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Why things seem to work in a certain manner and nobody can explain you why and how, but they work.
Why does the reality ignore the laws of phisics as we studied them and does things the way it wants despite our opposition?
Maybe it has to do with esoteric and God and the fact that we haven't fully understood yet his laws and the way they work, but as soon as someone understands one of the laws claims is his, so we have Newton's law, but Newton dodint promulgated it, he is not the law maker, just a lawyer that understood it and explained it to us.
How many other laws are out there that we still consider them miracles???
Rmember once upon the time they were burning alive those that knew phisics and chemics as devilish people, today we clasify those that understand things we don't and consider them utopic, as mere dreamers, uncoprehended "genius" and as idiots anyway.
We made progress as society, we don't burn them anymore, we just mock them!
And the day they prove us wrong and they are right we worship them and name the new discovery after their name...
Humans are really weird!
Stop dreaming and start doing something about your dreams.
You can't afford a cozy flight machine??
Beat them at a fraction of the price buying my plans online and building slowly piece by piece your Terrafuggia competiton all terain flight vehicle, my Fanpusher, 3 vehicles in one, anfibious ESTOL plane, fast cruiser coross country and A1 legal road licensed motorcycle with the click of a button.
With less than 50K and a lot of week-ends in one year you can drive from home to the field, take off and go wherever you see fit, land on another field, than drive to downtown. Range 2500 miles.
For cheaper persons I have finished another model that can be up and fly in les than 10.000 USD, will post plans for sale same place by the end of this week, plywood, cloth, motorcycle engine (100 hp or more) tools you find at the hardware store, ESTOL, anfibious, but folding the wings is manual, in 10 minutes you convert it from plane to motorcycle and viceversa. Range 800 miles.
By Christmas I plan to post a nanoflyer convertible that coud be ready to fly within 5000 USD, still work in progress, a slow mover for fun only, or small commuting jobs within 200 miles.
Don't wait the dream to come to you, make it happen. When I first started to buid my helicopter, my wife went nuts ans she asked me if I think it is the right time to start such a project.
I told her it's never the right time, either you do it or you don't.
I did it!
Still building thou, but thigs are moving towards the first flight, and when done I will publish those plans too!