martedì 17 dicembre 2024

Perfectly indoctrinated two legged cow.

And so... me.. driving, nothing new, I drive 80% of the time I do not sleep, gota pay that rent somehow.

Busy little town center, university accross the roads from mall, perfect mix for society to ruin itself when smart people are teaching empty benches because students... mall.

Aged 20 something, thus student, too old to be in lower grades like high school, too young to teach at Univeristies, unless she was sort of a prodigee genius kiddo, comes from the mall to the campus, probably run out of money to throw outta windows and was resignated to go back studying for that day.

Obviously eyes in the phone, why not. I mean traffic, what the hell is that anyway? She stops at the traffic light post, raises half an eyebrow just enough to locate the magic box, presses the button to cross and dives back into the phone, deeply.

As car stop at the red light she starts crossing without checking if all cars stop or there is someone like her just driving, eyes in the phone, that will run her over. There was none that dumb, so it was her lucky day, got to the other sidewalk, ignores where she is and bumbs into the kerb so hard she almost fells on her nose.

By some miracle she manages to set a foot far ahead and stop herself from damaging the sidewalk with her face, gets back vertical fast, all this without lifting her eyes from that screen. Than for a second she looks around, realises what direcion she needs to steer to, turns lef 90 degrees, dives back into the virtual world and starts walking.

Well, if the virtual world is more important than staying alive... who am I to judge her, after all she is a university student, smart young hope for our brilliant tomorrow.

Where else did I see such attitude? Pastures, cows to be more precise. If there is somebody that does not belong there, unknown humans, animals, cars, etc, horses raise their heads and follow the intruder to make sure it is not a danger, so do the sheep, goats, pigs, dogs, cats, but not the cows.

As long as you don't go to them to push them, beat them or any other obvious aggression, they don't give a crap, they graze like that is the last thing they do before the end of the world, nothing else matters (and I guesss here is where the title of the song comes from), cows have the gift to ignore just about anything and anybody as long as there is grass to graze, or a phone to stare into.

"We aren't going to make it, aren't we? People I mean" Asked by John Connor to the Termiantor friend in the omonim movie. Good question.

lunedì 18 novembre 2024

Scarcity as politics to keep milking the society.

The Musical Chairs game...

If you are not familiar with it, study it, the scarcity based economy taught as being the norm to children under 6 years old, competition instead of collaboration as THE WAY...

Money is a scarcity based economy, if one hundred is the maximum possible gain, one hundred is financed but... interests and expenses are added on top by those that make money out of thin air hence 200 is required to pay back. 200 is impossible to exist hence the money user will lose everything in the favour of the money lender.

Now the mechanism is not that simple and direct, because it will be way to visible and hence it will be avoided and devoid by the society, nobody likes scarcity, so it is artificially complicated with other money depletion schemes such as government, taxes, crisis after crisis, inflation, devaluations, etc, to keep you from seeing the simple scheme of staling your values via the use of money.

In other words it is a strict scarcity mechanism society masked as an abundance economy, abundance of money but scarce in resources, and we need to fight for them resources or the enemy will control them.

The absolute opposite of scarcity is abundance, and this is how mother nature works, one tree does not create one seed and dies, one tree created trillions of seeds throughout of it's life span, and some seeds will become other trees, but there is plenty of seeds to cover for any other events.

Most of the time those seeds are surrounded by a fruit that is extremely appealing to animals and birds as food, such strategy is based on the fact that the seeds are not digestible unless cracked open, hence they will transit the digestive system intact, and be dumped in a pile of crap that for them is food, and from there they will extract energy to grow another tree until said new tree is big enough to grow roots that reach the water system underneath the soil surface and grow big on it's own roots capacities.

Grass works the same way, just no fruits, animals and birds just eat the grass with the seeds still attached, while some fall on the ground before being eaten, they still have a chance to grow roots and make nature abundant again.

But in the human economy an abundance of anything would lead to a scarcity of control via restrictions for those in power, and they simply cannot accept that. Hence scarcity is created constantly, scarcity of fuels, energy, food, water, freedom and liberties.

And above all, scarcity of intelligence, for you cannot fool intelligent and well educated people into scarcity based on money economy, they must be dumb and believe in money.

Have we being warned about this anywhere?

I guess you already know we were warned, but ignored it, because it is easier to give in to the propaganda machine than to read them books.

Hence read them books, and start building an abundance economy that would automatically led to scarcity of oppression, control and slavery, because abundance of resources once created reduce the money to what they are, just an accounting model for the metrics of the economy, like the litres for volume and meters for distances, or volts for electricity and amperes for the power of electricity carried in that voltage.

Long story short, start planting trees, grass, do not throw away seed into the garbage bin, find a place to plant it outside of parks that are way to controlled environments and they will pay people to uproot anything not authorised by them, make entire forests of new trees, new grass, new people thinking different, make your own electricity, extract your own water out of thin air and give the excess to the plants, not to the sewage system.

That would be a start, instead of awaiting for the money based economy guardians to hand you out money to work, just do the work for fun and for future fruit and seeds.

And when I say future fruit and seeds i do not refer only to plants, but also to humans, education, skills, power to create and to harness excess out of creating excess.

domenica 17 novembre 2024

Prove me wrong please.

A.I. is nothing more than a "serial guessing machine" that does it phenomenally accurately. The gypsy in the market who guesses is slow as a snail next to supersonic at guessing, but the basic principle is the same:

It studies what it has at hand:

you, what you say, how you react to what it says, every muscle, breath, blink, everything it can see in absolutely minute detail, and everything else it knows about people from a lifetime of experience;

- the algorithm studies human behavior on the internet, what words follow other words in what kind of sentences, in what contexts, to what cultures and mixes of cultures, what relationships and formulas it can mathematically develop from these, and comes up with the most logical consequence from the casual probabilistic implemented by the programmer.

The result is that the algorithm, like the gypsy, can be discreetly oriented to ignore certain things as inconvenient, to eliminate other things as not aligned with the policy of the person who trains them, and to give plausible but totally erroneous results because that's how they were trained; the gypsy to stick with the gypsies and to deal with non gypsies discreetly biased, and obviously to get as much money as possible, the algorithm (especially the Americansky one) discreetly changes all history, George Washington was black, and Louis Pasteur was black; and pretty much everything it moves in science and history, alters historical events, eliminates events that don't fit, manufactures events from its belly to justify its narrative, not to mention other nonsense in math-physics, electronics-processor programming, etc. I bet that the Chinese one also has well-established directions, I guarantee the same for the Russian one, etc.

I tested the algorithm for several months, I am not an expert, I have no degrees, and I found as many loopholes,lies and deceit as the in Communist Party propaganda (or rather, nowadays Meta, Alphabet, Vanguard, Black Rock, etc., and the rest of the big corporations plus all their subsidiaries, banks and governments included, plus all religions propaganda).

The algorithm will be refined in the next 30 years, we do not have the computing power that this beast of software requires, but they use it to produce even more powerful computers, it will become so good that only an extremely educated and determined person will be able to see through the web of lies that it will spit out on command.

Prove me wrong please.

sabato 26 ottobre 2024

Another category of 3D printable websites.

Here to signal you another category of 3D printable sites, the individual creator portals (sort of like Patreon but for one creator only) like;

Everything is for pay most of the time, noting for free, I agree sometimes the price is low, but still... not free.

Products of one creator alone, not a big host of creators to pick from.

There is no forum most of the time, so you can only interact with the content creator, annoying, right?

While all of the STL files for sale have being 3D printed more than once, most of the time is on the heavily modified machine of the content creator, which has no other twin on the planet, hence printing on whatever you own might require some tweaking with your slicer settings.

Also while you can hire the content creator to engineer, print and test for you something you and only you need, hence your intellectual property in the end (not cheap process thou), you cannot expect similar work done for third other parties to be available to pay cheap for in the portal, I guess you would not want your expensive experiment that came to a good end to be cheaply made available to just about anybody either, or maybe you do, cheers to you for that.

At this time I cannot personally think of any pros for visiting such a portal, but if you come up with some be sure to let me know.

giovedì 5 settembre 2024

How to recognize propaganda:

Tyranny is when everyone knows the answer but is not allowed to say it.

1) When given a problem, fear rather than reason is used to present the solution.

2) When you're pressured into accepting the solution.

3) When you're not allowed to question the solution.

4) When the solution involves surrendering your freedoms.

5) When your eyes see one thing, but you are legally compelled to believe a different thing.

6) When the solution means giving small groups of people control over larger and larger things.

7) When dissenters are censored for refusing to accept the solution.

8) When dissenters are targeted by accusations from different sources, suddenly and all at once.

The scariest part is it only takes a few short years for the upcoming generation to forget or be duped into the same thing, again.

It amazes and astounds me, that so many actually believe slavery is over, when its just been repackaged.

“If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized … If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance — you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.” – Ian Watson


"When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.". Edward Snowden


You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality (atributed to Ayn Rand )