà a votare il M5S.

Il battesimo all'epoca era il simbolo del aver accettato una fede, ora a noi basterebbero i loro voti in piena coscienza di quello che stanno facendo, ma se volete comprargli anche un biglietto per andare in piscina, fate pure!

 Metodo: mai e poi mai andare da loro a sputargli in faccia la verità.
Pensate a loro come a dei poveri schiavi in una miniera profonda e mal illuminata, tu vai li, afferì lo schiavo per i capelli (e già questo gli fa male) lo trascini al sole per fargli vedere che esiste, e gli fai guardare il mondo a meta giornata sotto il sole splendente, cosa vedrà?

NULLA, sarà accecato, gli lacrimeranno gli occhi e gli faranno un male cane, ti ucciderà pur di liberarsi e poter tornare nella miniera, al sicuro!

 Ma se tu vai li e lo porti fuori di notte, sicuramente ne vedrà parecchio di più poi gli spieghi che se ha un attimo di pazienza esiste pure il giorno, cosi i suoi occhi faranno in tempo ad abituarsi alla luce.  

Vai dunque dai tuoi amici non votanti con una bottiglia di quello che bevono pure loro,
o invitagli a cena da te,  
e chiedigli se per favore potrebbero darti una mano a portare in carica TIZIO che tu consoci bene (e datevi da fare a conoscere di persona i vostri candidati) perché amico tuo e vale la pena aiutarlo.

Vedrete che sarà interessato su chi è sto amico, cosa fa, dove abita, che idee ha, ma se arriva su non farà pure lui come gli altri? e via dicendo, poi puntando il dito verso quello che succede ora, piano piano ci arriveranno loro alla luce, non occorre trascinargli per i capelli.

 E quando saranno convinti, date pure loro da leggere questo testo, magari si rimboccano le maniche e vanno a fare qualcosa.

 Promozione personale, uno ad uno, siamo al 20% del voti, se ognuno ne convince altre 2 persone... faremmo 60%, dunque armatevi di griglia, bottiglia e pazienza, e cenate due volte o tre in compagnia che male non vi farà!

Copyrighted by Emil Pop, 2012, all rights reserved.

mercoledì 18 luglio 2012

Everything you know is wrong

You are a slave,

- no more chains, but credit cards,

- no more ears pierced but bank account,

- no more owner duty but tax duty,

- no more master to tell you what to do but television and propaganda system to keep you "informed" on the "right" behavior, starting with your way to think,  what information you should watch and what info you are not supposed to know.

The very second you understand something is wrong with the system you passed to the enemy, although you don't know yet what is so wrong.

The very second you question the system you are the enemy of the system and must be controlled, by putting you to shame, by pointing the fingers at you, and if it is not efficient putting psychological pressure on you, than they put economic pressure on you, you might loose your job, become bad credit labeled, evicted and turn homeless from a rich dude, you dared questioning them!

The moment you realise you are not the only one to have seen things like that you are a danger to them and they might even send someone to give you a lesson.

The moment you start getting organized with others, exchange information, occupy places, write banners, preach the truth they hide in parks, you are a threat to the system.

The moment you get organised to fight back, pick up some right guys and candidate them to controll position and push them for a change, they will start bribing them and buying them into the system on high positions just to keep you low and obedient.

The moment you find folks that won't take it and head for a change, you are terrorists, you endanger the system and their private incomes and privileges.

The moment you win and send them all to jail... is awesome!

Iceland made it, so let's do that now, because we can!

Copyrighted by Emil Pop, 2012, all rights reserved.

giovedì 14 giugno 2012


I hear every day on daily current affairs that the "Euro" is going down,and this is due to the debts registered in Germany and the Greece.

 Here people are fear that will affect our economy.

This I received from Sandwidi Boukary in Africa And here is the truth for you folks, as I can see it:
Monetary shit is like cancer, when it's in a place and you think you solved it, you just find out it spreader everywhere and although the surgery succeeded fine, the patient is dead.

Money are fake value, and issued with no real economy base by private banks based on fractional reserve scheme, that is they give out money they do not have.

Euro makes no exception, and the equation is so much more complicated than just Germany and Greece, that you have no idea, this shit infested Asia, Africa, North America too, and in a certain measure also South America and the Austral-Pacific islands. Everybody is at risk, both Euro and US Dollar are cancer, so everybody hides the truth fearing bank runs and panic in the population that would lead to economy collapse like in Greece and to the bankruptcy of each state in the world.

This is info the countries hide, the banks want you to not know of, the TV and newspapers are hushed or bought to silence for. If they cannot keep this secret and the people get panic, wars are at the door, and with the weapons at hand today...

 I remember what Einstein said in the fifties: "I have no idea with what weapons the third world war will be fought, but the fourth one will be fought with sticks and stones" Poor Einstein, he thought somebody will be left alive and survive to be able to fight a fourth world war, but with the weapons we have today, I strongly doubt anybody will survive.

 And you are afraid some negative effect on your country will be due to Euro collapse????

Think more!

Copyrighted by Emil Pop, 2012, all rights reserved.

venerdì 24 febbraio 2012

The Hacker Manifesto

+++The Mentor+++
Written January 8, 1986

Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers.
"Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal", "Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering"...
Damn kids. They're all alike.

But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's techno-brain, ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker?

Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him?

I am a hacker, enter my world...
Mine is a world that begins with school... I'm smarter than most of the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me...

Damn underachiever. They're all alike.

I'm in junior high or high school.
I've listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction.
I understand it.
"No, Ms. Smith, I didn't show my work. I did it in my head..."

Damn kid. Probably copied it. They're all alike.

I made a discovery today. I found a computer.
Wait a second, this is cool. It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I screwed it up.

Not because it doesn't like me... Or feels threatened by me.. Or thinks I'm a smart ass.. Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here...

Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike.

And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing through the phone line like
heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetencies is sought... a board is found.

"This is it... this is where I belong..." I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to them, may never hear from them again... I know you all...
Damn kid.
Tying up the phone line again. They're all alike...

You bet your ass we're all alike... we've been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip through were pre-chewed and tasteless.

We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic.

The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but those few are like drops of water in the desert.

This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals.

We explore... and you call us criminals.
We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals.

We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals.

You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.

Yes, I am a criminal.

My crime is that of curiosity.

My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like.

My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for.

I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto.

You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike.

sabato 18 febbraio 2012

Energy storing solutions for grid peak demand backup.

No system alone is good enough, what you need is a combination that could be used both on short peak and on lung run wind/sun absence, something stable and reusable.

Batteries are not the answer, they have a prohibitive acquisition price, huge maintenance costs and expensive to dispose, not to mention a brief life span (4 to 7 years in the best cases)

But they are excellent to cover instantaneous peak request before other larger backup systems start producing (matter of minutes or at most half a hour)

Another backup is the hydro pumping storage, fantastic for long run, covers in lack of wind if you have enough storage, and many times you don't need to produce power to pump it up, you can dedicate some on the shore mills to direct mechanical pumping, saving some % of loss in the conversions.

Another tech is High Concentration Sun Temperature storage (with molten salts or graphite blocks, a technology I am working on with some specialized companies) to be used by night or in absence of wind to produce hot steam to turn a turbine generator, it enters in power production faster than the hydro, but a bit slower than the batteries, and depending on the size you can store energy for weeks ahead.
Another means is the submarine stream hydroelectric turbines, that are giving a steady production of high capacity for decades, energy that you can store by pumping water to use it to cover peak moments. My company Karinns Hydro Electric Turbines LTD. is looking for good places where to place turbines, from rivers to canals (small units) to submarine streams (huge units) and I presume around your places there is lots of potential.

One last thing is to hydrolyse water into gas, and store liquefied hydrogen to power Diesel generators when in need, the advantage is you use the extra power when you would have to dispose of, and can store it for decades, it will not evaporate or loose energy, but is an expensive method to start with, although some money can be recuperated in the process by selling liquefied oxygen to industry and hospitals, since you shall have this by-product anyway.

We can provide any of these solutions on demand, but the best would be a wise combination of them, that would generate stability in the grid, jobs, a lot of useful byproducts to sell, boost economy and eliminate the need of fossil and nuke energy one step at the time.

E-mail me at: and let's examine the possibilities together.

Copyrighted by Emil Pop, 2012, all rights reserved.

mercoledì 1 febbraio 2012

Dark Africa and Darker Asia, talk talk talk, no action!

Remote areas have a high share of the total amount of inhabitants of the target countries.

We are talking about millions of people. So there is a big market to explore and develop.

Distributors are easy to find. the problem is more to find project developers and funds. in contradiction to the government plans and funds, they are are rather hard to get access to.

You can find these areas all over the world, even islands like the Cape Verde, or Caribbean islands like Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Jamaica, Cuba, some of the smaller islands as well.

Many of those regions still use candles and kerosine lamps for the dark hours. Food can not be kept fresh.

Here is a lack of transportation etc.

Governments recognized the problems and are starting funds to develop these areas.

However programs by the governments are hard accessible.

Basically the rural and remote areas have small targets like villages etc.

For connecting those areas to the main grid you will need very long and expensive power lines.

Nobody wants to pay for that.

So local grids are most likely the best solutions.

And those grids can be powered by local hydro-, wind-, solar- or waste to energy conversion plants.

Big power plants require big capital, this attracts big sharks, big interested, and big envy in the group, thus this leads to big theft, anger, envy, reciprocal sabotage between fractions, and the money is gone before the plant is operational.

Besides if Hydro than this brings huge environmental issues and local catastrophes, builds a large evaporation basin that looses 30% of it's input water into thin air and needs constant maintenance or it gets clogged with mud in a decade.

Better solution are the micro hydro networks, by the river, on the river and in the river.

They usually produce double the needed or more for the small time investor, thus having a reasonable payback, and the extra energy can be added to the grid.

And if one drop can look like nothing, remember that a flood is made of the rain, and the rain is nothing but mere drops, gazillions of them...

And although at "regional scale accounting" this means more money spent on implementing, remember that each unit is the investment of somebody else, thus peanuts, and peanuts cash is easily collectable, besides maintainable is free since the owner in spar time keeps doing it a few hours a week to keep having power for himself and to sell so he can payback his investment.

The reality is that electrification of Africa this will not happen in the next 20 years without significant investment and it will still not reach the deepest rural areas.

Until this time, kerosene, biomass and sporadic electricity will be the standard.

Reverse rural electrification is happening with emerging micro-solar companies providing affordable solar products that include lighting and phone charging.

The products reach the markets through all sorts of means including rural micro-entrepreneurs, micro-finance schemes and NGOs.

For more info check out and

To me there is a lot of talk and no action, this is why Africa and other parts of the world are behind, people don't grab their hacksaw and the hammer to do something, maybe rudimentary, but something of concrete to move ahead.

Is anybody of you here that sold any item to those people?
Is anybody of you here that bought something?
Is anybody of you that manufactured something?
Is anybody of you that organized something that lead to a solution that works?

When you can answer YES to the above questions, and provide proof, than Africa, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka and other parts of the world will start having a hope.

I can certainly answer YES here in Europe, and given a chance I am here to help anywhere where my skills, products and capacities are needed honestly.

Get organized, start doing something, and money and people will join, or just talk, and people will join... to talk back, but nothing will be realized.

I am not here to talk, but to promote micro-hydro, micro wind, HCPV and HCST and solar cooking, cheap, reliable, sturdy little things for the homeowner and small community, technologies that need little maintenance (mostly washing the dirt), and can be assembled locally by the buyer in most of the cases.

Is there anybody ready to start working?

I am already working, and I feel so lonely without others that share my ideology of MAKE IT HAPPEN and don't wait for the government with your hand stretched, they have nothing to give!

Copyrighted by Emil Pop, 2012, all rights reserved.

martedì 31 gennaio 2012

Cloud thinking & Cloud computing in 3 D design

The question asked was whether a 3D design project on cloud computing is something feasible.

Told the guy I am doing it sometimes, and if you know what are you doing things go smooth, butt if you don't...

So he e-mailed me back:

Thank you for your feedback.

I am trying to understand a feasibility of cloud model for CAD, and very interested in details of successful projects.

The application - Autocad - was in a cloud? where was the data - in cloud also?

How was the quality of graphical output?

How did you deal with security?

And which provider - Amazon ?

Many questions - :-) !

Best regards, Georgy

And this made me think of how hard is to start from scratch when you have no idea what are you doing, thus I replied:

The feasibility of a cloud model it depends on the cloud you use, it depends whether it is a physical cloud or a virtual cloud, it depends on the size of the cloud and on the team that works with you.

I started on the physical cloud of Godaddy, and I am disappointed, I have positive and negative inputs for any physical clouds, Amazon included.

One uses these services when in lack of resources or knowledge to setup their own virtual cloud.

But using their physical computers as cloud terminals and some physical clouds as storage, organized in such a manner to behave as a single cloud, things can be adapted to more specific needs.

Last project I worked it like that, is smoother, but you need to know what are you doing.

Proprietary clouds like Amazon or Godaddy have extremely tight regulations that can be restrictive for certain jobs (they will never admit it thou) and most of the times in a long run one will notice scarce customer service, communication problems with the provider, and similar inconvenience, since they outsource most of the jobs to lower wedge areas placed companies that do in the same time same kind of services for several clients that have different regulations and thus their personnel is somehow Jack of all trades, but masters at nothing.

The application must be installed on each terminal apart if you want good speed when working with, the cloud made available the repository data, bot the one of the project and the additional ones needed (suppliers, models, parts, standards)

The quality of graphical output is as good as the drafters are. This is why we cloud think too, one is best in a certain area and another one is best in another area, we shift roles and tasks according to our skills many times during a project. This speeds up things and improves quality.

Security is a delicate issue, there is little or no reason to worry of somebody stealing your data from the cloud (unless they are after you on purpose) or in the transfer, but you are cloud thinking too, and although you have NCNDA signed with everybody, like in any job, if you are unfair with one of them you might also expect lack of loyalty, but this happens out of clouds too, thus the employee will always react according to the employers behavior.

Best regards,


Just to discover my guess was right, another one that is testing the sea with the finger to see whether is deep and wet...:

RE: Not easy to start, but very proficient, one can hire an online manager for the project that would be in permanent liaison with the team and the management...

Great experience. Nice feedback, thank you.

Currently I am preparing POC for ProE based on Citrix solutions (XA, XD, etc.)

At this stage I am rather far from a project, want to start a working system to involve those interested to launch a production solution.

Made some progress on Amazon and local platforms.

And this is why I am interested to know "who is in the same boat", and maybe who is looking for such solutions to have themselves.



I don't blame him for starting, I blame the others for not giving the dude a hand, I did what I could in little time I had, my question is: why was I the only one to help when this topic was posted in a Linkedin professional group of 3D CAD experts of over ten thousand folks?

martedì 17 gennaio 2012

How to generate trafic by blogging? Easy, be charming!

When I first started blogging I had no idea of what I was doing, actually I still have no idea, but it works just fine.

My active blogs are: (was my second blog, and most successful), than I also put up

previous I had other blogs that never took off.

I wrote to pull traffic to my site that is specialized in ultralight aviation, giving away construction plans and selling e-books and construction plans, and previously I wrote on the subject, guess what... the very few passionate people jumped in to comment or read, and nobody else.

While on Wouldn't Care Less I simply curse the system, the government, the banks, the human stupidity, or on the Raining Idiots Around I unmask e-scams publishing their letters and explaining how they make money on stupids, and people share my blogs in a viral manner.

To my surprise this is a very required lecture by all sorts of people, example: I had some 200 Facebook friends that I hardly gathered in years, and some 100 twitter contacts, same way, BUT since I publish in Facebook and twitter my blogs in chunks of 3 in the morning, noon and evening, total 9 a day (and I might write some 1 to 6 a month) I have friends request that flood me, up to 10 a day on each system, thus I don't have to hunt for them anymore.

Actually on Facebook I am approaching the max limit.

My site was receiving some 2 visits a day in the beginning, but I integrated links to my site in the blogs, and now I am on page 1 or 2 in most search engines for my principal keywords because of the traffic generated by my blogs readers (beware my texts have nothing to do with my site content, but if I write well, they are curious to see what else is in there)

Thus a well wrote blog attracts criticism, comments, replies, visitors, traffic to the site, more friends on social networking platforms (LinkedIn included) and I am posting my thoughts but also posting my friends thoughts in my blogs giving them direct credit, thus helping friends too.

It worked fine to me, thus try a few versions of blogging yourself, open a few blogs and see which style attracts more comments, visitors, criticism, replies and so forth, and after one year or two, close the blogs that are dying and keep doing the ones that took of and fly high.

mercoledì 11 gennaio 2012

The problem with technology.... is us!

I am sorry this topic is so short, damn it, there is much more to be said and done on it!

Humans have the bad habit to get addicted to things and habits simply because it is inbreed in our software so we can survive.

Since early history we got addicted to sex, but that was understandable, reproducing the race should of being something we should enjoyed or nobody would of had kids anymore,

Than we discovered alcohol, first by error, than by raffination of our error! Booze!

Later we discovered other addictive things like coffee, tobacco, hallucinogenic plants, and lately artificial chemically elaborated hallucinogens.

All harmful in a long run both for the person and for the society, but we legalized some and banned others.

Now is Star Trek time, o yap, I recall those episodes with the alien species that were technologically interconnected in society and all shared their thoughts to all the civilization and heard their thoughts simultaneously, no privacy of thinking, and were trying to conquer the non shared minds and turn them into similar by implanting them the chips.

We are heading there, we are passing from addiction to be inbreed into technology, not technology in us (although that will be the first step), but if things go the way I see in 100 years there will be no more humans on earth, just bio-robotics using human bodies as ambulant chips carrier that will do the thinking, creating and decision.

I let you imagine the consequences of such a society if somebody injects a worm to take over their power of thinking after they gave up their individual independence to the network....

giovedì 5 gennaio 2012

Going green is a mindset, not a damn fashion trend

I have an uncle, my mother's sister husband.

Who doesn't?

He must be now over 90, and I am over 40, but I do remember that in the summer vacations my mom shipped us for 3 months way up north to her sister to get us out of the city life and smog for a while.

They had some 40 hectares of land spread in small napkins here and there over the hills, the most large of them was 5 hectares, but good only for hay, and the closest one to their home was 3 hectares on a hill right over the village center, the rest were in between half a hectare and 2 hectares spread over 15 miles range from the house in about all directions.

They had some 300 sheep, about 10 cows and oxes and grew each year about a dozen of pigs, had 8 nasty dogs that fought wolves and bears to protect the sheep and cows, many cats to clean the rodents and hell knows how many rats and mice in their 4 winter houses (rather stables with a dorm room) spread on the main hay fields where they would take the cattle and sheep in the winter to eat the hay.

And with all this they had no car, no tractor, nothing likewise, all they used were their 6 horses, to plow, to carry (they had two horse-pulled carts, one heavy-duty with wooden wheels, and one with car pneumatics for hay or going to town to sell stuff).

They cut their hay grass by hand, they plowed with the horses, harvested by hand, transported with the horses (boy I had fun riding those huge beasts at 5 AM going to one field or another to pasture the cattle and the lambs while they did agriculture jobs, it was the only reason I woke up all mornings on my own at such hours.. lol)

When I was about 16 I become smarter and asked my uncle how comes they don't use tractors and trucks, and he said:

"The tractor might plow faster, but won't shit anything good to create manure!"

That was a tough lesson on living organic that I never forgot and I still try to live by that philosophy although I got specialized in industry, robotics, welding, aviation and hydro electric turbines, in my home we buy things in such a manner that packing can be reused and recycled, we try to eat as much as possible organic food, I advise and create sun heaters for home use (with pipes done out of recuperated empty aluminium coke cans), sun heated ovens so that one can cook the food with no toxic fumes, I also mingle with HHO bubblers and stuff, and try to create electricity from anything that is not toxic, like sun, water-flows and wind, get hot water from the sun heater, and create air-conditioning with the sun heated condensing towers.

I also love ultralight aviation (It takes you places with less than half the pollution a "clean" car would do and in a more funny way, no traffic jams, no red lights, no police tickets, and most important you can build your own plane/chopper for cheap in your own garage and legally fly it once registered and you passed the course and got your NPPL (in Europe) or LSA certification in the US and so on).